Bioavailability - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics (2024)

Bioavailability (F) is defined as the rate and extent to which the active constituent or active moiety of a drug is absorbed from a drug product and reaches the circulation.

From: Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology (Second Edition), 2008

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L. Davidsson, S.A. Tanumihardjo, in Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition (Third Edition), 2013


Bioavailability, i.e., the fraction of absorbed and utilized micronutrients, is particularly important for nonheme iron and provitamin A carotenoids as bioavailability varies widely depending on a number of factors. Stable (nonradioactive) isotope techniques to assess bioavailability of these micronutrients have contributed significantly to a better understanding of the importance of integrating bioavailability into the development of food-based strategies to combat iron and vitamin A deficiencies. In this article, the authors discuss the basic principles of stable isotope techniques to assess bioavailability of nonheme iron and provitamin A carotenoids and highlight important findings based on these techniques to move the agenda forward.

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R.J. Wood, in Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition (Second Edition), 2005

Importance of Nutrient Bioavailability to Human Nutrition

Assessment of bioavailability of nutrients is an essential component of deriving dietary reference intakes (DRIs), guidelines for optimal intake of individual nutrients established for North American populations. Many DRIs are based on evaluation of available physiological data to determine the obligatory daily needs for a nutrient to replace losses, or the amount needed for optimal growth of tissues, and an estimate of overall dietary bioavailability of the nutrient in question. In many populations, the content of a nutrient in the diet (e.g., iron or zinc) may be sufficient to meet recommended intake, but bioavailability is suboptimal due to the presence of high levels of inhibitory substances (such as phytate) in the diet leading to a high risk of developing this nutrient deficiency.

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Factors Affecting the Bioavailability of Chemicals

Mikko Nikinmaa, in An Introduction to Aquatic Toxicology, 2014


Bioavailability, uptake, metabolism, storage, and excretion of chemicals constitute toxico*kinetics. Bioavailability is the potential for uptake of a substance by a living organism. It is usually expressed as the fraction that can be taken up by the organism in relation to the total amount of the substance available. In pharmacology, the bioavailability is the ratio of the amount of a compound in circulation after its extravenous application and its intravenous injection. In aquatic toxicology, environmental bioavailability is usually relevant. Factors affecting the bioavailability of a chemical depend on the route of uptake, and whether the chemical is in the bottom sediment, dissolved in water, or is a constituent of the organisms. In the case of water-soluble substances, the primary source of toxicant is water, and the bioavailability depends on complex formation, especially with humic substances. Even when water-soluble substances are sediment bound, they reside mainly in pore water. Lipid-soluble substances are taken up especially from sediment or from other organisms. The bioavailability from water decreases with increasing lipophilicity and with increasing amount of dissolved organic carbon or colloids in the aquatic phase. With regard to sediment, both the sediment properties (e.g. grain size) and the amount of organic material in the sediment affect bioavailability. The main abiotic factors affecting bioavailability are oxygenation and pH. As an example, metal speciation, affecting bioavailability, depends very much on the pH.

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P. Hinderliter, S.A. Saghir, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014

Bioavailability (F)

Bioavailability is a term used to describe the percentage (or the fraction (F)) of an administered dose of a xenobiotic that reaches the systemic circulation. Bioavailability is practically 100% (F=1) following an intravenous administration. Bioavailability could be lower (F≤1) and in some cases almost negligible for other routes (e.g., oral and dermal), depending on how efficiently a xenobiotic crosses various biological membranes (e.g., skin and stomach). Additionally, whether or not tissues or organs (e.g., skin and liver), through which xenobiotics pass before reaching the systemic circulation, are capable of metabolizing the substance. Thelatter phenomenon is known as a first-pass effect. Bioavailability may vary considerably between xenobiotics or even between batches of a given xenobiotic. For example, therapeutic drugs must undergo bioavailability testing to ensure reliable dosing throughout treatment. The blood concentration of the administered drug is used as an index of bioavailability.

