12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (2024)

Do you want to see SMART goal examples explained step-by-step using the SMART framework? Look no further…

A SMART goal is a simple, well-known life hack for completing your tasks. But the real beauty lies in its ability to make even the biggest goals attainable so that you can make your dreams a reality.

And doesn’t that sound like something worth doing?

In this post, you’ll learn:

  • What makes a SMART goal… smart;
  • Why you should use SMART goals;
  • SMART goal setting for success.

And with our oh-so-sweet SMART goals examples, you’ll be setting your own in no time.

But first, a quick definition…

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (1)

What is a SMART Goal?

A goal is something desired, yet often challenging to attain. And just adding (and adhering to) the SMART acronym makes it much more achievable.


Let’s break down the SMART goals template acronym to find out:

  • Specific: An effective goal should be ultra-specific and leave no room for misinterpretation or vagueness.
  • Measurable: Your goal should be quantifiable and the progress easy to track, so you know when you hit a benchmark or the finish line.
  • Achievable: Where the rubber meets the road. Is your personal goal attainable? You must be realistic and determine if your specific goal is truly achievable, or an unrealistic ask.
  • Relevant: Big picture time. Does the goal you’re setting contribute to your bigger overarching goals? Ensure you’re setting goals that contribute to what you want in life.
  • Time-bound: SMART objective goals should have defined start and end times, and, if large enough, should also have incremental dates to meet specific objectives.

Why Use SMART Goals?

Goals are the ultimate form of motivation. They inspire us to work toward our life’s purpose and help keep us focused on a key result, or what we really want out of life.

And yet, so many goals go unfulfilled. They can ultimately be a source of confusion and frustration, which often eventually disappear altogether.

The truth is, a goal without supreme clarity is really nothing more than an unattainable dream.

But set right (i.e., SMART), attainable goals are powerful and can fuel extraordinary accomplishments.

Put another way:

Setting a SMART goal vs. just a goal can be the difference between your success or failure.

Whaddya say we dig into some real-life measurable goals?

13 Inspiring Examples of SMART Goals for 2024

With these SMART goals examples at your fingertips, it should be easier than ever to create your very own SMART criteria and get to work crushing your ambitious astute aspirations (how about that for alliteration?)

1. Studying

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (2)

Simple Goal:

I need to study more.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I’m going to study daily so I can ace chemistry.
  • Measurable: I have monthly quizzes to evaluate.
  • Achievable: I’m good in school and can get great grades when I focus.
  • Relevant: I want to graduate at the top of my class and have the opportunity for a great career in my field.
  • Time-bound: I want to be at the top of my class when I graduate in a year.

Complete SMART Goal:

I will study daily to continually improve my grades, proven by my quizzes, in chemistry to graduate at the top of my class in one year.

2. Writing

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (3)

Simple Goal:

I want to publish more blog posts on my website.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I’ll publish four 1,500 word blog posts on my blog each month.
  • Measurable: I’ll have fifty-two blog posts on my blog by the end of the year.
  • Achievable: I’ve already started a blog and will shift my focus to writing 1,500 words on my blog each week.
  • Relevant: I’ve always wanted to increase traffic to my blog. This will allow me to build my brand and eventually make money blogging.
  • Time-bound: I’ll start writing next week and will have fifty-two blog posts one year from today.

Complete SMART Goal:

Starting next week, I will post a 1,500-word article on my blog each week for a year, culminating in fifty-two blog posts and increased traffic to my site.

3. Reading More Books

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (4)

Simple Goal:

I want to watch less tv and read more.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I want to read at least one book per month instead of watching TV.
  • Measurable: I’ve joined a book club where we set weekly reading goals.
  • Achievable: I enjoy reading and learning but have just gotten away from it lately.
  • Relevant: By reading, I’ll learn more about my industry.
  • Time-bound: I’ll start next week and do this for six months, then evaluate how it’s going and plan my next steps.

