Six Planets are Retrograde, What Does that Mean for You? (2024)

Six Planets are Retrograde, What Does that Mean for You? (1)


Solar system planets set. The Sun and planets in a row on universe stars and lines of gravity background. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

Photo by: Elen11


Spoiler alert: It's an optical illusion.

September 27, 2022

All the planets of the solar system orbit around the Sun in the same direction. From our vantage point on the Earth, this makes them appear to march across the sky from season to season in the same direction. While you can’t discern this movement with your eyes in a single night, you can capture it if you pay close enough attention: one night the planet will be around a certain group of stars, and many months later it will be around a new clump of stellar friends.

These are the planets currently moving in retrograde:

  • Mercury from Sept. 10 to Oct. 2
  • Jupiter from July 28 to Nov. 23
  • Saturn June 4 to Oct. 23
  • Uranus Aug. 24 to Jan. 23
  • Neptune June 28 to Dec. 4
  • Pluto April 29 to Oct. 8

Eventually, the planets will return to the place they started. How long that takes depends on their distance from the Sun; planets with smaller orbits, like Mercury and Venus, will loop around our sky much faster than more distant worlds like Jupiter and Saturn.

But sometimes the planets appear to retrace their steps and move backward over the course of a few days or months, a phenomenon known as retrograde motion. If all the planets are moving in the same direction, then what gives?

The appearance of retrograde motion is due to our vantage point on the Earth. Just like all the other planets, we too are also orbiting around the Sun at our own speed. From our point of view, sometimes we “catch up” to another planet in its own orbit, making it appear as if it’s moving backward relative to us.

Think of runners on a racetrack. From the point of view of the stands, everybody’s running in the same direction. But from the point of view of one of the runners, their fellow racers may be moving away from them or coming closer to them, depending on their speeds and where on the track they happen to be.

You may have recently seen some articles talking about how six planets are currently in simultaneous retrograde. What does this mean for you, personally?

Nothing. It means nothing at all. One planet moving in retrograde doesn’t mean anything either – it’s literally just a planet moving in its orbit, doing the same thing it’s been doing for the past four and a half billion years. Multiple planets moving in retrograde is just a random coincidence. If those runners on the racetrack were going at it for eons, circling around and around without end, these kinds of coincidences would be bound to happen.

If anyone had asked an astronomer from centuries ago, they would have been able to predict with extreme precision when this simultaneous retrograde would occur. In fact, you can fire up any free astronomy software and do the same thing yourself, finding out exactly when the next one will happen, and the next, and the next, for millennia to come.

Planets do what they’re going to do, and what they’ve done for a very long time, and your personal life is in your hands, not in the stars above.

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Six Planets are Retrograde, What Does that Mean for You? (2024)


Six Planets are Retrograde, What Does that Mean for You? ›

Nothing. It means nothing at all. One planet moving in retrograde doesn't mean anything either – it's literally just a planet moving in its orbit, doing the same thing it's been doing for the past four and a half billion years. Multiple planets moving in retrograde is just a random coincidence.

How does planets in retrograde affect you? ›

How it's affecting your energy levels. Expect to have more or less energy than you're used to, particularly of the nervous variety. will either sap you of your usual zest and leave you feeling lethargic, or fill you with chaotic, scattered energy that might have you feeling restless, unfocused and anxious.

How do you explain retrograde astrology? ›

In astrology, retrograde describes the apparent backwards movement of a planet. This is because the planet isn't actually moving backwards – it's only an illusion. According to NASA, the illusion occurs because of how Earth and other planets orbit the sun.

How do you feel when planets are in retrograde? ›

It's something like when you're sitting at a stop light and the car next to you takes off unexpectedly—you may find yourself stomping down on the brakes because of a temporary feeling of moving backward. Similarly, it's when planets are at their closest approach to Earth that apparent retrograde motion occurs.

What does retrograde mean spiritually? ›

Mercury rules the part of us which absorbs information in an instant and transmits that information to others. When he retrogrades, the normal flow of energy is reversed. Ideas and thoughts seem to get stuck within our mind, instead of easily pouring out to others.

How does retrograde affect us 2023? ›

People might experience delays, hesitations, things breaking down, or exhaustion of energy, he adds. Since retrograde is the moment when Earth is closest to another planet, it also represents a time when we can't think big picture or plan, Caves asserts.

