10 Keys to Workplace Excellence (2024)

Jan 24, 2019

By Peter Stark

No matter what state the economy is in, the bottom line rules business; and motivated employees boost the bottom line.

Why? Motivated employees want to come to work, and they improve your product and your service in so many ways. Their positive attitude is contagious. Employees with an above-average attitude toward their work will generate higher customer satisfaction, higher productivity, and higher profits for their organizations. Companies with higher morale (more than 70%) outperformed those in the same industries by 11.3%. It’s clear that maintaining a vital, engaged workforce has a significant impact on the bottom line.

So, how do you keep an employee engaged when they’ve watched their 401K or IRA accounts decrease by 50% or more in a few short months? Or when they’ve had to pick up the slack of employees who have been given pink slips?

Based on surveys of over 100,000 managers and employees from hundreds of organizations around the world we have uncovered the following “10 keys to workplace excellence” implemented by the “Best of the Best” (those in the top quartile) organizations.

  1. Provide a compelling, positive vision with clear goals. Our research has clearly shown that there are two major problems in organizations with low scores in this area. First, they do not have a clear vision of where they are heading; second, while they may state a vision, they do not bring it to reality. The Best-of-the-Best organizations possess a compelling, positive vision and every employee understands the company’s goals and future direction.
  2. Communicate the right stuff at the right time. Best-of-the-Best leaders seek out the thoughts and opinions of employees, especially prior to making changes that impact their work. They expect employees to think and make decisions that improve the company.
  3. Select the right people for the right job. When your organization acquires a reputation for workplace excellence, you attract high caliber candidates. If your organization has a reputation for hiring those people, you are not going to take on a mediocre or poor candidate. Like the Best-of-the-Best organizations, you would rather wait and re-post the job than hire the wrong person.
  4. Create a united, team atmosphere. When it comes to organizational success, individuals cannot win without a team. To consistently win, you need both great players and great teamwork. Each team member must accept responsibility, be accountable, and produce extraordinary results so the team can win.
  5. Encourage cool stuff—continuous improvement and innovation. “Cool stuff” is creating new products, processes, or services, or solving significant organizational or industry problems—anything other than performing the day-to-day components of the job. We know that organizations are able to achieve what they value, expect, and recognize.
  6. Recognize and reward excellent performance. Does your organization reward employees who are mediocre or poor performers? Do they distribute bonuses solely based on the number of years of service to your organization? When every employee receives the same reward, or when rewards are not linked directly to performance and results, it is almost guaranteed to lead to lower morale.
  7. Demand accountability. Best-of-the-Best organizations excel in performance management in three ways: they clearly define what is expected of employees; they give employees ongoing feedback regarding their performance; and they hold all members of the team accountable to meeting performance standards. Employees need to see the target they are trying to hit.
  8. Ensure that every employee learns and grows. Best-of-the-Best organizations provide their employees with training and learning opportunities. People who feel valued by their organization are more likely to stay with the company and are confident that the organization will continually provide them with opportunities for advancement and growth.
  9. Deal with problems quickly and effectively. Best-of-the-Best organizations do a particularly better job than others at communicating that management wants employees to solve problems. They are also quicker to resolve conflict (people problems) within their organizations. Conflict causes people to become sidetracked by peripheral issues rather than staying focused on achieving the mission, vision, and goals of the organization.
  10. Make sure each employee understands—it’s all about the customer. Almost all employees say their organizations place a high value on customer service. What is important is that 94% of the people working for the Best-of-the-Best say their organizations place a high value on exceeding customer expectations. Supporting their employees allows them to provide customers with the quality service they desire.

When we talk about these 10 keys, invariably someone asks, “Where’s the money? Isn’t wage or salary one of the key differentiators between the Best-of-the-Best organizations and the rest of the pack?” The answer is a little bit of yes—and a lot of no.

There is only a 5.9 percentage point difference between Best-of-the-Best companies and the rest when it comes to employee compensation. The average amount of wage increase employees receive upon leaving an organization is only approximately 6%. The real reason employees leave is that they do not love their jobs or feel a strong relationship with their bosses. When they love their jobs and have a strong working relationship with their managers, it takes significantly more than 6% to get people to jump ship.

