20 Emojis Guys Use When They Like You (+ What They Mean!) (2024)

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What emojis do guys use when they like you? What kind of emojis will they send? Looking for the key giveaways within their texts? Then you’ve come to the right place! Here’s the top 20 emojis guys use when they like you – how to tell if he likes you, based on the emojis he sends.

Will a Guy Use Certain Emojis When He Likes You?

So before we get into it, let’s first explore the power of emojis, and whether guys really do use certain emojis when they like you.

I mean, how insightful are emojis for indicating how someone feels? Well, to establish this, we have to first know how widely they are used… But this one’s pretty easy!

I mean, studies show that on social media alone – nearly half of all text messages on Instagram contain emojis (Dimson, 2015), and 5 billion of them are being used daily on Facebook. Unsurprisingly – there are similar habits within text messages too.

Why are they used? Well to express emotions a little easier.

After all, when you send a text message, it can be read and interpreted in different ways, but by using emojis – it removes more of that ambiguity and makes messages clearer…

For this reason, if a guy uses emojis to communicate (just generally), he will certainly also use emojis to show he likes you. So in essence – yes, they are pretty powerful things!

It then simply comes to knowing the meaning that different emojis have. So that’s what we’re going to break down for you now…

What Emojis Do Guys Send When They Like You?

So when it comes to what emojis guys send when they like you, just remember that you can better interpret all of this when you compare against the general signs he likes you and how to tell if a guy likes you over text.

After all, all of this works hand-in-hand. The more signs there are that he likes you (aside from the emojis he uses), the more likely it is that the meanings we are sharing with you – really are the case with this guy.

So it’s all about swatting up a little and “knowing your stuff” to more confidently evaluate the meaning behind the emojis this man sends.

20 Emojis Guys Use When They Like You

So what are the emojis guys use when they like you? Which key ones do you want to look out for? And WHY? Well, in no particular order…

1) 😍 Smiling Face With Heart Eyes Emoji

First up, we’ve got the Smiling Face With Heart Eyes Emoji. What does 😍 mean from a guy?

Well in most cases, it’s that he finds you attractive. This could be both physically, but also intellectually or personally – depending on what level you’re connecting on.

For example, perhaps you say something that he finds beautiful or endearing – he may send the smiling face with heart eyes emoji to signify that he likes or respects that… And he likes that certain thing about you.

So you have to analyse the context in which it’s said, but this emoji is almost always a complement. (And complements are always a good sign, for sure!)

2) 🔥 Fire Emoji

Another popular emoji guys use when they like you, is the FIRE emoji! What does it mean when a guy sends a 🔥 emoji? Well in most cases – he finds you attractive.

Unlike the 😍 emoji, the 🔥 emoji is almost always relating to your physical appearance. He thinks you’re HOT, HOT, HOT and is telling you it! This is why it’s also one of the emojis guys use to flirt.

However – think about it – why would he be flirting if he didn’t like you? He wouldn’t!

So a guy sends the fire emoji to highlight a complement further, show his attraction to you and show that he doesn’t see you as just a friend.

3) 🥰 Smiling Face With 3 Hearts Emoji

Next up, next up, we’ve got the smiling face with 3 hearts emoji. What does 🥰 mean from a guy? Well, it’s used to express happy, affectionate feelings.

If a guy likes you, he may send it just generally. Perhaps he’s “feeling the love” (or at least the very early stages of this if it’s early days anyway!) and he wants to get this across.

Or – more commonly – he may also send it in response to something you say…

After all, it won’t just be him paying you complements (especially if his feelings are returned and you’re starting to like him too!) So a 🥰 emoji back is usually saying, “Thank you, that makes me feel good!”

The fact that what you say makes a difference to how he feels, shows that he values and cares about you… Which again, wouldn’t be the case if he didn’t really like you. Instead, he’d just shake it off with a simple, “thanks!”

You see? So that extra emoji makes all the difference!

20 Emojis Guys Use When They Like You (+ What They Mean!) (1)

4) 😘Kissing Face Emoji

Another emoji that can be used in a similar way to 🥰, expressing appreciation with warmness, is the kissing face emoji. What does 😘 mean from a guy?

