Blainey (2024)

Blainey (1)14

“I was scared. When my mom left it crushed my dad… So I swore I’d never be so dumb to fall in love myself... but... you’re just so dumb you made me fall in love with you anyway.”
— Lainey, declaring her love for Barry.

Blainey is the het ship between Barry Goldberg and Lainey Lewis from The Goldbergs and Schooled fandoms.


  • 1 Canon
    • 1.1 The Goldbergs
    • 1.2 Season 1
    • 1.3 Season 2
      • 1.3.1 Courtship
      • 1.3.2 Secret relationship
      • 1.3.3 Official couple/forbidden love
      • 1.3.4 End of prohibitions
    • 1.4 Season 3
    • 1.5 Season 4
      • 1.5.1 Lainey's departure
    • 1.6 Season 5
      • 1.6.1 The proposal
    • 1.7 Season 6
      • 1.7.1 Engagement
      • 1.7.2 The end of the engagement and Lainey's second departure
    • 1.8 Season 7
    • 1.9 Season 8
    • 1.10 Season 9
  • 2 Fanon
  • 3 Fandom
  • 4 Notes and Trivia


The Goldbergs[]

Season 1[]

Barry loved Lainey as a child, and even when he had a crush on another girl Lexi Bloom, he admitted to finding Lainey attractive. Lainey initially did not return his feelings, but being Barry the younger brother of his best friend, she ended up getting to know him better and become attached to him.

Barry tries to throw a big party to get Lexi's attention, but even though a lot of people come thanks to Erica and Lainey, nobody knows him and everyone thinks that Erica gave the party for a foreign student named Gustav, which Barry is sometimes confused with.

When Barry gets depressed thinking he is worthless, it is Lainey who cheers him up by reminding him of all the things he has done in the past year, restoring his self-confidence.

Lainey: So, why you out here, missing your own party?

Barry: Well, it has come to my attention that this is Erica's party, and I'm just a big, giant, invisible bag of suck.

Lainey: Come on. You're not invisible. You're Barry Goldberg, the guy who freaked out on the lunch lady because they ran out of pudding.

Barry: Why is that the only thing anyone ever remembers about me?

Lainey: Hey, they promised pudding. They had no pudding.

Barry: It was a dark day.

Lainey: Look, I know you feel like this year was a bust, but you did a ton of cool stuff... Karate in the talent show. You're on the wrestling team. You did that rap video about stone cold groovin' on a Ferris wheel.

Barry: You like my rap?

Lainey: It's hilarious. Wait, that's what you were going for, right?

Barry: Yeah! How do you know so much stuff about me?

Lainey: Your sister's my best friend. I've known you my whole life, and I can honestly say there's... No one like you.

Barry: Thanks.

Lainey: Now stop pouting and come show Erica's friends whose party it really is.

- Lainey heartens Barry and shows she knows him well.

Blainey (2)

Later Lainey decides to help Barry win Lexi by making her jealous, so she kisses him in front of everyone in the middle of the party under Bloom's eyes. Although she was the one to take the initiative, she breaks away from him by slapping him, then kisses him again and runs away. From then on, Barry lost interest in Lexi and began trying to win Lainey.

Season 2[]


Barry lets in Lainey and Erica into the rock band he formed with his brother Adam. After a concert for Barry and Adam's parents the first declares his love for Lainey. She politely refuses him, but the boy does not lose heart and decides that he will continue to woo her. Barry asks Erica to persuade Lainey to give him an appointment, but she refuses to do so. When Barry ends up in the hospital due to an intestinal obstruction, Lainey goes to see him with great joy of the boy. Eventually Barry managed to break into Lainey's heart, and the two began dating.

Secret relationship[]

Barry- "Let me stand in the shadows. Let me only talk to you through your locker vent. Let me be your secret shame".

Lainey- "God, you're annoying".

Barry- "I know. Come on, let's dance. We can still hear the music out here".

Lainey- "No. Let's go inside".

Barry- "Then everyone will see us".

Lainey- "That's the point, dummy".

-Barry and Lainey make their report public.

Blainey (3)

Lainey was initially ashamed of her relationship with Barry (Lainey was very popular at school and Barry and no) and decided to keep it a secret. At one point Erica accidentally discovered their relationship and was not at all happy about it. Barry hoped that Lainey would invite him to Sadie Hawkins's dance, but she refused to do so.

