What is a disaster recovery (DR) test? (2024)


  • James Alan Miller,Senior Executive Editor
  • Ed Hannan

A disaster recovery test (DR test) is the examination of each step in adisaster recovery plan as outlined in an organization's business continuity/disaster recovery (BCDR) planning process. Evaluating the DR plan helps ensure that an organization can recoverdata, restore business critical applications and continue operations after an interruption of services.

In many organizations, DR testing is neglected because creating a plan for disaster recovery can tie up resources and become expensive. Companies may consider having a DR plan as enough, even if there is no evidence that it can carry out that plan if disaster strikes.

If an organization doesn't invest time and resources into testing its disaster recovery plan, there's a real chance the plan will fail to execute as expected when it's really needed. Communications,data recovery and application recovery are typically the focus of disaster recovery testing. Other areas for testing vary, depending on the organization's recovery point objective (RPO) and recovery timeobjective (RTO).

Experts recommend conducting disaster recovery tests on a regular basis throughout the year and incorporating them into all planned maintenance and staff training. Once a test has been completed,audit logsand other data should be analyzed to determine what worked as expected, what didn't work as expected, what changes need to be made to the DR plan's design and what tasks need to be scheduled for retesting.

Goals of disaster recovery testing

One of the main goals of a disaster recovery test is to determine if a DR plan can work and meet an organization's predetermined RPO/RTO requirements. It also provides feedback to enterprises so they can amend their DR plan should any unexpected issues arise.

IT systems rarely remain static, so new and upgraded products need to be tested again. Storage systems and servers may have been added or upgraded new applications deployed and older applications updated since an organization developed its disaster recovery plan. Or, the cloud -- private, public or hybrid -- may begin to play a larger role in an organization's IT infrastructure. A disaster recovery test helps to make sure a DR plan stays current in an IT world that changes constantly.

What is a disaster recovery (DR) test? (1)

Types of disaster recovery tests

There are three basic types of disaster recovery testing. These include a plan review, tabletop exercise and simulation test.

Plan review: Here, the DR plan owner and other members of the team behind its development and implementation closely review the plan, examining it in detail to find any inconsistencies and missing elements.

Tabletop exercise: These are exercises where stakeholders gather to walk step by step through all the components of a disaster recovery plan. This helps determine if everyone knows what they are supposed to do in case of an emergency and uncovers any inconsistencies, missing information or errors.

Simulation: Simulating disaster scenarios is a good way to see if the procedures and resources -- including backup systems and recovery sites -- allocated for disaster recovery and business continuity work in a situation as close to the real-world as possible. A simulation runs a variety of disaster scenarios to see if the teams involved in the DR process can restart technologies and business operations in a timely manner. This process can determine if there are enough people on staff to get the DR job done properly.

What is a disaster recovery (DR) test? (2)

Important aspects of a DR test

Effective disaster recovery testing should take the following into consideration:

Timing: When was the last time an application or system was tested? The longer the period of time between tests, the higher the risk that change or growth -- in data, hardware or software -- will result in DR plan failure. It is also important to measure and know how long a complete recovery takes from an RTO perspective as part of your DR test.

Changes: Test to make sure backup/restore processes remain unaffected by any changes. Always perform a DR test after any major infrastructure changes -- for example, in storage hardware or upgrading of a hypervisor -- as these can lead to the need to rewrite disaster recovery processes.

Impact: You need to know if disaster recovery testing will or won't impact your production environment. For example, tests can cause downtime because an application or hardware devices must be taken down or they will impact the live data. All data and software updates should be incorporated into a simulation to make sure it is a valid run-through and the impact of the tests are the same as if the DR plan was implemented in a real-world disaster.

People: Use a DR test to minimize or completely remove the potential for human error from the disaster recovery process. Also, be sure to use a variety of people -- not just employees involved with directly supporting a particular application -- to better determine the validity of all the steps in a DR plan, either on a live system or during a paper exercise.

Disaster recovery plan template

Free, downloadable IT DR template helps facilitate the initiation, completion and testing of an IT DR plan.

Disaster recovery testing checklist

  • Present a detailed DR testing plan when attempting to get approval and funding to run tests.
  • Clearly identify goals, objectives, procedures and what you are looking for in your post-testing analyses.
  • Put together a test team -- including subject matter experts -- and make sure everyone is available for the planned testing date.
  • Determine exactly what to test -- for example, backup and recovery, system and networks resumption or the employee notification system.
  • Carefully document and be prepared to edit your DR plan and disaster recovery testing scripts.
  • Review and confirm that all code in test scripts is accurate.
  • Include all relevant technology elements and processes being tested in the plan -- no matter how seemingly insignificant.
  • Ensure the test environment is ready, available and won't affect production systems before starting. Make sure testing doesn't conflict with any other activities or tests.
  • Schedule a DR test, which can take hours, far in advance; notify and remind other IT managers of the coming test.
  • Perform a dry run -- or a practice exercise -- before the disaster recovery test goes live to uncover and fix potential problems.
  • Stop and review the test when issues arise. Continue if the problem can be bypassed; reschedule if necessary.
  • Designate a timekeeper to record start and end times and a scribe to take notes to help prepare for the test's after-action report, which describes what occurred during the test, what did and didn't work and what has been learned.
  • Update disaster recovery and business continuity plans (BCP) and other documents based on what's been learned from the DR test.

