Clothes Moths: The Best Argument for Spring Cleaning - Andy Law Pest Control (2024)

In times gone by, everyone used to spring clean their homes. It was a way to throw open doors and windows to air out the property after months of fires lit to heat the home. Nowadays, most of us have cleaner fires that don’t cause the same problems, or we resort to central heating instead. While some people still spring clean, numbers have fallen significantly compared with decades ago. This means any moths are likely to go unnoticed in our homes… enabling them to do plenty of damage in the process.

It turns out washing our clothes at lower temperatures might also be to blame. Many people now wash at 30 degrees Celsius instead of at the higher temperatures they washed at in the past. Tests have indicated a wash of 60 degrees Celsius is required to kill moth larvae embedded in clothes. They will die at around five degrees under that wash temperature.

Can we prevent moths from causing havoc in our homes?

There are things we can do to limit the problem. For example, natural fibres are great for moth larvae, who are happy to munch through them. Jumpers are the most common items to be damaged, particularly if they are made from wool. No one wants to open their drawers and find their favourite jumper has been eaten to bits. However, any natural item – including carpets and curtains, which cost far more to replace – can be affected.

The best way to minimise the chance of being affected by clothes moths is to use deterrents. Make sure you clean out and vacuum your drawers and cupboards regularly to get rid of any eggs. Vacuum carpets and curtains too. Do this regularly to get rid of those eggs and larvae. If you do spot signs of moths or larvae, wash everything on a hotter wash as described above.

Storing clothes

If you have woolly jumpers you do not wear for several months of the year, purchase some sealable bags or containers to store them in when not in use. This will keep them out of range of the moths and their larvae.

If you find you have a problem with clothing moths and you cannot resolve the infestation, make sure you call in the pest control experts. They can assess the problem and make sure appropriate treatments are used to eradicate the issue.

Clothes Moths: The Best Argument for Spring Cleaning - Andy Law Pest Control (2024)


How do exterminators get rid of clothes moths? ›

Dry Cleaning and Laundering

The most common and effective method for killing all stages of clothes moths in clothing, blankets, and other washable articles is to thoroughly launder them for 20 to 30 minutes in water that is at least 120°F.

How do you get rid of clothes moths naturally? ›

Air, heat, or freeze items you don't dry-clean or wash. A combination of sunlight and vigorously brushing the infested items can kill moth eggs and larvae.

Does washing clothes get rid of moths? ›

Moth eggs, larvae and adult moths can all be killed by a hot-water wash cycle or by dry cleaning. And any that remain in the closet can be vacuumed up or removed by scrubbing.

Does one clothes moth mean infestation? ›

But a clothes moth infestation – even a small or emerging one - can be difficult to spot in your home. One small fluttering moth is cause for concern.

Can an exterminator get rid of closet moths? ›

Western Exterminator moth specialists

Western Exterminator specialists are ready to help you get rid of moths and prevent moths from coming back. We can figure out how moths got into the home and will get into the dark corners of closets, attics or basem*nts to find their food source.

How do you stop a moth infestation? ›

Make your own natural repellant – Place dried rosemary, thyme, cloves, lavender or bay leaves into a small cloth bag and hang them in your wardrobe and place them in your drawers. The oil form of these herbs, sprayed on contaminated areas and clothes, can also repel moths.

What scent keeps moths away? ›

Moths and other insects are repelled by the pheromones in cedar. Combine dried, crushed, and powdered herbs. Combine the following in a bag that you can hang anywhere you keep clothes or food: lavender, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary, and thyme. Moths also hate the odors of these herbs.

What does vinegar do to moths? ›

Vinegar: Vinegar really can be used for anything. And when it comes to cleaning out your closet or storage box to repel moths, it does the job. The strong acidic smell of vinegar will repel moths away from the area as well as cleanse the area from dirt, dust, moth eggs and larvae.

What soap repels moths? ›

Adult moths are very sensitive to certain odours. The oils in real Marseille soap made with olive oil act as repellents so that the moths are not inclined to lay eggs and breed in your wardrobes and cabinets.

Do moths prefer clean or dirty clothes? ›

Moth larvae are particularly attracted to moist clothes – that includes dirty or sweaty clothes you might have neglected to wash. This might mean that adult moths will lay eggs on moist clothes which do not contain keratin in order to get them close to ones that do.

Can moths survive in vacuum bags? ›

Do vacuum bags protect against moths? Yes, vacuum-sealed clothing storage bags can protect your garments from moths. However, you should be sure that there are no existing moth larvae on your clothes before vacuum-sealing them in a bag. Wash or launder all garments before their storage, if possible.

Can clothes moths live in mattress? ›

In fact, the moth larvae could live in the mattresses for as long as 2 1/2 years before they begin to transform into adult moths, Welch said. The moths are not known to carry diseases but can cause extensive damage to rugs, clothes and curtains.