Well it could be that:

  1. Again, he’s saying “thanks” to something nice that you said to him, and he’s showing that he really liked that. It meant something to him.
  2. He may also send it to show he cares about you. For example, if you’ve had a bad day or are feeling poorly – he’ll throw a kissing face emoji over to you to say he wishes he could be there for you, to make it all better. (Cute, I know!)
  3. A 😘 from a guy could also signify exactly that… That he wishes he could give you a kiss!

So it’s one that is often fairly widely used, and can be added easily with many different comments and responses.

5) 🤗 Hugging Face Emoji

Now we can’t list the kissing face emoji, without following it into the hug. After all, these are two very similar emojis guys use when they like you.

What does 🤗 mean from a guy? Well, that he wishes he could give you a hug right now!

So again, you’ll get it in the same situations as a 😘 would be sent, but this one is a little bit safer as a 🤗 emoji could be sent by a friend.

A hug emoji will therefore be used if a guy likes you but is hiding it, or if it’s your friend who has feelings for you and he’s not quite sure how you feel!

The hug emoji simply shows care and affection – just not quite at the kissing level!

6) ☺️ Smiling Blushing Emoji

The smiling blushing emoji comes in two forms – ☺️ (which indicates more love and contentment), or the broader 😊 (this is more about genuine happiness and warm, positive feelings.)

What do these emojis mean? Well, it could be anything, really! However, it’s the slight blush which is the key giveaway that he likes you…

After all, that’s what we do when we like someone right? We blush. In fact, according to Psychology Today, we blush when we’re attracted to someone as it’s an emotional response. Your body releases adrenaline, and that causes your veins to dilate.

Compare it to the normal smiley face: 🙂. There’s the positive emotion of smiling there, but no real feeling, right? And he knows that.

So if a guys sending blushing emojis, he’s trying to get that warmness (and slight embarrassment about it!) across! Talking of embarrassment…

7) 🤭 Face With Hand Over Mouth Emoji

If a guy sends you a 🤭 emoji, it’s usually because he’s said something a little cheeky or risky and he doesn’t know how you’ll take it!

This is also one of the emojis guys send when they like you… and they want you to know that they like you.

They’re purposely giving away the fact that romantic feelings are there by using this facial expression, as it’s kind of like, “Oops, did I just say that?! Yes I did!”

A lighter, more playful version of this emoji is…

8) 🙈 Monkey With Hands Over Eyes Emoji

You guessed it! It’s the monkey with hands over its eyes emoji – otherwise known as the “See-No-Evil Monkey Emoji.” See No Evil sounds rather frightful, I know, but it’s not really.

If anything, the guy may be a little “frightened” at your reaction(!) But he will usually be sending it if he makes a flirty jokes, asks a flirty question, or maybe even just pays you a complement.

Again, he doesn’t know how you’ll react to it, or may be pushing things a little too far, so he uses the monkey as opposed to the normal emoji, as he wants it to come across as a little cuter and more innocent.

This emoji is almost always matched with humour however, so if a guy likes you but is afraid of rejection – it’s a good way for him to laugh off the comment with it!

20 Emojis Guys Use When They Like You (+ What They Mean!) (2)

9) 😛 Face With Stuck Out Tongue Emoji

Next up, it’s the classic tongue out, and this comes in multiple different forms.

You’ve got: 😛, 😋,😝, 😜, 🤪 – A whole bunch of different variants, huh?! Each get a little more manic as they go along, with varying messages and degrees of excitement.

What does a tongue out emoji mean from a guy, as a whole? Well usually that, again, he’s being a little cute, cheeky or in most cases, just funny.

He’s trying to make you laugh. After all, laughter is the way to a woman’s heart, as they say!

10) 😉 Wink Emoji

Likewise with the tongue out emoji, a wink emoji is another emoji guys often send if they like you.

It shows he’s being jokey, playful and fun. He wants to keep the tone right and is trying to make you warm to him too! The question is… ARE YOU?!

Emojis Guys Use When They like You

11) 😇 Angel Emoji

We’re flying through these emojis guys use when they like you now! So what else have we got? Well a sweet little angel face of course.

Now you might think – but does that really match well with a man? But yes, yes it does. Because when he likes you – you bring out his softer side.

If a guy uses a 😇 emoji, it’s therefore usually because he’s saying nice things and wants to make it more casual. Or, he could be saying flirty things and wants to come across as innocent.

Either way, the fact he’s going to the effort to come across in a certain way – it’s a very good sign!

12) 👀 Eyes Emoji

Have you noticed the eyes coming out?! Has he been sending eyes emojis? And what does 👀 mean from a guy?

