What is Reggio Emilia | RMS. (2024)

What is Reggio Emilia | RMS. (1)
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What is Reggio Emilia | RMS. (2)

Casey Guiheen
Family and Community Outreach & Engagement Coordinator
School office:860-709-6822
Email: rmsinfo@goodwinmagnetsystem.org

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Please join us for an upcoming information session!

Interact with teachers, administrators, and Riverside Magnet School (RMS) families to learn why Goodwin University Magnet School System is your educational partner of choice.

With guided tours and engaging discussions with classroom teachers and administrators, your family will leave informed and inspired to select RMS as your first choice in the Regional School Choice Office lottery.

Our info session provides families with information about our Reggio-inspired educational approach and our PreK-12 continuum, highlighting our ongoing commitment to high-quality curriculum and instruction, diversity, equity and inclusion, and social-emotional learning. Join us and get exclusive access to resources and experiences beyond pamphlets, brochures, websites, and videos. Reserve your spot by registering today!

Information Session Dates

  • Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, January 11, 2024, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 21, 2024, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

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In a Reggio Emilia-style elementary school, you will find instructors who use a child-guided curriculum which allows children to communicate and learn through “one hundred languages” — not just speaking, but making art, singing, engaging with nature, and developing relationships with others. The elementary curriculum at Riverside Magnet School (RMS), Goodwin University's Reggio Emilia inspired magnet school, challenges students to discover, invent, and dream through an educational philosophy that puts the child’s “self” and interests first. The guiding principles of Reggio Emilia at RMS include:

  • Considering children as collaborators, communicators, and protagonists
  • Considering the teacher in several roles: as the nurturer, partner, guide, researcher, in their relationship with each child
  • Respecting the foundation of cooperation
  • Using the environment as the “third teacher”
  • Addressing parents as partners
  • Considering documentation as a facet of communication

What is the Reggio Emilia philosophy?

In order to understand how a Reggio Emilia classroom works, we need to take a step back and define the Reggio Emilia learning approach. Reggio Emilia is an educational philosophy focused on early childhood education and experiential learning. Per the Reggio Emilia philosophy, children are in control of their own learning and exploration. Emphasis is placed on the child’s “voice,” actions, passions, and wonder as they self-direct their own learning to understand the world around them. In the Reggio Emilia classroom, educators are encouraged to observe, listen, and provide their students with the space, time, and materials needed to express themselves and actively engage in their education.

The Reggio Emilia philosophy emphasizes the use of the “hundred languages of children,” which can include writing, drawing, building, sculpting, and dramatic play. These languages are how children interact and create experiences, individually and with other students, allowing them to grow within their learning environment.

How is the Reggio Emilia philosophy enacted in the classroom environment?

In a traditional classroom setting, it is very teacher-centric, and teachers lead the class with a particular, predetermined curriculum. The Reggio Emilia philosophy, however, puts the child in control, so the classroom is child-centered where the teachers and children are working together in learning. Most traditional classroom environments follow repetitive schedules and routines, however, in a Reggio Emilia environment, each day can be different depending on the children’s interests and interactions.

The classroom itself is seen as the “third teacher” in the Reggio Emilia philosophy, and is extremely important in facilitating exploration, discovery, and research in the classroom. Reggio Emilia teachers tend to avoid purchasing plastic generic toys. Instead, they will use sensory and natural materials for children to interact with, such as buttons, shells, rocks, and wooden blocks. These sensory and natural materials engage senses and stimulate learning and the ability to revisit memories in the classroom and beyond.

What is Reggio Emilia | RMS. (3)

How can the Reggio Emilia philosophy benefit young children?

The Reggio Emilia philosophy can have many positive benefits for young children. One benefit in particular, is that this approach allows children to build confidence. By putting children in charge of their own learning, they let their imaginations take them to new heights. In a Reggio Emilia environment, children are encouraged to speak with all of their languages, which in turn empowers their imaginations, builds their confidence in themselves and encourages them to take more interest in their own education.