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Basic Principles of Pharmacology

Stephen E. Wolverton, in Comprehensive Dermatologic Drug Therapy (Fourth Edition), 2021

Bioavailability (The Drug has to be ‘Available’ at The Site of Intended Action)

Bioavailability is expressed as the percentage of the total drug dose administered that reaches the circulation. For a drug taken orally, the ‘first-pass effect’ of hepatic metabolism reduces bioavailability. The bioavailability calculations include both free and bound forms of the drug. A systemic drug with a relatively low bioavailability is acyclovir; the prodrug for acyclovir, valacyclovir, has at least three times greater bioavailability. At the other end of the spectrum are the fluoroquinolones, for which oral absorption (and resultant bioavailability) is so complete that the oral and intravenous doses for many members of this drug group are identical. A more optimal method (if it were more practical) would be to calculate bioavailability at the site of intended action; for drugs discussed in this book, it would be based on tissue levels at the site of intended action, the various skin structures. At present such ‘ideal’ bioavailability calculations are not routinely available.

For most chapters in this book that discuss systemic drugs there are tables that present data for the following: (1) % bioavailable and (2) % protein binding. The ‘% bioavailable’ is typically factored into ideal oral drug dosage calculations, which will produce circulating drug levels in a reasonably safe and effective ‘therapeutic range.’ The ‘% protein binding’ is important to the subject of drug interactions as previously discussed, with methotrexate as an important example. Changes in albumin levels in disease states such as severe liver or renal disease will often necessitate drug dosage adjustments for drugs (such as methotrexate) that are highly protein bound.

Creating drug formulations with a more optimal bioavailability is a daunting task for the pharmaceutical industry. In the past few decades there have been updated formulations of older drugs with higher bioavailability, more predictable bioavailability, or both. For drugs with a relatively narrow therapeutic index (cyclosporine, methoxsalen), improved predictability of the drug absorption and resultant bioavailability are very important. The release of Neoral and Gengraf (in place of the previous cyclosporine formulation, Sandimmune) is an example for both improved % bioavailability and more predictable bioavailability of the newer formulation. Likewise, Oxsoralen Ultra demonstrates improvement in both of these two parameters. In a separate example, the need for improved efficacy from griseofulvin led to the progression from the original griseofulvin formulations → microsize formulations → ultramicrosize formulations. Each step of this progression resulted in improved bioavailability and smaller griseofulvin dosages required for an adequate therapeutic response.

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Robert Tardif, Jules Brodeur, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Second Edition), 2005

Bioavailability (F)

Bioavailability is a term used to describe the percentage (or the fraction F) of an administered dose of a xenobiotic that reaches the systemic circulation. Bioavailability is practically 100% (F=1) following an intravenous administration. Bioavailability could be lower (F⩽1) and in some cases almost negligible for other routes (e.g., oral, dermal, and pulmonary), depending on how efficiently a xenobiotic crosses various biological membranes (e.g., lungs, skin, and stomach) or whether or not tissues or organs (e.g., lungs, skin, and liver) through which xenobiotics pass before reaching the systemic circulation are capable of metabolizing the substance; the latter phenomenon is known as a first-pass effect. Bioavailability may vary considerably between compounds or even between batches of a given compound. For example, drugs commonly used as therapeutic agents must undergo bioavailability testing to ensure reliable dosing throughout treatment. The blood concentration of the administered drug is used as an index of bioavailability.

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Physiological Aspects Determining the Pharmaco*kinetic Properties of Drugs

Koen Boussery, ... Johan Van de Voorde, in The Practice of Medicinal Chemistry (Fourth Edition), 2008

E Bioavailability

Bioavailability is (1) the fraction of an administered dose of a drug that reaches the systemic circulation as intact drug (expressed as F) and (2) the rate at which this occurs. As an i.v. dose is injected directly into the systemic circulation, the bioavailability of an i.v. dose is by definition 100 percent (F=1). For all other routes of administration, bioavailability is determined by the extent of drug absorption (being the result of both drug uptake from the administration site and possible first-pass effects; see Section III.D.), and varies between 0 and 100 percent (0 < F < 1). For example, orally administered morphine has a bioavailability of about 25 percent due to significant first-pass metabolism in the liver. Therefore, the dose of morphine given orally is usually 3–5 times larger than an i.v. dose of morphine.

