10 Examples Of Click-worthy Cold Email Call To Actions (2024)

How do you measure the success of any cold email campaign? It is not the number of prospects who opened your email. Sure that is an important step. But it is still a vanity metric.

It is not the number of people who read your email all the way to the end and loved your thoughtful comments. (well done though.. seriously)

The real success metric of a cold email campaign is the number of people who actually take the desired action for which your email CTA has to be perfectly designed.

Do you want your prospects to click a link on your email and visit your website/ landing page? Or do you want your prospects to signup for a free trial of your product?

In many cases, you may want them to hit the reply button and schedule a meeting with you. Or, you may simply want to start a friendly conversation.

All of these are valid motivations to send a cold email. And getting your prospects to complete that desired action is the speciality of your cold email Call to Action (CTA).

Add too much friction and you lose prospects who may have been interested. Don't make it persuasive enough and you lose the opportunity to nudge those who are close to the finish line.

Make it too salesly and you risk offending those who are not yet ready to buy and that is why the tone of your email CTA matters too!

Below we provide 10 techniques that will help you add some persuasion to your email call to action, that will motivate your prospects to jump in and take the next step once they reach the end of the email.

10 Techniques To Write Cold Email Call to Action (CTA)

1. Provide a Specific Date and Time

Let's say the objective of your sales outreach is a meeting or a call to discuss more your offering. What is the best Call to Action to get your prospect to take the next step forward?

Obviously, you need to send an eloquent email talking about how you can help your prospect and also nail your value proposition. But assuming you have done that well and have a prospect who is inclined to speak to you, providing a specific date, time and duration of the call is an effective tactic to remove friction and set the stage for a next meeting.

Which of the below are you more likely to respond to?

CTA 1: Are you available for a chat?CTA 2: Are you available for a 20 mins chat on Sep 10 at 3 PM EDT?

Prospects are more likely to respond to the second option because it does a fantastic job of removing cognitive overload on the prospect.

By providing a specific date and time you are reducing the amount of mental processing power needed to reply to the email. The prospect need not think about the amount of time needed to budget for the meeting, which date will work for both and which timezone you are in, etc.

💡Here is a not-so-fun fact: Nearly 76% of the prospects won’t open your cold email if the subject line is not appealing, let alone look at your email’s CTA. So, we did our research and have compiled a list of 160+ subject lines that you can use to shoot up your open rates. Download the free e-book.

By setting a duration for your meeting, you are letting them know how much of their time are you going to eat into. And by giving a date and a time, you are making it easier for the prospect to respond with a simple yes/no/alternate date. Mention the timezone involved and you have pre-empted any confusion.

Email CTA Examples With Date and Time:

1. Available for a 20 mins chat on Sep 10 at 3pm EDT?2. How about a quick 30 min call next Tuesday at 4 pm PST to discuss more?3. Can I steal you away for a 15-minute phone call tomorrow at 5 pm PST?

Having one of the above call to actions in emails has proven to be extremely effective, when you have nailed your email in general and your prospect is ready to get on a call with you.

2. Provide a Calendar Link

Book a 15 min slot at your convenience and let’s talk about how we can help you grow your traffic. Here is a link to my calendar.

This CTA works beautifully as an alternative to the previous tactic of providing a specific date and time.


With new tools like Calendly, Doodle, Assistant.to, etc, freezing a mutually convenient date for a call has now become a breeze. No more back and forth conversations about choosing various dates, time zones, and options.

By providing your calendar link you are making it easier for the prospect to respond. All she has to do is just open the calendar and choose a date and time that suits her. It also works because the demand for the prospect’s time to respond is much lesser. Your prospect does not even need to hit reply and type out a response.

And what’s more, usually you can set up your calendaring service to set an automatic meeting reminder about the meeting in both of your calendars.

Email CTA Examples With a Calendar Link:

1. Book a 15 mins slot at your convenience. Here is a link to my calendar.2. Please choose a date and time of your choice using this link3. Let’s catch up for 15 mins. Just select any date and time on my calendar link

3. Provide a Multiple Choice Option

Let’s say you have sent 3-4 emails to your prospects and haven’t seen a response yet. Now is a good time to send an email along the lines of:

Can you do me a favor and just let me know which of the following best describes you.1. You are not interested2. This sounds interesting, but now is not the right time3. Interested. Let’s talk now!Just reply with a 1 or 2 or 3.

The beauty of such an email call to action is that it significantly reduces friction/ effort for your prospect. Any response is better than no response especially when you have spent time following up many times.

By providing three simple options that apply to the prospects you make it easier for them to respond. They can simply select a number and hit a reply. It is frictionless and effortless for the prospect.

