How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths (2024)

Clothes moths don’t care who you are or how much you love your clothes. They will find a way into your closets and quietly desecrate your garments.

Adding insult to injury, clothes moths (or, more precisely, their larvae, which we’ll get to later) prefer fibers of animal origin, including wool, mohair, cashmere, fur, and feathers—in other words, the expensive stuff and, in many cases, the vintage-heirloom stuff that has perhaps been sitting forgotten in an attic for who-knows-how-long.

The good news is, according to our research—which includes interviews with experts ranging from an entomologist to a world-class textile conservator—a number of simple and mostly inexpensive strategies that don’t involve pesticides (such as mothballs) or exterminators can thwart moths and their fabric-munching larvae if you act quickly and thoroughly at the first sign of trouble. It’s a three-step process: Identify the culprit, clean everything, and then take precautions against future infestations.

Identify before panicking

Start by identifying whether you actually have clothes moths. According to the Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute, many other bugs feed on clothing but are easier to kill, including carpet beetles, hide beetles, and larder beetles. Beetles tend to have a relatively long life cycle (PDF), making them simpler to eliminate before damage occurs. Additionally, their grain-of-sand-sized eggs can easily be sucked up by a vacuum, whereas moth eggs are smaller and covered in an adhesive layer. (In either case, the treatment plan is the same.)

But even the sight of a moth isn’t a guarantee of infestation. Jason Dombroskie, manager at the Cornell University Insect Collection and the university’s Insect Diagnostic Lab, told us in an interview that most moths people find in the home are actually feeding on plants. Anything longer than 1 cm is likely not eating your clothing.

Only two moth species can damage your textiles: The casemaking clothes moth (Tinea pellionella) and the webbing clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella) most commonly infest clothing (PDF). Both are only about 1 cm long and yellow or grayish in color.

First photo: Olaf Leillinger, Wikimedia Commons. Second photo: Patrick Clement. Third photo: Wikimedia Commons.

Once you’ve identified the moth, you’ll need to check your clothes for damage. Killing all the flying moths won’t solve the problem because it’s their babies that do the actual damage. Moth larvae are particularly attracted to dark, warm, humid spaces, as well as dirty clothing (especially unwashed items that may have lingering body oils or food residue). If you aren’t sure whether moths caused the holes in your clothing, one way to tell is that some larvae leave behind a web that resembles dried snot.

Clean up

After you’ve confirmed that you have clothing moths (or any cloth-eating bugs), take the following steps to clean your clothes and closet:

Discard particularly infested items. If the clothing is extremely damaged, it may be impossible to repair. No matter how much you loved it, you’ll love getting rid of the infestation more.

Thoroughly clean the clothes you do keep. Dry cleaning is the most effective method of killing moth larvae, and it’s worth the expense for wool sweaters and jackets you don’t want to risk ruining. You can also wash clothes on hot (water over 120 °F, according to Ajoy Sarkar, professor of textile development and marketing at the Fashion Institute of Technology). Read the labels, though, as many wools shrink and felt if agitated at such high temperatures. If you have a non-agitating shelf/rack in your dryer, that would be a good alternative for killing moth larvae on woolen clothing.

Clean your closet. Thoroughly vacuum your closet. Moths and larvae love dark corners and crevices. Remove the vacuum bag and discard it outside immediately, because it will probably be full of eggs and larvae. You may also consider using a dry cleaning service or a carpet steamer to do a deep clean of any rugs made of natural fibers.

Air, heat, or freeze items you don’t dry-clean or wash. A combination of sunlight and vigorously brushing the infested items can kill moth eggs and larvae. But this can be dirty work; expect to get grimy, and take care not to track eggs or larvae back into your home. You can also heat-treat woolen items by placing them on trays in an oven set to the lowest heat (at least 120 °F). Avoid doing this with any clothes that have beadwork or plastic, which can melt. Freezing can also work, but only if the change from warm to freezing is abrupt (70 °F to 0 °F), noted Dombroskie, and you must leave the clothes in the freezer for at least 72 hours once they reach freezing temperatures. Even then, the freezer may not resolve an infestation.

Protect yourself from future infestations

How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths (1)

Wirecutter senior product manager, Alex Vaughn, once lost “a selection of gorgeous hand-me-down sweaters” to a moth infestation. Ever since her devastating sweater loss, Alex claims she has “over-indexed on prevention,” but her commitment to avoiding another scourge on her sweaters is the right instinct. “Monitoring and cleaning the storage area regularly may seem like very basic advice,” explained Kira Eng-Wilmot, textile conservator at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, “but [they] are very important parts of our preventative plan against pests.”