Hear from our families

  • Laura
  • John
  • Kristen


Meet Laura

What is Reggio Emilia | RMS. (4)

An education with a family-friendly focus

“From the moment you walk into Riverside Magnet School, you feel at home. There is plenty of artwork plastered on the walls, and my children always love showing me where their artwork is on display.

My children attended both the before-school and after-school Studio, as well as a couple of summer Studio sessions. The enrichment program was flexible, fit my family’s needs, and was exactly what my kids needed after a long day of school. Choosing to put your kids in an after-school program is difficult, but I am thankful the transition from school to Studio was so easy.

The teachers are also wonderful and kind. They are responsive to inquiries and genuinely care about every student. RMS does a great job fostering excellent school-home connections.”

An early academic atmosphere that advances

“I didn’t know much about the Reggio Emilia approach before I toured RMS, but now I am so thankful that my children have been immersed in the Reggio culture. It fosters independence, self-guided learning, and self-reflection. This approach allows my children to learn the importance of asking questions and forming their own opinion. I am grateful that my children are receiving an excellent foundational education and learning to be inquisitive and innovative.

RMS challenges my children academically and nurtures them socially and emotionally. The teachers’ level of attention to developing the whole student is second to none.”

How Riverside Magnet School makes a difference

“Since my children started attending RMS four years ago, they have grown so much. They have become so curious and genuinely enjoy understanding new concepts. The RMS teachers have encouraged them since day one.

I truly believe that it takes a village to raise a child. I am so grateful to have the RMS village helping to educate my children and help them grow into kind, caring, empathetic people.

I enjoy that RMS thrives on family partnerships and engages parents in their child’s learning. The communication between the RMS teachers and parents is above and beyond my expectations. I am thankful that I can have honest, open, and informative conversations at home with my children about their school day with these strong communications.

Instead of just asking, “How was school today?” I can ask them specifics about their day and share in their excitement about their activities.

I will be forever grateful for the patience and support RMS have given my children.”


An early academic atmosphere that advances

"Through the years, RMS has challenged my son academically. He continues to grasp new learning methods while being challenged to think on a broader level. He enjoys discovering new things and applying them to his day to day life.

I've been lucky to work directly with some of the RMS staff through various events. The staff is energetic, caring, and creative. They allow the students to explore a variety of different programs and options. If they see a need for something in the school, they find a way to incorporate it."

An education with a family-friendly focus

"My son has participated in the Studio before-and-after-school enrichment program for the last four years. As an educator, it allows flexibility for drop off and pick-ups. He enjoys going to school early and staying late because of the engaging activities. The Studio program is often the highlight of his day.

The Watch Dogs program at RMS has allowed my child and me to connect on a different level. We can effectively communicate and take part in activities together that we wouldn't have been able to do."

How Riverside Magnet School makes a difference

"RMS allows my son to be around a diverse population of students and staff. He has the opportunity to learn from and teach peers in a way that he wouldn't be able to do in a traditional school setting.

The growth my child has shown since attending RMS is incredible. He has become more vocal in his ability to advocate for himself and has learned strategies that allow him to be more productive at school and home."


Meet Kristen

What is Reggio Emilia | RMS. (6)

An early academic atmosphere that advances

“I wanted my kids to get a different type of education than a traditional public school. When the Riverside Magnet School announced the Reggio Emilia curriculum (student-centered and self-guided), I knew this was the home I was looking for.

A classroom with a student-centered approach is amazing. I’ll never forget the year our girls were in Pre-K, and they started learning and asking all about doors. Suddenly, there was a field trip to a home improvement store and they saw doors being built, read about doors, and discussed them. It was such a fun section of their year for our family to participate in.”

An education with a family-friendly focus

“The philosophy at RMS is family first, and I appreciate that. My children know that I work together with their teachers to make sure they are in the best place possible.”

