25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (2024)

I used to think my love life was complicated enough, but since the arrival of social media and emojis (yes, I’m that old), things got even more challenging.

Ladies, I’m sure you no longer overthink only the words that come out of their mouths, but you’re doing all of the following:

• reading between the lines in texting conversations (thinking there’s a secret meaning to their every word) ?

• analyzing their texting patterns ?

• pretending it’s totally okay every time they ignore your texts when, in reality, you’re dying inside ?

• trying to ignore that painful feeling that comes with one-word texts ?

• analyzing their emojis see if they like you or love you ?

Today we’ll focus on the last one. Specifically, we’ll focus on what type of emojis guys use when they love you so that you can always be one step ahead of them!

Contents show

25 Emojis Guys Use When They Love You

From ? to ?, let’s see the real meanings behind these emojis that guys use when they fall HARD for you:

1. ? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (1)

Hail to the famous winking face! Without a doubt, the winky face is one of the most mysteriously intriguing emojis and the cause of lots of overthinking (at least in my case).

Guys use the winking emoji primarily to flirt with you, but they also continue using this famous emoji even when their feelings for you become deeper.

Obviously, they don’t want to reveal too much, but they kind of want to keep you guessing about their true feelings for you.

This emoji enables them to express their love in an intriguing and mysterious way because they know that girls are suckers for it (and it works every single time).

2. ? meaning from a guy

Contrary to the previous emoticon, the kiss emoji has a slightly different meaning in terms of its subtleness. Guys use kissy-face emojis to directly flirt with you and express their love and affection in a warm and cool way.

If you’ve ever received this emoji in text messages (and you certainly have), then you know what I’m talking about.

At first, your heart rate increases, and a warm fuzzy feeling overwhelms you. You think to yourself:Yup, this is it. He totally loves me.”

But then again, you can’t help yourself but Google emojis guys use when they love you, just to make sure that you’re not imagining things.

Well, it’s good that you did.

3. ? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (2)

The emoji with three hearts and a smiling face? I think there’s no need to analyze this one because it screams LOVE, AFFECTION, CARE.

Trust me, guys don’t send facial expressions with three hearts for sh*ts and giggles. They send them to girls who have a special place in their hearts, so consider yourself lucky!

4. ? meaning from a guy

The smiling face with smiling eyes emoji is specifically used by guys to indicate one thing: That they feel comfortable in your real life and virtual company.

So, if a guy sends you this emoji, know that he’s slowly but surely falling in love with you. He loves being in your presence, and his heart pounds every time he receives a text message from you.

He can’t hide his excitement from you, so he feels obliged to let you know how much your existence means to him. (So, you better believe him.)

5. ? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (3)

Whenever I see the heart eyes emoji, it instantly reminds me of a child’s eyes when they are excited about something (be it their favorite toy or ice cream). I’m sure you see where I’m going with all this.

Just replace the words favorite toy and ice cream with yourself, and there is your answer.

By sending you this emoji, a guy wants you to know the following:

• You’re the object of his deep affection.

• You’re the first thing he thinks of in the morning and when he goes to sleep.

• He’s excited every time he sees you and texts you.

• He’s telling you “ I love you” in a subtle way.

6. ? meaning from a guy

I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed that guys who are head over heels in love with you can’t stop laughing when around you.

You don’t even have to crack jokes because everything you say somehow magically makes them laugh. ?

Don’t be fooled.

They’re not laughing at anything you say, but they’re laughing because YOU and your vibe make them feel that way.

They’re expressing affection and gratitude for making them feel good about themselves. The same applies to the virtual world.

You’re the one who brightens their day because you always say the right words to inspire them. That’s exactly what this emoji means.

7. ? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (4)

A hugging face emoji sent by a guy screams the following:

• Vulnerability

• Feeling comfy

• Feeling emotional

• Deep affection

Seriously, if a guy wants to “virtually” hug and kiss you, this is a good sign that he’s totally smitten by you.

And yes, when guys reach this level of falling-head-over-heels-for-you, they use emojis that accompany their warm feelings, such as this one.

