The QUESTION MARK is a request for clarity or confirmation.

The QUESTION MARK emoji (QUESTION MARK | What Does QUESTION MARK Mean? (1)) is often used in text messaging as a request for clarity or confirmation. For example:

  • Toni: Why don't blind people skydive?
  • Jo: Tell me.
  • Toni: Because it scares their dogs!
  • Jo: QUESTION MARK | What Does QUESTION MARK Mean? (2)
  • Toni: Forget it. I'll explain later.


When I write QUESTION MARK, I mean this:


"Request for Clarity or Confirmation"

Summary of Key Points

The QUESTION MARK and emoji (QUESTION MARK | What Does QUESTION MARK Mean? (4)) is a request for clarity or confirmation when used on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

Definition:Request for Clarity or Confirmation
Type:Punctuation Mark and Icon
Guessability:QUESTION MARK | What Does QUESTION MARK Mean? (5)

1: Easy to guess

Typical Users:QUESTION MARK | What Does QUESTION MARK Mean? (6)
Adults, Teenagers, and Under 13s

An Academic Look at QUESTION MARK

The question mark is a punctuation mark (?) indicating a question. It is often represented with an emoji (QUESTION MARK | What Does QUESTION MARK Mean? (7)) (i.e., a small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion).

Example of QUESTION MARK Used in a Text



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A question mark, sometimes known as an interrogative mark, is a squiggly line over a period that makes a sentence into a question. They reflect the higher inflection of a spoken question (when your voice goes up as you ask something).

Does a question mark indicate a question? ›

The main purpose of a question mark, perhaps unsurprisingly, is to indicate that a sentence is a question. Direct questions often (but not always) begin with a wh- word (who, what, when, where, why).

What is the rule of question mark? ›

A question mark (?) is placed at the end of a sentence which is a direct question. Here are some examples: What is the capital of Wales? Does anyone have a pen I can borrow?

What do two question marks mean in a text message? ›

We don't use Double question marks in poems, newspapers, texts etc as the use of double question marks isn't punctually correct. If double question marks are used , it is clearly to emphasise something in return, usually from the shock of the previous thing said, to express a strong emotion.

Does a question mark mean confused? ›

Formal writing typically only uses one question mark. However, in informal writing such as some emails, social media, and other places, multiple question marks are often used to denote not just a question, but also confusion. This is often seen as being rude in formal settings.

When someone just sends a question mark? ›

It usually means that they asked a question that you never replied to. For example if I ask “Are you coming over?” And I don't get a reply after a reasonable time frame I'll send a question mark by itself just to remind the person to reply, usually if I don't get a reply back I get the point and move on.

What does it mean when a girl sends you a question mark? ›

When someone sends you a question mark emoji, they could be asking for clarification or assistance. If you have a burning question, send a red question mark, and you might get a quicker response.

What does question mark mean in text? ›

to indicate a direct question, and also used to express doubt, uncertainty, etc.; interrogation mark.

What are the three uses of question marks? ›

A question mark can be used, At the end of interrogative sentences/direct questions. At the end of sentences containing question tags. To turn a normal statement into a question, in informal writing.

What is the meaning of the question mark? ›

noun. Also called interrogation point, a punctuation mark indicating a question: usually, as in English, the mark (?) placed after a question. something unanswered or unknown: His identity is still a question mark to most of us.

When someone puts two question marks? ›

Answer and Explanation:

The usage of multiple question marks is not punctually correct; however, double question marks are often used to emphasize the question that precedes it.

What does it mean when someone sends multiple question marks? ›

In informal or casual writing, people often use multiple question marks or a combination of question marks and exclamation points to create emphasis. This style of writing is usually used when the statement is absurd, surprising, or exciting.

What does it mean when someone replies with a question mark in a box? ›

So when you get that little question mark in a box, or that little blank rectangle, it means that a friend is using an emoji that's only available in a newer software version.

Is texting a question mark rude? ›

After years of reduced social contact, she's happy when someone reaches out, even if their style of texting is totally different from hers. Skipping the capitalization or leaving off a question mark doesn't denote a lack of respect. Millennials and Gen-Zers aren't exempt here.

Why do people use question marks when they aren t asking a question? ›

A question mark, too, can be used to express different things — and it isn't always just for questions. “It can be used on statements to indicate a rising intonation,” says McCulloch.

What does it mean when someone answers questions with questions? ›

Normally, I answer a question with a question when I am stalling; when I don't want to answer the question; when I want to ensure that the other person gives out the same type of info that they're asking for.

Can a question be a question without a question mark? ›

(1) Yes, sometimes you don't use a question mark for a question because it is not really a question. It is a super polite order. (2) For example, your boss might write this to you: Would you please come to my office. A question mark is probably not necessary because it is not a real question.

Can you have a question without a question mark? ›

The question-without-a-question-mark conveys its own meaning. It can be droll or sarcastic. It's the roll of the eyes and the shrug of a club comic. It can be rhetorical, a statement that requires no answer.

Is it a question if it doesn't have a question mark? ›

One way, as stated above, is summed up thusly: A question is a question is a question, and it takes a question mark. The other way to look at it is: Lopez wasn't really asking. Thus, you could argue, it was a rhetorical question. And since he wasn't asking anything, the question mark isn't necessary.

Do you always end a question with a question mark? ›

You should use a question mark at the end of every sentence that asks a direct question. It replaces the period as the sentence's concluding punctuation. Will you go to the movies with me?

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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