:3 | What Does :3 Mean? (2024)

What Does :3 Mean?

:3 is an emoticon which represents a coy smile.

The emoticon :3 is used in texting and online chat to indicate a coy smile. For example:

  • Ali: Would you like to go for a drink with me tonight? :3.
  • Lee: I was hoping you would ask. :3.

:3 is said to represent the cat face made by Anime characters when they say something cute.

Image for :3

When I write :3, I mean this:

:3 | What Does :3 Mean? (1)

:3 is an emoticon that represents a coy smile.

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Summary of Key Points

"Coy Smile" is the most common definition for :3 on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

Definition:Coy Smile
Guessability::3 | What Does :3 Mean? (3)
3: Guessable
Typical Users::3 | What Does :3 Mean? (4)

Adults and Teenagers

An Academic Look at :3

:3 is classified as an emoticon. Emoticons are a way to show emotion in text-based communication. They consist of a small group of symbols arranged to show emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, and others, using the letters, numbers, and symbols usually found on a standard keyboard in a typographic approximation.

Emoticons have largely been made redundant on most messaging apps, as users now have access to a large number of emojis and most emoticons are automatically replaced with the corresponding emoji.

Happy emoticons are alternatively known as a "smileys" or "smiley faces."

Example of :3 Used in a Text


:3 | What Does :3 Mean? (5)

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:3 | What Does :3 Mean? (2024)


Does 3 mean ❤? ›

<3. and heart emoji can be used to express love or affection for a person or fondness for some event or content. Like the heart symbol, <3. can stand for the word love or heart, e.g., I <3.

What do we mean by 3? ›

The symbol "<3" is often used in texting and online communication to represent a heart. It's a simplified way of expressing love, affection, or a positive feeling towards someone or something. When you see "<3," it's like a shorthand way of saying "I love you" or "I have a lot of love for that."

What is 3 supposed to mean? ›

This cute symbol is most commonly used to discuss romantic relationships, friendships, or passions when texting, tweeting, or posting. Someone may use a <3 to replace the word “love” in a sentence or to convey warm feelings for someone or something. X Research source.

What does 3 mean from a girl? ›

means she loves you. For many girls, sending a <3 is a way of saying, “I like you as more than a friend.” Maybe she's crushing on you and finally has the courage to say how she feels, or she's your girlfriend sending a quick “I love you” text.

What if a girl says ❤? ›

If she sends it to you randomly or while you're flirting, she's likely showing affection, since a red heart is the classic symbol of romance. However, if you're talking about school, work, or favorite movies, she could just be using the red heart to mean “I love that.”

What does 🤭 mean from a girl? ›

The 🤭 (face with hand over mouth) emoji is used to mean someone is laughing, embarrassed, or shocked about something.

What does 💜 mean from a girl flirty? ›

The 💜 emoji can also symbolize attraction and sensuality.

Some people swear that 💜 emoji is perfect for flirting and booty calls. While it ultimately depends on the context of your text chat, this emoji could be worth a try if you're chatting with your crush or SO.

What does mean from a girl? ›

When someone sends you the (heart hands) emoji, it may signify how much they love you. This emoji can be exchanged between friends, family members, or romantic partners—it applies to all kinds of love and closeness. It's a way to say, “I care for you a lot, and I want you to know just how much!”

What does ♾ mean from a boy? ›

The emoji ❤️ represents a red heart, which is often used to express love, affection, and admiration. The symbol ♾️ means "infinity" and is often used to represent limitless love and support.

What does 🐱 mean in slang? ›

Female Genitalia: In recent years, people have taken an old slang word for “cat” and repurposed it as a slang word for female genitalia. So, if your conversation is taking a less-than-innocent direction and someone drops the 🐱 emoji, you can safely assume they aren't talking about a kitty cat.

What does the ❤ 🔥 mean? ›

A heart shown on fire, for extreme or passionate forms of love or lust.

What does ❤ ❤ ❤ mean in texting? ›

Red Heart ❤️ These are perhaps the most basic of hearts. The meaning is simple – love. However, don't jump to conclusions when there's a heart at the end of a text. There's different types of love, from romantic to platonic.

Does 3 mean more than ❤? ›

❤️ is the abstract concept of love, but <3 is a reminder of what a privilege it is to live and grow with the person you love. ❤️ is “love,” <3 is loving. Despite its digital endemism, <3 is deeply organic.

What does 🖤 mean in texting? ›

Emoji Icon: 🖤

Emoji Name: Black Heart. Emoji Meaning: A black heart represents sorrow, grief, or a dark sense of humor.

What does <: 3 mean? ›

The emoticon ":3" represents a cute, smiling, or content face. It is often used to convey happiness, playfulness, or a feeling of being pleased or satisfied. The ":3" resembles a sideways cat face, with the "3" representing a cat's mouth or muzzle and the ":" representing the eyes.

What does this ❤ stand for? ›

Emoji Icon: ❤️

Emoji Name: Red Heart. Emoji Meaning: A classic red heart symbolizes love, affection, and strong emotions.

What does 2 ❤ ❤ mean? ›

Double Hearts Emoji Meaning 💕

The “Two Hearts” or “Double Heart” emoji features two pink love hearts of different sizes. The two hearts emoji may be used to express affection between two people. On Snapchat, the 💕 means you've been #1 BFFs with someone for two consecutive months.

What does ❤ mean at the end of a text? ›

The meaning is simple – love. However, don't jump to conclusions when there's a heart at the end of a text. There's different types of love, from romantic to platonic. At the very least, it's still love! Send this to: anyone.

What does the one ❤ mean? ›

Provide the most commonly used definitions for the 20 different heart emojis above. ❤️: Red Heart, Love. 🧡: Orange Heart, Admiration, Joy. 💛: Yellow Heart, Loyalty, Friendship. 💚: Green Heart, Nature.

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