Goldberg, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang (2024)

Goldberg n.

also Goldstein
[the stereotyped ‘Jewish’ surname and as such usu. derog.]

(US black) any Jew, esp. the shop-owners of Harlem and other ghettos.

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Dave Kim
Goldberg, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang (1)(con. 1950s) C. Brown Manchild in the Promised Land (1969) 308: ‘Who’s Goldberg?’ ‘You know, Mr. Jew [...] Goldberg’s just as bad as Mr. Charlie. He’s got all the money in the world [...] He owns the liquor store, he owns the bar, he owns the restaurant.’.
Goldberg, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang (2)S. Katz Negro and Jew 77: So the view of ‘Goldberg’ riding around in his ‘Jew canoe,’ as a Cadillac is called by some Negroes in Los Angeles [etc.].
Goldberg, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang (3)E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 61: Goldberg and Goldstein were more or less neutral labels of identification depending on the context in which they were used.
Goldberg, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang (4)T. Wolfe Bonfire of the Vanities 5: Goldberg is the Harlem cognomen for Jew.
Goldberg, n. — Green’s Dictionary of Slang (2024)
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