Erica decided to take advantage of the situation to separate Barry and Lainey, and asked their mother Beverly to get a dame for her brother for the dance, which she did. Lainey obviously didn't like it, and left Barry; however Erica, in seeing the sadness of her brother, repented of what she had done and convinced him to try to clarify things with Lainey. Barry rushed to the dance and told the girl that if he wanted to keep their secret relationship, it was fine for him. Lainey moved and decided to make their report public and kissed him in front of everyone.

Official couple/forbidden love[]

Lainey- My dad hates your guts. Oh, my God.He hates you so much. He forbid me from ever seeing you again.

Barry- Well, thanks for delivering that message in person.

Lainey- Don't you get it? He forbid me. Forbidden love! That is so hot!

Now that Barry is officially her boyfriend Lainey wants their fathers to meet (it's the only rule set by Mr. Lewis).The two initially seem to get along but Barry's father Murray is a Philadelphia Eagles fan while Lainey's father is a big fan of the Dallas Cowboys. Out of love for his son Murray, he comes almost to humiliate himself in front of Mr. Lewis, denying his favorite team, but Barry won't let him, so Bill forbids the two teenagers to hang out; fortunately, Lainey excited by the idea of forbidden love, decides to start seeing Barry again in secret. Barry marches the school, and when his mother finds out he puts him in punishment, preventing him from going to the parade in which Lainey is the protagonist having been elected queen of the school. Spurred on by Erica, he escapes and goes anyway, giving a serenade to the girl.

In short, the two fall in love more and more, to the point that they begin, to neglect their respective friends, spending all their free time together. Erica is hurt and irritated by the fact that her best friend prefers her brother to her and manipulates JTP (Barry's group of friends) trying to split them again, failing miserably. When she admits that she did it because she missed Lainey, she and Barry forgive her and help her convince the JTP to stop courting her. Then they return to spend time with their friends.

When Erica and Lainey get to participate in the television program Dance Party USA, Barry tries in vain to join them; however, Erica takes conjunctivitis and Barry takes dance lessons from Coach Mellor, impressing Lainey very positively to the point that the girl decides to take only Barry; in the end, however, the couple changes their mind and still bring Erica with them. When it was Lainey who took the conjunctivitis, her appearance got worse, and she told Barry that if she didn't want to be seen with her, she understood, but Barry wasn't ashamed of her and stayed by her side.

End of prohibitions[]

Barry and Lainey kiss continuously in public at school, to the point that the headmaster summons their fathers to talk about their behavior. Unexpectedly, the two become friends after discovering that they have a lot in common; however, Murray, annoyed by Bill's talk of his divorce, tries to avoid him with anger, and this fact also upsets Barry and Lainey who see the renewed rivalry of their fathers as a threat to their relationship. Eventually, Bill and Murray reconcile and become friends again, much to the delight of their children.

During a conversation Barry inadvertently tells Lainey that he loves her. When she does not respond, since she is a cheerleader Barry becomes the school mascot to approach her, unaware that a rival team is planning to beat the mascot. Eventually Lainey, worried about him, tells him she loves him: she hadn't made it before because she saw her father with a broken heart after her mother left him and she was afraid of ending up like him. Barry is overjoyed to having received the declaration of Lainey.

Season 3[]

Blainey (4)

Lainey is annoyed because Barry constantly tries to impress her (because of Erica who constantly tells him that a girl like Lainey is too much for him), so she asks Erica to stop him, but she, to have fun behind him, tells her brother that he must be more like Boy George to be with Lainey.Barry then dresses like the famous singer and calls himself "Boy Barry", but, having discovered the joke, he gets angry with Lainey and breaks up with her.

Blainey (5)

Lainey is devastated and discovered her friend's responsibility requires her to help her recapture Barry, coming to apologize by dedicating a rap of her own creation (as he did while he was courting her), in front of the whole school, but people think that she's making fun of Barry and his passion for rap and the situation gets even worse. In the end it is Erica who, sorry for what she did, convinces her brother to go back with the girl, since if Lainey chose him she loves him as he is. Barry runs in the rain, to Lainey's house to declare his love and the blonde is visibly very happy.

When the Christmas holidays come, Barry spends all his time with Lainey, completely ignoring his little brother Adam; seeing that the latter is not injured Lainey leaves with an excuse and the two brothers clarify their differences. Subsequently, Adam and Barry include Lainey in their festive traditions.

Lainey doesn't want Barry to do something exaggerated for Valentine's Day, and he tries to think of something small, but romantic; inspired by the music video for Hello, by Lionel Richie, Barry tries to sculpt a clay bust depicting Lainey, though only getting gruesome gouges. Lainey, however, appreciates the attempt, and is moved by the fine words Barry addresses to her, and the two profess their love again.