How Riverside Magnet School makes a difference

“My son is thriving in middle school because of the foundation laid at RMS. He is a confident student who knows how to self-advocate and work hard even in the toughest of classrooms. His current teachers often describe him as a thoughtful student who asks great questions and contributes to his classmates’ learning.

The teachers at RMS are what makes this community so special. They really love and care about my children’s education and their well-being as little humans. I strongly believe these teachers are helping us raise the next generation of leaders!”

Meet Jennifer & Sean

What is Reggio Emilia | RMS. (7)

An education with a family-friendly focus

“As parents, we are at ease knowing that the RMS teachers really care about our children the same way we do. Teachers take an active interest in our family’s life, and the staff seems to know all of the kids by name, even if they haven’t had them in class before.

We like that the school teaches students to take care of themselves, others, and the environment. At an early age, RMS helps kids realize that they are an essential part of a community.

Our daughters participate in the Studio after-school program, and we have also sent our girls to summer Studio, a summer camp facilitated by the school. Our kids loveStudio! They get to spend time with friends in a familiar setting with staff members they know.It’s extremely helpful to have this service available.

As RMS parents, it’s also easy to get involved. We find that our relationships with the educators at the school are really collaborative, and this helps us so that we can best support our children.”

An early academic atmosphere that advances

“We were drawn to RMS because of the Reggio Emilia theme and its focus on respect, responsibility, and community. The RMS curriculum is based on student interests and promotes curiosity. Our children have taken an active role in their education and have been excited to show us their projects.

There is a good balance between teaching and exploring topics of interest at Riverside Magnet School. The atmosphere is also a huge part of student learning — whether it be the setting in the classroom, the larger building, or the outdoors, there is a greater focus on the environment and its role in learning.”

How Riverside Magnet School makes a difference

“As students at RMS, our kids have access to technology and resources that they might not have had if they were at our hometown school.

Being a magnet school, we liked the idea that our children would be going to school with children from other communities all across Connecticut, providing our children a more rich and diverse experience than they would be exposed to in our hometown.

Also, now that there is a pathway from preschool to college with RMS, CTRA, and Goodwin University, we think it makes the school even more appealing to families.

Through RMS, our children have learned more about being respectful toward others and their environment and what it means to be a good citizen at school and within the greater community. They are open to learning about all different things, and we often see an extension of that at home. Our children now identify projects and communicate when they want to learn something new, not because they have to, but because they want to.”

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Interested in applyingfor the 2024-2025School Year?

The RSCOApplication is now available through March 18, 2024. Apply now!

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At RMS we generally do not get through all of our first choice applicants. So please make sure you select us as your first choice!

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... just ask Casey!

What is Reggio Emilia | RMS. (8)

Casey Guiheen
Family and Community Outreach & Engagement Coordinator
School office:860-709-6822
Email: rmsinfo@goodwinmagnetsystem.org

What is Reggio Emilia | RMS. (2024)


What is Reggio Emilia | RMS.? ›

Reggio Emilia

Reggio Emilia
The Reggio Emilia approach is an educational philosophy and pedagogy focused on preschool and primary education. This approach is a student-centered and constructivist self-guided curriculum that uses self-directed, experiential learning in relationship-driven environments.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Reggio_Emilia_approach
is an educational
An academic discipline or field of study is a branch of knowledge, taught and researched as part of higher education. A scholar's discipline is commonly defined by the university faculties and learned societies to which they belong and the academic journals in which they publish research.
https://en.wikipedia.org › Outline_of_academic_disciplines
philosophy focused on early childhood education and experiential learning
. Per the Reggio Emilia philosophy, children are in control of their own learning and exploration.

What is Reggio Emilia in simple terms? ›

The Reggio Emilia Approach® is an educational philosophy based on the image of a child with strong potentialities for development and a subject with rights, who learns through the hundred languages belonging to all human beings, and grows in relations with others.