8. ? meaning from a guy

I’ve never really understood this one emoji because it falls somewhere in between a heart and a smile. After I did my research, I finally found the real meaning of it.

The star-eyed emoji is equivalent to the heart eyes emoji. It expresses the guy’s ultimate amazement. It means he’s stunned by the way you express yourself, well, basically the way you do anything. ?

9. ? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (5)

If you’ve ever received a text with an upside-down smiling face, you probably couldn’t stop yourself from wondering: Is he only flirting with me, or is there something more?

Well, the upside-down smiley face is widely used in flirty texts by guys, BUT it’s also used when they’re catching strong feelings for you (and they’re not ready to be open about it).

I agree that this emoji should be banned because it can mean lots of things, and who has time to decipher them all? Wait, we have a solution for that problem too.

If he combines this emoji with heart eyes emojis or hug emojis, these are all emojis guys use when they love you, so there’s no need to overthink it.

10. ❤️ meaning from a guy

The heart emoji is considered a classic way of expressing deeper feelings. Even though it seems simple at first glance, the red heart emoji is used by guys in various situations such as:

• When you make them laugh.

• When they are acknowledging how special you are to them.

• When they can’t wait to see you.

Receiving a heart is always a good thing and a surefire sign that he likes you more than a friend and wants you to know it.

11. ? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (6)

Yes, the angel face emoji is definitely a type of flirty emoji, but guys also use it when they’re subtly letting you know how much you mean to them.

In most cases, it is interpreted as an innocent response to a text, but it also indicates a growing emotional attraction. This emoji is equivalent to secret blushing.

Well, if a guy blushes, then you know something is definitely going on in his mind and heart (something stronger than himself).

12. ? meaning from a guy

Receiving a kiss emoji from a guy is always a good thing. Well, not really always. Players can also send you virtual kisses to lure you into their game.

But if you’ve already crossed all the red flags and know your guy has pure intentions with you, you should definitely enjoy the moment of epiphany that comes with receiving a virtual kiss. Why?

Because this means he has DEEP feelings for you, girl!

13. ? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (7)

This is one of my favorite ones. A blushing emoji is both cute and hot at the same time for two simple reasons:

• It shows that a guy is kind of overwhelmed by his emotions.

• It shows that he’s probably scared of the fact that he’s totally into you.

You stole his heart, and now he has to find a way to acknowledge this to the world (and himself). Sending a blushing emoji is definitely a start.

14. ? meaning from a guy

What’s better than receiving a heart from a guy? Well, receiving the two hearts emoji, of course!

It’s like he’s telling you: Woman, I double love you! Don’t you dare question my feelings for you.

JOKE ALERT: Indeed, if you receive two hearts from a guy, you can be sure that his two heads have turned into two hearts. ?

15. ? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (8)

This is a cute kissing emoji guys usually send to you to wish you good night, good morning, or when they feel cute and romantic.

He enjoys your texting vibes and can’t wait to shift your virtual conversations to real-life convos. And yes, his levels of deep affection for you are growing exponentially.

16. ? meaning from a guy

We all know how much guys enjoy teasing you whenever they have an opportunity to do so. Now, the question is: Why do they do it? Because they’re into you, of course!

A guy will send you a tongue-out emoji after his attempts at teasing (specifically after he made you laugh).

If a guy makes an effort to entertain you with his sense of humor, then you know he’s smitten by you.

17. ? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (9)

Do you know that feeling when you’ve been hiding something for so long, and when you finally share it with someone, you instantly feel a great relief.

That’s what this relieved smile emoji represents. If a guy sends it to you, it means he’s had some internal battles for some time now, and finally, he’s ready to admit his deep affection for you!

18. ? meaning from a guy

Yes, smirk emojis are primarily reserved for flirting, but they can also have romantic connotations. Flirting can be romantic, too, right?

Overall, receiving a smirk face from a guy is witty, playful, and extremely fun (at least to us overthinkers). It implies that they’re trying to play hard to get when, in reality, they couldn’t be more into you.

