Solved! What to Do When You Have Moths in the Closet (2024)

Solved! What to Do When You Have Moths in the Closet (1)


Q: I recently took my favorite sweater off of its hanger only to discover small holes in its knitting.Could this mean I have moths in the closet? And, if so, how do I get rid of them?

A:Your wardrobe woes probably stem from an infestation of clothes moths, either of theyellow-colored“webbing” species or the brown speckled “casemaking” species. These nocturnal insects crave the dark and confined space of a closet. After entering through cracks in walls or crevices beneath closet doors, they lay eggs on clothes, linens, and other fabrics stored inside. Adult moths and eggs don’t damage the items; however, hatched eggs (or larvae) feed on animal-based fabrics like silk, wool, cashmere, and fur. They’re also partial to fabrics made from a blend of animal and synthetic or cotton fibers. The result is a collection of holes on your favorite sweaters, blouses, and jackets.

If ignored, clothes moth larvae progress to the pupae stage, and homeowners may find their husk-like, tube-shaped cocoons (or casings) on clothes. The larvae eventually emerge as winged adults and continue the cycle of laying eggs and unraveling your wardrobe. Want to eliminate the infestation? The best course of action depends on the scale of damage. Read on to learn how to identify and treat moth damage, and find out how to get rid of moths in the closet for good.

Confirm the infestation.

Use a flashlight to inspect clothes (especially seams, cuffs, and collars), linens, and other fabrics stored in the closet. Search each item for randomly placed holes; these may range in size from small and round to large and irregularly shaped. Also scan the closet for adult moths, which are cream-colored to silver-brown with a quarter- to half-inch wingspan. Homeowners may also find pupae cocoons or casings, larvae (which look like white caterpillars), or eggs (which resemble cream-colored globes).

Still unsure if you have a moth infestation? Buy some adhesive-lined moth traps, available for $10 to $15 at home centers (or online via Amazon), and place them in the closet; theartificial pheromonesinside will lure and trap any adult moths fluttering nearby.

Bag and freeze individual moth-eaten items.

If you find a single damaged or moth-ridden item in the closet, use a broom to brush any visible moth remains into a dustpan. Immediately dispose of the remains outside, then remove the affected fabric from the closet. If it’s still salvageable, seal it in a Ziplock bag and store it in your freezer for 24 hours. The extreme cold will kill any active larvae. When a day passes, retrieve the item from the fridge, but leave it bagged until you’re ready to clean it (use the tips that follow to clean moth-eaten fabrics).

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Solved! What to Do When You Have Moths in the Closet (3)


Solved! What to Do When You Have Moths in the Closet (4)

De-bug the closet if you spot widespread wardrobe damage.

Did you find moth holes or remains on multiple items? Then retrieve all clothes and fabrics (even those without visible damage) from the closet. Place salvageable pieces in a trash bag and seal it with twist ties until ready for cleaning. Likewise, move furnishings from the closet onto a tarp outside the room. Use a vacuum cleaner to eliminate moth remains from the closet floor, walls, and built-in shelves or rods. After you’re done, grab an old paintbrush and an odorless insecticide formulatedwith the active ingredient pyrethrum, chlorpyrifos, allethrin, or permethrin, such as Delta Dust Insecticide(view on Amazon). Apply the solution to closet wall cracks or crevices, shelf and baseboard edges, and below loose carpeting to kill any moths in the closet that land on these spots in the future.

Run machine washable fabrics through a hot water cycle.

Whether you discovered isolated or widespread damage, washing the affected fabrics in hot water is the best way to kill moths at all life stages. Check that the item’s care label recommends machine washing. If so, run the garment in a hot water cycle at a minimum temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 20 minutes. Then machine-dry the garments at the hottest recommended temperature setting for at least 30 minutes. Shake out the dry item to loosen any trapped moth casings or cocoons, sweep these remains into a dustpan, and dispose of them outside.

Dry clean non-machine washable fabrics.

Some fabrics, such as delicates made of silk or wool, aren’t machine washable. In this case, dry clean the items at the hottest temperature setting recommended by the care label. This will kill moths in their egg, larvae, and pupae stages. Shake out the item to draw out any trapped moth casings or cocoons, then sweep these up and dispose of them outside.

Spray insecticide on oversized articles.