Later, Barry tries to impress Bill, Lainey's father. His father Murray tells him that all fathers despise their daughters 'boyfriends and tries to help Barry ignore Mr. Lewis' poor opinion of him, but when Barry sees that Bill has a good relationship with Lainey's ex-boyfriend, he depresses and decides to earn Bill's approval in every way. In the end, he succeeds thanks to Murray's help.

Despite his father's imposing on him, Barry has no intention of taking the aptitude test for college, and is very disappointed to learn that Lainey and all three of his JTP friends are planning to take the test, and that they have given up their dreams . In the end he admits to everyone that he is afraid to take the test because he thinks he will fail and that he is afraid his friends and his girlfriend, will go on to great things, leaving him behind. Murray reassures his son and he then begins to study for the test, to the satisfaction of Murray and Lainey who have always believed in him. Frustrated by the fact that Barry always wears the same shirt as the Philadelphia Flyers, Beverly and Lainey agree to accidentally ruin him while he is in the washing machine. Barry, however, asks Adam and Erica to investigate, and Lainey confesses to Erica what happened and when Barry discovers he breaks up with Lainey, getting angry with Beverly too.

Lainey and Beverly, realizing that they destroyed Barry's favorite thing and lost his mutual trust, hold a funeral for the shirt. Eventually Barry returns with Lainey and buys a new shirt.

Season 4[]

Erica fell into depression, for having lost her chance with Geoff Schwartz has no boyfriend who wants to accompany her to the Halloween party. Lainey tries to make her a date with her cousin Nate, but he refuses because Erica has taken to neglecting her appearance, becoming considerably ugly. In order not to make a fool of her friend who had already announced to everyone that she would go to the dance with Nate, Lainey convinces Barry to go to the party with his sister, after having made him wear a costume that prevents him from being recognized. Unfortunately at the dance Barry loses his balance and the costume head slips off, showing everyone that Erica has had her brother accompany her. Shortly thereafter, Lainey and Barry ask Geoff to console Erica, and he succeeds.

Blainey (6)

On Valentine's Day, the depression of Erica for losing Geoff, reaches its climax. Lainey, tries to console her by telling her that even if Barry didn't give her anything, she doesn't care ... but right at that moment Barry brings her a Valentine's gift and makes her a beautiful declaration of love too. Despite the bad timing Lainey is very happy, and hugs Barry.

Barry decides he wants to spend Thanksgiving with Lainey, so Beverly invites Bill and Lainey to lunch with them, but the two adults fight over how to cook the turkey and he leaves with Lainey. At that point Barry tells Beverly how much Thanksgiving means for Bill and Lainey since Lainey's mother abandoned them, so Beverly apologizes for her behavior and asks the Lewis to come back, so Barry and Lainey manage to celebrate together. When Adam's acting teacher, Mrs. Cinoman, changes the annual school play from The Wizard of Oz to The Phantom of the Opera, most of the student body wants to be involved, including Adam and Lainey. Barry is surprised that everyone is in love with the musical and angry that the part of Adam requires him to kiss Lainey, so he tries to sabotage the scene, but ends up hurting Mrs Cinoman. However, Lainey does not get angry with Barry, on the contrary she finds it sweet that he doesn't want her to kiss another even in a theatrical performance, feeling flattered by his jealousy. The play is then canceled due to lack of permits.

Lainey's departure[]

Blainey (7)

Having Barry is one year younger than Lainey, and wanting to study medicine the two had decided that Lainey would have taken a sabbatical after graduating, to wait for him to graduate and then they would go to college together. However, Lainey applied to be admitted to a fashion design school in Savannah, Georgia, without saying anything to her boyfriend. When he finds out, Barry decides to give up his dream to follow Lainey and become a designer. Beverly not wanting her son to give up his inspiration convinces Lainey, to do what is best for Barry or allow him to pursue a medical career, even if it means that their relationship may end. Lainey doesn't have the courage to leave Barry, she dresses in the shirt of a football team that he hates, and insults all the things he likes ... but Barry tells her that she is the most important thing in his life and that for to please her, he is willing to give up all his passions. Moved the girl confesses the truth to him, and asks him to follow her, but when Adam gets hurt and Barry tries to cure him, Lainey understands how great his passion is, and declares that he must try to become a doctor, convincing Barry not to go with her.