Complete SMART Goal:

I’ll spend more time reading and less time watching TV by going to a book club every week and completing one book per month for the next six months.

4. Mastering Emotions

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (5)

Simple Goal:

I want to be more in control of my emotions.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I’m going to meditate to be more in control of my stress.
  • Measurable: I’ll follow the Headspace app to track my meditation.
  • Achievable: I only have to set aside ten minutes to meditate; I can easily find the time.
  • Relevant: Being able to control my stress will make me happier and more productive.
  • Time-bound: I’ll start next week and will meditate every day for six months, at which time I will assess how far I’ve come.

Complete SMART Goal:

I’ll meditate at least ten minutes per day, every day, for the next six months. I’ll track my meditation time with Headspace and will assess my results in six months.

5. Exercising More

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (6)

Simple Goal:

I want to get fit again.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I’m going to work out every day to decrease my body fat percentage and finally be able to run a marathon.
  • Measurable: I hired a personal trainer who will set goals and hold me accountable until I am below 10% body fat and can run a full marathon.
  • Achievable: I’ve been in shape before, and I can do this with an experienced personal trainer helping me.
  • Relevant: Lately, my unhealthy lifestyle has caught up to me in the form of fatigue, injuries, and health issues.
  • Time-bound: I’ve signed up for the Boston Marathon eight months from today.

Complete SMART Goal:

Next week, I’ll begin working out every day with a personal trainer and we will continually track my fitness goals. I’ll be under 10% body fat and ready to run the Boston Marathon within eight months.

6. Improving Your Diet

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (7)

Simple Goal:

I want to eat better.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I’m going to stop eating deep-fried food and eliminate bad carbs from my diet in order to drop thirty pounds.
  • Measurable: I’ll plan my diet every week, and weigh myself weekly to ensure I’m dropping weight.
  • Achievable: I have a meal plan and can follow it. I’ve let myself go but have been at my goal weight before.
  • Relevant: My weight and health are affecting my lifestyle, and I want to‌ get back to being more active.
  • Time-bound: I’ll weigh myself every week to ensure that I’m trending in the right direction, with an end goal to be at my ideal weight one year from today.

Complete SMART Goal:

I’ll start my diet plan next week, weighing myself consistently in order to reach my goal of dropping thirty pounds one year from today.

7. Becoming More Productive

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (8)

Simple Goal:

I want to stop procrastinating and be more productive.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I need to be more productive every day, so I have at least five hours to work on my side hustle every week.
  • Measurable: I’ll track the hours worked on my side hustle every week.
  • Achievable: I have extra time every day, but spend that time on social media or watching TV.
  • Relevant: I’ve always wanted to start a side hustle that can eventually become my primary income source.
  • Time-bound: I want to have a profitable side hustle by the end of this year.

Complete SMART Goal:

I’ll track my time to ensure I work five hours every week on my side hustle. If I do this every week, it will help it be profitable within one year from today. Then, I will assess my goals and create a new clear SMART goal to make it my primary source of income.

8. Time Management

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (9)

Simple Goal:

I want to get a promotion.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I’ll better manage my time to get a promotion at work.
  • Measurable: My manager will track myself for advancement in our weekly one-on-one’s, while I use a productivity app and daily task list to ensure I’m bettering myself every day.
  • Achievable: I can do a better job focusing on project management by removing everyday distractions using the Pomodoro technique.
  • Relevant: If I can focus, I can accomplish more every day, which will help with my career advancement.
  • Time-bound: I’ve worked with my manager and shared my goal of getting a promotion within the next year.

Complete SMART Goal:

Next week, I’ll start focusing more on my work with the Pomodoro technique, a productivity app, and a task list. I’ll check in with my career advocate throughout the year to ensure I’m on track for a promotion.