19. ?‍❤️‍? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (10)

Couple emoji! Is there a more obvious virtual expression of love from a guy? I don’t think so.

By sending you this, he’s letting you know that you belong to one another.

You are his, and he is yours.

He’s proud to give you his heart and take care of yours.

He’s your Romeo, and you are his Juliet.

Should I continue? Okay.

20. ? meaning from a guy

The smiley face emoji with sunglasses also belongs to the category of flirty emojis that guys also use when they want to express deep romantic feelings for you.

He wants you to think of him as a cool guy trying his best to pursue you and worship your gentle heart.

Sometimes, he may have difficulty expressing those feelings to you, but you know they are there, and this emoji accompanied with romantically cool words is legit proof of that.

21. ? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (11)

The monkey emoji depicts shyness, and it’s definitely one of the most popular emojis guys use when they love you.

It’s like they’re hiding their true feelings from themselves and are embarrassed by revealing too much to you.

If your guy is shy, I bet you receive lots of monkey see-no-evil emojis. Well, you’ll receive them even if he’s not shy. The most important thing is that he’s crazy about you!

22. ? meaning from a guy

I’m sure you know the joy of receiving a rose from your favorite person. When a guy gives you a rose, it means he respects you, appreciates you, and sees you as a special person in his life.

Well, the same thing applies if he gives you a virtual rose. He wants you to know how madly he is in love with you and that you are his woman! ?

23. ? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (12)

Happy face with smiling eyes! If a guy sends you this emoji, then you know you make him feel LOVED and HAPPY.

He enjoys texting you, and more than that, he enjoys spending time with you. You are the yin to his yang, and you can brighten his day within seconds (and without much trying).

All he needs is to receive a text from you, and he’ll have ? for the rest of the day.

24. ? meaning from a guy

Similar to the previous one, grin emojis are sent by guys to let you know that they’re absolutely crazy about you, your sense of humor, and your unique personality.

I bet he can’t stop grinning even after you’ve finished the conversation. Well, that’s the ultimate proof of his strong affection for you.

25. ? meaning from a guy

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (13)

The face with a hand over mouth emoji is becoming more and more popular among guys particularly because it’s cute, sentimental, and doesn’t reveal too much.

This emoji shows their vulnerable and affectionate side. If a guy feels free to send you one of these emojis, then you know he can be himself around you.

You also know that he appreciates the way you make him feel. Consider this emoji a romantic gesture and proof of his devotion to you.

Closing Thoughts ?

Of all the emojis guys use when they love you ?, ?, and ?‍❤️‍? are the most obvious virtual expressions of love.

Other emojis on the list above can also be considered romantic expressions of their deeper feelings for you, only in different contexts.

After all, if you learn to decipher all the signs that indicate a guy loves you, the psychology of emojis will only be secondary proof of their deep affection (as it should be). ?

25 Emojis Guys Use When They're (Secretly) In Love With You (2024)


What emoji do guys use when they love you? ›

Genuine affection can be shown with 🥰.

If he truly cares about you, he'll use a 🥰 emoji to show it. He may reply to one of your messages with a 🥰 emoji to say, “You've warmed my heart.” Reply with ❤️ and 😊 to say, “I love you.”

What does 😘 mean from a guy? ›

😘 Face Throwing a Kiss emoji

The winky-kissy face throwing a kiss emoji, or kissing face, is mostly used to express romantic affection or appreciation for someone or something.

What does 🤪 mean from a guy? ›

🤪 Meaning From a Guy

The silly face emoji shows his playful, silly side. He might use it when he's joking around with you (“I don't know what you're talking about- I'm totally innocent here🤪”).

What does 😎 mean from a guy? ›

The Face With Sunglasses emoji 😎 depicts a smiling face wearing sunglasses. It is commonly used to convey someone or something is cool, chill, easy-going, or carefree.

Which emoji is used for lovers? ›

❤️ Red Heart

Emoji Meaning A classic red love heart emoji, used for expressions of love and romance. This is the most popular heart emoji A…

What is the emoji for deeply in love? ›

The black heart emoji is a symbol of embarrassing, romantic and deep love.