Now it’s time to deal with items too large to machine wash or dry clean, such as a closet floor rug. Spray a non-oil-based aerosol moth insecticide like Acana Carpet & Fabric Moth Killer(view on Amazon)in an inconspicuous location on the fabric. If no unwanted staining occurs, cover the rest of the fabric with the insecticide to kill moths on contact.

Either mend or dispose of moth-eaten items.

To restore salvageable moth-eaten fabrics, repair holes with a sewing machine and thread, then return the item to the closet. If the holes in the fabric are too large or numerous to be repaired, discard the item in a trash bag sealed with twist ties. Immediately dispose of the trash bag outside.

Solved! What to Do When You Have Moths in the Closet (5)


Prevent moths from returning.

Avoid a recurring moth infestation with these handy tips:

  • Vacuumyour wardrobe’s floors and shelves weekly to eliminate dust, which attracts moths to the closet in the first place.
  • Wipe down closet walls, baseboards, clothes rods, and shelves every few months with a soft cloth andhomemade all-purpose cleaner.
  • Store only clean and dry fabrics in the closet; mothsare alsoattracted to the odors, oil, and moisture in fabrics that are soiled with food or grime.
  • Store out-of-season clothes and linens in airtight containers where moths can’t reach them.
  • Instead of stacking in-season clothes, hang them on clothing rods. Store suits and dresses in resealable garment bags.
  • Line storage containers, closet shelves, and dresser drawers with mothballs or small drawstring bags full of moth-repellent dried herbs, such as rosemary, lavender, or thyme.
  • Replace wood closet furnishings with cedar equivalents, since the natural oils of cedar are powerful enough to kill moth larvae. Also consider lining furniture drawers with hamster bedding made of cedar shavings.
  • Run any clothes or linens bought secondhand through a hot water wash cycle (or dry clean them) before storing in the closet.

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Solved! What to Do When You Have Moths in the Closet (6)


Solved! What to Do When You Have Moths in the Closet (7)

I'm an expert in pest control and household maintenance, and I can assure you that dealing with clothes moths requires a systematic approach. In this article, the author addresses a common issue of discovering small holes in clothing, which could be indicative of a clothes moth infestation. The information provided is comprehensive and reflects a depth of knowledge in entomology and fabric care. Let's break down the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Identification of Clothes Moths:

    • Clothes moths come in two species, the yellow-colored "webbing" species, and the brown speckled "casemaking" species.
    • These nocturnal insects prefer dark and confined spaces, such as closets.
    • They enter through cracks in walls or crevices beneath closet doors to lay eggs on clothes, linens, and fabrics.
  2. Life Cycle of Clothes Moths:

    • Adult moths and eggs do not damage items; it's the hatched eggs (larvae) that feed on animal-based fabrics like silk, wool, cashmere, and fur.
    • Larvae progress to the pupae stage, leading to the formation of husk-like, tube-shaped cocoons (casings).
    • Adult moths emerge from the cocoons, continuing the cycle by laying eggs and causing damage to fabrics.
  3. Confirmation of Infestation:

    • Use a flashlight to inspect clothes, linens, and fabrics stored in the closet for randomly placed holes.
    • Look for adult moths, pupae cocoons, larvae, or eggs.
    • Adhesive-lined moth traps with artificial pheromones can be used to confirm the presence of adult moths.
  4. Treatment and Prevention:

    • Freeze individual moth-eaten items to kill active larvae.
    • Vacuum the closet to eliminate moth remains and use insecticide on cracks, crevices, and surfaces.
    • Machine wash affected fabrics in hot water and machine-dry at high temperatures.
    • Dry clean non-machine washable fabrics.
    • Spray insecticide on oversized items that can't be washed or dry cleaned.
  5. Moth-Eaten Items Management:

    • Repair salvageable items with a sewing machine and thread.
    • Dispose of severely damaged items in sealed trash bags.
  6. Preventive Measures:

    • Regularly vacuum wardrobe floors and shelves to eliminate dust.
    • Wipe down closet walls, baseboards, clothes rods, and shelves regularly.
    • Store only clean and dry fabrics in the closet.
    • Use airtight containers for out-of-season clothes.
    • Hang in-season clothes on clothing rods.
    • Use mothballs, dried herbs, or cedar products to repel moths.
    • Replace wood closet furnishings with cedar equivalents.
    • Wash or dry clean secondhand clothes before storing.