Take care to store clothes made of wool, fur, or feathers in tightly sealed plastic storage bins or compression storage bags. Place suits, dresses, or other hanging clothes in garment bags, sealed and without holes (tape over any seams or joints). Avoid fabric containers, which moths can eat through. Airtight storage isn’t the only solution, though. Keeping your closets open and moving clothing around frequently will help prevent moths from wanting to hang around in your closet, because they hate light and movement.

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Although cedar and other herbal scents can repel moths, Dombroskie expressed uncertainty about those methods’ efficacy. He mentioned that cedar chests are effective, but primarily because of their airtight seals. It’s unlikely that the cedar linings on their own would be effective against moths or their larvae. In any case, cedar oils lose volatility as the wood ages.

Mothballs, although effective, should only be used as a last resort. If you go this route, Sarkar recommends sticking strictly to the manufacturer’s guidelines for the amount to use: “If you go less than that you will not have enough concentration to kill the larvae.”

Additionally, mothballs are a pesticide, and breathing large amounts of the fumes can make you pretty sick. Keep them out of reach of kids and pets (you don’t want either mistaking mothballs for candy), and sealed inside storage bins. If the health risks aren’t enough to dissuade you, consider that the chemicals in mothballs can soften plastic, which severely limits your storage options.

If you have webbing clothes moths, take the final step of adding pheromone traps. These can kill adult male moths, preventing them from mating and reproducing. The traps are specifically designed for webbing clothes moths and don’t work for the less common casemaking moth. This step can’t completely control an infestation but, along with killing the males, it can indicate whether you have a moth problem.

Keep an eye on your sweaters and other wool clothes for signs of moths, and be diligent about keeping them clean. Likewise, wash any vintage or used clothes you buy before storing them.

If all else fails, get help

Bug issues often don’t resolve themselves on the first try. When they don’t, keep in mind that hiring a pest-control operator is often the next best step.


1. Jason Dombroskie, manager at the Cornell University Insect Collectionand coordinator of the Insect Diagnostic Lab, phone interview, March 15, 2018

2. Ajoy Sarkar, associate professor of textile development and marketing at the Fashion Institute of Technology, phone interview, March 15, 2018

3. Kira Eng-Wilmot, textile conservator at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, email interview, March 16, 2018

4. Insects and Wool Textiles, Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute, September 2006

5. Carolyn Klass, Beetles Infesting Woolens Factsheet (PDF), Cornell Insect Diagnostic Laboratory, 1972, updated 2013

6. Carolyn Klass & Prof. Edgar M. Raffensperger, Indian Meal Moth factsheet (PDF), Cornell Insect Diagnostic Laboratory, 1973, updated 2012

7. Carolyn Klass, Clothes Moths Factsheet (PDF), Cornell Insect Diagnostic Laboratory, 1981, updated 2012

8. Gervais, J.; Luukinen, B.; Buhl, K.; Stone, D,. Naphthalene General Fact Sheet; National Pesticide Information Center, Oregon State University Extension Services, 2010

9. Charlotte Flint, Ahna Brutlag, Mothball Toxicity in Dogs, VCA Hospitals, 2014

10. Health Effects of Mothballs, National Pesticide Information Center, February 9, 2017

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Further reading

  • How to Pack Away and Protect Your Summer Clothing

    by Shannon Palus

    Four experts share their advice for storing seasonal stuff so it stays clean, organized, and free of bugs.

  • How to Make Your Wool Coat Look New Again

    by Sri Rain Stewart

    Here’s how to keep your wool clean and fresh—and away from ravenous moths.

  • Make the Most of Any Closet

    by Tim Heffernan

    Got cluttered closets? These clever storage options (and, before that, a purge) will make them feel bigger and work better.

  • Simple Tricks to Save Money (and Refresh What You Already Own)

    by Arriana Vasquez

    From picking the freshest produce to repurposing your furniture, here are our best budget-saving ideas for your home.