How do you tell if guys are into you? ›

22 Subtle Signs A Guy Likes You, From Dating Experts
  1. He leans toward you during conversation.
  2. He angles his body toward you in the room.
  3. He finds small ways to compliment you.
  4. He makes eye contact.
  5. He steals a glance at you.
  6. He singles you out in a group.
  7. He seems drawn to you in the room.
Nov 26, 2021

What does the 👅 emoji mean from a guy? ›

🧠 — Oral sex. 💦 — ejacul*tion. 👅 — May indicate sexual activity, especially oral sex.

What does ❤ 🔥 mean from a guy? ›

❤️‍🔥 Heart on Fire emoji

It can be used to represent passionate love (“burning love”) or intense liking of something.

What does 3 mean from a guy? ›

The emoticon :3 is used in texting and online chat to indicate a coy smile. For example: Ali: Would you like to go for a drink with me tonight? :3.

What does it mean when a guy says oh? ›

Oh. is a reaction showing various feelings such as annoyance, sadness, surprise, or disappointment, especially in text messages or social media posts.

What does bye guys mean? ›

In this context, it means the same as "everyone." So, yes, you could say it to women also, no one should be offended. And yes, I've heard women say it to their friends (all women) when they are leaving.

What does this emoji mean 😍? ›

What does Smiling Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes emoji 😍 mean? All the meanings for the smiling face with heart-shaped eyes emoji are very positive and warm. This emoji is associated with adoration, love, or extreme positivity toward a specific subject (romantic or not).

What does it mean when a guy says 😉? ›

😉 Winking Face emoji

Though it's often used to flirt, this emoji is also a useful way to playfully joke or to silently let the reader in on a secret. It can also be used to hint at desirable outcomes or to prod someone to take a particular action.

What does this emoji mean 🤪? ›

Emoji Meaning

A yellow face with its head tilted, its tongue hanging out of a big grin, and wide eyes in a wild, co*ckeyed expression. Generally used to express silliness. Commonly represents acting goofy, having fun, and partying and is usually used in a positive manner.

What does the 🔒 mean in a relationship? ›

The 🔐 (lock with key) emoji is used to indicate internet security or two people who belong together in a relationship.

What does 😛 mean from a guy? ›

😛 Face with Tongue emoji

The face with tongue emoji means a few different things. It's playful, cheeky, sassy, and can imply a joke, or a bit of lasciviousness. It's also often used with cute dog posts, though there is a dog face emoji with its tongue sticking out in the same fashion …

What does 💕 mean when texting? ›

What does 💕 Two Hearts emoji mean? Portraying two heart symbols, with the larger one bigger and in the front, the two hearts emoji is widely used to express love, affection, pleasure, or happiness.

How do you tell if someone likes you but is hiding it? ›

10 Signs That Someone Likes You But Is Hiding It
  1. They may act a bit awkward around you. Who doesn't get a bit tongue-tied around a crush? ...
  2. They compliment you often. ...
  3. They get a little jealous. ...
  4. They ask questions. ...
  5. They remember the details. ...
  6. They want to spend time with you. ...
  7. They listen. ...
  8. They lean in when you talk.
Mar 24, 2023

How a guy acts when he is into you? ›

When a guy likes you, he's more likely to pay close attention to what you're saying, engage with your thoughts and ideas, and ask follow-up questions. This genuine interest in understanding your perspective and getting to know you better can be a strong indicator of romantic attraction.

What emojis mean relationship? ›

💑 Couple With Heart emoji

The Couple With Heart emoji 💑 depicts the heads of two, gender-neutral people with a classic heart between them. It is commonly used to represent love, romance, dating, couples, and relationships more generally.

What does 👅 🍆 mean from a guy? ›

👅🔥 means "spicy." ​👅​💦​ means "thirsty." ​👅​🍭​ means "lick." 👅🌮💦 and 👅🍆💦 both mean "let's have oral sex."