Blainey (8)

Despite Barry, he cares a lot Lainey doesn't want to go to the dance with him, seeing it as a painful reminder that their time together is ending; Barry finally understands and decides to simply take her out to dinner. The two then decide that they will try to make the most of the period before the departure of Lainey.

Barry plans a great summer for him and Lainey, though both are very sad about the girl's imminent move. However at the graduation ceremony, Bill lets slip that his daughter will not stay for the summer, but that she will leave after a couple of days. Obviously Barry gets very angry about the girl's second omission, and makes a scene in front of everyone, in the middle of the ceremony.

Blainey (9)

That evening Lainey joins him, at the place where they had their first real conversation. Barry feared that she hated him, for the ugly figure he had made her do, but Lainey replied that she could never hate him. However, if they love each other then at that point they understand that their relationship has now come to an end.

Season 5[]

Barry and Lainey decide not to keep in touch even by phone. It is clear that Barry is very hurt and angry from Lainey's departure, and vents himself by mistreating his little brother Adam. To make him leave him alone, Adam tries to get another girl for Barry, but fails. Barry admits that he just wanted to prove he could be loved, and that Lainey hadn't fallen in love with him just luckily, and apologized to Adam. Later he is sadly seen staring at a photo of him and Lainey, a sign of how much he misses the young Lewis.

Lainey“I came back to say this face-to-face. I'm in Georgia now. I've move on. It's time for you to move on, too.”
Barry“You're right.”
Lainey“Thank you for being so mature and understanding... because... I love you and I want you back now! Say yes, or I will literally die!”
Barry“I knew it again! Yes!”
— Barry and Lainey fail to separate.
Blainey (10)

Despite their decision, when he learned that Lainey had gone to see Erica, Barry tried to call her, but her sister prevented him from talking to the girl. Lainey, however, could not resist the desire to see Barry again, and left her friend rushed to him. Initially the girl simply wanted to say in the face of the ex that turning the page was the best thing for both, but in the end she admitted that she loved him and that she wanted to resume their relationship, to the great joy of Barry who immediately accepted.

Blainey (11)

Barry and Lainey then went to a party together, and showed they were very happy to have found each other. However, reality comes in the form of Erica which makes them understand how difficult it is to make her relationship with Geoff work, and the two live three hours away, while Barry and Lainey live twelve hours apart from each other now .

The two admit that Erica is right and after confessing once again the mutual love they decide to separate definitively, even if they are devastated.

Barry then states that he wants to move on and try to woo a girl named Jamie Weisman, but it's clear he's just trying to replace Lainey. After some time Erica, argues with her roommate Erica Coolidge, and decides to invite Barry to annoy her; unexpectedly the two show signs of mutual attraction, and not wanting the two to become a couple, Erica also invites Lainey. The latter is hurt and irritated to see Barry interested in another girl, and Barry, in front of his ex, feels guilty and embarrassed while he's with Erica (though technically, he's not doing anything wrong). In the end, however, the anger passes, and Lainey admits that it was nice to see Barry again, and he is happy about it.

The proposal[]

Barry- "Did you ever think we'dcome back here again? "

Lainey - "I really didn't. But I'm really happy we did".

Barry- "Happy enough to marry me?"

Lainey- "For sure".

Barry- I"s that a "yes"? You never say yes".

Lainey- "I'm saying it this time. Yes. I'll marry you, you big dummy".

Blainey (12)

- Barry's marriage proposal to Lainey

When he finds out from Erica that she, Lainey and the other Erica have left college to form a band, Barry immediately thinks he can resume his story with Lainey, and he rushes to his house to invite her to the prom. Lainey however refuses because she is too worried about her future, and suggests to Barry to bring us another girl. But the young Goldberg does not want to, and if he went alone he would make a fool of himself, so he decides to make a big joke, to make a good impression and lose the right to go to the ball.Barry therefore destroys the principal's car, and he declares that he will cancel the dance until the culprit is discovered. Barry goes back to Lainey, who welcomes him well and apologizes for having paid him little attention; the girl is in seventh heaven because her band got her first gig ... to play at the year-end concert. The blonde gets depressed again, when Barry tells her that the dance has been canceled, but for not hindering her, the boy decides to confess as much as he risks being arrested for damage. Fortunately the headmaster, thanks to the insurance money, bought a new and beautiful car, so he just forbids Barry to go to the ball. Adam then tells the whole story to the girls openly telling Lainey that Barry took the blame for her and the girl is impressed. During the party, Lainey joins Barry who is listening to music from the football field, and tells him that despite everything he is really happy to be back home and to see him again. Barry, who has now realized that he cannot live without her, asks her to marry him and she accepts. At the height of joy, the two newlyweds rush to the party shouting that they will get married.

