Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (2024)

Although everyone will feel its classic symptoms, you need to look into how Mercury retrograde will affect each zodiac sign for the month of April 2024, because it will paint a deeper picture of how this year is shaping up for you. If you’re already feeling more tired and disoriented than usual—like you’re just not thinking straight—there’s a good chance you can blame it on Mercury retrograde. When the planet of communication and cognitive function is spinning backwards from our perspective here on Earth, it has a way of making your brain work twice as hard in order to function.

Although Mercury retrograde is basically universally despised, it’s important to remember this experience truly isn’t the end of the world. After all, it only takes place around 3 to 4 times per year, which means Mercury retrograde is not only a familiar experience to you, but an integral part of your annual solar journey.

Lasting around three weeks, this so-called “communication crisis” has a way of dredging up unresolved drama from your past, especially if a conversation has been left on “read” for far too long. As Mercury begins its backward tailspin across the zodiac, it brings attention to situations that remain unsettled, providing you a platform to gain closure and leave the past behind you.

Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (1)

However, let’s also remember that Mercury is considered the trickster planet, and while retrograde, Mercury finds joy in making our lives inconvenient to the max. You can expect an increase in delays, frustrations, miscommunications and even technological mishaps. And when Mercury is retrograde, plans are rarely ever set in stone, so it’s not the most ideal time to sign contracts or make life-altering decisions. By that same token, this doesn’t mean you need to live in fear, as sometimes, you really have no choice but to say “screw you, Mercury retrograde” and do things your own way.

Mercury retrograde begins on April 1 at 6:14 p.m. ET and ends on April 25, 2024 at 8:54 a.m. ET.

On April 1 at 6:14 p.m. ET. ET, Mercury will station retrograde at 27 degrees of Aries. Because this retrograde begins in Aries—the cardinal fire sign associated with courage, independence, self-assertion freedom, and bold new beginnings—you may be forced to face issues related to your ego, your one-on-one relationships, your communication abilities, and your ability to think critically. Know when to act on impulse and when to take a beat. This retrograde is ruled by Mars—planet of power, passion, and conflict—while moving through spiritual, esoteric, and empathetic Pisces, signifying that this retrograde will be centered on our ability to act on our emotions with empathy and openness, recognizing that feelings flow through us and they’re only temporary. However, that doesn’t mean there won’t be lots of fighting and crying.

Not every Mercury retrograde is as serious as this one. After all, it takes place right alongside eclipse season, right after a penumbral lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25 and just a week prior to a total solar eclipse in Aries that’s sure to rattle the cosmos on April 1. That means this retrograde is bound to bring out the receipts, exposing lies and misinformation in a way that can shift the course of the future. Joining forces with the North Node of Destiny while moving alongside Chiron—planet of grief and healing—you can bet this retrograde will pick on old wounds, but the only way to get over something is to go through it. Don’t avoid the hurt and don’t run from the pain, as these are the emotions that water the seeds of our life. Don’t deny yourself the knowledge that you are alive and ready to take on the world.

The final days of Mercury retrograde will help you toe off loose ends. Forming a conjunction to Venus—planet of love and money—this retrograde could resurrect friendships, flirtations, and deep-set desires. A full moon in Scorpio on April 23 will bring a different dimension of internal understanding, replenishing your Martian energy stores. Mercury wraps up its retrograde on April 25, 2024 at exactly 8:54 p.m. ET, stationing direct at 15 degrees Aries. And by the time it’s over, things could look very different. Expect these ripples of change to flutter until May 13, when the foggy post-retrograde shadow finally dissipates completely.

How Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Here’s what you can expect from Mercury retrograde in Aries during April 2024, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

  • Aries

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (4)

    Get ready, Aries, because this Mercury retrograde has your name on it (literally). Taking place in your first house of the self, Mercury will station retrograde as of April 1, and the experience could lead to a total reevaluation of the self. Who have you been? Who are you becoming? Who are you right now, Aries? And no, I’m not talking about who you are when someone else needs you. I’m not talking about the personality you adopt when you’re in “people-pleaser” mode. I’m talking about the real you, Aries. It’s time to remember the person you’ve always been, especially if you’ve set that person aside for the sake of someone else’s needs.

    Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, you may feel like a different person (or at least, a more honest version of the person you already are). Don’t be afraid to look inward during this retrograde, because you may feel less inclined to express yourself to others and more in the mood to have a conversation with yourself. What do you have to say? And how can your passion and authenticity make the world a better place? Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.