Well, it all goes back to the cheeky / risky comments, “testing the waters!”

Just remember – the fact that he’s aware of your reaction and cares about your reaction, shows there’s definitely some feelings there.

A guy may also send you this if he’s asking lots of questions and trying to get to know you better too. He’s being inquisitive and doesn’t want to come across as intrusive.

But, the more questions the better at this early stage, I say! In fact, here’s some key qualifying questions you should ask him too!

13) 😌 Relieved Face Emoji

What comes closely after the eyes emoji if a guy likes you? Well often the relieved face, of course! If a guy sends you a 😌 emoji, it’s basically saying, “PHEW!”, or “I’m happy with that!”

So maybe he broached the topic of becoming exclusive, or asked you out on another date to which you said yes. He’s glad. It’s made him happy.

Likewise, if you text him first or pay him a complement, he may send back this face within the text to show his contentment and appreciation that the effort is both ways!

14) 😃 Extremely Happy Face Emoji

Talking of happiness, what does 😃 mean from a guy? Well, that actually, you’re just making him insanely happy and he just can’t contain his joy and excitement. Cute or what?

You make him feel like that inside, so he’s sharing that outside.

As time goes on and he starts falling for you, he’s likely to send more of the loving emojis but for now – the extremely happy face sums it up the best at this stage. (Without him coming on too strong!)

He just wants to show enthusiasm, and that he is into you and enjoying your conversations… And this emoji shows that far better than just the standard, simple, smiley face. (🙂 – You see?)

15) 😅 Grinning Face With Sweat Emoji

Next up, we’ve got the grinning face with sweat emoji. (NICE!) But what does 😅 mean from a guy? Well, it’s another excitable, happy one – but this emoji mixes it in with a little nervous laughter.

So, maybe he’s told a joke (that he hopes you’ll like) or he’s still in the stage of trying to win you over.

This emoji better gets across the emotion that he’s most likely feeling inside – whilst adding more lightness and comedy to the conversation.

20 Emojis Guys Use When They Like You (+ What They Mean!) (3)

16) 🤓 Nerd Face Emoji

Another emoji guys may use to show they like you (which you probably won’t expect!), is the nerd emoji.

It’s a more subtle emoji, that won’t be used by everyone, but it is a facial expression that exhibits cuteness, innocence… and is pretty darn loveable!

Now we all know that women like “bad boys”, but when they’re looking for a relationship? They’re likely to steer WELL CLEAR. After all a bad boy usually isn’t ready for something serious, so pursuing that ends up being a waste of time.

To avoid the “bad boy” label, the nerd face emoji can therefore be used – and it works pretty well!

A guy may also send a 🤓 emoji when they’re letting you “wear the pants in the relationship” and are trying to keep you happy, or gain your approval, even if that means going out of their way to do things that YOU like, but they wouldn’t probably usually do!

Now this doesn’t mean that they’re putting on an act necessarily. It just means that they like you and are willing to do what it takes to make you happy, and make you want them too!

17) 😎 Smiling Face With Sunglasses Emoji

On the flip side then, we’ve got the smiling face with sunglasses emoji, otherwise known as the cool face emoji! What does it mean if a guy sends a 😎 to you? Well that he’s trying to play it cool.

For example, it could be that:

  • He pays you a complement but wants it to be a casual one, so he adds the cool face emoji in.
  • He may also use it when trying to say things that he think may impress you!
  • On the other hand, he may have to use it to try to say “yeah that’s cool, no stress”, even in the situations where he doesn’t really think that, or is worried about what’s happening. (EG if you cancel a date or seem to be pulling away from him.)
  • He could also be trying to play it cool in the sense of hiding his insecurities. Or if you ask a question and he holds back a little, because he’s still got his guard up.

So there can be lots of different uses of this emoji, but all of them link back to the fact that he – most probably – has a few feelings for you!

18) 🤔 Thinking Face Emoji

Now, falling in love isn’t always simple or plain sailing. (Sigh! Perhaps you know that too well?!)

So if he’s confused, trying to work out what to say, trying to better assess a situation with the two of you, or trying to work out how to best say how he feels – then this thinking face can come in pretty handy!

Now of course, you will have to take the context in which the thinking face emoji is used to evaluate if it’s really an emoji sign he likes you…

I mean, if he’s just weighing up what to eat – that probably doesn’t mean anything! (Ha!)