How long do clothes moths live in a house? ›

Total development time of clothes moths depends greatly on food availability, temperature, and humidity, but generally lasts to 3 months. In some cases they can survive up to a year or more. On average, females lay 40 to 50 eggs shortly after emerging from the pupal case.

Can clothes moths make you sick? ›

Moths and our health

Sure, they're annoying and they can eat up your clothes and dry foods, but for the most part, they don't carry any diseases or typically cause any reactions in those who have allergies to other indoor insects like dust mites or silverfish.

Do clothes moths live in carpet? ›

Secondhand items, such as carpets, oriental rugs, and furniture are the perfect environment for Carpet Moths. Keep in mind that Carpet Moth eggs and larvae are very small, so you might not notice them during your purchase or even when the eggs first hatch.

How much does it cost to get rid of a moth infestation? ›

All our domestic moth fumigation and treatment plans start from as little as £270, including VAT, which covers up to 3 rooms. Additional rooms start at £46.80. We are happy to provide a complete quote with a breakdown of costs, so please get in touch at 02045665522.

How much does it cost to get rid of clothes moths? ›

In most cases, eliminating a moth infestation costs between $100 to $200, but this price depends on a number of factors, such as infestation size, moth type, treatment method, and more.

What keeps moths out of closets? ›

Launder any seasonal items before putting them into storage. Hang herbal sachets with lavender, thyme and rosemary to repel moths. Look to cedar scents, too, as cedar's natural oils are powerful enough to kill closet moth larvae and eliminate infestations. Replace shelving with natural cedar boards.

Where do moths like to hide in the house? ›

They avoid light and are most commonly found in dark locations such as basem*nts, attics and closets. Within these locations, moths can be found in the folds of fabrics or hiding in corners.

Is there a spray to keep moths away? ›

Reefer-Galler SLA Cedar Scented Spray

When it comes to battling moths, SLA Cedar Scented Spray isn't messing around. This aerosol can contains pyrethrins and other pesticides that kill not only moths and their larvae but also ants, co*ckroaches, bed bugs, spiders, and other pests on contact.

Does dust cause moths? ›

Moths are attracted to dirty fabrics and dust. So one of the easiest pest control solutions to keeping these blighters at bay is to keep a tidy living space and not pack your clothes away unwashed. This includes cleaning drawers, cabinets, cupboards and under your bed.

What material do moths hate? ›

Moths tend to dislike lavender and Cedar. Although lavender smells great to humans, it is highly repellent to insects like moths. Cedar is another great choice. Cedar masks the smell of natural fabrics and also gives clothing and linens a fresh, fragrant aroma.

What spice deters moths? ›

Moths, like many insects, simply can't stand the smell of some of the most aromatic herbs, like mint, lavender, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary, and thyme. Use this to your advantage to create natural moth repellents in your home.

What attracts moths in a bedroom? ›

Moths are attracted to light, which is why you often see them flying around lamps and other sources of illumination. If you have any areas in your home where there is a lot of light shining through, moths will be drawn to them.

What Herb kills moths? ›

There are a range of herbs and spices that are traditionally used to repel moths. These include wormwood (Artemisia spp.), cloves, thyme, peppercorns, eucalyptus and bay leaves, cedar chips, spearmint as well as the ones Rebecca has used here.

How does Dawn dish soap get rid of moths? ›

I put shallow dishes of soapy water in the lighted area outside our kitchen window. The soap breaks down surface tension of water and moths drown immediately when they fall into the water. They seemed to come out about 10 p.m. to just after midnight.

Does baking soda keep moths away? ›

Mix Baking Soda With Vinegar

One of the best methods to do so is to combine baking soda and white vinegar. It will not only help you eradicate moths once and for all but will also help you remove those annoying spots and stains from your rugs and carpets.

What smells attract moths? ›

Moths are attracted to light (no one really knows why although there are a number of theories), and also to the smell of fermented sugar and ripe fruit – both food sources. Any type of light will attract moths. Just leave a porch light on and wait and see what is attracted to it.

Do moths like white vinegar? ›

Vinegar alters the pH of the surfaces it comes in contact with. Exposing moth eggs and larvae to white vinegar will drastically reduce their survival since they cannot thrive in an acidic environment. Several methods to kill and repel moths of all types using white vinegar solutions.

Does a bar of soap keep moths away? ›

Keep moths away with a handy dandy bar of soap. Cedar is a classic choice to banish moths from your wool, but not everyone wants their favorite sweater to smell like a forest. Lavender scents, like Mrs. Meyer's Lavender Bar Soap, are also effective.

Do moths like human sweat? ›

Clothes moths like moist areas of the home because they don't drink water and need to get moisture from the clothes they eat. Human sweat left on clothing provides the dampness they need. These moths are attracted to common things found in our closets and even throughout the home including: Cotton.