The usual method for measuring bioavailability (also called absolute bioavailability) of an oral formulation is to give a group of volunteers an i.v. administration of the drug and the oral formulation on separate occasions and to determine the respective area under the plasma concentration–time curves. Since the AUC is a measure of the total amount of unaltered drug that reaches the systemic circulation (see Section VI.A.), the bioavailability of the oral formulation can subsequently be determined by comparing these respective AUCs, as described by the following equation:

(23.9)Absolute bioavailability=F=AUCoral/doseoralAUCi.v./dosei.v.

For example, if the AUCoral is 25 percent of the AUCi.v., the bioavailability of the oral formulation is 25 percent (F=0.25).

Sometimes the bioavailability of a new formulation is not assessed against an i.v. formulation but against another (reference) formulation. This is referred to as measuring relative bioavailability, and it provides a measure of the relative performance of two formulations (new formulation A and reference formulation B) in getting the drug absorbed into the systemic circulation (see Equation 23.10).

(23.10)Relative bioavailability=AUCA/doseAAUCB/doseB

Obviously, the relative bioavailability of a formulation is not equal to F (the fraction of the dose that reaches the systemic circulation), as the absolute bioavailability of the reference formulation might be quite low due to poor absorption and/or first-pass metabolism.

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Bioavailability and Bioequivalence*

H. Zhu, ... L.X. Yu, in Developing Solid Oral Dosage Forms (Second Edition), 2017


Bioavailability (BA) and bioequivalence (BE) studies are essential in oral dosage form development. This chapter provides readers an overview of general concept of BA and BE. Details on typical BA/BE study designs, study conducts, bioassays, and data analyses are discussed, with a primary focus on orally administered drugs. Special topics on BE for narrow therapeutic drugs and highly variable drugs, together with application of partial areas under the curve for BE testing are also presented. In addition, issues related to biowaiver are discussed in details.

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HAROLD H. SANDSTEAD, WILLIAM AU, in Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals (Third Edition), 2007

8.5.1 Bioavailability

Bioavailability is the major factor affecting dietary requirements (Sandstrom, 1997). Flesh foods facilitate bioavailability, although indigestible Zn-binding ligands decrease bioavailability (Mills, 1985). Examples of indigestible Zn-binding ligands are phytate, certain dietary fibers (Sandstrom, 1997), lignin (Reinhold et al., 1976), and Maillard browning products (Lykken et al., 1986; Reinhold and Garcia, 1979). Foods rich in Ca and phytate, such as corn tortillas, are potent inhibitors of Zn absorption (Solomons et al., 1979). Dietary phytate/Zn, and phytate × Ca/Zn molar ratios are predictive of bioavailability of dietary Zn (Gibson et al., 1991; Ferguson et al., 1989). By current use, a phytate/Zn molar ratio <5 is consistent with high Zn bioavailability, although a ratio >15 is consistent with poor Zn bioavailability (Committee, 1996). Other factors that affect Zn bioavailability include high concentrations of ferrous iron in Fe supplements (Solomons, 1986; Solomons, 1986), high intakes of Ca (Wood and Zheng; 1997; Spencer et al., 1984), and pharmacological intakes of folic acid (Milne et al., 1984; Simmer et al., 1987).

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Bioavailability of Nutrients

H.C. Schönfeldt, ... N. Hall, in Encyclopedia of Food and Health, 2016


Bioavailability aims to describe the effect of metabolic events on nutrient utilization. The supply of nutrients to the human body depends not only on the amount of a nutrient in food but also on its bioavailability. The bioavailability of nutrients is highly variable and can be influenced by numerous factors. Different nutrients (including protein, iron, and vitamin A), and the forms in which they exist in the ingested medium, will react in different ways to inhibitors and enhancers as well as the host's nutritional status, all of which contribute to nutrient bioavailability.

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Bioavailability - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics (2024)


What is the concept of bioavailability? ›

Definition/Introduction. Bioavailability refers to the extent a substance or drug becomes completely available to its intended biological destination(s).