But if the conversation is about you / the two of you, the 🤔 emoji can certainly indicate that he’s thinking things through, and any depth of thought for a person doesn’t happen for no reason!

19) 💯 Hundred Symbol Emoji

Another different emoji guys use when they like you, is the 💯 emoji – commonly used as a way to say “100%.”

What does it mean if a guy sends a 💯 to you? Well in many cases, that he agrees with you… but in a pretty big way!

He’s using this emoji more than words, to really get across the agreement and highlight the fact that he feels you – you’re on the same wave-length. He’s relating to what you say.

The 100 emoji can also show that the guy is keeping it real with you too.

And although this is a popular emoji sent amongst friends – it is also a great way to communicate respect for someone you have developed a good rapport with.

So combined with the other emojis and signs that he likes you, you can start to piece it altogether!

20) ❤️ Heart Emoji

Last but not least then, we have the heart emoji, and of course this has GOT to be one of the emojis guys use when they like you, because – well – you wouldn’t send it to someone you didn’t get on with, would you?!

Now, in the earlier days, maybe he’ll send a different coloured heart, or only throw this emoji in very lightly on the end of a text, in replacement of the kisses he’d usually put on.

But as time goes on, and feelings develop, you’re likely to see this more and more!

That’s All For This One

So there we have it – 20 emojis guys use when they like you, with a breakdown of what each of these emojis mean and how you can better interpret it based on your situation.

I hope this has helped to make things a little clearer.

Sometimes it can be hard to tell if a guy is flirting with you, but go off the “vibe.” Are you bouncing off each other? Are you noticing more effort from him? Does he say things that you wouldn’t expect “just a friend” to say?

Remember, if you like him – you can tell him too! Just be brave, time it right, and be willing to put yourself out there a little bit… There really is nothing to lose!

So, good luck. Take care!


20 Emojis Guys Use When They Like You (+ What They Mean!) (4)
20 Emojis Guys Use When They Like You (+ What They Mean!) (2024)


What does 🤗 mean from a guy? ›

What does does Hugging Face emoji 🤗 mean? Bring it in, there, buddy. The hugging face emoji is meant to depict a smiley offering a hug. But, it's often just used to show excitement, express affection and gratitude, offer comfort and consolation, or signal a rebuff.

What does it mean if a guy sends 😊? ›

If he's head over heels for you, he may amp up his smiley face game and use 😊 instead of 🙂. The squinty eyes and rosy cheeks of the 😊 emoji just scream, “I like you!”

What emojis do guys use if they like you? ›

Must-know emojis guys use when they like you or are in love with you
  • Heart-Eyed Emoji 😍 When does anyone ever use this emoji? ...
  • Red Heart Emoji ❤️ Oh mama, he's into you. ...
  • Angel Face Emoji 👼 ...
  • Heart Kissy Face Emoji 😘 ...
  • Too Cool Face Emoji 😎 ...
  • Hugging Face Emoji 🤗 ...
  • Winky Face Emoji 😉 ...
  • Relieved Smile Emoji 😌

Is 🤗 flirty? ›

The sorta subtle, but totally flirty hug 🤗

Smileys can definitely be used in a strictly platonic fashion, but when you use them in sentences that can be taken as flirty, there's an added sense of excitement as your crush tries to decipher if you're trying to really flirt or not.

How do you tell if guys are into you? ›

22 Subtle Signs A Guy Likes You, From Dating Experts
  1. He leans toward you during conversation.
  2. He angles his body toward you in the room.
  3. He finds small ways to compliment you.
  4. He makes eye contact.
  5. He steals a glance at you.
  6. He singles you out in a group.
  7. He seems drawn to you in the room.
Nov 26, 2021

What does the 😏 mean from a boy? ›

Emoji Meaning

A yellow face with a sly, smug, mischievous, or suggestive facial expression. It features a half-smile, raised eyebrows, and eyes looking to the side. Often used to convey flirtation or sexual innuendo.

What does it mean if a guy sends 😘? ›

😘 Face Throwing a Kiss emoji

The winky-kissy face throwing a kiss emoji, or kissing face, is mostly used to express romantic affection or appreciation for someone or something.

What does ❣ mean from a guy? ›

Like the many other heart emojis, such as Sparkling Heart emoji 💖 , Beating Heart emoji 💓, or Growing Heart emoji 💗, the Heart Exclamation emoji ❣️ is used to convey love, affection, and other positive feelings.