The article provides a step-by-step guide for identifying, treating, and preventing clothes moth infestations, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Solved! What to Do When You Have Moths in the Closet (2024)


Solved! What to Do When You Have Moths in the Closet? ›

So, clothes moths may live one month, eggs may take less than ten days to hatch, larvae will reach maturity in about a month and the pupate stage will last about two to three weeks. So to get rid of a moth infestation, you would need to hammer all stages for at least four to five weeks to break the life cycle.

How long does it take to get rid of closet moths? ›

So, clothes moths may live one month, eggs may take less than ten days to hatch, larvae will reach maturity in about a month and the pupate stage will last about two to three weeks. So to get rid of a moth infestation, you would need to hammer all stages for at least four to five weeks to break the life cycle.

Where do moths lay eggs in closet? ›

Within folded clothing: Moths can lay their eggs within folds and creases of folded clothing items stored in closets, wardrobes or drawers. In pockets or cuffs: Moths may lay eggs in pockets, cuffs or other small openings of clothing items.

Why do I suddenly have clothes moths? ›

One frequent source of moth infestations is old clothing or furniture purchased at yard sales. Inspect any used clothing or furniture carefully for moths before bringing them into the house. It may be best to have them cleaned first as a preventative measure. Do not accumulate woolens that are not used.

What causes moths in your closet? ›

Properly Store Items. Closet moths find their way in through small entry points and weak storage methods such as cardboard boxes, bags with holes, and unsealed containers. These destructive pests won't know you have an enticing buffet of wool coats packed in your basem*nt if they're packed in airtight containers.

How do you find the source of moths? ›

If you notice moths in your house and don't know where they are coming from, you may want to check your attic, garage, or pantry. Moths also sometimes live underneath carpets or inside of walls. If you see many small moths fluttering about, it might be time to go through your pantry goods.

What scent keeps moths away? ›

Moths tend to dislike lavender and Cedar. Although lavender smells great to humans, it is highly repellent to insects like moths. Cedar is another great choice. Cedar masks the smell of natural fabrics and also gives clothing and linens a fresh, fragrant aroma.

What do moths hate the most? ›

Fill your home with cedar.

Cedar is a wonderful natural moth repellent. Add some cedarwood essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water to spread the scent of cedar in your closet.

Do dryer sheets repel moths? ›

Dryer sheets typically contain chemicals such as linalool, beta-citronellol, and geraniol, which are known to have some insect-repellent properties.

Do moths go away on their own? ›

Once you've identified you have a moth issue, it's time to take action. It's hard to pinpoint how these things get indoors in the first place, but they do not go away on their own, says Suiter.

How do I get rid of moths once and for all? ›

If you do have a moth problem, start by deep-cleaning your wardrobe and clothes and washing them in hot water. Freezing infested bedding overnight can also kill any larvae present. If the problem persists, consider using insecticides or calling a pest control expert.

Where do moths hide during the day? ›

Where do they hide? They avoid light and are most commonly found in dark locations such as basem*nts, attics and closets. Within these locations, moths can be found in the folds of fabrics or hiding in corners.

How do you tell if I have moths in my closet? ›

The first symptom you'll probably spot is tiny holes in your clothing, or thinner patches in your carpets, curtains, rugs or furnishings. These holes get bigger over time as the larvae grows and eats more. Clothes moth larvae also produce white webbing, which they feed under. They may leave trails of this behind.

Where do clothes moths hide during the day? ›

Most flying insects tend to be drawn towards light, but clothes moths actually prefer to hide away in dark, undisturbed areas – such as wardrobes, cupboards and boxes.

Is it okay to leave a moth in your room? ›

Moths won't hurt you. They will rarely bother you unless you are near a lighted source like a lamp or computer screen. I will cut off all the light sources in my office and cut some on in the nearby room. They will move out of the room.

How many moths is an infestation? ›

If you can see just 6 clothes moths and some larvae this indicates a potentially serious infestation for which professional treatment using pheromone lures to stop the eggs from being hatched is the only option. Unless professionally treated, the damage will get worse.

Should I worry about a moth in my room? ›

Moths have the capability of leaving behind larvae. Larvae leave holes in fabrics – which means that your clothes and furniture is at risk. When feeding, moths leave behind feces stains. This contaminates foods and other items in the home.

Is it OK to have a moth in your room? ›

Some moth larvae chew tiny holes through natural fibers (wool, silk, etc.) after hatching. Other moth larvae feed on dry goods and leave behind lots of appalling evidence. Still, in most cases, moths are not harmful to your health.

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