What does retrograde mean in humans? ›

: affecting memories of a period prior to a precipitating event (such as brain injury or disease) retrograde amnesia. compare anterograde sense 2.

What happens when things are in retrograde? ›

When we say that a planet is in retrograde it means that from the perspective of Earth, a planet's motion across the sky goes backwards night after night compared to its usual direction for a period of time.

What does retrograde planet signify? ›

"Retrograde essentially means the planet's energy is somewhat blocked externally, so those life areas that come within that planet's domain are not as easily expressed. The chart holder's soul chose to incarnate to learn deeper internal lessons regarding the areas of life ruled by that specific planet."

What is the significance of retrograde? ›

The word "retrograde" is used to describe backward motion. Science shows us that all the planets in our solar system move in one direction on elliptical paths around the sun, meaning retrograding planets only appear to be moving in reverse as we view them from our perspective on Earth.

How does retrograde affect us mentally? ›

For example, some claim that during this period of retrograde movement, it is easier for us to become more irritable, unfocused, prone to misunderstandings and conflicts, and even experience mental health issues such as depression or anxiety.

What signs are being affected by this retrograde? ›

Question: What signs will be affected by Mercury retrograde 2023? Answer: All earth signs — Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn — will be most affected by the 2023 Mercury retrograde.

What is the best way to explain retrograde? ›

Retrograde motion is an APPARENT change in the movement of the planet through the sky. It is not REAL in that the planet does not physically start moving backwards in its orbit. It just appears to do so because of the relative positions of the planet and Earth and how they are moving around the Sun.

Why does retrograde mess with emotions? ›

Mercury retrograde is an optical illusion which means it looks as if the planet is moving backwards from our view here on earth. Astrologers believe that during this perceived backwards motion, technology and communication could get disrupted, putting a damper on anyone's summer mood.

What not to do during retrograde? ›

Refrain from starting anything new

“You go back, and you have a second chance to do better,” Miller previously said. So, finish what you've started, and prepare for new beginnings, come the end of the retrograde cycle.

Why does a retrograde affect us? ›

During planetary retrogrades, we have the opportunity to revisit, reclaim, redefine, and reconnect with the energy represented by the retrograde planet. Retrograde periods invite us to slow down and re-vision how we want to go forward.

What signs are in retrograde 2023? ›

This year, earth signs - Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo - will be the most affected by Mercury being in retrograde. Mark your calendars now so you don't get any unwelcome surprises down the road.

What planet is in retrograde right now 2023? ›

In 2023, Mercury will be in apparent retrograde motion during the following ranges of dates: December 28, 2022, to January 18, 2023. April 21 to May 14.

What astrological changes will happen in 2023? ›

Lunar Nodes enter Aries and Libra

In 2023, we will witness the final eclipses in the signs Taurus and Scorpio and the first eclipses in Aries and Libra. This new story shifts focus to the balance between our solo drives vs. our interpersonal relationships.

What is retrograde illness? ›

Summary. Retrograde amnesia is the inability to recall or remember past experiences. Several factors can contribute to this, including emotional or physical trauma, infections, dementia, head trauma, or other medical conditions. Memory loss can be temporary, long-lasting, or even permanent.

Do retrograde planets give bad results? ›

Vakri grahas or retrograde planets do not always produce bad results, they impel reconsideration of functions associated with them. When planets are retrograde their power to do good or bad is enhanced, then benefic planets become more benevolent and malefic planets more malevolent.

What are the benefits of retrograde? ›

The retrograde gives you the ability to slow down and really self-edit. That's because Mercury energy focuses on being highly intellectual and detail-oriented, so take that critical eye, and put it to good use. "You go back, and you have a second chance to do better," Miller says.

Does retrograde affect Earth? ›

From Earth, it looks like the other planet changes direction. However, both planets are actually still moving the same way—retrograde is just the illusion we see. Still, some people think there's more to the story. In astrology, retrograde is said to affect life on Earth.

Does retrograde affect anxiety? ›

This turbulence is most often represented with nervousness, restlessness, unfocused attention, and anxiety. You may feel less motivated at work and want to disconnect from the social event or routine workout. “Nothing feels right” is a simple summary of Mercury retrograde.

What retrograde makes you tired? ›

If you're already feeling tired and disoriented—like you're just not yourself—there's a good chance you can blame it on Mercury retrograde.