What does this emoji mean 👅 🍆? ›

When you're feeling flirty and playful, you can send the 👅 emoji to show your partner that you're in the mood for some sexting. Pair 👅 with other emojis like 🍆 (eggplant), 🍑 (peach), 🌮 (taco), and 💦 (sweat droplets) to make it clear that you're referencing oral sex with your partner.

What does 🤤 mean from a guy? ›

🤤 Drooling Face emoji

This emoji is used to convey such lust and longing as well as naptime—a less sexy time to drool. People seen as stupid are sometimes mocked as slobbering and slack-jawed, so the emoji also sometimes gets used to call someone or something “idiotic.”

What does 😳 mean from a guy? ›

🔤 Meaning. 😳 Flushed Face depicts a smiley with wide eyes and red cheeks, as if blushing with embarrassment, shame, or shyness. It may also convey a wide range of other feelings to varying degrees of intensity, including surprise, disbelief, amazement, excitement, and affection.

What is flirty emoji? ›

The wink and tongue combo 😜

And while the winky face is a sure-fire way to let someone know you're flirting, adding a tongue can bring even more of a fun and sexual aura to your texting.

What does it mean when a guy says 😉? ›

The 😉 is a universal symbol for flirting.

If someone sends you a 😉 with a message that makes your heart flutter, chances are they like you!

What does this emoji mean 😚? ›

A yellow face with smiling eyes, rosy cheeks, and puckered lips giving a kiss. Commonly conveys sentiments of romantic love and affection.

What does 😍 mean from a guy? ›

This famous emoji is extremely popular and it had to be on the list of emojis guys use when they love you. It's a smiling emoji with heart-shaped eyes and is used to show feelings of adoration, love, and strong feelings of positive emotion toward people or objects.

Is 😏 flirty? ›

As its official name reveals, 😏 Smirking Face represents the facial expression of a smirk. It's used to communicate a range of feelings, including smugness, self-confidence, self-indulgence, mischief, cheeky humor, and general satisfaction. 😏 Smirking Face especially implies, however, flirtation and sexual innuendo.

What emoji means crush? ›

😍 An emoji with heart eyes to say you're totally smitten.

If you've been hit by Cupid's arrow, don't be afraid to admit it!

How do guys act when they like you? ›

Guys flirt with girls they like. He might ask you for your number, then call you the next day. He may act playful, wink, and flash a smile at you. If most of your conversations feel flirty, then odds are that he likes you as more than just a friend.

How do guys drop hints that they like you? ›

Guys that are into you often use lots of emojis, text first, or even double text. Watch for in-person signs, like holding eye contact, respectful little touches, or leaning in close. A follow-up text after a date or hangout, or a raincheck when he can't make it are sure signs that he wants to spend more time with you.

How do guys look at you when they like you? ›

If you notice he is making more eye contact with you or you catch a guy staring at you, he is probably attracted to you. He may be enthralled by your good looks and may be fantasizing about kissing you. Perhaps he stares at you and smiles; that could mean he likes you, too.

What does 3 mean from a boy? ›

The emoticon 3 means "Love" or "I Love You." The characters and 3 (which together mean "less than three") form a picture of a heart on its side and are used as an emoticon, meaning "love" or "I love you."For example: Sam: 3.

What does this face mean 🌚? ›

🌚 New Moon Face

May be used to represent the moon more generally. Popularly perceived as creepy, used to throw shade (express disapproval), or convey various suggestive or ironic sentiments.

What does BOI mean in slang? ›

A young trans man, or a trans man who is in the earlier stages of transitioning. A younger bisexual or gay man who may have effeminate characteristics. The term can also be used by anyone who wishes to distinguish from heterosexual or heteronormative identities.

What does 🍑 mean from a boy? ›

Peach Emoji Meaning from a Boy

Sexual or Flirtatious Meaning: The peach emoji is used to represent a person's buttocks, which can be seen as a sexual or flirtatious innuendo.

Do guys message if they like you? ›

There are no specific times a guy should text you when he likes you, but he must be consistent. A guy who genuinely likes you will text you at least once a day. Also, after a discussion about getting to know each other, he will randomly text to check up on you and text you good morning and good night.

What is the meaning of good night ❤? ›

used to express good wishes in the evening especially when someone is leaving or going to sleep.