Season 6[]


Obviously Barry's parents and Lainey's father are absolutely opposed to the marriage of the two, considering how young the two are and that they have no source of income.

Blainey (13)

Realizing that the screaming doesn't work, Beverly decides to scare the two of them by showing them a house for sale, telling them they have to pay for it themselves. Barry, however, is not discouraged and says that he needs a house, even if small, in which he, Lainey and their children can live. Lainey finds Barry sweet and seems to want to have children with him, but Beverly is even delighted with the idea of having grandchildren. By playing on this weakness of the woman, the two manage to make her favorable to their marriage.

The ploy works too much, and at Erica's suggestion the two future spouses go to celebrate the engagement with their parents in Atlantic City. Once in Atlantic City Beverly torments Lainey with the story of the baby so much that the girl goes away exasperated telling Barry that she loves him, but having Beverly Goldberg as a mother-in-law would be a real nightmare. Barry then harshly scolds his mother, and then goes distraught to the game room where he tells his father what happened by commenting that he got what he wanted: the marriage has vanished. Surprisingly, Murray decides to help his son find the young Lewis, declaring that if Barry ends his story with the blonde, it must be because of him, not his mother's obsessions.

Blainey (14)

Father and son join the girl on the beach, and the second tells her that if they really love each other they can overcome even Beverly's meddling, and that in the end she can really help them. Because that's what families do, and the Lewis are now part of the family. Beverly herself apologizes to Lainey, who tells her that when she's a mom too, she wants to have her by her side. The group then rushes home, realizing that they have forgotten Adam's birthday.

Beverly wants Lainey to take care of Barry now that they are getting married, and gives her her recipe collection. Lainey, however, does not want it, and reluctantly accepts. She later complains to Barry that she has no intention of cooking for him like her mother does, and the boy agrees ... when in reality he wants Lainey to cook and take care of the house like Beverly and devises a plan with the complicity of Geoff, who would instead want the recipes and take care of Erica: Barry sneaks the box out of his girlfriend's purse, and gives it to Geoff. When Lainey finds out that the recipes are gone she panics, and feels guilty, and Barry suggests she ask Beverly's forgiveness and suggests that her mother teach Lainey her recipes in person and she accepts.

But Lainey soon gets tired, and Beverly forgets the details of the recipes, so Barry goes to Geoff and after re-reading the recipe with which Beverly has problems gives him the details. Lainey, however, realizes what has happened and goes away angry. Barry gets depressed and his mother explains to him that in a good relationship there has to be a balance between give and take, so Barry decides to take the box and cook it himself after getting lessons from his mother.

Blainey (15)

Barry goesto Lainey's house bringing her a plate cooked by him, telling her that just by being her, she takes care of him, so now he will take care of her, but Lainey replies that they can take care of each other at each other and the two embrace making peace.

Barry's grandfather gives him and Lainey some money, but the two spend it in a single day on useless things. Lainey initially scolds her boyfriend, but he quickly discovers that the blonde has done the same. The latter seems to be ashamed of it, but Barry immediately consoles her. Later, Barry's father tells them that they must learn to be responsible, and that in every marriage there is who saves and who spends. Barry immediately declares that he loves Lainey more than anything else, and that he'll get thrifty so she can spend.

Lainey tries to dissuade him, knowing how Barry despises Murray's stinginess, but he insists and the two declare their love for each other and then hug. This implies that Barry puts Lainey's happiness before his own, but also that Lainey doesn't want him to sacrifice himself for her.

Murray promises his son to give him the money, which he will save at home, and Barry puts all his effort into preventing relatives from using water, electricity and thermostat! Despite all his efforts, Barry manages to save just six dollars while Lainey spends but learned of the poor results obtained by Barry, the two decide to try to make money together, failing miserably.

Murray tells the two that they are not ready for marriage, and when Barry protests that he and Lainey are crazy in love for each other Murray explains that love has nothing to do with it, and that marriage is necessary money and responsibility.

This depresses the two, making them lose faith, but Albert reminds his son-in-law that he too was a fool when he asked for Beverly's hand, so when Murray sees his son and his girlfriend, getting ready to sell their favorite things he tells them not to do so and that at first only love matters tells Barry that she has opened a savings account for him by adding six dollars to what he has earned, and that Barry has time to become more careful. Now he has to think about building a life with Lainey.

