Difference Between Strategy and Policy (with Comparison Chart)- Key Differences (2024)

Last updated on by Surbhi S

Difference Between Strategy and Policy (with Comparison Chart)- Key Differences (1)In business parlance, the terms strategy refers to is a unique plan designed with the aim of achieving a competitive position in the market and also to reach the organisational goals and objectives. In short, it is an interpretative plan, that guides the enterprise in realizing its goal. On the other hand, policy refers to a set of rules made by the organisation for rational decision making.

Policy lays down the course of action, which is opted to guide the organization’s current and future decisions. Many people have confusion regarding the two terms, but they are not alike. Here, one should know that policies are subordinate to strategy. Here, in this article, we made an attempt to point out the significant differences between Strategy and Policy. Have a look at it.

Content: Strategy Vs Policy

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

Basis for ComparisonStrategyPolicy
MeaningStrategy is a comprehensive plan, made to accomplish the organizational goals.Policy is the guiding principle, that helps the organization to take logical decisions.
What is it?Action planAction principle
NatureFlexibleFixed, but they allow exceptional situations
Related toOrganizational moves and decisions for the situations which have not been encountered previously.Organizational rules for the activities which are repetitive in nature.
OrientationActionThought and Decision
FormulationTop Level Management and Middle Level ManagementTop Level Management
DescribesMethodology used to achieve the target.What should be done and what should not be done.

Definition of Strategy

The strategy is a game plan, chosen to achieve the organisational objectives, gain customer’s trust, attain competitive advantage and to acquire a marketposition. It is a combination of well-thought intent and actions which lead to the organisation towards its desired position or destination. It is aunified and integrated plan made to achieve the basic objectives of the enterprise like:

  • Effectiveness
  • Handling events and problems
  • Taking advantage of opportunities
  • Full resource utilisation
  • Coping with threats

The strategy is a combination of flexibly designed corporate moves, through which an organisation can compete with its rivals successfully. The followingare the features of the Strategy:

  • It should be formulated from top-level management. However, sub-strategies can be made by middle-level management.
  • It should have a long-range perspective.
  • It should be dynamic in nature.
  • The main purpose is to overcome from uncertain situations.
  • It should be made in such a way, to make the best possible use of scarce resources.

Definition of Policy

The policy is also regarded as a mini-mission statement, is a set of principles and rules which direct the decisions of the organisation. Policies are framed by the top-level management of the organisation to serve as a guideline for operational decision making. It is helpful in highlighting the rules, value and beliefs of the organisation. In addition to this, it acts as a basis for guiding the actions.

Policies are designed, by taking the opinion and general view of a number of people in the organisation regarding any situation. They are made from experience and basic understanding. In this way, the people who come under the range of such policy will completely agree upon its implementation.

Policies help the management of an organisation to determine what is to be done, in a particular situation. These have to be consistently applied overa long period to avoid discrepancies and overlapping.

Key Differences Between Strategy and Policy

The following are the major differences between strategy and policy

  1. The strategy is the best plan opted from a number of plans, in order to achieve the organisational goals and objectives. The policy is a set of common rules and regulations, which forms as a base to take the day to day decisions.
  2. The strategy is a plan of action while the policy is a principle of action.
  3. Strategies can be modified as per the situation, so they are dynamic in nature. Conversely, Policies are uniform in nature. However, relaxations can bemade for unexpected situations.
  4. Strategies are associated with the organizational moves and decisions for the situations and conditions which are not encountered or experienced earlier. On the contrary. Policies define the rules for routine activities, which are repetitive in nature.
  5. Strategies are concentrated toward actions, whereas Policies are decision-oriented.
  6. The top management always frames strategies, but sub-strategies are formulated at the middle level. In contrast to Policy, they are, in general, madeby the top management.
  7. Strategies deal with external environmental factors. On the other hand, Policies are made for the internal environment of business.
  8. Strategies often contain methodologies used to achieve the set target. In contrast, Policies determine what is to be done and what should not be done in specific circ*mstances.


The difference between Strategy and Policy is, a little complicated because Policies come under the Strategies. Apart from that, the policies are made to support strategies in several ways like accomplishing organisational goals and securing an advantageous position in the market. Both of them are made by the topmanagement as well as made after a deep analysis.

