‘Oh Really’: Meaning, Definition, How To Reply (2024)

Have you heard someone say ‘Oh really’ and wondered what they meant? What does this expression mean, and what are some ways you can reply?

  • ‘Oh really’ is used to indicate interest, surprise, or irritation. It’s commonly used sarcastically when someone has absolutely no interest in something. But it can also be used to express disbelief.

Table of Contents

What Does ‘Oh Really’ Mean?

Used to Express Interest

Used to Express Irritation or Sarcastically

Used to Express Disbelief

Examples of ‘Oh Really’ in Sentences

How to Respond to ‘Oh Really’

Other Ways to Say ‘Oh Really’

Final Thoughts on ‘Oh Really’

What Does ‘Oh Really’ Mean?

‘Oh really’ is an expression used to express interest, surprise, or irritation. A lot of people use the phrase sarcastically these days to imply a lack of interest in something someone says.

Used to Express Interest

The expression is mainly used to express interest in something.

For example:

  • If someone tells you they love Lizzo and wants to go to a concert sometime soon, if you’re also a Lizzo fan, you might express your interest in going to the concert by saying:

“Oh really? When?”

They might reply by telling you the details about the date, time, and location of the concert.

Used to Express Surprise

‘Oh really’ is also used to express surprise.

For example, if someone tells you they just won a trip to Jamaica, you might say:

“Oh really?”

If you’re especially interested, you might ask some follow-up questions, such as when the trip will be and how long the trip will last.

Used to Express Irritation or Sarcastically

Finally, ‘oh really’ can also be used to express irritation or be used sarcastically.

For example, if you accidentally blurt out a secret that someone else doesn’t know, they might angrily say:

‘Oh, really? I didn’t know that.’

But it can also be used sarcastically.

For example:

  • If a 10-year-old tells you they did a stunt on their bike, you might reply with an ‘oh really’ even though you’re not the least bit interested.

Used to Express Disbelief

‘Oh really’ can also be used to express disbelief.

For example, if you tell someone you climbed Mount Everest, they might not believe you and say:

‘Oh really?’ (hard emphasis on the ‘really’)

Examples of ‘Oh Really’ in Sentences

Are you wondering how to use ‘hope everything is going well’ in a sentence?

Take a look at some examples:

  • Oh really? Mark told you that you looked good in that color. Clearly, he either doesn’t pay attention, or he doesn’t care.
  • There wasn’t much I could say in response to my niece’s statement except, ‘Oh really?’ She had just told me that she was joining the army.
  • When I overheard my daughter telling her friend that she skipped math class, the first thing I said was, ‘Oh really?’ She’s in so much trouble.
  • After my son told me he made the honor roll, I responded with, ‘Oh really? That’s great, sweetheart.’ I told him we could go out to eat to celebrate at his favorite restaurant.
  • When my sister told me our estranged cousin sent me a message saying ‘Merry Christmas,’ my first thought was, ‘Oh really?’ She knows she needs to apologize to everyone in the family.
  • When the teacher told me my daughter was misbehaving in school, I said, ‘Oh really? Thanks for letting me know.’ I’ll have to have a talk with her when I get back home.
  • Every time I tell my brother about something cool I did, all he says is, ‘Oh really?’ I’m starting to think he doesn’t really care.
  • When my best friend told me he bought me tickets to the next Knicks game, I didn’t believe him, so I said, ‘Oh really? Show me the tickets.’ And he actually showed me!

How to Respond to ‘Oh Really’

There are several ways you can respond to ‘Oh really.’ When someone says ‘Oh really’ as a sign of interest, you can reply with, ‘Yes,’ and then go on to further explain what you want to say.

If someone says ‘Oh really’ in surprise:

  • A response might not be needed because it’s not actually meant to be responded to.

However, if someone says, ‘Oh really’ as irritation:

  • You might want to respond and explain yourself.
  • Explain the situation to the person and let them know your reasons for doing what you did or saying what you said.

If someone says ‘Oh really’ sarcastically:

  • No response is needed.
  • It usually means they’re not interested in what you’re doing and you should probably just tell someone else your news.

Other Ways to Say ‘Oh Really’

In the English language, there are lots of ways to say lots of things. Let’s see some examples of other ways to say, ‘Oh really.’

  • Oh yeah?
  • Really?
  • Yeah right
  • Seriously?
  • No kidding
  • No way
  • You don’t say
  • Is that so?
  • You think?
  • Duh
  • Well duh
  • Are you kidding me?
  • Is that a fact?
  • Are you joking?
  • Well, what do you know?
  • Are you for real?
  • Well, blow me down with a feather
  • Wow, that’s great!
  • No sh*t, Sherlock!
  • Go on!
  • Right on!
  • Nice!
  • Good sh*t!
  • Go off! (slang)
  • Noooo!
  • That’s amazing!
  • That’s so good!
  • I don’t believe you
  • You can’t be serious
  • Shut up!
  • Get out!
  • Get out of here!
  • You’ve got to be kidding me.
  • What the…?
  • Well, I never
  • Strike me pink
  • There’s the surprise of the century
  • Unbelievable!
  • For real?
  • Are you for real?
  • Cap (slang)
  • You’re capping (slang)
  • That’s cap (slang)
  • No cap (slang)
  • On god? (slang)
  • Word? (slang)

Final Thoughts on ‘Oh Really’

To recap, we learned the following:

  • ‘Oh really’ is used to indicate interest, surprise, or irritation. It’s commonly used sarcastically when someone has absolutely no interest in something. But it can also be used to express disbelief.

If you ever forget the meaning and need to come back, feel free to do so. We’ve also got a ton of other content on other idioms you might see as you’re learning this complex language. Feel free to check it out anytime.