Blainey (16)

The Dropouts (the band of the two Erica and Lainey) decides to participate in the Star Search program and Lainey proposes a song that she dedicated to Barry. Erica initially likes the song, but when she discovers that Lainey has dedicated it to her brother (who already knew it) Erica is disgusted and categorically refuses to sing it. Lainey doesn't like being talked about badly about both her boyfriend and her job and her insistence, the other Erica, and Barry himself eventually force Erica to accept. It should be noted that the song is about how Lainey finds Barry attractive and describes him very flattering. This makes it clear how much the blonde loves the dark-haired one as she even included him in her music.

Geoff pays Erica to record a solo demo, so she impresses a manager who chooses to take care of her. When they find out, Lainey and the other Erica feel betrayed, and Barry decides to manage his girlfriend who readily accepts and decides to play with Erica Coolidge.

Blainey (17)

Erica's performance, however, is a real fiasco, and she humbly begs the girls to take her back into the band, but they already know of her failure and have replaced her with Barry. In the end, however, Lainey decides to bring Erica back with them and Barry goes back to filming without objecting. This isn't much of him, but he is likely to believe that his girlfriend has to fulfill his dream in her own way.

Lainey lets her friends organize her bachelorette party. Barry is jealous and worried that his girlfriend is the object of someone's attention going around clubs, but she doesn't give up, so Barry declares that he is throwing a mega bachelor party, but for Lainey it is not a problem because she trusts Barry. Barry later begins to fear that he is not ready for marriage but Adam tells him that the way he loves and treats Lainey is adult.

Blainey (18)

Later when the holidays arrive, Lainey takes a family photo with the Goldbergs. Now that he is engaged to Lainey a Christian, Barry is elated to be able to celebrate Christmas with great anger from his Hannuka-obsessed mother ... too bad since having Lainey's mother abandoned the family on the very day before Christmas, the Lewis they have stopped celebrating Christmas and Barry is horrified.

Lainey gets a little mad when Barry complains that he'll end up related to the one Christian family who doesn't celebrate Christmas (Barry always wanted to), citing how hard it was for her and her dad, but ultimately doesn't seem to take it a lot, perhaps sympathizing with the discouragement of her boyfriend. Beverly doesn't want Barry to start celebrating with the Lewis so she decides to celebrate Hannuka in a big way and misunderstanding her son's words, she believes that Lewis' Christmas is fantastic and she puts even more effort into Hannuka. Barry including the misunderstanding decides to leave his mother in it in order to celebrate big.

Blainey (19)

Barry invites the Lewis for Hanukkah, making a good impression with them. Bill thus finds the spirit of the holidays as thanks to Barry's manipulations, Beverly makes every evening more unforgettable than the previous one.

Lainey is thrilled too, but when the truth finally comes out, the Lewis are saddened by Barry's deception, so he and Beverly repentant decide to apologize by throwing a Christmas party at the Lewis. On Christmas morning, Lainey and her father are delighted to find the house perfectly decorated and Barry tells the blonde that they can establish new traditions together for their families that will soon be one. Lainey hugs Barry, moved, and together the two unwrap the presents.

Blainey (20)

Lainey hadn't celebrated Christmas for years, but thanks to Barry she starts again and is very happy and moved. Just as he made her overcome the fear of love, now he gives her Christmas back. This shows how significant Barry is in Lainey's life as he is filling the void that the abandonment of Debbie Lewis had created in Lainey's life and how important the girl is to him.

The end of the engagement and Lainey's second departure[]

Blainey (21)

Barry and Lainey go on with their engagement until they decide on a wedding date ... only to realize that they did it only as a gesture of defiance to anyone who told them they were doing it crazy.

Barry realizes this and tells the blonde ... who is delighted as they both realized they were going to ruin their lives and explain it to Erica using the same words. This implies that the two are always on the same wavelength. When the couple tells Lainey's father that they have decided to cancel the wedding, Bill is delighted, which Lainey does not like at all, a sign that she is still convinced of her relationship with Barry.

For the two, however, it is much more difficult to tell Beverly who, nominated by Bill wedding planner, is trying to organize the two a perfect wedding.

Blainey (22)

But the two can't tell the truth to Barry's mother, and Lainey can't tell Barry that she has decided to move to Los Angeles (nobody knows, not even her father) to pursue her dream of becoming a singer and yes gets Adam to help make a farewell video for all of her loved ones.