This is how you can apply this technique to write your email call to actions. Here is an example:

Hey,Most B2B agencies often experience one of these three problems:1. Finding new leads2. Following up with existing leads3. Building Recurring revenueWhich of these is your biggest problem? Choose which of these applies to you and I can send a solution to fix the problem for you.

Or you can also this technique with a touch of humor.

Hey,I have officially stalked you via phone, and now I thought I'd try emailing you. How would you like me to proceed?1. Keep calling you2. Email you every 2 days3. Take the opportunity out of the pipelineJust reply the option number.

4.Reiterate Your Value Proposition in the CTA

Which of these is more likely to swing a prospect on the fence about whether she should speak to you.

Option 1: Are you free for a call tomorrow at 4 pm?Option 2: Are you free for a call this Friday to discuss how you can increase your employee productivity.

The Call to Action in your email is another opportunity to reiterate your value proposition and gently persuade why your prospect should speak to you.

By reiterating your value proposition, you are helping them connect the dots between various parts of your email. And summarizing it in one simpleand distilled benefit statement.

Email CTA Examples Reiterating Value Proposition:

1. Are you available for a call to discuss more on how we can help you rank on Google for almost any keyword? Book any convenient date and time here.2. If you have 30 mins this week for a call, I can explain how we help startups like you set up your ESOP plan effectively.3. Can we get on call this Friday 10 AM to discuss how we can help you generate more qualified pipeline?

5. Request a Connection

Can you please put me in touch with the right person or the decision-maker…?

Every call to action in an email has a style to it. This style in an email cta works great when you write to someone senior and ask for a referral to their subordinate.

Let’s say you are selling recruitment automation software. Rather than writing directly to the recruitment manager, you can write to the CEO/ Head of HR. While it is unlikely that the CEO is going to take a decision on this matter, it is likely that the CEO is aware of the problems/ challenges being faced by her colleagues in the HR function.

She loses almost nothing by forwarding your request to the right person - especially if this is a challenge being faced by the organization. She does not need to get on a demo/ call with you. She has passed on the baton to the more appropriate person and you have gotten your foot in the door.

An added benefit is that you have been introduced by someone senior and are likely to make more progress in your pursuit of turning the prospect into a customer.

Here is a sample email with this type of call to action:

Hi {Prospect Name}One of our clients was able to acquire about 6,000 customers at half of their target cost per acquisition number. Is this something that might interest you right now?If so, can you point me in the direction of the person that handles this?

Email CTA Examples Requesting a Connection:

1. Are you the right person to speak about this? If not, who do you recommend I should contact?2. Who would you recommend I speak with to take this forward?3. Will you kindly refer me to the best person in your team who is responsible to achieve {goal}?

6.Ask a Simple Yes/ No Confirmation Question

Is fixing {pain point} a high priority for you now?...

Present your prospect with a way to overcome a pain point and then ask a question to confirm if it is a problem they currently experience. Or provide a solution to a problem and then ask a question to confirm if fixing that problem is a priority.

Also, if you are able to reach prospects at the right time with the right confirmation question, then that feeling of ‘you know me, you get me’ will translate into a meaningful response.

Here is an example:

Hey {Prospect Name},As a B2B marketer, I am sure you understand that higher cost per acquisition will cripple your company’s revenue.We have helped many companies like x, y, and z to reduce their CAC by 50% with our analytics solution.Is this a priority issue that you want to resolve?

The call to action in the above cold email is a simple confirmation question. It is not trying to sell anything yet. There is no request for a call or a demo. Just a yes/no question that helps you start a conversation with your prospect. If this does not bring them to your landing page, what will?

Email CTA Examples With Confirmation Questions:

1. Is fixing this issue the topmost priority for you right now?2. Is this a problem that you are facing currently?3. Can you confirm with a yes/no if this a pain point you currently experience?

7. Ask an Open-Ended Question

Smart marketers ask smart questions. Apart from the confirmation questions which we covered in the previous section, open-ended questions are another conversation starter with your prospects.

An open-ended question goes beyond a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer question as it requires a less specific response. By asking an open-ended question, you encourage your prospects to open up and share more about what is going on in their business.

But why should they open up to you? A stranger.

One approach here would be to establish yourself as an expert on a topic. Then ask what challenges are they facing on that topic.

Example: We have helped over 300 companies in the Bay area set up their employee stock option plans. Is this something you have been thinking about?

Or another example below:

Example: I work as an executive coach to some of the most well-known tech entrepreneurs, helping them achieve their goals. Have you thought about your top 3 goals for the coming year?

Email CTA Examples Using Open-Ended Questions:

1. Which business challenge is the top priority now?2. What are the top two or three outcomes you’d like to see?3. Which is the biggest challenge holding you back from reaching your revenue goals?

