How to Do a Backwards Roll: Safely and with Pictures (2024)

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1Working Up to a Backward Roll

2Completing a Basic Backward Roll

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Last Updated: January 20, 2024Tested

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A backward roll is a basic skill to master. It may be harder to learn at first and take a bit of practice get it right. Start by learning how to work up to a backward roll, then move on to completing one.

Part 1

Part 1 of 2:

Working Up to a Backward Roll

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  1. 1

    Try rocking back. Start in a squat position. Hold your hands close to the body with the palms flat towards the ceiling. They should be shoulder height. Drop your butt down like you are sitting. Roll back while lifting your legs straight. That should put the pressure on your hands and your shoulders. Roll forward again.[1]

    • As you get used to the exercise, start pushing with your hands to lift yourself off the floor a little bit. You are working yourself up to being able to push yourself over without hurting your neck.
  2. 2

    Try putting the mats in a V. One way you can learn to master the backward roll is to set up your mat in a V shape. This helps you to protect your neck and learn how to roll in a straight line.[2]

    • To do a backward roll, you need enough abdominal strength to lift your legs and hips over your head. You also need enough arm strength to push your body over and protect your neck.


  3. 3

    Use a wedge. One way to learn the basic movement of a backward roll is to use a wedge. Sit on the higher end of a wedge. Hold your hands close to your body. Face the palms flat towards the ceiling. Tuck the chin. Roll backwards down the wedge. Reach for the mat while keeping your hands close to your shoulders. Kick your toes over your head to roll yourself. Land on your feet.[3]

  4. How to Do a Backwards Roll: Safely and with Pictures (7)


    Use a spotter. If you are still unable to complete the roll, ask someone to spot you. The spotter stands to your side. As you roll back into your backward roll, the spotter will grab your hips. They lift your hips as they help guide your body over while keeping the pressure off your neck.[4]

    • Spotters help you learn correct hand placement. They also can help you build enough arm strength to push yourself off the ground.
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  1. 1

    Start in a squat position. Start with your knees together and your back straight. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor.

    • Hold your hands out in front of you if you need help balancing.
    • As you begin master the backward roll, start trying to begin in a standing position.
  2. How to Do a Backwards Roll: Safely and with Pictures (10)


    Hold your palms facing the ceiling. Bend your arms close to your body. Place your palms facing towards the ceiling just above your shoulders. Tuck your chin to your chest like you are looking at your bellybutton.[5]

    • This is called having "pizza hands." Your hands are flat like you are carrying two pizzas in them.
  3. How to Do a Backwards Roll: Safely and with Pictures (11)


    Drop your butt. From the squat position, drop your butt down by bending your legs. Push back with your heels. You'll start to roll onto your back.

    • Another way to think about dropping down is to treat it like you are sitting down.[6]
    • Make sure that your back is rounded as you fall back onto it.
    • Keep your legs together. Don't let them separate.
  4. How to Do a Backwards Roll: Safely and with Pictures (12)


    Push with your hands and shoulders. As you roll backwards, keep your knees tucked to your chest. Roll quickly enough so that you get some momentum. Your weight needs to shift from your lower back to your upper back then to your hands. As the knees and legs start to go over your head, push with your arms and shoulders.[7]

    • Drive the backward roll by moving your toes over your head, not by throwing your neck and head backwards. You should engage your hands and arms when your body rolls towards your neck. You always want to protect the neck and head.[8]
    • If you've kept your hands in the flat position, they should easily make contact with the floor so you can push yourself over. Your hands will be flat against the floor while your elbows will be pointing towards the ceiling.
  5. How to Do a Backwards Roll: Safely and with Pictures (13)


    Straighten your arms. As you straighten your arms, your hips will start to lift up. This will roll your body over your head. Land on your feet.

    • If you land on your knees, try tucking yourself into a tighter ball.
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  • Question

    When I push my hands during a backward roll, I don't seem to go over, or I just roll to the side. Why is this?

    How to Do a Backwards Roll: Safely and with Pictures (14)

    Community Answer

    This could mean that you need more strength in your arms, or you aren't pushing hard enough. Make sure to use your shoulders, and try doing push ups and other arm strengthening exercises to build up your arms.

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  • Question

    How do I finish a backward roll?

    How to Do a Backwards Roll: Safely and with Pictures (15)

    Community Answer

    Keep your legs locked together, then roll on your feet and push with with your hands up.

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  • Question

    How do I finish a forward roll?

    How to Do a Backwards Roll: Safely and with Pictures (16)

    Community Answer

    Keep your knees close to your chest when rolling. To stand up, push with your legs. Beginners can use their hands to help them stand up, but that will deduct from your score in a competition.

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      • Tuck your chin down onto your chest when you start to roll.


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      • Use your hands to get you over so you don't damage your neck in the action.


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      • Make sure to bend your knees.


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      • Be careful to protect your neck and head. If you put pressure on them as you roll, you can injure yourself.


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      About This Article

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      wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 49 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 305,441 times.

      93 votes - 80%

      Co-authors: 49

      Updated: January 20, 2024


      Categories: Tumbling (Gymnastics)

      Article SummaryX

      With a little bit of practice, you can learn how to do a backward roll. Start in a squat position. Hold your hands close to your body with your palms facing up toward the ceiling at shoulder height. Next, tuck your chin into your chest and roll back on your heels. As you roll backward, keep your knees tucked into your chest. Shift your weight from your lower back to your upper back and hands. Then, straighten your arms to help lift up your hips. This will roll your body over your head, helping you land on your feet. To learn how to use a wedge to help you complete your backward roll, keep reading!

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      Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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      Views: 6222

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      Author information

      Name: Kareem Mueller DO

      Birthday: 1997-01-04

      Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

      Phone: +16704982844747

      Job: Corporate Administration Planner

      Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

      Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.