Lainey:- "Barry ... what can I say ... I will love you forever."

- Lainey's farewell to Barry

After seeing the video Barry immediately rushes to the airport telling her he will follow her. Lainey looks happy to see Barry and apologizes for not telling him the truth to his face. The blonde would like the dark-haired man to come with her, but she knows it's not easy. At that moment a passenger dedicates a love serenade to a passenger and seeing them Lainey realizes that she and Barry are not yet ready for a life together.

Lainey:- Barry we love each other, but we're just impulsive kids. We have all of life ahead of us.

Barry:- As much as I wish this flight was just the beginning of something big for us ... I'd say this is goodbye instead.

Lainey:- Currently

Blainey (23)

Barry:- Honey ... promise me that when the time is right you will come back to me.

Lainey:- I promise you

The two understand that before they can join their lives and grow old together, they must grow up. And after a heartbreaking salute and a promise that they will try again in the future, Barry gets off the plane and Lainey goes to Los Angeles. Barry returns home devastated, but no one, not even Bill, blames him for Lainey's departure.

However, Barry seems persuaded that he and Lainey are destined to be together, and indeed at the end of the episode the voice of the narrator (adult Adam) suggests that even if they didn't do it in the 1980s Barry and Lainey got married later in life (presumably in the 90s).

Blainey (24)

Lainey's departure has a devastating effect on most of the family, but certainly no one suffers as much as Barry appears devastated. Everything reminds him of young Lewis.

After a few weeks Barry finally begins to recover and realizes that he was so into Lainey that he forgot to apply for college. At the end in the theme for the question he writes about his love story with the young Lewis.

When Valentine's Day arrives, Barry is depressed about Lainey's departure. The JTPs try to cheer him up and apparently


Without Lainey the band is not doing very well and Geoff offers to help Erica find a replacement even if his girlfriend is not very convinced. Eventually Geoff succeeds and Erica is very grateful to him.

Evan the new guy in the band is very handsome and Barry fears he might take Erica away from Geoff and barking at him that the only time it was his passion and jealousy that got Lainey, and that the only time he was acted like Geoff she left for Los Angeles.

Blainey (25)

All the other JTPs agree with Barry and cause Geoff to panic, so he ends up making a scene that convinces the new guitarist to walk away in Erica's anger. When she finds out that the boy was jealous, Erica tells him that he is the only constant in his life, and asks Barry what has crossed his mind after Geoff says he was the one who influenced him. Barry replies that Lainey leaving broke his heart, and that he didn't want his best friend to suffer as much as he did.

Realizing how sad he is, Geoff, Erica, and the JTPs all gather to keep him company in the evening, and the group goes to a concert having a great time.

Geoff manages to secure a good deal for Erica's band ... but he only succeeds thanks to a demo sent when Lainey was also in the band, which makes Erica doubt. Geoff still manages to convince her to participate. Barry manages to infiltrate the band, and the concert goes well. Barry takes advantage of the momentary success to try to woo some cheerleaders but they reply that they do not hang out with the exes of the other cheerleaders and therefore who would never go out with him out of respect for Lainey. Barry finds their loyalty admirable and is actually relieved because he admits that he hasn't forgotten young Lewis yet and that he had asked out to cheerleaders, just to be able to brag to some guys.

A girl named Kim confesses to Barry that she has always loved him, and the JTPs suggest that he ask her out, but even if he denies it, he is still sad about the breakup with Lainey. Kim invites him out and he accepts, but discovers that she is on the yellow team (for the last week of school the students are split into blue and yellow team and Barry is on the blue team), Barry persuades himself that Kim is a spy and therefore punches her to the girl's great anger and sadness. His friend Matt and Adam fully understand that Barry rejects Kim, because he is still in love with Lainey but he does not listen to them.

Blainey (26)

Eventually Barry after talking to Matt decides to apologize to Kim, and in the end she forgives him, but Barry rejects her because he realizes that his feelings for Lainey are still very strong.

When Adam worries about his girlfriend Jackie moving to go to college, Barry proposes a plan of his own to make sure they stay together: do whatever it takes to quickly become a radiologist, then wait for the mid-90s to rush to the scene. Lainey's work and surprising her by showing her what a responsible adult he has become (he says the blonde's name when talking to Adam). Obviously this is his plan to win back Lainey and Adam notices it right away and warns him that it is unlikely to work.

