Population Control Methods (2024)

Population Control Methods (1)

The population is often considered as a source of economic, military, and political strength. However, a high population (overpopulation) can also be considered a threat to the environment and resources. However, population growth is a factor that can be managed. Human population planning is a means of intentionally controlling the human population growth rate. The practice may involve increasing or reducing the rate of human population growth. Below are some of the population control methods that are sometimes used.

Effective Population Control Methods

Child Tax

Higher taxation for parents with more children is one of the methods that can be used to control the population. This method of population control ensures that taxpayers are entitled to an exemption for a specified number of children (mostly first two) but no other.


Contraception is the most popular population control method in the world. It is a method used to prevent pregnancy. There are several methods of contraception or birth control. Some of the methods are irreversible while others are temporary.

Infant Mortality Decrease

High infant mortality is one of the reasons most parents, especially in developing countries, have many children. Such parents want to ensure that at least some of their children survive to adulthood. It is hypothesized that if child mortality is reduced, fertility reduction will eventually follow, with the net effect being lower population growth. The rate of infant mortality can be reduced by pregnant mothers frequently visiting clinics, access to quality food, and access to healthcare service before, during, and after birth.

One-Child Policies

The one-child policy is a population control method that encourages parents to have only one child. The policy was introduced in China in 1976 after the two-child policy and involved setting a limit on the number of children one could have. Although it was abolished in 2015, the Chinese government claimed that about 400 million births were prevented. However, the success rate of the policy remains a topic of contention as more than half of the population was allowed to have two children if the first was a girl.

Family Planning

Family planning services are methods and means which enables an individual to freely determine the number and spacing of their children. Under this population control method, parents may consider the number of children they wish to have or not have a child at all, as well as the age at which they wish to have children.

Challenges of Population Control

Although population control is largely supported by many people, some of the methods used have been contested. Some religious groups are against the use of contraceptives and other population control methods.

Population Control Methods

RankMethods of Population Control
1Child Tax
3Infant Mortality Decrease
4One-child policies
5Family planning


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Population Control Methods (2024)


What are the methods to control population? ›

The human population has more than doubled over the past 50 years, from 3.84 billion in 1972 to 8 billion in 2022, and is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050. Methods to control the human population include increased access to contraception, family planning, wealth redistribution, and one-child policies.

Why are people against population control? ›

'Population control' causes real harm, upholds white supremacy, and suppresses the real issues causing the climate crisis. We must be critical of harmful narratives that undermine justice and human rights under the guise of environmentalism. We must also acknowledge our complicity in promoting and benefiting from them.

Would less people solve climate change? ›

Fundamentally, a reduced global population translates to lower demand for resources such as water, wood, and energy, ultimately alleviating pressures on ecosystems.

What are the consequences of population control? ›

It is concluded that both deliberate and inadvertent changes in the modes of biological selection as a result of population control and limitation will alter the genetic characteristics of the human population, mainly by reducing genetic variability.

What are the three 3 factors of population control? ›

Factors That Control Populations
  • Competition.
  • Predation. Predation refers to the catching, killing and eating of prey by its predator.
  • Parasitism.
  • Symbiosis. Symbiosis is a close association between two organisms of different species in which at least one of them benefits.

What is the best population control? ›

Population control may use one or more of the following practices although there are other methods as well:
  • contraception.
  • abstinence.
  • medical abortion.
  • emigration.
  • decreasing immigration.
  • sterilization.
  • euthanasia.

What did Elon Musk say about population control? ›

Last August, Musk warned that "population collapse due to low birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming." In a podcast, he also said that "people are living longer —that's the only reason why the population of Earth isn't plummeting."

What makes it difficult to control human population? ›

One of the key factors in the rapid increase of population in the world is advancements in medicine. People are living progressively longer lives and as a result, the population continues to grow.

What keeps a population from growing out of control? ›

In the natural world, limiting factors like the availability of food, water, shelter and space can change animal and plant populations. Other limiting factors, like competition for resources, predation and disease can also impact populations.

Is population collapse a real threat? ›

The real threat of population collapse is from escalating environmental crises, disease, and conflict due to ecological overshoot, not from people choosing to have fewer children. In fact, it is precisely the trend towards lower fertility rates that presents a key way out of the mess we've created.

Is the US population declining? ›

In 2024, the United States continues to face significant demographic challenges. Propelled by falling birth rates, the U.S. population is rapidly aging and steadily declining. In turn, the country is experiencing economic and social pressures caused by labor shortages.

Which country has a declining population? ›

China is forecast to lose almost half of its people by 2100, plunging from more than 1.4 billion to 771 million inhabitants. Russia, Germany, South Korea and Spain are all set to join this downward movement, with their populations beginning to decline by 2030.

What is the ideal population for Earth? ›

Ehrlich stated in 2018 that the optimum population is between 1.5 and 2 billion. Geographer Chris Tucker estimates that 3 billion is a sustainable number, provided human societies rapidly deploy less harmful technologies and best management practices.

What is the maximum population the world can sustain? ›

Is 7.7 billion people the sustainable limit? A meta-analysis of 70 studies estimates the sustainable limit to the world population to 7.7 billion people. World population as of 2020: 7.8 billion...

Where is overpopulation the worst? ›

In response, population activists argue that overpopulation is a problem in both rich and poor countries, and arguably a worse problem in rich countries, where residents' higher per capita consumption ratchets up the impacts of their excessive numbers.

What are the methods of population? ›

Population estimates use census as a baseline, add births, subtract deaths and make allowances for migration. They can be used for national and local planning. Population estimates are produced annually.

What are the ancient methods of population control? ›

Ancient practices There is abundant evidence that a vast variety of fertility controls were practised in the past. Abstinence, abortion, coitus interruptus and extended nursing were methods used by the Greeks and which have remained as the basic forms of family limitation for most people till well into this century.

What stops a population from getting any larger? ›

A limiting factor is anything that constrains a population's size and slows or stops it from growing. Some examples of limiting factors are biotic, like food, mates, and competition with other organisms for resources.

What is the natural population control? ›

Natural control will be taken to mean that regula- tion of the numbers of a natural population which keeps them within the limits of a more or less clearly definable though often very wide range of abundance.

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