Difference Between Strategy and Policy (with Comparison Chart)- Key Differences (2024)


Difference Between Strategy and Policy (with Comparison Chart)- Key Differences? ›

Strategy is the best plan opted from a number of plans, in order to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. Policy is a set of common rules and regulations, which forms as a base to take day to day decisions. Strategy is a plan of action while the policy is a principle of action.

How are strategies and policies similar? ›

A key similarity between strategy and policy is that both are often set at the top-management level of an organization. A management team usually collaborates to set goals and strategy for how to operate the company in a profitable way.

What are the three levels of strategy key differences explained? ›

The three levels are corporate level strategy, business level strategy, and functional strategy. These different levels of strategy enable business leaders to set business goals from the highest corporate level to the bottom functional level.

Is there any difference between policy strategy and tactics? ›

Strategy defines your long-term goals and how you're planning to achieve them. In other words, your strategy gives you the path you need toward achieving your organization's mission. Tactics are much more concrete and are often oriented toward smaller steps and a shorter time frame along the way.

What is the relationship between policies and strategic management? ›

Business policy is closely related to strategic management because the policies are essentially the strategies put into action. If the strategy calls for an increased market share, for instance, the business policies would be constructed to match this strategy.

What are the key differences between strategy and policy? ›

Key Differences Between Strategy and Policy

Strategy is the best plan opted from a number of plans, in order to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. Policy is a set of common rules and regulations, which forms as a base to take day to day decisions.

What are the characteristics of policy and strategy? ›

specific, relevant and applicable to the target audience. in plain and understandable language so that they are easy to read and understand. in line with the latest laws and rules. clear on what the target audience can and cannot do.

What are the 3 basic strategies? ›

According to Porter's Generic Strategies model, there are three basic strategic options available to organizations for gaining competitive advantage. These are: Cost Leadership, Differentiation and Focus.

What are the 3 A's of strategy? ›

The AAA framework offers three approaches to global value creation – adaptation, aggregation, and arbitrage. Adaptation strategies aim to up revenues and market share by customising one or more parts of a company's business model to suit local needs.

What are the three characteristics of strategy? ›

Features of Strategy

Specialized plan to outperform the competitors. Details about how managers must respond to any change in the business environment. Redefines direction towards common goals.

Which comes first strategy or policy? ›

First you formulate a policy which is the principles or the protocols to guide decisions and next we can make a strategy and finally a detailed plan to achieve the strategy.

What is the difference between strategic management and policy? ›

The central difference between strategic management and business policies is that strategic management is a system that helps guide and direct a firm, while policies, on the other hand, are merely rules to be followed.

What is a business policy and strategy? ›

Policy deals with routine/daily activities essential for effective and efficient running of an organization. While strategy deals with strategic decisions. Policy is concerned with both thought and actions. While strategy is concerned mostly with action. A policy is what is, or what is not done.

What is the importance of policy and strategy? ›

The policy and strategy must determine what the organization plans to achieve from its activities and when. An important requirement for effective policy and strategy is the inclusion of objectives that are specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time-bound (SMART).

What is the difference between strategy and policy PDF? ›

The difference between policy and strategy can be summarized as follows1. Policy is a blueprint of the organizational activities which are repetitive/routine in nature. While strategy is concerned with those organizational decisions which have not been dealt/faced before in same form. 2.

What is the importance of business policy and strategy? ›

Business policies are an important tool to ensure that the business operates at maximum efficiency. Written in these policies is the blueprint for the whole organization's expected behavior, role, and reporting.

What is the meaning of policy and strategy as types of plans? ›

Policies are made at every level because the managers at every level need to decide or predetermine the way of handling a situation and policy acts as a guide to take decisions in an unexpected situation. Strategy: A strategy is a comprehensive plan to achieve the organisational objectives.

What are examples of strategy policy? ›

A strategic policy example is a written statement of an organization's choices in its operating environment. For example, a public or nonprofit agency chooses which of society's problems to address through public services.

What are the three key elements of policy? ›

Every policy has three key elements: a problem definition, goals to be achieved, and the policy instruments to address the problem and achieve the goals.

