Population Decline Will Change the World for the Better (2024)

China’s population has fallen after decades of sky-high growth. This major shift in the world’s most populous country would be a big deal by itself, but China’s hardly alone in its declining numbers: despite the momentous occasion of the global population surpassing eight billion late last year, the United Nations predicts dozens of countries will have shrinking populations by 2050. This is good news. Considering no other large animal’s population has grown as much, as quickly or as devastatingly for other species as ours, we should all be celebrating population decline.

Declining populations will ease the pressure eight billion people put on the planet. As the population and sustainability director at the Center for Biological Diversity, I’ve seen the devastating effects of our ever-expanding footprint on global ecosystems. But if you listen to economists (and Elon Musk), you might believe falling birthrates mean the sky is falling as fewer babies means fewer workers and consumers driving economic growth.

But there’s more to the story than dollars. Where our current model of endless growth and short-term profits sacrifices vulnerable people and the planet’s future, population decline could help create a future with more opportunity and a healthy, biologically rich world. We’re at a crossroads—and we decide what happens next. We can maintain the economic status quo and continue to pursue infinite growth on a finite planet. Or we can heed the warning signs of a planet pushed to its limits, put the brakes on environmental catastrophe, and choose a different way to define prosperity that’s grounded in equity and a thriving natural world.

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Every person on the planet needs food, water, energy and a place to call home. And if we want to increase wealth equity and quality of life—as we should—the demands per person will increase, even with the best-case scenario for sustainable development.

For example, as China grew in population and wealth, so did its demands on the planet. China’s per capita environmental footprint is less than half of the U.S., but the country’s total environmental footprint is twice as large, with the nation responsible for one quarter of imported deforestationand one third of global greenhouse emissions. Reducing consumption in high-income countries is necessary, but insufficient on its own if global population continues to rise.

As the human population has doubled over the past 50 years, wildlife populations have plummeted by an average of 69 percent. We’ve already altered at least 70 percentof Earth’s land, with some reports putting that number at 97 percent. Our activities have driven wildlife from their homes and destroyed irreplaceable ecosystems.

The loss of biodiversity is tragic in itself. A world without elephants, hellbender salamanders and the million other species at risk of extinction in the coming decades would be deeply impoverished. Wild plants and animals enrich our lives and hold vital ecosystems together. The fresh water we need to survive, the plants we rely on for food and medicine, and the forests we depend on for clean air and carbon sequestration are all the product of complex interactions between life-forms ranging from microbes and pollinators to carnivores and scavengers. When even a single thread is pulled from that tapestry, the entire system can unravel.

For those more worried about economics than life on Earth, the World Bank estimates that ecosystem collapse could cost $2.7 trillion a year by 2030. Deloitte recently estimated climate chaos could cost the United States alone $14.5 trillion by 2070 as we respond to the increasingly frequent and intense damage caused by extreme weather and wildfires, and the threats to communities, farms and businesses from droughts and unpredictable weather. While many assume population decline would inevitably harm the economy, researchers found that lower fertility rates would not only result in lower emissions by 2055, but a per capita income increase of 10 percent.

Lowerfertility rates also typically signal an increase in gender equality. Better-educated women tend to have fewer children, later in life. This slows population growth and helps reduce carbon emissions. And when women are in leadership roles, they’re more likely than men to advance initiatives to fight climate change and protect nature. These outcomes are side effects of policies that are necessary regardless of their impact on population.

In places where these cultural changes have happened, there’s no going back. Even in China, where fertility was initially reduced by the draconian one-child policy, women don’t want to give up their educational and economic freedom now that larger families are allowed.

Population decline is only a threat to an economy based on growth. Shifting to a model based on degrowth and equity alongside lower fertility rates will help fight climate change and increase wealth and well-being.

If populations decline, some places will have to adapt to societal aging. If we choose a deliberate decline resulting from increased well-being, then we could take the fear out of family planning and make a better future for people and the planet.

We must choose. We can let the growth-based economy determine our planet’s fate, or we can stop pretending that demography and ecology are two separate issues.

With the first scenario we’ll find that an economy fueled by limitless population growth makes it increasingly difficult to address environmental crises. Communities are already struggling in the face of worsening droughts, extreme weather and other consequences of climate disruption—and population pressure makes adaptation even harder. A growing population will further stress damaged ecosystems, reducing their resilience and increasing the risk of threats like pandemics, soil desertification and biodiversity loss in a downward spiral.

With the second—slow decline and all that comes with it—we can ultimately scale back our pressure on the environment, adapt to climate change, and protect enough places for imperiled wildlife to find refuge and potentially recover.

But despite how inevitable population decline will benefit people and the planet, world leaders have done little to prepare for a world beyond the paradigm of endless growth. They need to prepare for an aging population now while realigning our socioeconomic structures toward degrowth. Meanwhile, immigration can help soften some of the demographic blows by bringing younger people into aging countries.

Governments must invest in health care, support caregivers, help people who want to work longer do so, and redesign communities to meet the housing, transportation and service needs of older people. We need to moveour economy toward one where people and nature can thrive. That means managing consumption, prioritizing social and environmental welfare over profits, valuing cooperation and recognizing the need for a range of community-driven solutions. These practices already exist—in mutual-aid programs and worker-owned cooperatives—but they must become the foundation of our economy rather than the exception.