What are 3 factors that affect bioavailability? ›

Drug bioavailability after oral administration is affected by anumber of different factors, including physicochemical properties of the drug, physiological aspects, the type of dosage form, food intake, biorhythms, and intra- and interindividual variability of the human population.

What are the two factors that influence bioavailability? ›

What factors affect the bioavailability of drugs?
  • The size of a drug's molecule: Smaller molecules are more easily absorbed into the body than larger molecules.
  • The type of drug: Some drugs are absorbed more easily through the stomach than others.

Why is bioavailability used? ›

Bioavailability is referred to as the extent and rate to which the active drug ingredient or active moiety from the drug product is absorbed and becomes available at the site of drug action. The relative bioavailability in terms of the rate and extent of drug absorption is considered predictive of clinical outcomes.

What are the characteristics of bioavailability? ›

Bioavailability refers to the extent and rate at which the active moiety (drug or metabolite) enters systemic circulation, thereby accessing the site of action. Bioavailability of a drug is largely determined by the properties of the dosage form, which depend partly on its design and manufacture.

What are 4 factors that affect absorption of a drug? ›

These include:
  • physicochemical properties (e.g. solubility)
  • drug formulation (e.g. tablets, capsules, solutions)
  • the route of administration (e.g. oral, buccal, sublingual, rectal, parenteral, topical, or inhaled)
  • the rate of gastric emptying.

How is bioavailability determined? ›

Bioavailability is calculated by comparing plasma levels of a drug given via a particular route of administration (for example, orally) with plasma drug levels achieved by IV injection. This is where the AUC comes into play (the area under the curve calculated by plotting plasma concentrations of the drug versus time).

What increases bioavailability? ›

Can bioavailability be increased? Administering a substance directly into the bloodstream (for example, via a drip) ensures that it will have the full effect. In this case, we have 100% bioavailability. Other methods, such as taking a tablet orally, are less intrusive but also less effective, as we mentioned above.

Which drug increases bioavailability? ›

The main mechanisms that have been identified through which bioenhancers can improve the bioavailability of drug molecules include alteration of the plasma membrane fluidity to increase passive transcellular drug permeation; modulation of tight junctions to allow for increased paracellular diffusion; and active efflux ...

Which drug has highest bioavailability? ›

Bioavailability of Drugs
  • Drugs having low therapeutic index include:
  • Therapeutic window is the range between the high therapeutic index and low therapeutic index. ...
  • Drugs having 100% bioavailability include chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, lithium, metronidazole, phenobarbitol, salicylic acid, trimethoprin and valproic acid.
Sep 4, 2011

What factors can decrease bioavailability? ›

The factors that affect the bioavailability of minerals in the body are as follows:
  • The form of minerals present in the body.
  • The supplements that are taken apart from the meals.
  • Excretory loss of a mineral.
  • Nutrient intake and dietary factors.
  • Health of the individual.

How does age affect bioavailability? ›

As ageing is associated with some reduction in first-pass metabolism, bioavailability of a few drugs can be increased. With ageing body fat increases and total body water as well as lean body mass decrease.

Why is bioavailability of nutrients important? ›

Bioavailability is an important explanatory step between the food source and potential health effects of its food components. Much of the health benefits of foods may be explained by additive, antagonistic and synergistic processes at the level of uptake and absorption of nutrients.

What is the range of bioavailability? ›

Bioavailability simply means the fraction of administered drug that reached the systemic circulation (blood). It can range from 0% (no drug) to 100% (all of the administered drug).

What is an example of bioavailability? ›

For example, orally administered morphine has a bioavailability of about 25 percent due to significant first-pass metabolism in the liver. Therefore, the dose of morphine given orally is usually 3–5 times larger than an i.v. dose of morphine.

How does pH affect drug absorption? ›

GI pH is an important factor that can markedly affect oral drug absorption and bioavailability as it may have significant influence on drug dissolution & solubility, drug release, drug stability, and intestinal permeability. Different regions of the GI tract have different drug absorptive properties.

