» PERSONAL EXCELLENCE – Key for Success and Growth (2024)

By Aziz Ullah April 26, 2019

“To be human is to live our highest potentials”

We as a human always dream of fame, success, and growth. We struggle in our lives to live to our highest potential. We are struggling to achieve growth and excellence on personal, profession and academic level. Many of us are aware of what it takes to grow and succeed while most of us are not aware of how one can be successful and can achieve excellence on all levels. Most of us want excellence but are not ready to strive for achieving excellence. To grow and achieve excellence, we should make excellence as our top priority in all aspects of our lives and it can be achieved by always striving to do better.

Excellence is the condition of surpassing some standards of expectations.

Many people around us who do not strive for excellence, have hard time and do not feel happywith their lives. While people who always strive for excellence, feel happy, have inner satisfaction and contribute positively to others as well, thus excellence is the condition of surpassing some standards of expectations. Personal excellence is a lifelong process of developing mental and emotional skills to do better and better in all aspects of our lives, and to achieve personal excellence, we need to focus our personal growth and development.

Personal Excellence comes first (Stephen Covey)

Personal Excellence is the journey of positive development beyond one’s self and is a step by step process of improving oneself in every aspect of life. Although the process is difficult and requires patience but it benefits those who want to live a successful and happy life. Personal excellence is to improve your performance consistently and continuously so that you can improve every aspect of your life – family, education, career, finance, relationship etc. Personal excellence does not reflect perfection and being perfectionist. It is a process of becoming better of oneself, and do better and better in all aspects of life.

To achieve something that you have never achieved before you must become someone that you have never been before. (Les Brown)

We as an individual, without looking at our personal skills that are the root causes, try to deal with challenges around us which includes work, family, friends, career and finance etc. We grow and succeed only when we have mastery over ourselves. Thus to understand the personal excellence there are different dimensions of it which includes;

  • Discipline
  • Commitment
  • Emotional Control
  • Attitude and focus
  • Belief and Courage
  • Calmness and destruction control
  • Self Evaluation

Those who have achieved personal excellence live a productive life, enjoy healthy relationships and have international satisfaction. It manifests in self defined and self valued achievement that reflects one’s best efforts. The keys to unlock personal excellence is the will to win, the desire to succeed and the urge to reach one’s full potential. Some of the key steps one can take in this regard are; believing in self, set realistic high goals, keep learning and growing one’s skills, challenge yourself out of comfort zone, and have best people around and be around best people. The critical element of the personal excellence are as follows;

  • Self Awareness
  • Vision and life purpose
  • Positive emotions and learning attitude
  • Skills set and abilities
  • Adaptability
  • Self accountability
  • Self transparency
  • Growth mindset

To gain personal excellence there could be different ways but following are the different steps that can help you in achieving personal excellence;

Step 1: Self Evaluation

Knowing your strengths, weakness, thoughts and emotions, life principles and beliefs are key to personal excellence and self evaluation play key role in achieving personal excellence.It is the foundation in gaining personal excellence as it helps you understand yourself deeper, explore your mind, thoughts and attitudes and understand how you deal with challenges.In this step you should do your SWOT analysis, think critical on your thought process and emotions, and understand the core beliefs you believe in and identify your life principles. You should spend time withself to fully reflect and explore yourself.

Step 2: Identifying Key Skills set

We all have different skill sets and it varies from individuals to individuals. In this step you should identify critically your skill set. Skill set identification is important in the process of achieving personal excellence because it gives right direction to utilize your best skills to perform better and better in all aspects of life.Identify skills that you are best in and utilize it for making yourself better and better in the process.

Step 3: Know What you Love

What makes you more satisfied and happy is, when you are doing things that you love the most, and you enjoy these well. Thus knowing what you really love to do in your life, is key to gaining personal excellence. You shouldevaluate yourself, understand yourself what you are good at and what you love to do in all aspects of life. Identify and know what you love do in your life.

Step 4: Life and Career Goals

Once you know your strengths, weakness, skill set and what you love, the very important aspect of personal excellence is identifying and defining your life and career goals. Work out on understanding and defining your life and career goals that what do you want to achieve in your life and in your career – what is your life goals and what is your career objective.

Step 5: Action plan

Action plan is what makes the process of personal excellence achievable. It’s critical that you make a detail action plan once you go through the above mentioned steps. Define a step by step actions which you will take to achieve your personal excellence – making yourself better and better version of yourself in all aspects of your life.

Step 6: Focus and Practice

Once you have made an action plan, remain focused and putting action plan in action,are key to successfully gain personal excellence. The famous saying “ Action speaks louder than words” is true here, as once you implement your action plan then you will be able to achieve personal excellence – perform better and better in all aspects of your life.