  • Taurus

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (5)

    Prepare to do a deep-dive into your psyche, Taurus. After all, Mercury is stationing retrograde in your spiritual 12th house as of April 1, which means introspection will bring you face to face with your shadow self. Remember, the shadow self is neither the negative aspects of your personality nor the positive, as it merely represents all the parts of you that remain subconscious, unseen, and unrealized. However, your will to succeed is stronger than any fears you might have, especially when your emotions are also your most motivating force. Although you may feel more quiet and reserved during this time, this break from the social scene also giving your subconscious a chance to piece together what still doesn’t make sense and process all that you’ve been feeling and experiencing.

    Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, you may feel as though you’re waking up from a long dream filled with highs and lows. You may feel more rested, as though your subconscious finally had the opportunity to rest from all the commotion you’ve endured over the past year. Use this retrograde to embrace forgiveness and to truly work on letting go of what’s no longer your responsibility to carry. Liberate yourself from the past so you can start this new chapter strong. Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.

  • Gemini

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (6)

    Not feeling the vibe, Gemini? If so, it makes sense, because Mercury is stationing retrograde in your 11th house of community on April 1, which may leave you feeling like leaving the party even though you’ve just arrived. If you’re on the outs with your clique, it may be time to communicate and get to the bottom of what went wrong. However, this may not indicate trouble in your friend group at all. Instead, it speaks to the process of reconnecting with old colleagues, acquaintances and teammates you’ve lost touch with. After all, they might have something to teach you, so prepare to learn a lot about what makes a team work together rather than against each other. Because the 11th house also shines a light on your hopes and ideals, you may spend time rethinking your vision for the future and what you want it to look like.

    Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, you begin to possess a more positive and healthy attitude toward your peers. This retrograde will help you feel more confident about your decision to stand up for the future you know you deserve, especially if you’ve been hanging on the sidelines or leaning on the comfort of being a big fish in a small bowl. Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.

  • Cancer

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (7)

    You’re a cardinal sign, Cancer. Although you move sideways, you’e naturally geared for winning. However, it’s time to rethink the way you’re measuring your ego, because Mercury is retrograding through your 10th house of career as of April 1. This will likely throw a wrench in some of your professional plans, especially if they were on shaky ground to begin with, Cancer. It’s time to think outside of the box when it comes to problems related to your social standing and your public-facing persona, because you can’t always rely on appearances. You may run into conflicts with your superiors and misunderstandings with your underlings, because authority is a fickle thing. Allow this retrograde to heal and strengthen your relationship with it.

    However, these challenges will also help you rethink what you bring to the table and how you choose to market it. Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, you’ll have a much better understanding of what career move you’re ready to make next. It will also give you an idea of where you want your life to end up in the long run. You may even feel ready to work your way back up to a position of confidence, know-how and strength, especially if this retrograde knocked you down a few pegs. Stay humble, open to learning, and ready to get back up over and over again, because that’s the only way to stay in the game. Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.

  • Leo

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (8)

    Feeling a bit lost and unmoored lately, Leo? If so, it’s no wonder, because Mercury will station retrograde in your ninth house of travel and expansion as of April 1. This could confuse your inner compass and take you down an unexpected path, so embrace detours and delays that force you to take the road less traveled. Even if you have no clue where you are, life isn’t meant to be lived with a GPS at all moments. Allow the wind to take you somewhere that is both fascinating and confronting. It is during moments where you feel untethered that you deepen your sense of faith, because life always has a way of bringing you home just when you think you’ve completely drifted off course. You may find yourself returning to educational pursuits or renewing your commitment to faith-based systems during this time.

    Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, you may feel your sense of direction returning, especially if you’ve been gradually zeroing in on what you’re interested in and what you believe in. By the time this retrograde comes to an end, you’ll have learned something valuable and experienced something that you never could have planned yourself. Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.

  • Virgo

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (9)

    The beginning of the year is always an intense time for you, but this retrograde is making it more piercing than ever before. Not only is Mercury your ruling planet, but it will station retrograde in your eighth house of emotional and financial debts on April 1, forcing you to settle debts and reevaluate the level of return on your investments. This could bring up some financial damages that still require your attention. If money is unaccounted for, it’s time to locate where it may have gone (especially if your assets haven’t been particularly organized). Financial dependency on people and institutions could be challenged during this time.However, you’ll also explore the most taboo reaches of your life during this retrograde, as the eighth house is also where all your deepest and darkest secrets live.

    Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, you’ll be ready to set fire to what no longer has a hold over you and move on (much like a phoenix rising from the ashes). It’s time to let go of what you’ve long since outgrown, Virgo. Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.

  • Libra

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (10)

    Prepare to do a deep-dive into your relationships, Libra. It’s time to evaluate your whole understanding of harmony and togetherness, because Mercury will station retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships on April 1. This may bring up the trauma of heartbreak and the sting of prior disappointments in your partnerships, but only so you can see how far you’ve come since these events. You’re healing, Libra. In fact, you’ve been healing. It’s time to start processing how much progress you’ve made, because you don’t need someone else to complete you. A relationship thrives when two people feel inspired to come together rather than forced to. And if you find yourself face-to-face with an ex-partner or ex-lover, this relationship will show you all the reasons why it didn’t work out (or why it should have).

    Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, communication issues with your allies, enemies business partners and significant others will be easier to iron out. You may come to terms with certain relationships you’re ready to leave behind (and the relationships you’re in the mood to start back up again). Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.

  • Scorpio

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (11)

    When Mercury retrograde begins on April 1, it will mark the start of a major self-care overhaul, Scorpio. Stationing retrograde in your sixth house of health and work, It’s time to take a long look at the habits you rely on and the routines that carry you through your day. Are they supporting your highest growth? Are they bringing you a sense of accomplishment without draining your energy to the dregs? It’s time to rethink the methods, regimen, and rituals that you live by. This retrograde could also cause confusion at your day job, perhaps even forcing you to return to unfinished projects that have been weighing on your mind. This retrograde wants to help you work on becoming more streamlined and intentional in the way you go about your day-to-day life.

    Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, you may start getting into a better groove when it comes to getting your tasks done for the day. Productivity is like a muscle; you work hard, but you also need adequate rest. And if you’re not infusing your day-to-day life with color and magic, you’re bound to feel creatively stifled eventually. Remember to refill your spiritual, physical, and artistic tank. Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.

  • Sagittarius

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (12)

    Even though this retrograde will be frustrating and dull at times, it will also be eventful, inspiring, interesting, and even sexually enticing. When it begins on April 1, it will station retrograde in your fifth house of pleasure, lust and creativity, which could lower the heat in your current relationship and leave you feeling artistically stifled. However, there’s a good chance you may reconnect with an old flame, which will remind you of a feeling you’ve been missing. In other words, you should repare to receive that spooky “U up?” text, Sag. It could even encourage you to pick up a creative project you’ve abandoned and pick up where you left off.

    Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, you may feel your creative juices begin to return as you come to terms with what inspired you during these past three weeks. You may even feel like you’re in the mood to start crushing on someone new or you’re feeling prepared to enhance the romance in your relationship. Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.

  • Capricorn

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (13)

    You prioritize peace and harmony above all, but that doesn’t mean a thriving home environment is without its problems, Capricorn. Is there a pile of laundry in your room you’ve been refusing to fold? Are you and your relatives dealing with a disagreement? Are you working too often to even enjoy being at home? As Mercury stations retrograde in your fourth house of home and family on April 1, it will encourage you to heal your relationship with your roots as you water the new ones you’ve been planting. Home may be the place we come from, but it’s also the place we wind up next. It could also resurrect some of the conflict and trauma tied to your relatives and hometown, strengthening the positive lessons your elders taught you while unlearning some of the negative ones.

    Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, you may find the strength to solve conflicts in your family and set the necessary boundaries to protect your energy. After all, dealing with family and domestic issues can be draining, but it’s important to remember that you have all the power to create the home and family of your dreams. It all begins with your courage to change things. Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.

  • Aquarius

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (14)

    Uh-oh! You might be putting your foot in your mouth while Mercury is retrograde, so remember to think before you speak, Aquarius. After all, this retrograde will take place in your third house of communication, which could bring up conversations that didn’t end on the best note after it begins on April 1. Prepare for people who “ghosted” to suddenly start replying and conversations that were left on read may suddenly start being inundated with messages. But the main thing you need to remember is to triple check all correspondence and make sure you backup your important documents, as tech errors may be inevitable. This could also bring tensions to a head regarding your siblings, cousins, or neighborhood friends.

    Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, you may finally come to a conclusion regarding a conflict or never-ending conversation. Allow this retrograde to show you how to find the right words to say what you want to say and encourage you to communicate with intention rather than self-satisfaction. Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.

  • Pisces

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (15)

    This retrograde could throw a wrench in your finances, a possibility that will only be emphasized by the amount of money you’re likely to spend during the holidays. After all, Mercury will station retrograde in your second house of material possessions and personal expenses on April 1,, forcing you to reflect on your self-worth and spending habits, especially if you’ve been hedging your bets on all the wrong things. Taking place in your second house of stability and self-esteem, this retrograde may leave you feeling like you have a need for something that you can’t satisfy, Pisces.

    Once Mercury stations direct on April 25, financial issues will begin to resolve themselves, especially if you’ve been working on healing your relationship with money and getting to the core of the issue. It will also help you tie off loose ends from your past, as you will have returned to unfinished projects, relationships, and ideas and catch up with the parts of yourself that you’ve been missing. Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.

Mercury Retrograde in Aries Will Make Everyone Feel Like Fighting & Crying (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.