What does 😜 mean flirting? ›

The 😜 emoji is an extra flirty wink.

If a crush sends you a 😜 emoji, they're probably flirting with you! This playful winking face with its tongue out can add a sexy vibe to flirtatious text, so try your hand at sending it to your significant other the next time you're turned on.

What does ❤ mean in texting? ›

What does Red Heart emoji ❤️ mean? The red heart emoji is used in warm emotional contexts. It can be used to express gratitude, love, happiness, hope, or even flirtatiousness.

What does the 💜 mean? ›

Like the many other heart emoji such as Red Heart ❤️ and Blue Heart 💙, the Purple Heart emoji 💜 is generally used to convey love and other strong, affectionate, positive feelings.

What does the 🦋 mean in love? ›

And because the phrase “butterflies in your stomach” can signify the nervous energy of new love, this emoji can also mean that you have a crush or are falling in love.

What does the 🦋 mean in texting? ›

It conveys nervousness. Ever heard the phrase “butterflies in my stomach?” The bubbly, fluttering feeling you get in your belly when you're nervous can be summed up with 🦋. You may see this emoji when someone's talking about a crush or an exciting but nerve-wracking opportunity.

What does the 🖤 mean? ›

It symbolizes love or affection.

Despite its dark shade, a 🖤 represents love and affection. Someone may send this emoji alone or at the end of a sentence to show that they care for you.

What should I reply to oh? ›

If you know the sender of the text, respond the way you think is appropriate, such as “Hey, how are you?” or “It's good to hear from you” etc. If you're not sure of or do not know the sender of the text, I suggest you not reply and delete the text immediately.

How do you respond to oh really? ›

' When someone says 'Oh really' as a sign of interest, you can reply with, 'Yes,' and then go on to further explain what you want to say. If someone says 'Oh really' in surprise: A response might not be needed because it's not actually meant to be responded to.

What does it mean when someone just sends a question mark? ›

The QUESTION MARK is a request for clarity or confirmation. The QUESTION MARK emoji ( ) is often used in text messaging as a request for clarity or confirmation.

What does bye mean for lovers? ›

What is the full form of BYE? The term BYE is commonly referred to as "Be with you Everytime". Some people also mention it as “Be with you every time”.

Is leaving without saying bye rude? ›

At a Party? Don't Leave Without Saying Goodbye. Tempting though this may be, especially when your hosts are surrounded on all sides, it's essential to say thank you to your hosts on the way out the door. If they are speaking with other guests, wait until you see a pause in the conversation, and then say your farewells.

How do you say goodbye to a guy? ›

How to Say Goodbye to a Relationship With Minimal Heartbreak
  1. Be real with yourself about your intention. ...
  2. Say it clearly (and in-person). ...
  3. Keep it short. ...
  4. Focus on yourself. ...
  5. Expect a reaction. ...
  6. Avoid being reactive. ...
  7. Have you recently suffered through an anxiety-inducing goodbye?
Mar 26, 2017

What does 😮 💨 🍆 mean? ›

😮‍💨 Face Exhaling emoji

The emoji is used to represent feelings of exhaustion, smoking, and exhaling a big sigh.

What does 🍆 😭 💦 mean? ›

🍆 🥒🥕 💦” A 💦 (sweat drop) emoji with a 👄 (mouth) emoji or 👅 (tongue) emoji represents oral sex.

What does 😏 mean from a boy? ›

It's used to communicate a range of feelings, including smugness, self-confidence, self-indulgence, mischief, cheeky humor, and general satisfaction. 😏 Smirking Face especially implies, however, flirtation and sexual innuendo.

How do you tell if a guy likes you as a man? ›

Things You Should Know

Look for signs in his body language like eye contact and leaning in towards you while talking. He'll also initiate more physical touch between you. Study his behavior, including the time between text responses and how jealous he seems when other guys are mentioned.

How do you know a guy is interested in you when you text? ›

If he responds quickly, compliments you, asks questions to get to know you, gives you nicknames, sends long texts, and texts you throughout the day, he may be interested in you. Guys may send texts for no reason and initiate conversations when they like a girl.