What are the key characteristics of a policy? ›

It should be Flexible. It must have the character of adaptability and required changes should not disturb the organization too much. Neither the changes should be such which may require rethinking so far as the aims and objectives of the organization are concerned.

What are the four main characteristics of strategy? ›

What are the key components of corporate strategy?
  • Visioning. Setting the high-level direction of the organization – namely the vision, mission and potentially corporate values – is the overriding purpose of the visioning component. ...
  • Objective Setting. ...
  • Resource Allocation. ...
  • Prioritization or Strategic Tradeoffs.
Nov 25, 2020

What are the five major elements of strategy? ›

These five elements of strategy include Arenas, Differentiators, Vehicles, Staging, and Economic Logic. This model was developed by strategy researchers, Donald Hambrick and James Fredrickson. To achieve key objectives, every business must assemble a series of strategies.

What are the five 5 strategies? ›

Each of the 5 Ps stands for a different approach to strategy:
  • Plan.
  • Ploy.
  • Pattern.
  • Position.
  • Perspective.

What are the basics of strategy? ›

The basic concept of strategic management consists of a continuous process of planning, monitoring, analysing and assessing everything that is necessary for an organization to meet its goals and objectives. In simple words, it is a management technique used to prepare the organization for the unforeseeable future.

What are the 3 C's strategic triangle? ›

The three components of the strategic triangle are corporation, customer and competition. These components need to in balance and can lead to a competitive advantage.

What are the four basic strategies? ›

Multinational corporations choose from among four basic international strategies: (1) international (2) multi-domestic, (3) global, and (4) transnational.

What are the 7 aspects of good strategy? ›

Here are the 7 basic elements of a strategic plan: vision, mission, SWOT analysis, core values, goals, objectives, and action plans.

What comes before policy? ›

A policy established and carried out by the government goes through several stages from inception to conclusion. These are agenda building, formulation, adoption, implementation, evaluation, and termination. Before a policy can be created, a problem must exist that is called to the attention of the government.

What are the names of the 5 stages of the policy process? ›

The policy process normally is seen as having a series of sequential parts or stages. These are (a) problem emergence, (b) agenda setting, (c) consideration of policy options, (d) decision making, (e) implementation, and (f) evaluation.

What is the difference between a plan and a policy? ›

Plans and policies are integral part of any health system or organization.
Difference between Plans and Policies !
Plan is a course of action intended for futurePolicy is a set of rules and regulations
It is set of future actions which are needed to achieve the objectiveIt is set of principles which are needed to govern the future actions
8 more rows
May 26, 2017

What is the relationship between strategic planning and policy making? ›

A strategy is a broad policy framework which deals with what the business wants to achieve and how to achieve that. In strategic the document, such as a business plan, a number of strategic options are identified. A policy, on the other hand, spells how to achieve a strategic choice.

What are the five 5 factors that support strategy implementation? ›

Often overlooked are the five key components necessary to support implementation: people, resources, structure, systems, and culture. All components must be in place in order to move from creating the plan to activating the plan.

What is the difference between strategic and operational policy? ›

The strategic plan considers the business' external business environment: Competition, long-term market trends, customer needs, and technology innovation. The operational plan considers internal business environment: Technology, KPIs, budget line items, projects, tasks, and the individuals responsible.

What are policies in a strategy? ›

Policies refer to specific guidelines, methods, procedures, rules, forms, and administrative practices established to support and encourage work toward stated goals. Changes in a firm's strategic direction do not occur automatically. On a day-to-day basis, policies are needed to make a strategy work.

What are the functions of policy? ›

Policies articulate goals that are narrower than strategic objectives and identify limits, or boundaries, for behavior and actions that are necessary to complete those goals.

What are the characteristics of strategy? ›

Characteristics of Strategy

Strategies are the long-term action plans which are formulated and implemented considering potential consequences and potentialities of external and internal environmental factors in order to achieve goals in the best possible way.

What is the most important thing in strategy? ›

Set clear Goals, Targets & Objectives

One of the most overlooked but critical steps in the strategic planning process is to set clear goals, targets, and objectives. These should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

What is most important in strategy? ›

The key to identifying the most important elements of a strategic plan is to choose goals and objectives that expand your potential without straining your resources or creating too much risk.