Your organization can be one of the Best-of-the-Best. Start with a compelling, positive vision, along with clear, concrete goals for achieving it. Add in an ongoing attitude that more communication to employees is better and hire and train the people who are receptive to achieving the company vision. Foster teamwork, both within your own department and with other departments.

Encourage efforts to improve the product, service, and the organization. Hold people accountable and continually recognize excellent performance. Offer the training and opportunities people need to perform well, and make sure they have the resources to provide service that delights your customers. Get the training you need for workplace excellence and take our course on Leadership Strategies for Creating a Respectful Workplace.

Motivated people provide the best results. Find out what motivates you with this free AMA webcast.

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About the Author(s)

Peter Stark is president of the Peter Barron Stark Companies (http://www.pbsconsulting.com/). He is the author of ENGAGED! How Leaders Build Organizations Where Employers Love to Come to Work. Contact him at 877.727.6468 or [emailprotected]

10 Keys to Workplace Excellence (2024)


What are examples of excellence in the workplace? ›

10 Keys to Workplace Excellence
  • Provide a compelling, positive vision with clear goals. ...
  • Communicate the right stuff at the right time. ...
  • Select the right people for the right job. ...
  • Create a united, team atmosphere. ...
  • Encourage cool stuff—continuous improvement and innovation. ...
  • Recognize and reward excellent performance.
Jan 24, 2019

What are the keys to achieving excellence? ›

Knowing your strengths, weakness, thoughts and emotions, life principles and beliefs are key to personal excellence and self evaluation play key role in achieving personal excellence.

What are the 3 most important things that make a company a good place to work? ›

The six elements of great company culture
  • Community. At Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For®, employees express a sense of winning together when times are good—and sticking together when times are tough. ...
  • Fairness. Humans place a high value on fairness. ...
  • Trustworthy management. ...
  • Innovation. ...
  • Trust. ...
  • Caring.

How do I demonstrate excellence? ›

20 Ways to Strive for Excellence…
  1. Know yourself and your strengths.
  2. Have pride in yourself and your work.
  3. Share your knowledge and talents with those who value them.
  4. Believe that you will make this world a better place through your contributions.
  5. Practice gratitude for the small and unpredictable moments.
Jan 22, 2015

What is a simple example of excellence? ›

1. The school strives for academic excellence. 2. His excellence in baseball earned him a scholarship.

What is excellence and examples? ›

Excellence is a quality that people really appreciate, because it's so hard to find. Excellence is the quality of excelling, of being truly the best at something. Getting an A+ shows excellence. Michael Jordan's basketball career was filled with excellence.

What are the 4 levels of excellence? ›

To consistently deliver excellent service and be a true “Center of Excellence” the operation must master the four phases of excellence: essentials, effectiveness, efficiency, and excellence.

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Irrespective of what “Success” means to each, what has been clearly understood that there are three key elements of success. They are - Clarity of Purpose, Growth Mindset, and Courage. Without purpose, it is hard to have a clear direction. It is important to know what you want and what you are striving for.

What makes a great workplace? ›

Remember the basic must-haves: a competitive salary and benefits package; good, frequent communication; and mindfulness of a positive company culture, mission, vision and values. For the best retention results, consider going a step further and imbue your workplace with less common attributes.

What are top 3 ways to improve on performance at work? ›

Work performance tips
  • Focus on one task at a time. ...
  • Become more organized. ...
  • Limit distractions. ...
  • Improve communication skills. ...
  • Set stretch goals. ...
  • Use an hourly planner. ...
  • Schedule vacation days. ...
  • Show up early.
Sep 30, 2022

What does excellence mean in the workplace? ›

Excellence is defined as the condition of surpassing some standards of expectation. It is the dream of human resources (HR) practitioners for employees to achieve people excellence in the workplace. To achieve people excellence, organisations need to focus on the growth and development of individuals.

What is excellence as a core value in the workplace? ›

Excellence means completing tasks to perfection. The saying goes, “whatever is worth doing is worth doing right.” Recognizing your employees for a job well done will encourage them to do even greater work in the future.

What is excellence in one word? ›

excellence. / (ˈɛksələns) / noun. the state or quality of excelling or being exceptionally good; extreme merit; superiority.