Step 7: Self Evaluation and Feedback

In this whole process as explained above, self evaluation and feedback from others play important role in helping you understand your progress, and your performance. Evaluate yourself how you are performing. Are you able to put your action plan into action or not, and how effectively are doing and where you are performing not well.Criticallyevaluate yourself in this whole process and also reach out people whom you trust and take their feedback for improving yourself further.

Step 8: Revisit and Strategize yourself

In this whole process you should revisit yourself, think how you have performed and where you need more improvements. The self evaluation and feedback will help you identify key areas where you have improved and areas where you still need improvements. You should follow the same steps again and again to explore yourself more, revisit action plan and re-strategize it, to make yourself perform better and better. This is how you gain personal excellence when you are continuously working to improving yourself and working on self to perform better and better.

These steps provide you way how you can gain personal excellence, while you may also find some other ways and tools to achieve personal excellence which are also good source learning. This article is to help you understand the basics of personal excellence, importance of it and how you gain personal excellence. Personal excellence is a principle and it includes every actions that help you make yourself perform better and better, and utilize all your skills and qualities at a level which is above the standards., and is focused on your overall wellbeing and personal growth.

» PERSONAL EXCELLENCE – Key for Success and Growth (2024)


What is an example of personal excellence? ›

Think of someone you trust and admire. What qualities do they have that make you view them in that way? People who exhibit personal excellence have integrity and are trustworthy. They can be counted on to do the right thing in any situation, and they willingly take responsibility for their actions.

How can I achieve excellence and success in life? ›

Following these key principles of personal excellence will go a long way in bringing you to excellence:
  1. Have the hunger for excellence. ...
  2. Benchmark against the best. ...
  3. Believe that you can do it. ...
  4. Build concrete strategy & plans. ...
  5. Learn from the best. ...
  6. Do not limit yourself. ...
  7. Go all out; Work really hard. ...
  8. Focus your efforts.
Sep 4, 2009

How do you improve your personal excellence? ›

To gain personal excellence there could be different ways but following are the different steps that can help you in achieving personal excellence;
  1. Step 1: Self Evaluation. ...
  2. Step 2: Identifying Key Skills set. ...
  3. Step 3: Know What you Love. ...
  4. Step 4: Life and Career Goals. ...
  5. Step 5: Action plan. ...
  6. Step 6: Focus and Practice.
Apr 26, 2019

What are the 5 tips towards excellence? ›

5 Simple Tips To Achieve Excellence:
  • Have a Strong Desire for Excellence. Passion is the first but most important step to reaching excellence. ...
  • Make Firm Blueprints. Every long term goal you make has to be supported by a solid plan. ...
  • Believe in Yourself. ...
  • Learn from the Best ( Role Models) ...
  • Work really Hard. ...
  • Never Give Up.
Jan 15, 2012

How do you explain excellence at work? ›

Excellence is defined as the condition of surpassing some standards of expectation. It is the dream of human resources (HR) practitioners for employees to achieve people excellence in the workplace. To achieve people excellence, organisations need to focus on the growth and development of individuals.

What is an example of excellence in the workplace? ›

Create highly collaborative teams.

A key characteristic of a culture of excellence is highly collaborative teams— both internal and external. Because every employee and all teams are working together toward a common vision, they feel they are on the same side.

What is success and excellence? ›

Success is attaining or achieving cultural goals, which elevates one's importance in the society in which he/she lives. Excellence is the pursuit of quality in one's work and effort, whether the culture recognizes it or not. Success seeks the external, status, power, prestige, wealth, and privilege.

Why is excellence important for success? ›

Excellence differentiates extraordinary people from ordinary people. Those who strive for excellence will have longevity in their endeavors. It is both the yardstick and the benchmark. When you benchmark against other achievers, you tend to improve and grow.

What makes a person excellence? ›

What does the word excellence mean? To me excellence means to be consistent in good character, attitude, quality and standards. It means to be unapologetically exceptional. Being a person of excellence is a continuous process.

What does it mean to value personal excellence? ›

What does it mean to value personal excellence? To value personal excellence requires that you set yourself to a high standard. Then, even if no one is looking, you will do what you deem best. You go out each day knowing that you will make many choices. You pick to do what's best for yourself and others each time.

What are the core values of excellence? ›

Excellence requires constant adaptation, innovation and vigilance in order to achieve successfully. It speaks to the value and importance of the process which manifests in a well-coordinated, graphically appealing set of construction documents.

What are the seven 7 tips for success? ›

Seven Tips for Success at University
  • Engage your mind. Success comes from hard work and an open mind. ...
  • Manage your energy, not your time. Direct your attention and focus your energy when assignment deadlines and exams are due. ...
  • Make connections. ...
  • Start a meaningful journey. ...
  • Persevere. ...
  • Manage your Stress. ...
  • Doing the balancing act.