8. Use Humor

Humor can open doors that are hard to find a way through otherwise. What’s more inviting than a quirky or cheeky action point in a cold email in a slew of boring and run of the mill templated emails that your prospects get all the time.

Humour encourages your prospect to reply even if they are swamped with work or plain not interested because, what the heck!

Email CTA Examples Laced With Humor:

1. Just remember, we are always an email away if you need help. (Well, help with recruiting. I have no clue about good vacation spots in Alaska.)2. What will it take to gain 10 minutes of your time? (PS - Will do anything)3. You gotta be bonkers to turn this down. Reach out now!

This is a fantastic tactic that can work very well as a conversation starter.

When you are doing cold email prospecting, most of the communication tends to be one-way traffic. But the minute you get your prospects to respond in a positive manner, you are now engaged in a 2-way conversation.

A great way to achieve this is by creating an interesting resource which will be of value to your prospect (or even better, a large number of prospects). Don't jump the gun and share it with them right away. First email them, asking if you can share this resource with them. Your prospects will be tempted to respond as they are getting something valuable without any obligations.

For example,

Do you mind if Ishare a 5-minute video of how we can help you grow your outbound lead generation?

This is as low friction as it gets. You are not asking them to get on a call. You don’t want to give them a live demo. You are not trying to sell them something. Just asking for permission to share something which may be helpful for them. And that’s how you start a conversation. By giving value first.

Email CTA Examples Asking For Permission:

1. Can I share a presentation to show how we can improve your conversion rates?2. Do we have your permission to share a personalized video on how we can help you with {business goal }?3. Would you be interested in seeing a free study of how your website stacks up - compared to your top 3 different competitors?

10. Add Some Urgency

The human brain tends to take a decision quickly in urgent situations. If you make your prospects feel a sense of urgency then it is more likely that they will take decisions quickly; which in regards to an email is a faster response.

So how can we go about creating a sense of urgency in an email?

Various techniques are creating a deadline or providing some exclusivity or using the principle of scarcity. Most of the prospects respond better to the threat of losing than to the promise of gaining. This is how you can use it effectively in your cold emails:

Signup now to get early access to our recruitment platform.

The more scarce the product or service, the more it's perceived value is. Most prospects have an inherent fear of being left behind or missing out - capitalize on this FOMO effectively in your emails.

We have 2 slots left in our current batch. Register today to join our program.

Email CTA Examples Creating Urgency:

1. Register in the next 6 hours to avail this exclusive offer.2. Special discount only this weekend. Do not miss out on this opportunity!3. 12 seats left for our 2-day program on improving conversion rates. Book your slot now.

Which Technique To Use for Your Cold Email Call to Action? Use a Mirror.

The cold email call to action is often an overlooked piece of copy when drafting your emails. There tends to be a lot of emphasis on subject lines to improve open rates. Various copywriting techniques tend to focus on delivering the most persuasive messaging on your email body.

All of these efforts will bear fruition only when you pair it up with a persuasive call to action.

While the rest of your email is focused on what you can do for your prospect and how your product helps them. The Call to action is focused on the next step of action.

The ideal call to action should mirror your prospect's state of mind when they reach the end of your email.

  • Do you think your prospect is ready to buy? Send her to the purchase page.
  • Almost ready to move forward, but needs some motivation, use urgency.
  • Do you think you have a prospect who is ready to get on a call with you, send them a calendar link or a specific slot.
  • Have a prospect who is positively inclined but not yet there, nudge her further by reinforcing your value proposition.
  • Do you have a prospect who is engaging with your emails, visiting your website etc but still chooses not to respond, try the Multiple choice CTA or lace it with some humor.
  • Keen to start a relationship on a positive note? Offer to share some customized and valuable collateral

Ask your self what is your prospect's stage in the buying process as they go through your cold email. Next, write a call to action that mirrors their state of mind and your prospects will be unable to resist acting on your cold email.

If you have employed all the above techniques and still are worried about your prospect list going under utilized, you're in for a treat. Most sales teams with this problem, use the same email cadence for all the prospects which is growing to be a major bust.

Intent based selling is the future of sales.

Prioritize your prospects based on their engagement with your emails and work them through more personalized email sequences. This way, prospects who are closer to buying get more salesly emails and the ones that are rather far, get more exposure and nurturing towards your brand.

Click here to check out the 9 techniques on how to personalize cold emails

Resources You'll Love

  • 160+ Cold Email Subject Lines to Improve Email Open Rate
  • The Ultimate Guide of Cold Email Deliverability for Salesreps
  • 8 Copywriting Secrets to Write Compelling Sales Emails
  • 7 Real-life Bad Email Examples We Received
10 Examples Of Click-worthy Cold Email Call To Actions (2024)


10 Examples Of Click-worthy Cold Email Call To Actions? ›

Offer Simple Actions

Your email's call to action should be as easy to follow as practical. Choose just one action that you want them to do. This could be responding to a cold email, setting up a quick meeting or demo, or downloading some useful information like a whitepaper.