What behaviors demonstrate excellence? ›

  • We Care. We treat everyone with courtesy and respect. ...
  • We Do Good Work. We keep our skills and knowledge up to date. ...
  • We Need Each Other. We stay positive. ...
  • We Share. We thank each other often and share credit. ...
  • We Look After Things. ...
  • We Keep It Safe. ...
  • We Show Our Pride By How We Look.

What are the three elements of excellence? ›

Culture is actually one of three essential elements that make up a company's individual journey to Operational Excellence. The other two are Leadership & Strategy and Continuous Improvement. When all three elements are addressed together, the journey to excellence becomes much more achievable.

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Excellence is being good at a good thing. It means that you strive to be the best you can be and to do the best you can do. Excellence reflects moral virtue and therefore strives toward what is positive, valuable, and praiseworthy.

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According to Aristotle there were two types of excellence: Excellence [or virtue], then, being of two kinds, intellectual and moral, intellectual excellence in the main owes its birth and its growth to teaching (for which reason it requires experience and time), while moral excellence comes about as a result of habit….

How many keys of excellence are there? ›

The 8 Keys of Excellence.

What are the five main areas of commitment to excellence? ›

Fundamental Behaviors that Demonstrate Commitment to Excellence
  • Fundamental #1: Practice Fanatical Attention to Detail.
  • Fundamental #2: Take Your Time.
  • Fundamental #3: Don't Cut Corners.
  • Fundamental #4: Double-Check Your Work.
  • Fundamental #5: Be Coachable.
Oct 10, 2021

What are the 6 E's of excellence? ›

Energy, Enthusiasm, and Efficiency. Energy- putting your time and effort in your work. Enthusiasm- approaching your job with energetic spirit. Efficieny- You mange your time when you work to get things done.

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The experiences of exceptional performers suggest that there are seven critical elements of excellence: Commitment, Belief, Full Focus, Positive Images, Mental Readiness, Distraction Control and Constructive Evaluation.

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While each model is slightly different, they all consider certain concepts as core to operational excellence, so an operational excellence program will typically address these elements. These include performance management, continuous improvement, culture, organizational excellence, and process excellence.

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The Trinity Excellence in Teaching Award initiative is designed to recognise and celebrate those who have made an outstanding contribution in the pursuit of teaching excellence.

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if you want to be successful, focus on the three Cs: confidence, competence and connections.

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6 Critical Success Factors
  • Shared Change Purpose. ...
  • Effective Change Leadership. ...
  • Powerful Engagement Processes. ...
  • Committed Local Sponsors. ...
  • Strong Personal Connection. ...
  • Sustained Personal Performance.
Jun 8, 2018

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At Horniman, we promote the '5 Keys to Success': Confidence – Perseverance – Organisation – Getting Along – Resilience.

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As complicated as that may sound, we've figured out over time that the best workplace strategies consider four key (and highly interdependent) areas: Alignment, Effectiveness, Efficiency and Adaptability.

What are signs of a good workplace? ›

  • People are inspired, not scared.
  • People take responsibility.
  • People work collaboratively.
  • People trust each other.
  • Everyone in the company knows when they've done a good job.
  • You can take down time and not feel guilty.
  • Your company promotes healthy lifestyle practices.
Sep 3, 2022

What three words best describe your work environment? ›

Best Words to Describe Company Culture
  • Fun.
  • Challenging.
  • Friendly.
  • Engaging.
  • Rewarding.
  • Collaborative.
  • Flexible.
  • Supportive.
Mar 13, 2018

What are 3 work related strengths? ›

10 examples of strengths in the workplace
  • Dependable. Dependability characterizes someone reliable and loyal. ...
  • Flexible. Flexibility describes someone who can quickly adapt to changes. ...
  • Self-motivated. ...
  • Team-oriented. ...
  • Success-oriented. ...
  • Optimistic. ...
  • Communicative. ...
  • Emotionally aware.
Mar 10, 2023

What are your top 3 improvement areas? ›

Examples of areas of improvement
  • Time management.
  • Experience.
  • Engagement.
  • Communication.
  • Accepting feedback.
Mar 10, 2023

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9 effective steps to improve employee performance
  • Investigate why the employee isn't meeting expectations. ...
  • Discuss both the highs and lows. ...
  • Provide consistent feedback as they progress. ...
  • Create a positive workplace culture. ...
  • Prioritise learning and development. ...
  • Set measurable and realistic goals.