How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths (2024)


How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths? ›

Kill Them With Cold

How do I permanently get rid of clothes moths? ›

Clean up
  1. Discard particularly infested items. If the clothing is extremely damaged, it may be impossible to repair. ...
  2. Thoroughly clean the clothes you do keep. ...
  3. Clean your closet. ...
  4. Air, heat, or freeze items you don't dry-clean or wash.
Nov 8, 2023

Why do I suddenly have clothes moths? ›

One frequent source of moth infestations is old clothing or furniture purchased at yard sales. Inspect any used clothing or furniture carefully for moths before bringing them into the house. It may be best to have them cleaned first as a preventative measure.

Do I need to wash all my clothes if I have moths? ›

How to solve a clothes moth infestation. Wash all items of clothing that have been affected on a high temperature. Be sure to read labels on all clothes before washing, especially when it comes to wool. Alternatively, put them in the freezer for a few days to kill any eggs.

How long does it take to kill clothes moths? ›

Freezing infested woolens can work to kill clothes moths if there is an abrupt change from warm (70° F; 21° C) to freezing (0° F; - 18° C) and leaving the items for at least 72 hours once the material reaches 0° F.

Do dryer sheets repel moths? ›

Dryer sheets typically contain chemicals such as linalool, beta-citronellol, and geraniol, which are known to have some insect-repellent properties.

Do clothes moths ever go away on their own? ›

Once you've identified you have a moth issue, it's time to take action. It's hard to pinpoint how these things get indoors in the first place, but they do not go away on their own, says Suiter.

What is worst time of year for clothes moths? ›

Moths will happily breed in warm, centrally heated homes throughout the year, says Pinniger, “but there is a peak of adult emergence usually in April and May, and often another one in late August/early September when you get another generation through.

How do you find a moth nest? ›

Signs you have a moth infestation. Adult moths do not have mouths, so holes in clothes are actually made from larvae. You can look out for webbing and cocoons in the corners of your wardrobe and cupboards, and signs of damage on your clothes will alert you to where the eggs have been laid.

How do you find where moths are coming from? ›

If you notice moths in your house and don't know where they are coming from, you may want to check your attic, garage, or pantry. Moths also sometimes live underneath carpets or inside of walls. If you see many small moths fluttering about, it might be time to go through your pantry goods.

What is the most effective moth repellent? ›

Enoz Moth Balls

These moth balls contain paradichlorobenzene, which releases a gas that kills moths and carpet beetles—as well as their eggs and larvae—over time. 1 According to the manufacturer, they are most effective when used in sealed containers, making them a perfect choice for long-term or seasonal storage.

Is it safe to wear clothes with moths? ›

Clothes moths aren't considered dangerous to people. They don't bite, sting, or contaminate food sources. However, clothes moths are considered to be dangerous to personal property. Their larval stage is the stage of development that causes the most damage to fabrics.

How many clothes moths is considered an infestation? ›

If you can see just 6 clothes moths and some larvae this indicates a potentially serious infestation for which professional treatment using pheromone lures to stop the eggs from being hatched is the only option. Unless professionally treated, the damage will get worse.

Will a dryer kill clothes moths? ›

Heat also works as long, as it's over 120° F for at least 30 minutes, Brumfield says. The hottest dryer setting will do the job. Place the item in dry and be mindful of what you toss in there: Ballard warns that heat and mechanical action can affect the texture of fine wool clothes.

Where do clothes moths hide during the day? ›

Where do moths hide in your room? Most flying insects tend to be drawn towards light, but clothes moths actually prefer to hide away in dark, undisturbed areas – such as wardrobes, cupboards and boxes.

Can you see closet moth eggs? ›

Clothes moth usually live around 1 month, and lay 40-50 eggs on fabrics in dark, undisturbed places. These white eggs are tiny and invisible to the human eye. The eggs usually hatch after just 4-10 days, with white larvae emerging. These start off just a few millimetres long but grow in length up to 10mm.

How do I get rid of moths once and for all? ›


Remove everything from your wardrobe and drawers. Wash what can be washed and dry clean everything else. To be safe, this includes bedding, drapes and curtains which are in the same room. Vacuum your wardrobe, drawers, carpets, floors and all surrounding areas thoroughly.

How hard are clothes moths to get rid of? ›

After hatching, the larvae seek out a food source. The larvae then dine until they transform into moths, at which point they mate and the cycle begins again. The larvae and pupa of clothes moths can survive for months without food, which makes totally eliminating an infestation difficult.

Can clothes moths survive washing machine? ›

Moth eggs, larvae and adult moths can all be killed by a hot-water wash cycle or by dry cleaning. And any that remain in the closet can be vacuumed up or removed by scrubbing.

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