Season 7[]

After Lainey's departure, she and Barry no longer have contact. Now that he's in college, Barry looks ready to date other girls. After a few months, Barry asks a sexy young teacher out for a date and she accepts. But Erica begins to suspect that her brother's recent school successes stem from her relationship with Elana. Because of the JTPs, the news expands. Enraged Barry make a scene at Erica by yelling in her face, which ruined thing with the first girl he really liked since Lainey.

Lainey returns to Philadelphia to meet Dolores, her father's new girlfriend ... just as Barry started dating Erica's new friend Ren. Barry believes Lainey wants to re-establish their relationship and his friend Andy advises him to seek advice from Erica. Erica suggests he choose Ren, but Barry replies elated that he was sure she would suggest he choose Lainey. This implies that he unconsciously had already chosen Lainey, but ultimately decides to follow Erica's advice.

Lainey“I wanted to tell you that ... I'm sorry.”
Barry“I forgive you.”
Lainey“You don't know what I'm sorry for!”
Barry“Whatever it is, you are awesome.”
Lainey“That's when you say so, I miss this sweet boy so much.”
Barry“Aren't you here to get back together?”
Lainey“No. But the way I left, without saying goodbye, I can't forgive myself.”
Barry“I know you wanted to chase your dream. I understand.”
Lainey“My dream that didn't come true.”
— The Goldberg's

Since Barry hasn't called her back, Lainey visits him at his apartment. Barry apologizes, but Lainey looks happy that he's going out with someone else. Lainey makes it clear that she doesn't want to go back out with him, but that she was keen to tell him she's sorry about how she left. Living in Los Angeles where she doesn't know anyone is hard on young Lewis, and she misses Barry. But he tells her that she can call him at any time, and that she will always be part of her life in one way or another.

Blainey (27)
Lainey“Sometimes ... I wish you were still in my life. As a friend.”
Barry“Just give me a call.”
Lainey“Would that be okay with you?”
Barry“Lainey you will always be a part of my life. One way or another.”

At that point the two embrace, but Ren arrived at that moment misunderstands the situation. Barry stops her by telling her that he had chosen to be with her anyway. Lainey takes offense, but she doesn't say anything, probably thinking she no longer has a right. To her credit she doesn't seem happy at all about the quarrel between Barry and Ren.

Barry later tells Ren that Lainey is a wonderful person that he will love forever, but who now loves her (thanks also to Erica's help).

Season 8[]

At one point, Ren leaves Barry, to get back with her ex. As much as Barry is badly hurt by it, it should be noted that he doesn't even come close to being devastated, like when his romance with Lainey ended.

After a while, Barry starts dating Geoff's sister Joanne and at about the same time Erica decides to leave Geoff. Despite just starting his second relationship after Lainey, Barry continues to refer to the latter as the love of his life, a sign that he has never really forgotten her, and the advice he gives his sister on how to handle the breakup with Geoff probably implies that he still misses the blonde. When Erica visits Lainey in Los Angeles, Barry begs her to tell her about his relationship with Joanne, probably in an attempt to make her jealous.

Season 9[]

Lainey and Barry's other exes, all being Erica's friends, return to town when Joanne calls them to surprise her future sister-in-law. When he casually meets them Barry is definitely embarrassed and Lainey is amused.

When Adam's girlfriend Bria is accepted into a college other than the one he will go to, Barry is certain that distance will destroy their history, likely influenced by what happened to him and Lainey. Later he reassures him by telling him that they could do it because each couple is different.

When Lainey and Barry's other exes return to town again for Erica's bachelorette party, it turns out they're all with successful men and Barry gets jealous and neglects his current girlfriend. When he regrets it and asks his exes for advice, they console him and Lainey is the most supportive admitting he was a great boyfriend.


Blainey is probably the most popular ship in The Goldbergs franchise, even more so than Gerica. It could be seen as the representative couple of the show, being present in all seasons, and having evolved through them. It is a ship appreciated by fans, who dedicate them GIF, video and fanfiction. Many fans were happy to see Barry return to Jenkintown to recapture the affections of his old flame but the majority were left unhappy when their relationship was unexpectedly written off.



Lainey/Barry on FanFiction.Net
Barry/Lainey tag on AO3


Barry x Lainey posts on Tumblr

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Barry is based on the real Barry Goldberg the brother of Adam Goldberg in real life. Lainey is the name of a babysitter who worked for the Goldberg family when their children were small, but the character of Barry's girlfriend and Erica's best friend is a creation of Adam Goldberg.
Blainey (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.