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“Positive” work environments can be defined as those workplaces where there is trust, cooperation, safety, risk-taking support, accountability, and equity. There are some abstract concepts when thinking about a positive work environment. You want to strive for shared purpose, values, and trust.

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Below are key transferable skills that you should develop to ensure you're on the right path to career progression.
  • Communication and networking skills. ...
  • Leadership and management skills. ...
  • Planning and research skills. ...
  • Teamwork and interpersonal skills. ...
  • Self-management skills.
Jan 10, 2023

What makes employees happy at work? ›

Trust and respect

The first step to creating happy employees is to build trust and respect. This can be done by keeping open lines of communication and following through on promises. It's also important to give employees the autonomy to do their jobs and provide feedback that is both positive and constructive.

What is professional excellence? ›

Professional excellence means possessing right attitude and aptitude supported by strong values.

What is quality excellence? ›

What is Quality Excellence? Quality implies a certain level of success in meeting customer needs, creating products and services that meet specifications and expectations, and comply with applicable standards. Excellence refers to an internal drive to become the best.

How do you explain excellence as a value? ›

Excellence involves putting our whole hearts into the work we do, knowing that what we do matters to God and others.

What makes a good center of excellence? ›

All successful Centers of Excellence do these things right: They start with an impending event and a desire to move the entire organization to a new framework of business (like digital transformation) They understand it will be an enterprise-wide initiative. They're solving an overall enterprise problem.

What are your areas of excellence? ›

The area of excellence is the primary reason you were hired and is the focus of your career. For example, to conduct research or for a clinical niche (service).

What is your greatest achievement sample answer? ›

'My greatest achievement' examples could include: Giving a great presentation at work. Beating sales targets. Training for and completing a marathon.

What does excellence mean at work? ›

Excellence is defined as the condition of surpassing some standards of expectation. It is the dream of human resources (HR) practitioners for employees to achieve people excellence in the workplace. To achieve people excellence, organisations need to focus on the growth and development of individuals.

What are the 4 aspects considered for excellence? ›

4 Aspects of Excellence That You Can Achieve!
  • Quality Means Consistency. Aristotle said that, “Excellence is not an act, it's a habit.” To gain a reputation for quality means delivering great results every time. ...
  • Excellence Means Improvement. ...
  • Greatness Means Creativity. ...
  • Excellence Means Going the Extra Mile.
Feb 19, 2019

How do you answer what does excellence mean to you? ›

Excellence is being good at a good thing. It means that you strive to be the best you can be and to do the best you can do. Seek to do good things well to make a positive difference in your own life and in the lives of those about you.

What are the 5 cycles of excellence? ›

In this chapter, bestselling author and practicing psychiatrist Edward Hallowell encapsulates the five steps that comprise what he calls the Cycle of Excellence: Select, Connect, Play, Grapple and Grow, and Shine.

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The following strategies will help improve your team's performance and drive success.
  1. Create Team Collaboration Meetings. ...
  2. Set Clear Goals for Your Team Members. ...
  3. Celebrate Team Success. ...
  4. Create a Solid Communication Strategy. ...
  5. Provide a Comfortable Working Environment. ...
  6. Motivate your Teams.
Mar 10, 2022

What are the two types of excellence? ›

According to Aristotle there were two types of excellence: Excellence [or virtue], then, being of two kinds, intellectual and moral, intellectual excellence in the main owes its birth and its growth to teaching (for which reason it requires experience and time), while moral excellence comes about as a result of habit….

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A vital workplace is built on five core values: Compassion, Accountability, Healthy Competition, Personal Growth & Wellness, and Equality.

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These values might include respecting others, keeping promises, showing personal accountability, or providing excellent service. It's important to identify and understand the workplace values of successful team members, so that you can select new recruits who share these values or can add to them in some way.

What are the 7 types of values? ›

The seven core values include honesty, boldness, freedom, trust, team spirit, modesty, and responsibility.

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.