9. Social Media Addiction

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (10)

Simple Goal:

I want to stop wasting so much time on social media.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I’ll cut out social media and spend that time being more social.
  • Measurable: I can track my hours on social media apps and track that I attend at least three social functions each week.
  • Achievable: I’ll shut off the notifications, use a tracking app, and have signed up for a volleyball league and a gym membership.
  • Relevant: I spend too much time on social media, which hurts my chance for career advancement, having a social life, and affects my health.
  • Time-bound: I’ll start next week and be entirely off social media in three months.

Complete SMART Goal:

Next week I’ll start attending social functions instead of spending that time on social media. I’ll shut off notifications and only go on social media if I have to, tracking my progress in an app. In three months, I’ll be entirely off of social media.

10. Finance and Savings

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (11)

Simple Goal:

I want to save money for a house.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I want to save $40,000 for a down payment on a house.
  • Measurable: I’ll track my expenses to ensure 15% goes into my savings each month, and I have a money-saving app to track my action plan.
  • Achievable: I spend a lot on expenses that I can do without.
  • Relevant: I want to buy a house to prepare for the next step in my life.
  • Time-bound: I’ll have enough in my savings for the house I want in eighteen months.

Complete SMART Goal:

I’ll start saving 15% of every check and tracking my finances immediately to have $40,000 for a down payment for the house I want in eighteen months.

11. Improving Spirituality

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (12)

Simple Goal:

I want to be more spiritual.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I want to better myself by starting a daily spiritual practice.
  • Measurable: I’ll journal about my practice every day.
  • Achievable: I have time to practice every day, and I’ve joined a spiritual community to help hold me accountable.
  • Relevant: This will allow me to live the better quality of life I’ve always wanted.
  • Time-bound: I’ll start my journey on January 1st and will track my progress for a year, after which I’ll re-evaluate.

Complete SMART Goal:

On January 1st, I’ll begin my daily spiritual practice and participate in the community. I’ll journal daily to track my progress for one year, after which I’ll evaluate how far I’ve come.

12. Journaling

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (13)

Simple Goal:

I want to start a gratitude journal.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I’ll learn to be more grateful in life by writing in my gratitude journal every day.
  • Measurable: I’ll write ‌three things I’m grateful for every night in my journal and track my progress.
  • Achievable: It’ll only take me 5 minutes before bed.
  • Relevant: I want to be happier and more grateful in my life.
  • Time-bound: I’ll write in my gratitude journal every night for three months starting tomorrow.

Complete SMART Goal:

I’ll become more grateful by writing my gratitudes every night for three months, tracking my progress. After three months, I’ll decide if I want to keep this practice as a mainstay in my life.

13. Learning a New Language

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (14)

Simple Goal:

I want to learn French.

SMART Goal Components:

  • Specific: I want to speak French fluently to communicate better when traveling to France.
  • Measurable: I’ll take an online class every week and will practice with others in class to track my progress.
  • Achievable: I’ve learned languages before and I have extra time.
  • Relevant: I’m going to France for two months, and want to speak French.
  • Time-bound: I’m traveling to France in six months.

Complete SMART Goal:

Next week, I’ll start weekly French classes, practicing with students to progress for the next six months, so I can speak fluently when I travel to France.

Are You Ready to Use These Smart Goals to Fuel Your Ambitious Aspirations?

If not now, when?

When will you have another opportunity to use a great SMART goal example to encourage you to create your own epic SMART goal framework for the betterment of your life?

If you’re anything like me, you realize the time is now.

So grab a notebook and pen, write‌ down an ambitious goal, create it into SMART goals, and get ready to crush it.

And if you need more encouragement or just a kick in the pants, come back to peruse this article anytime. It’ll be here… waiting.

12+ Real SMART Goal Examples (& How To Achieve Them) (2024)


What is a real life example of a SMART goal? ›

An example of a SMART goal is "Every day this week, I will work on our new marketing site redesign from 8:30 – 10:30 am without interruption," whereas a non-SMART goal would be "I want to spend 2 hours each morning working on my most important task." SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time- ...