What are the 10 tips for success? ›

Career Success: 10 Tips on How to Be Successful at Work
  • Take initiative.
  • Be your own evaluator.
  • Be ready to learn.
  • Anticipate needs.
  • Communicate well.
  • Set goals to achieve.
  • Show, don't tell.
  • Gain trust.

What does excellence mean to you answer? ›

Excellence means greatness — the very best. Achieving excellence is never easy to do. Excellence is a quality that people really appreciate, because it's so hard to find. Excellence is the quality of excelling, of being truly the best at something.

What is an example of excellence in a sentence? ›

1. The school strives for academic excellence. 2. His excellence in baseball earned him a scholarship.

How do you define excellence interview question? ›

To put it in simple words, do the right thing. Excellence is the result of caring about what we do, and of putting our very best effort into what we care about. It is an outward expression of inner integrity, passion and a strong sense to make a true difference.

What are the 4 aspects considered for excellence? ›

4 Aspects of Excellence That You Can Achieve!
  • Quality Means Consistency. Aristotle said that, “Excellence is not an act, it's a habit.” To gain a reputation for quality means delivering great results every time. ...
  • Excellence Means Improvement. ...
  • Greatness Means Creativity. ...
  • Excellence Means Going the Extra Mile.
Feb 19, 2019

What are the three elements of excellence? ›

Culture is actually one of three essential elements that make up a company's individual journey to Operational Excellence. The other two are Leadership & Strategy and Continuous Improvement. When all three elements are addressed together, the journey to excellence becomes much more achievable.

How do you show passion for excellence at work? ›

Here are some simple steps you can do to show your passion for excellence at work — and anywhere.
  1. Celebrate the good. Catch people doing good. ...
  2. Work hard and learn harder. ...
  3. Take risks. ...
  4. Expand your comfort zone. ...
  5. Focus on one thing. ...
  6. Be consistent. ...
  7. Seek feedback. ...
  8. Nurture relationships.

What is the key of success Question Answer? ›

Key for successful life is dedication, hard work, motivation, love towards what you do and importantly consistency.

What is the key to your success in any goal? ›

Set Achievable Goals

Successful people know that they need to start by having attainable goals to achieve. These goals are not necessarily easy to reach, but by having something to aim for, you will be better able to move forward and overcome obstacles.

How do you achieve a successful goal example? ›

  • Decide. Think of something you want to do or work towards. ...
  • Write it down. Carefully. ...
  • Tell someone. Telling someone we know about our goals also seems to increase the likelihood that we will stick at them.
  • Break your goal down. This is especially important for big goals. ...
  • Plan your first step. ...
  • Keep going. ...
  • Celebrate.

What are the 3 keys to success? ›

Irrespective of what “Success” means to each, what has been clearly understood that there are three key elements of success. They are - Clarity of Purpose, Growth Mindset, and Courage. Without purpose, it is hard to have a clear direction. It is important to know what you want and what you are striving for.

What are the 3 key ingredients of success? ›

Goals, effort, legacy – three ingredients for success.

What is the first element of excellence? ›

The first is goal setting. Without specific goals, you'll never know whether you've achieved excellence because you've never defined it. Hence, the first step is to write clear, specific goals of what you wish to achieve and at what level you wish to achieve these goals.

How many keys of excellence are there? ›

The Eight Keys of Excellence is a character education program that guides students to live a life of confidence, motivation, creativity, teamwork, leadership and valuable life principles. The Eight Keys are used schoolwide in conjunction with the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) expectations.

What are the different forms of excellence? ›

It could be argued that there are three basic types of excellence:
  • 1 Internal.
  • 2 External.
  • 3 Conditions Based.
Oct 21, 2020

What are the 5 most important personal values? ›

  1. 5 Core Values that Define Success for Every Individual. “If you don't stick to your values when they're being tested, they're not values; they're hobbies.” — ...
  2. Honesty. ...
  3. Fire. ...
  4. Hard Work. ...
  5. Confidence. ...
  6. Perseverance.
Apr 28, 2017

What are 5 important personal values? ›

Here are 20 common values that embody core traits of the person you might want to be:
  • Loyalty.
  • Spirituality.
  • Humility.
  • Compassion.
  • Honesty.
  • Kindness.
  • Integrity.
  • Selflessness.

What are your top 3 personal values? ›

To most Americans, the most important values are having a happy relationship, an honest and respectable life, and safety and security. Understanding your own values is a fundamental part of self-awareness and getting to know yourself as a human being.

What does excellence mean to a person? ›

excellence Add to list Share. Excellence means greatness — the very best. Achieving excellence is never easy to do. Excellence is a quality that people really appreciate, because it's so hard to find. Excellence is the quality of excelling, of being truly the best at something.

What is personal standard of excellence? ›

Wise leaders set personal standards of excellence rather than allowing external forces to define success or failure for them. They set their standards above and beyond what others require, consistently delivering results that surpass expectations.

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.