What are the types of drug absorption? ›

Different factors can affect drug absorption; these factors can be classified as drug-specific and patient-specific factors. Therefore, the percentage of drug absorption is varied among different routes of administration, such as oral, subcutaneous (SQ), transdermal, intravenous (IV), and intramuscular (IM).

What are the four steps of drug absorption? ›

Think of pharmaco*kinetics as a drug's journey through the body, during which it passes through four different phases: absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME).

What is the unit of bioavailability? ›

Bioavailability (F)

Bioavailability is a term used to describe the percentage (or the fraction F) of an administered dose of a xenobiotic that reaches the systemic circulation. Bioavailability is practically 100% (F=1) following an intravenous administration.

What factors affect the bioavailability of nutrients? ›

Some of the main factors that will affect nutrient bioavailability are:
  • Gender.
  • Age.
  • Body composition.
  • Health status.
  • Life stage (e.g. pregnancy / children)
  • Our own nutrient store of a particular nutrient.
  • Cooking & processing.
  • The chemical form a nutrient is delivered in.

What is a good bioavailability score? ›

The determination of a bioavailability score is required in order to calculate the likelihood that a candidate will have at least 10% oral bioavailability in rats or significant Caco-2 permeability, and it should not be less than 0.25 (Martin, 2005) and our derivatives showed bioavailability score of 0.55.

What is bioavailability in pharmacy? ›

In pharmacology, bioavailability is a subcategory of absorption and is the fraction (%) of an administered drug that reaches the systemic circulation. By definition, when a medication is administered intravenously, its bioavailability is 100%.

How does bioavailability affect absorption? ›

Absorption is the movement of drug from the site of drug administration to the systemic circulation. Bioavailability is the extent to which absorption occurs. In other words, bioavailability is the fraction of the administered drug that reaches the systemic circulation in the unchanged form.

What is the main difference between absolute bioavailability and relative bioavailability? ›

Bioavailability of a drug administered orally is the ratio of the area calculated for oral administration compared with the area calculated for IV injection. Whereas absolute bioavailability compares the drug formulation to an IV dose, relative bioavailability compares it to another similar non-IV formulation.

What is the difference between relative bioavailability and bioequivalence? ›

Bioequivalence is determined based on the relative bioavailability of the innovator medicine versus the generic medicine. It is measured by comparing the ratio of the pharmaco*kinetic variables for the innovator versus the generic medicine where equality is 1.

What are the methods of determining bioavailability? ›

Bioavailability is assessed by in vivo methodologies using gastrointestinal digestion, absorption, metabolism, tissue distribution, and bioactivity.

What is bioequivalence and its types? ›

Bioequivalence studies are special type of studies where two drugs or two sets of formulation of the same drug are compared to show that they have nearly equal bioavailability and PK/PD parameters. These studies are often done for generic drugs or when a formulation of a drug is changed during development.

Which has highest bioavailability? ›

Drug in liquid form have more bioavailability than those of solids, while gases have the highest bioavailability.

Why is a higher bioavailability important? ›

Choosing a highly bioavailable supplement increases the chances of your body taking in the necessary nutrients and helps you to stay healthy. Bioavailability in supplements can be affected by a whole variety of factors, including: The formulation of the supplement - some nutrient forms are better absorbed than others.

What is bioavailability with example? ›

Bioavailability is (1) the fraction of an administered dose of a drug that reaches the systemic circulation as intact drug (expressed as F) and (2) the rate at which this occurs. As an i.v. dose is injected directly into the systemic circulation, the bioavailability of an i.v. dose is by definition 100 percent (F=1).

What is the relationship between absorption and bioavailability? ›

Absorption is the movement of drug from the site of drug administration to the systemic circulation. Bioavailability is the extent to which absorption occurs. In other words, bioavailability is the fraction of the administered drug that reaches the systemic circulation in the unchanged form.

Why bioequivalence is 80 and 125%? ›

The bioequivalence test states that we can conclude that two treatments are not different from one another if the 90% confidence interval of the ratio of a log-transformed exposure measure (AUC and/or Cmax) falls completely within the range 80-125%.

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