What does 👉👈 mean from a girl? ›

The majority of people agree that it means 'shy'. As if you were twiddling your fingers together, nervously. The emojis can often be paired with the emoji too, for extra nervous vibes. The emoji sequence can be used if you're about to ask someone a soft, yet risky question, or if you're just feeling hella shy.

What does 👉👈 mean? ›

👉👈 — Shy, nervous – usually in the context of flirting.

What does this emoji mean 😍? ›

What does Smiling Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes emoji 😍 mean? All the meanings for the smiling face with heart-shaped eyes emoji are very positive and warm. This emoji is associated with adoration, love, or extreme positivity toward a specific subject (romantic or not).

What does 💦 🍆 mean in text? ›

What does the 🍆 💦 emoji mean? The 🍆 💦 emoji combination is often used to represent sexual or erotic content, particularly in reference to male genitalia and ejacul*tion. When used together, this emoji combination can convey a playful or flirtatious tone, implying sexual desire or suggesting sexual activity.

What does 👌 😮 💨 mean? ›

😮‍💨 Face Exhaling

A face showing a visible breath of air being dispelled. Used to represent relief, exhaustion, or as a sigh of disappointment or displeasure.

What does 😛 mean from a guy? ›

😛 Face with Tongue emoji

The face with tongue emoji means a few different things. It's playful, cheeky, sassy, and can imply a joke, or a bit of lasciviousness. It's also often used with cute dog posts, though there is a dog face emoji with its tongue sticking out in the same fashion …

What does 💕 mean from a guy? ›

A 💕 can be used to show affection, especially if someone's just started a relationship. Someone may add this emoji to the end of a message if they feel their love is reciprocated.

What does men ☕ mean? ›

Interjection. men ☕ (Internet slang, derogatory, sometimes offensive) Expresses disdain for male behavior, particularly toxic masculinity.

What does this emoji mean 😋? ›

😋 Face Savoring Food

A yellow face with smiling eyes and a broad, closed smile with its tongue sticking out of one corner, as if licking its lips in appetite or contentment. Widely used to convey that a food item is delicious. May also express that a person is attractive.

What does 🖕 🖕 mean? ›

What does 🖕 Middle Finger emoji mean? The middle finger emoji represents the physical act of raising one's middle finger—considered an obscene gesture in many cultures—and is used for offensive or humorous effect.

What does the 💜 mean from a girl? ›

Who uses 💜 Purple Heart emoji? Like the many other heart emoji such as Red Heart ❤️ and Blue Heart 💙, the Purple Heart emoji 💜 is generally used to convey love and other strong, affectionate, positive feelings.

What does 😵 mean? ›

😵 Face with Crossed-Out Eyes

May convey a heightened or hyperbolic sense of such feelings as shock, surprise, disbelief, awe, and amazement, as if staggered to the point of disorientation (i.e., dizzy). May also represent sickness, nausea, intoxication, and death, e.g., slang I'm dead!

What does this <3 mean from a guy? ›

emoticon means love on social media. This cute symbol is most commonly used to discuss romantic relationships, friendships, or passions when texting, tweeting, or posting. Someone may use a <3 to replace the word “love” in a sentence or to convey warm feelings for someone or something. X Research source. “I <3.

What does mean from a guy? ›

As its name suggests, the Pleading Face emoji is often used when a person is begging or pleading for something, such as asking for forgiveness or a favor. This versatile emoji is also used to convey a range of other emotions, such as showing remorse, affection, hurt, fear—or sometimes just being cute and silly.

What does ❤️ mean? ›

What does Red Heart emoji ❤️ mean? The red heart emoji is used in warm emotional contexts. It can be used to express gratitude, love, happiness, hope, or even flirtatiousness.

What does 😘 mean from a guy friend? ›

😘 Face Throwing a Kiss emoji

The winky-kissy face throwing a kiss emoji, or kissing face, is mostly used to express romantic affection or appreciation for someone or something.

What does ❣ mean in a text message? ›

Like the many other heart emojis, such as Sparkling Heart emoji 💖 , Beating Heart emoji 💓, or Growing Heart emoji 💗, the Heart Exclamation emoji ❣️ is used to convey love, affection, and other positive feelings.

What does 💜 🖤 mean? ›

It is commonly used to represent love, support, close bonds, and admiration for things that have some relation to the color purple.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.