What is the main idea of the Reggio Emilia approach? ›

In the Reggio Emilia approach, the children are the centre of their own learning and the initiators of the process. They have ingrained and natural interests that both inspire them to learn but construct the best way to learn on their own.

What is the difference between Reggio Emilia and Montessori? ›

Reggio Emilia classrooms are more flexible and open-ended whereas Montessori areas are more structured. Reggio Emilia teachers are seen as partners and guides whereas Montessori teachers are seen as directors. Reggio Emilia groups children by traditional age ranges whereas Montessori groups multiple ages together.

What is the Reggio learning style? ›

The Reggio Emilia approach is an educational philosophy and pedagogy focused on preschool and primary education. This approach is a student-centered and constructivist self-guided curriculum that uses self-directed, experiential learning in relationship-driven environments.

What is the downside of Reggio Emilia? ›

Reggio Emilia can be challenging for teachers because they need to be highly observant and creative to facilitate learning for their students. Reggio Emilia is also a philosophy, so teachers can interpret it differently.

What is an example of a Reggio Emilia lesson? ›

Here are some examples of Reggio Emilia in the classroom: Digging and pouring in a sensory table. Experimenting with art and drawing on an easel, paper, or other materials. Discovering insects, leaves, and flowers, and sorting and collecting things they find in the playground.

Is Reggio Emilia play based? ›

Yes, the Reggio Emilia method is play-based, allowing children to use hands-on exploration to discover and explore their interests. Using play as a medium, children are actively encouraged to use all five senses to explore the world around them.

How is Reggio Emilia different from traditional? ›

Child-Centred Approach

Individual interests and questions may have less room in traditional settings, as the curriculum is standardised and designed for a group of students. The Reggio Emilia Approach recognises that children are naturally curious and capable of directing their own learning.

Is Reggio Emilia similar to Waldorf? ›

While Waldorf is similar to Montessori and Reggio Emilia in terms of helping develop children, the educational style focuses more on creative play rather than a prepared environment learning style (Montessori) and a project-based free-form approach to children learning about what they are interested in as a group.

What is Reggio Emilia's famous quote? ›

“Learning and teaching should not stand on opposite banks and just watch the river flow by; instead, they should embark together on a journey down the water. Through an active, reciprocal exchange, teaching can strengthen learning and how to learn.” Malaguzzi, L.

What curriculum does Reggio Emilia use? ›

The emergent curriculum of Reggio Emilia bleeds into its emphasis on children-led projects. In this approach, learning is led by the children and structured around projects. These “adventures,” as some teachers call them, can last a week or span the entire school year.

What does a Reggio classroom look like? ›

In a traditional Reggio classroom, you would find an atelier (creative expression area), loose parts, a sensory/sand play area, building area, writing center, math/numbers center, and a meeting area (in the larger school setting, this is called a piazza).

What is the Reggio Emilia approach for dummies? ›

Reggio Emilia is an emergent curriculum built upon the interests of the children. This way of teaching requires teachers to observe and have discussions with children and their families to discover their abilities, needs, and skills and build them into classroom learning, activities, and play.

What are the three core principles of the Reggio Emilia philosophy? ›

The core values of the Reggio Emilia approach include respect for children as capable and competent individuals, the belief in the importance of a supportive and enriching environment, and the recognition of the role of collaboration and social interaction in learning.

How is Reggio Emilia different from traditional preschool? ›

In a Reggio-inspired classroom, teachers encourage groups to work together using dialogue, comparisons, negotiations and respect. They learn to express their ideas, listen to others, and work collectively toward common goals. Traditional preschools often focus more on individual tasks and activities.

How would you explain the Reggio Emilia approach to a parent? ›

Parents. In the process of learning, the teachers, parents and child are viewed as collaborators. In the Reggio approach the parent is viewed as an essential resource to the child's learning. The exchange of ideas between parents and teachers is vital in creating a more positive and productive learning environment.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.