What is the relationship among objectives strategies and policies? ›

Business objectives are generally the endpoints associated with plans designed to reach company goals. Both policies and business objectives may be formulated into plans as determined by a business organization. While the objective is the end to a plan, policy is the mode and manner used to reach each objective.

What is the difference between a policy and a procedure? ›

A policy mandates, specifies, or prohibits conduct in order to enhance the institution's mission, ensure coordinated compliance with applicable laws and regulations, promote operational efficiency, and/or reduce institutional risk. A procedure is a description of the operational processes necessary to implement policy.

What is the difference between marketing strategy and marketing policy? ›

An overall marketing plan can include multiple marketing strategies, each focusing on a different target market and each combining the 4 Ps differently. The marketing policy, however, is a constant that guides the planning process and ensures each individual strategy aligns with ethical objectives.

Can one operate a successful business without a policy and strategy? ›

Great strategy will differentiate your business, but you can still run a successful business without any strategy at all.

What are the similarities and differences between methods and strategies? ›

Methods and strategies are two different terms. However, both are important to make a class full. A method is a process, a procedure, or a way something is done or implemented. On the other hand, a strategy is a goal, a set of actions, or plans to achieve one aim.

What are the similarities and differences between the policies and procedures? ›

Policies set some parameters for decision-making but leave room for flexibility. They show the “why” behind an action. Procedures, on the other hand, explain the “how.” They provide step-by-step instructions for specific routine tasks. They may even include a checklist or process steps to follow.

What are the similarities and differences between strategy and business model? ›

Put succinctly, business model refers to the logic of the firm, the way it operates and how it creates value for its stakeholders. Strategy refers to the choice of business model through which the firm will compete in the marketplace.

What are the differences between strategies and practices? ›

A strategy is an action plan taken to reach a goal. Launching a new product is a strategy. A best practice is a method to achieve a goal. For example, best practices for new product development.

How do you differentiate approaches from strategies? ›

A. Differentiate the following: Approach can be considered as broad term that pertains on how to look at things. Strategy is considered as the arrangement that will take place in order to achieve the overall aim.

What are the strategies and methods? ›

The method is a process, procedure, or way something is done or implementing a plan. While on the other hand, strategy is the goal, set of actions, or plans to achieve one aim or something.

What is the difference between a policy and a method? ›

Policies and methods are going in different directions. Policies tell about the mode of achieving the objectives and methods describe the appropriate system and the best way to do the work.

What is an example of a policy and procedure? ›

Examples of policy & procedures. To understand the difference between procedure and policy, let's look at an example of requesting vacation time. The vacation policy has a framework of the amount of PTO an employee is eligible to take, while the procedure includes the steps to get the approval of PTO.

What are examples of policies? ›

Types of workplace policies
  • code of conduct.
  • recruitment policy.
  • internet and email policy.
  • mobile phone policy.
  • non-smoking policy.
  • drug and alcohol policy.
  • health and safety policy.
  • anti-discrimination and harassment policy.

What comes first between strategy and policy? ›

First you formulate a policy which is the principles or the protocols to guide decisions and next we can make a strategy and finally a detailed plan to achieve the strategy.

Why are strategies and policies important? ›

Organizational policies and strategy provide guidelines for action. Unfavorable and ambiguous policies or strategy may affect the functioning of the employees adversely and they may experience stress. Organization wide policies are designed to achieve major organizational objectives.

What are the main differences between a business's strategy and its operations? ›

Strategic management focuses on the future of the company, expanding a business plan to last for three to five years. Operational management, however, focuses on more short-term ideas and implementation tactics. Leaders using operational management may create plans that consider up to a year in the company's future.

What are the key differences between business strategy and corporate strategy? ›

Business and corporate-level strategies differ primarily in their objectives. A business strategy focuses on competing in the marketplace, while a corporate strategy focuses on business growth and profits. Corporate strategies function at a higher level than business strategies.

What are any two difference between strategy and business model? ›

A business model describes and explains how a company works and makes money. A business strategy describes and explains how, where and for what purpose and goal a business model will be used. The research seeks to ascertain whether there is any measurable relationship between a strategy and a model.

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