Do moths like cotton shirts? ›

They'll eat wool, silk, cotton and any other natural fiber they can find. If they run out of clothing fibers, moths will even eat pet fur or chomp through synthetic materials to burrow into natural fibers underneath.

Are moths attracted to dirty rooms? ›

Moths thrive in dirty environments. One of the easiest pest solutions is to keep a tidy living space. This includes cleaning drawers, cabinets, cupboards, closets and under your bed.

Can moths live in pillows? ›

8) Moth infestations can also occur in the feather stuffing found in pillows, cushions and duvets and the larvae may make holes in cotton covering material as they emerge. 9) Open chimneys and unused flues are a major source for moth infestations as they provide a natural home for them.

Can moths get into Ziploc bags? ›

Transfer bulk items from plastic bags to sturdy glass or plastic containers. Pantry moth larvae can chew through plastic and Ziploc bags to access food.

Do moths damage homes? ›

In addition to leaving holes in garments, clothes moths damage blankets, rugs, and furniture. Since collected hair and lint also attract them, the presence of moths might hint at other pests nesting inside walls or attics.

What are the little white crumbs in my bed not bed bugs? ›

Dust Mites

They thrive in warm and humid environments and are usually present in mattresses, upholstered furniture, carpets, and curtains. As scavengers, they don't directly feed on humans as bedbugs do. Instead, they feed on dead skin, pet dander, pollen, and bacteria.

Do clothes moths hatch in winter? ›

In fact, clothing moths will often lay eggs that hatch and eat through clothes all summer. Then in the fall, they make a cocoon where they grow into adults through the winter.

What are the tiny black worms in my bed sheets? ›

What Are These Little Worms in My Bed? If you see little worms in your bed, they may be carpet beetle larvae, pinworms, clothing moth larvae, flea larvae, or beetle larvae. The helpful news is that bed bugs do not undergo a “worm” stage. So if you see mattress worms, then at least you can rule out bed bugs.

Do I need an exterminator for moths? ›

Moths may not be dangerous, but they are still annoying to have buzzing about your home. These insects ruin stores of food, items of clothing, and any personal belongings they set up shop in. In other words, you should hire a local pest control pro to handle your moth infestation ASAP.

Can you fumigate for clothes moths? ›

Can You Fumigate For Moths? Yes. Fumigation with a moth fogger is a crucial part of dealing with house moth infestations. Moth fumigation has grown in popularity in recent years, because it is known to remove a variety of insects, not just moths.

Can clothes moth damage be repaired? ›

The good news is that moth holes can be repaired. If the damage is minimal and the hole is smaller than 5 millimetres, then you can use fusible bonding web to fix the hole. If the hole is larger, you can use a darning technique to mend the fabric by interweaving with a needle and thread.

What can I spray to keep moths away? ›

Fill your home with cedar.

Cedar is a wonderful natural moth repellent. Add some cedarwood essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water to spread the scent of cedar in your closet.

Can clothes moths live in carpet? ›

Secondhand items, such as carpets, oriental rugs, and furniture are the perfect environment for Carpet Moths. Keep in mind that Carpet Moth eggs and larvae are very small, so you might not notice them during your purchase or even when the eggs first hatch.

What smell deters clothes moths? ›

Moths and other insects are repelled by the pheromones in cedar. Combine dried, crushed, and powdered herbs. Combine the following in a bag that you can hang anywhere you keep clothes or food: lavender, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary, and thyme. Moths also hate the odors of these herbs.

Is moth damage covered by home insurance? ›

As moth infestations aren't usually covered by household insurance having a few tricks up your sleeve to deal with the damage they leave behind is especially important. If a moth hole is 5mm or less in diameter you can use a fusible bonding web to disguise the damage.

Should you throw away clothes with moth holes? ›

Either mend or dispose of moth-eaten items.

To restore salvageable moth-eaten fabrics, repair holes with a sewing machine and thread, then return the item to the closet. If the holes in the fabric are too large or numerous to be repaired, discard the item in a trash bag sealed with twist ties.

Do clothes moths infest furniture? ›

Clothes moths may also be found infesting upholstered furniture (both inside and out), and in vents and ducts where the larvae may be feeding on lint, shed pet hair and other bits of debris. Infestations may also originate from bird nests or animal carcasses present in attics, chimneys or wall cavities.

Do moths hide in closets? ›

Like pantry moths, clothing moths live in closets in various stages of development and constantly lay eggs and grow larvae. The larvae are most damaging to garments.

Do clothes moths eat paper? ›

Clothes moth larvae feed on wool, feathers, fur, hair, leather, lint, dust, paper, and occasionally cotton, linen, silk, and synthetic fibers. They are especially damaging to fabric stained with beverages, oil from hair, and sweat.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.