Is 🤪 a flirty emoji? ›

The not-so-subtle, but totally-flirty hug 🤗

Smileys can definitely be used in a strictly platonic fashion, but when you use them in sentences that can be taken as flirty, there's an added sense of excitement as your crush tries to decipher if you're trying to really flirt or not. We love to see it.

What does 👌 😮 💨 mean? ›

The emoji is used to represent feelings of exhaustion, smoking, and exhaling a big sigh.

What does 👉👌 mean? ›

👉👌 — Sexual intercourse. 🐫 — The act of sex (humping)

What does ❤ mean in texting from a guy? ›

The red heart emoji is particularly popular for indicating romantic feelings or affection, and it's often used to express love, passion, or attraction. If a guy sends you a red heart emoji along with other flirty or suggestive messages, it's likely that he's interested in you romantically.

What does 😊 mean in texting? ›

Emoji Meaning

A yellow face with smiling eyes and a broad, closed smile turning up to rosy cheeks. Often expresses genuine happiness and warm, positive feelings.

What does 💕 mean from a guy? ›

What does 💕 Two Hearts emoji mean? Portraying two heart symbols, with the larger one bigger and in the front, the two hearts emoji is widely used to express love, affection, pleasure, or happiness.

How do you know he loves you through text? ›

How Guys Text When They Like You
  • He Texts Back Immediately.
  • He Wishes You Weren't Just Texting.
  • He Talks About Things You Both Would Be Doing If He Was There.
  • He Lets You Know If He Can't Text Back Right Now.
  • He Often Uses Flirty Emojis.
  • He Likes Hearing Your Stories.
  • He Wants To Know More About You.
  • He Writes You Long Texts.

How does a guy show he likes you through text? ›

If he responds quickly, compliments you, asks questions to get to know you, gives you nicknames, sends long texts, and texts you throughout the day, he may be interested in you. Guys may send texts for no reason and initiate conversations when they like a girl.

What does ❣ mean in texting? ›

Who uses ❣️ Heart Exclamation emoji? Like the many other heart emojis, such as Sparkling Heart emoji 💖 , Beating Heart emoji 💓, or Growing Heart emoji 💗, the Heart Exclamation emoji ❣️ is used to convey love, affection, and other positive feelings.

What does 👉👈 mean in text from a guy? ›

👉👈 — Shy, nervous – usually in the context of flirting.

What does 👈 mean in texting? ›

The majority of people agree that it means 'shy'. As if you were twiddling your fingers together, nervously. The emojis can often be paired with the emoji too, for extra nervous vibes. The emoji sequence can be used if you're about to ask someone a soft, yet risky question, or if you're just feeling hella shy.

What does 😭 mean in texting? ›

What does the 😭 Loudly Crying Face emoji mean? The loudly crying face emoji shows a smiley that is crying uncontrollably—it just can't handle it and is losing its cool. This could be due to sadness and frustration … but also laughter and joy.

What does ❣ mean from a guy? ›

What Does ❣️ Mean From A Guy. From a guy, the heart exclamation emoji ❣️ typically expresses strong and passionate love or admiration. It can signify romantic love between two people, as well as platonic love for family or friends.

What does men ☕ mean? ›

(Internet slang, derogatory, sometimes offensive) Expresses disdain for male behavior, particularly toxic masculinity. quotations ▼

What does 3 or 4 dots mean in texting? ›

Ellipsis points are periods in groups of usually three, or sometimes four. They signal either that something has been omitted from quoted text, or that a speaker or writer has paused or trailed off in speech or thought.

What does thank you 💕 mean? ›

To show your appreciation.

Send a 💕 to a friend to say you're grateful for them. A double heart emoji is also great to send your crush because it doesn't have as much oomph or commitment as a ❤️. “Thank you, friend💕”

What does 💞 mean from a guy? ›

Revolving hearts emoji 💞 is used to reflect overwhelming, dizzying feelings of love, joy, or affection.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.