We also need to bring together the reproductive rights and gender equity movements, and the environmental movement. Environmental toxicity, reproductive health and wildlife protection are deeply intertwined. Pollution, climate change and degraded ecosystems harm pregnant people, fetuses and children, and make it difficult to raise safe and healthy families.

Finally, we need whatthe United Nations’ most recent climate and biodiversity reports drive home, and conservationists, climate scientists and policy makers have demanded for decades: a rapid, just transition to renewable energy and sustainable food systems and a global commitment to halting human-caused extinctions now.

Population stabilization and decline will inevitably be achieved by centering human rights. Policy makers must guarantee bodily autonomy and access to reproductivehealth care, gender equity, and women and girls’ education.

Byaddressing the crises in front of us, empowering everyone to decide if and when to have children, and planning for population decline, we can choose a future of sustainable abundance.

This is an opinion and analysis article, and the views expressed by the author or authors are not necessarily those ofScientific American.

Population Decline Will Change the World for the Better (2024)


What are the positives of population decline? ›

Fewer humans means less pollution, less carbon, less climate change and less impact on other species. Fewer humans means more living space, more wilderness, cleaner oceans, greater sustainability, healthier families and more opportunities per child.

How does population decline affect the world? ›

The possible impacts of a declining population that leads to permanent recession are: Decline in basic services and infrastructure. If the GDP of a community declines, there is less demand for basic services such as hotels, restaurants and shops. The employment in these sectors then suffers.

Would depopulation be positive for our environment? ›

Fundamentally, a reduced global population translates to lower demand for resources such as water, wood, and energy, ultimately alleviating pressures on ecosystems. When considering this, one could argue that global population decline is a positive trend.

What are the predictions for population decline? ›

Published in the Lancet in 2020, IHME unpacks the factors driving fertility and produces a range of scenarios. Its main projection sees population peaking at 9.7bn in 2064 at a similar rate to the UN's projections, then declining to 8.8 billion by the end of the century.

What are the positive effects of low population growth? ›

It minimizes the problem of congestion and overcrowding. The dependency ratio is low and this may encourage savings and investments. Less possibility of slum development since people are few. Less government expenditure on the provision of social services.

Which country population is decreasing? ›

China is forecast to lose almost half of its people by 2100, plunging from more than 1.4 billion to 771 million inhabitants. Russia, Germany, South Korea and Spain are all set to join this downward movement, with their populations beginning to decline by 2030.

At what point will world population decline? ›

Population growth could grind to a halt by 2050, before decreasing to as little as 6 billion humans on Earth in 2100, a new analysis of birth trends has revealed.

Where is population declining the fastest? ›

Based on the available data, here are countries with declining populations:
  • Italy. ...
  • Hungary. ...
  • Armenia. ...
  • South Korea. ...
  • Poland. ...
  • Lithuania. Population Decline Between 2020 to 2050: 22.10% ...
  • Latvia. Population Decline Between 2020 to 2050: 21.60% ...
  • Greece. Population Decline Between 2020 to 2050: 13.40%
Dec 19, 2023

Is population growth good or bad? ›

given that there is a fixed quantity of land, population growth will eventually reduce the amount of resources that each individual can consume, ultimately resulting in disease, starvation, and war.

Is population decline good or bad? ›

Possible consequences of long-term national population decline can be net positive or negative. If a country can increase its workforce productivity faster than its population is declining, the results, in terms of its economy, the quality of life of its citizens, and the environment, can be net positive.

Is overpopulation good or bad for the world? ›

This can lead to soil erosion, water pollution, and other forms of damage that can have severe consequences. Overpopulation leads to an increased demand for housing, food, and resources, which can lead, among other things, to deforestation. We lose approximately 10 million hectares a year.

What was the biggest population decline in history? ›

The peak of 443 million was reached in 1340. Then came a sharp decline due to the Black Death and subsequent plague epidemics, which brought the world's population down to 374 million in 1400. It took long for the world's population to recover from that blow. Even in 1500 it was still lower than it had been in 1340.

Why is declining population bad? ›

It's a very bad thing. It's a thing that involves aging societies, declining populations, fewer and fewer young people available to pay the taxes and consume the goods needed to sustain a society and to sustain pensions and healthcare and other necessities.

Why is Japan's population decreasing? ›

Experts have pointed to Japan's high cost of living, stagnant economy and wages, limited space, and the country's demanding work culture as reasons fewer people are opting to date or marry. Japanese people's “willingness to form a family … has declined considerably,” according to a 2022 survey by the IPSS.

What year will the population start to decline? ›

NOV. 9, 2023 — The U.S. population is projected to reach a high of nearly 370 million in 2080 before edging downward to 366 million in 2100.

What are the benefits of a declining birth rate? ›

An economist's view of declining fertility should also be less gloomy. Encouraging changes are behind the decision to have fewer children: better education, higher standards of living, improved career prospects for women. These are undeniably positive and should continue.

What are the positive and negative effects of under population? ›

There is lesser pressure on the environment and hence lower rates of environmental degradation. However there are also some negative effects of under population : 1. The lack of adequate labour leads to low productivity.

What are the positives of population? ›

Population growth will lead to economic expansion since more people can produce more goods. More money will be available in tax revenue to fund public services like environmental and health care programs. The obvious conclusion is that GDP per capita is the essential element rather than GDP as a whole.

What is the positive impact of more population? ›

Population growth allows for the expansion of labor and products which then grows the economy. It is not just about more products being made, there must also be demand for those products! With a larger population, there will inevitably be more demand for products.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.