What is retrograde depression? ›

A depression that moves in a direction opposite to the mean flow in which it is embedded. Copyright 2022 American Meteorological Society (AMS).

How to survive Mercury retrograde 2023? ›

A mantra for this sign to survive the Mercury Retrograde 2023 is to rewind and rethink their actions. The best part of this seemingly tedious cycle is that it would contribute to the healing of the soul by the time the retrograde ends on 14 May.

How can we protect ourselves from Mercury retrograde? ›

That being said, here are some magical tips to help us survive and thrive during Mercury retrograde.
  1. Add citrus to your routine. ...
  2. Breathe in some lavender. ...
  3. Journal your feelings. ...
  4. Acknowledge the past. ...
  5. Try a hint of mint. ...
  6. Connect with your inner child. ...
  7. Light some candles. ...
  8. Technology cleanse with crystals.
Apr 20, 2023

What is retrograde example? ›

Retrograde motion is an illusion related to to the movement of the Earth-based observer. A familiar example of retrograde motion occurs when you pass a car on the freeway, the car being passed appears to move backwards relative to you.

Can retrograde cause relationship problems? ›

Relationships that start during Mercury Retrograde aren't always doomed to failure. But do expect a kind of course-correction after Mercury has gone direct. Something you believed about your potential paramour is bound to shift. This is probably the worst possible time to break up by text.

How long does retrograde last? ›

Mercury and Venus appear to go retrograde when they lap us. Because Mercury completes its orbit around the Sun in only 88 days, the Swift Planet becomes retrograde three or four times in a calendar year, for about three weeks at a time. Outer planets have less frequent, but longer-lasting, periods of retrograde motion.

Why do we feel bad when Mercury is in retrograde? ›

Mercury gets a bad rap when it goes retrograde for its tendencies to shake up communication and understanding of that communication. This causes many highly sensitive peoples to experience miscommunication, hiccups at work, frustrations with their partners, and delays. It is an uncomfortable time.

What to do after retrograde? ›

See below for all the ways you can thrive during the last few days of and after Mercury in retrograde.
  1. Surrender to the Slowdowns. ...
  2. Clean Out Your Closets. ...
  3. Finish Projects. ...
  4. Reach Out to People You Haven't Seen But Are Thinking of. ...
  5. Don't Sign Contracts or Break Up With Your Partner.

Does Mercury in retrograde affect sleep? ›

Can Mercury Retrograde Affect Sleep? There's no scientific evidence that mercury retrograde can affect your sleep. However, the belief that Mercury retrograde can interfere with your everyday life may produce a sort of placebo effect— or rather, a nocebo effect.

Can planets in retrograde cause anxiety? ›

This turbulence is most often represented with nervousness, restlessness, unfocused attention, and anxiety. You may feel less motivated at work and want to disconnect from the social event or routine workout. “Nothing feels right” is a simple summary of Mercury retrograde.

How does retrograde affect your relationship? ›

Relationships that start during Mercury Retrograde aren't always doomed to failure. But do expect a kind of course-correction after Mercury has gone direct. Something you believed about your potential paramour is bound to shift. This is probably the worst possible time to break up by text.

What signs will be affected by Mercury retrograde 2023? ›

This year, earth signs - Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo - will be the most affected by Mercury being in retrograde. Mark your calendars now so you don't get any unwelcome surprises down the road. Godspeed.

What zodiac signs does the retrograde affect? ›

Answer: All earth signs — Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn — will be most affected by the 2023 Mercury retrograde. Other signs need to be careful but also be open to taking chances and using this period for transformation and self-reflection.

What does it mean to have a lot of retrograde planets in your chart? ›

What does it mean if you have a retrograde planet in your birth chart? First off: Don't stress. This is incredibly common and doesn't mean you're cursed. It means that the planet's energy and the areas of life it rules will more turned inwardly than externally in your life.

What does it mean when you have a lot of planets retrograde in your chart? ›

"Retrograde essentially means the planet's energy is somewhat blocked externally, so those life areas that come within that planet's domain are not as easily expressed. The chart holder's soul chose to incarnate to learn deeper internal lessons regarding the areas of life ruled by that specific planet."

Is everyone affected by retrograde? ›

Although everyone will feel its classic symptoms, you need to look into how Mercury retrograde will affect each zodiac sign from April to May 2023, because it will always paint a deeper picture of what this experience means for you.

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.