What is an example of achievable in SMART goals? ›

SMART Goal Components:

Specific: I'm going to study daily so I can ace chemistry. Measurable: I have monthly quizzes to evaluate. Achievable: I'm good in school and can get great grades when I focus. Relevant: I want to graduate at the top of my class and have the opportunity for a great career in my field.

What is a SMART goal how can it be achieved? ›

What are SMART goals? The SMART in SMART goals stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Defining these parameters as they pertain to your goal helps ensure that your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame.

What is a real time example of SMART work? ›

So let's start with some basic examples: Ages ago, the cage man pushed his cart or huge pieces of stone to carry it from one place to another. But the modern man-made wheelbarrow easily carries its load and travels long distances with less effort and more efficiency. This is a classic example of smart work.

What is an example of a good and bad SMART goal? ›

Bad: I'm going to study for this Friday's math test. Good: I'm going to study every day and then meet with a tutor on Wednesday to prepare for Friday's test. you feel challenged, but not cause stress or injury. Bad: I'm going to lose 20 lbs.

Which example is a SMART performance goal? ›

Performance Goals Examples

Read 3 industry news articles per week to improve the knowledge of the trends in the next 6 weeks. Take a lead on improving the team's collaboration to improve overall team's performance by 10% implementing XX methodology/ XX tool in the next 6 months.

What is realistic in SMART goals? ›

Realistic SMART Goals

A SMART goal must be realistic in that the goal can be realistically achieved given the available resources and time. A SMART goal is likely realistic if you believe that it can be accomplished. Ask yourself: Is the goal realistic and within reach?

What is an example of a SMART goal for stress? ›

SMART Goal Template

For example, "I will reduce my anxiety attacks to three times a week or less by using anxiety management techniques I learn in therapy when I'm feeling anxious. I will do this for the next month and track my progress in my journal.”

What are the 5 SMART goals in order? ›

Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives is a good way to plan the steps to meet the long-term goals in your grant. It helps you take your grant from ideas to action.

How do I write my SMART goals? ›

  1. Template for writing a S.M.A.R.T. Goal.
  2. Initial Goal (Write the goal you have in mind):
  3. Specific (What do you want to accomplish? ...
  4. Measurable (How can you measure progress and know if you've successfully met your goal?):
  5. Achievable (Do you have the skills required to achieve the goal?

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The process of S.M.A.R.T.E.R goal-setting follows the acronym, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound, Evaluate, and Reward. When setting a S.M.A.R.T.E.R.

How to set achievable goals? ›

Measurable: Identify quantitative targets for tracking your progress and results. Attainable: Make sure it's possible to achieve the desired result. Realistic: Acknowledge the practical requirements necessary to accomplish the goal. Time-Limited: Specify the timeframe, and build in deadlines along the way.

What is an example of time in SMART goals? ›

What is an Example of a Time-Based SMART Goal? A time-based SMART goal example: “Complete a 10,000-word report in four weeks, dedicating two hours daily to achieve this target efficiently.

What is an example of a SMART goal for a house? ›

Time Specific: I will save $1,200 per month to achieve my target of a $60,000 deposit by 30 June 2023 (which is just over 4 years from now) for me to buy my first home that is valued around $300,000 by 31 December 2023 (which is just over 4 and a half years from now).

What is a real world example of goal? ›

As an example, a personal goal might be: Lose 20 Pounds by this time next year. In box # 2, write down approximately how long you have had that goal. In box #3, write down what your biggest obstacle or obstacles has been to date in achieving this goal.

What is a SMART goal examples for healthy lifestyle? ›

Your SMART goal could be: I will walk for 15 minutes after work every weekday for one month. SMART goals can easily be scaled to your current health and fitness level. If you are not confident in your ability to walk 15 minutes each day, you could start with five minutes.

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Examples of Business Smart Goals

Reduce overtime in the department from 150 hours per month to 50 hours per month by the end of the fiscal year with no increase in incident reports. Ensure that the 90%+ of the team has completed training on the new inventory management software by the end of the quarter.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.