What is a good CTA for a cold email? ›

Offer Simple Actions

Your email's call to action should be as easy to follow as practical. Choose just one action that you want them to do. This could be responding to a cold email, setting up a quick meeting or demo, or downloading some useful information like a whitepaper.

What is an example of a catchy call to action? ›

Some examples of powerful call-to-action phrases for more information include:
  • Keep exploring.
  • Read 'X' case study.
  • Get the lowdown.
  • Compare 'XYZ'
  • Play video.
  • Download now.
  • Grab our limited-edition content.
  • Get your free copy.
Jan 17, 2024

What is an example of an effective call to action? ›

Examples include "Download Now" or "Get Your Free Resource." Subscription: These CTAs prompt users to sign up for recurring services or subscriptions. Examples include "Start Your Free Trial" or "Subscribe Now." Feedback: These CTAs encourage users to provide feedback, reviews or testimonials.

What makes a good CTA for an email? ›

It should be clear from its name that a CTA should call to action. This means it must include a command verb that tells the subscriber what to do. Effective CTAs contain action words, like buy, learn, read, discover, download, etc. These words make it clear to readers what exactly their next steps should be.

What does RR mean in email? ›

RR - Reply requested or Reply required

You can use this abbreviation to tell the recipient to reply to this email.

Should all emails have a CTA? ›

Research has found that emails with a single, effective CTA earn 371% more clicks than those with multiple CTAs or no CTA at all. That means if you're failing to include them or failing to do them right, you're leaving revenue on the table.

What are the best call to action buttons? ›

Call to action buttons should feature striking, action-oriented text. Substitute boring words like “submit” and “enter” for more action packed words like “get,” “reserve,” and “try.” Your action words should go along with specific text relating to your offer like: Try Our Free Trial. Reserve Your Seat.

What are the trigger words for call to action? ›

Some examples of call-to-action trigger words include “act now,” “get started,” “claim your spot,” “join us,” “try it for free,” “reserve your seat,” “download now,” “learn more,” “register today,” “subscribe to our newsletter,” and “unlock now.”

What is a call to action in email marketing? ›

Email CTA examples
  • 1. “ Order today” ...
  • “Only available here” This is one of the best email CTAs we've seen, from To'ak and Robb Report. ...
  • “Reveal my deal” ...
  • “Shop the new Paddock boot” ...
  • “Shop now with 10% off” ...
  • “Save 10%” ...
  • “Get the deal” ...
  • “Review the sheets”
Jan 3, 2024

What is a strong call to action? ›

A good example of a call to action here would be something like “call us to start saving money today!” Not only have you stated the action you want the user to take (call today), but you have also provided them with a reason why they should take that action (save money).

How do you write a powerful call to action? ›

How to write a CTA: 9 tips
  1. 1 Understand your audience. Identify your target audience and understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. ...
  2. 2 Define your goal. ...
  3. 3 Use actionable language. ...
  4. 4 Create a sense of urgency. ...
  5. 5 Highlight benefits. ...
  6. 6 Be clear and concise. ...
  7. 7 Place strategically. ...
  8. 8 Test and iterate.
Dec 11, 2023

What is a call to action in simple terms? ›

A call to action (CTA) is a marketing term that refers to the next step or the action that the marketer wants the consumer to take. Calls to action can be as direct, such as a button that says "Buy Now," or a softer CTA such as "Read More."

How do I write a CTA email? ›

Use action-oriented text.

They're called calls to action, so be sure to use striking, actionable text to draw readers in. Skip boring words like submit, enter, and even click here in favor of more compelling verbs like get, read, and try, then couple those with text relating to your specific offer.

What is an ice breaker for a cold email? ›

Cold Email Ice Breakers
  • Why Are They Important? ...
  • Get Straight to the Point. ...
  • Mention Your Company's Name. ...
  • Mention a Shared Interest or Background. ...
  • Appreciate Your Prospect's Work Experience. ...
  • Use Trigger Events. ...
  • Mention a Market Shift. ...
  • Pique the Recipient's Curiosity With a Question or a Thought-Provoking Idea.

How do I add a CTA to my email? ›

Place your primary CTA button at the very end of your email content so readers can take in the full context before the final ask. Use secondary CTAs in your body copy to link to related content or any products mentioned. Put CTAs in places readers naturally pause, like headers, the ends of sections and image captions.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.