Learn More:

  1. ‘Trying Times’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples
  2. ‘Cut Bait’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples
  3. ‘Okie Dokie’: Definition, Meaning and Examples
  4. ‘Check on Me’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples
  5. ‘Pass Go’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples
  6. ‘Composed Of’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples
  7. ‘As An Aside’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples
  8. ‘Don’t Put Your Eggs in One Basket’: Definition, Meaning and Examples
  9. ‘How Are You Feeling Now/Today?' Meaning, Definition, and How to Reply
  10. ‘All My Prayers Are With You': Meaning, Definition, and How to Reply
  11. ‘The Pleasure is All Mine': Meaning, Definition, and How to Reply
  12. ‘What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples
  13. ‘A Bird's Eye View’: Definition, Meaning, and Examples
  14. ‘Speak of The Devil’: Definition, Meaning and Examples
  15. ‘Let the Cat Out of The Bag’: Definition, Meaning and Examples
‘Oh Really’: Meaning, Definition, How To Reply (2024)


What does oh really mean in texting? ›

(colloquial) An exclamation of surprise or amazement. quotations ▼ (colloquial, sarcastic) Said in response to an obvious statement.

How to reply when someone says "really"? ›

What is an appropriate response when someone says "really" in a conversation?
  1. Clarification: "Yes, really. I'm not joking or exaggerating."
  2. Confirmation: "Yes, it's true. I can assure you."
  3. Agreement: "I agree, it's surprising/interesting/unexpected."
  4. Inquiry: "Why do you ask?

What to reply to really means a lot? ›

Here are the examples. “Thank you, I really appreciate it.” “Thank you for your kind words. It means a lot to me.” “I'm pleased to hear you say that.

How to reply when someone says oh? ›

If someone just sends a text that says “oh” I'll respond with “?” People aren't mind readers, if they have something to say come out and say it. If they just feel a need to respond to what I just said but don't have an opinion the conversation has come to an end.

What does oh mean in a message? ›

Oh. is a reaction showing various feelings such as annoyance, sadness, surprise, or disappointment, especially in text messages or social media posts. Oh.'s tone can range from sincere to sarcastic. It's also used in the construction Oh. My.

How do I reply to "Oh I see"? ›

If you mean that it's the first thing that is said (like they see something on you and say “that's awesome”) it's just a compliment, so say thank you and if there's anything you'd like to say about it, then say it, otherwise just appreciate the compliment. Originally Answered: How do you respond to “I see”?

How do you give a perfect reply? ›

Speak directly and clearly when you respond.
  1. Make sure they're paying attention to you so you don't have to repeat yourself.
  2. Recognize if someone else wants to speak and allow them room to talk as well.
  3. Allow the person to respond to what you've said as well.

How to answer "not really"? ›

One could respond in different ways according to the context, but probably the most common response would be an inquiry as to why Person B said “No, not really”. Person A - Would you like to go to the bar with me tonight? Person B - No, not really. Person A - Why not?

What is a good slang reply? ›

"What's good" is most often used to ask someone how they're doing. If you want to give the other person a positive and encouraging reply without giving them details of your life, a simple "Me! I'm good!" does the trick, followed by a "thank you" so they know you're happy to hear from them. "I'm pretty good, thanks!

How do you say thank you when words are not enough? ›

Other Ways to Say 'Thank You'
  1. This means a lot. Though simple, it is precise. ...
  2. I can't express my gratitude enough. ...
  3. This makes me feel… ...
  4. This reminds me of … ...
  5. Your support means more than you know. ...
  6. I feel honored. ...
  7. I can't wait to return the favor. ...
  8. I'm not sure how to say thank you enough.
Feb 23, 2024

How to reply to a text when you don't know what to say? ›

  1. “I'm so sorry you're going through this.”
  2. “Wow, I don't know what to say. How are you doing, really?”
  3. “I really want to help. What can I do to make things easier for you?”
  4. “Give me a minute to process this. I'm sorry, but I just wasn't expecting that.”

How to answer "thanks a lot"? ›

4 Answers. "You're welcome.", "My pleasure.", "No problem." or "No worries." The first two are more formal and the last two are more informal. I hope this helps.

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What is another word for oh?
oh okoh right
I seegot it
2 more rows

What to reply to OK? ›

  • Acknowledge: "Great, thanks!"
  • Confirm: "Is that okay with you?"
  • Ask for clarification: "OK, could you please explain more?"
  • Express agreement: "I agree, OK."
  • Show understanding: "I understand, OK."
  • Respond with your own agreement or approval: "OK, I'm on board."
Nov 17, 2020

What to reply after "hi"? ›

After greeting someone with a friendly “hello”, you can say an endless array of things to continue the conversation. You might ask them how their day is going or comment on the weather outside. You could inquire about their weekend plans or simply express how glad you are to see them.

What is the acronym for oh really? ›

O RLY? is an Internet phenomenon, typically presented as an image macro featuring a snowy owl. The phrase "O RLY?", an abbreviated form of "Oh, really?", is popularly used in Internet forums in a sarcastic manner, often in response to an obvious, predictable, or blatantly false statement.

What does "ooh" mean in text? ›

interjection. Britannica Dictionary definition of OOH. — used to express pleasure, surprise, or both pleasure and surprise.

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exclamation. You say great in order to emphasize that you are angry or annoyed about something. [feelings] 'Oh great,' I thought.

What does "oh ok" mean from a guy? ›

"Oh okay" is a term used to express understanding or agreement. It can be used as a response to someone who has just shared something with you, or as a way of showing that you are following along with what someone is saying.

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.