This was last updated in April 2020

Continue Reading About disaster recovery (DR) test

  • Download free disaster recovery testing templates
  • Avoid these 10 disaster recovery planning mistakes
  • Technologies that ease DR plan testing
  • How to keep physical backup media storage safe

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Dig Deeper on Disaster recovery planning and management

What is a disaster recovery (DR) test? (2024)


What is a disaster recovery test? ›

Disaster recovery testing is the process to ensure that an organization can restore data and applications and continue operations after an interruption of its services, critical IT failure or complete disruption. It is necessary to document this process and review it from time to time with their clients.

What is a disaster recovery DR exercise? ›

Disaster recovery is an organization's method of regaining access and functionality to its IT infrastructure after events like a natural disaster, cyber attack, or even business disruptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. A variety of disaster recovery (DR) methods can be part of a disaster recovery plan.

What is a disaster recovery quizlet? ›

A disaster recovery plan. is a collection of documented procedures and plans on how to react and handle an emergency or disaster scenario, from the operational perspective. This includes things that should be done before, during and after a disaster.

How do you perform a recovery test? ›

The following steps need to be performed before executing the recovery testing process to ensure the performance of recovery testing:
  1. Step1: Appropriate recovery analysis. ...
  2. Step2: Preparation of Test Plan. ...
  3. Step3: Preparation of Test environment. ...
  4. Step4: Keeping the Back-up of the data. ...
  5. Step5: Recovery personnel Allocation.

What are the four 4 types of systems tests? ›

There are four main stages of testing that need to be completed before a program can be cleared for use: unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.

What are the 3 key criteria for performance testing? ›

These performance criteria -- the design, normal and peak loads, system resources, dependencies, workload characteristics and time -- are prerequisites for performance testing and should be part of any strategy.

Why is DR testing important? ›

DR testing matters because the recovery process is based not only on your recovery procedures but on coordination, collaboration and sequencing. You must maintain those across your storage, network, applications, databases and other platforms.

What is recovery testing with example? ›

Examples of recovery testing: While an application is running, suddenly restart the computer, and afterwards check the validness of the application's data integrity. While an application is receiving data from a network, unplug the connecting cable.

What are the four types of disaster exercises? ›

Types of Exercises
  • Walkthroughs, workshops or orientation seminars.
  • Tabletop exercises.
  • Functional exercises.
  • Full-scale exercises.
Oct 12, 2021

What is disaster management easy answer? ›

Disaster management is a process of effectively preparing for and responding to disasters. It involves strategically organizing resources to lessen the harm that disasters cause. It also involves a systematic approach to managing the responsibilities of disaster prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.

What is Disaster Management Short answer? ›

Disaster Management can be defined as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular, preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.

What is disaster recovery examples? ›

One example of a disaster recovery strategy is data backup, which helps businesses recover lost data after accidental deletion or a cyberattack such as ransomware. The goal of disaster recovery is to equip an organization with the tools and procedures to rapidly restore operations after a disruption.

How often should a DR plan be tested? ›

A disaster recovery plan must be evaluated, examined, and reorganized at least once every year. Every time there are major changes made to recovery tactics, human resources, operating software, and IT infrastructure, a business continuity and disaster recovery test must be conducted.

What is the minimum standard for testing a disaster recovery plan? ›

While there is no one standard for how often you should test your DRP and BCP, you should generally conduct functional disaster recovery testing at least once per year.

Who is responsible for disaster recovery testing? ›

The impact assessment and recovery team will have the most responsibility in an actual recovery event; they have most of the expertise. You'll need four infrastructure representatives to cover networks, servers, storage and databases.

How to do system testing with example? ›

Example of System Testing

Each component of the automobile, such as the seats, steering, mirror, brake, cable, engine, car structure, and wheels, is made independently. After each item is manufactured, it is tested separately to see whether it functions as intended. This is known as unit testing.

What are the 5 types of test? ›

Those tests are proficiency test, diagnostic test, placement test, achievement test, language aptitude test.
  • Proficiency Test. The purpose of proficiency test is to test global competence in a language. ...
  • Diagnostic Test. ...
  • Placement Test. ...
  • Achievement Test. ...
  • Language Aptitude Test.
Dec 19, 2012

What are the three tests used in system testing? ›

Execute Test Case: After the generation of the test case and the test data, test cases are executed. Defect Reporting: Defects in the system are detected. Regression Testing: It is carried out to test the side effects of the testing process.

What are the two major requirements in the performance testing? ›

Stability: It determines whether the software product is stable in case of varying workloads. Reliability: It determines whether the software product is secure or not.

What are the skills required for performance testing? ›

Here are the most important technical skills for a performance tester!
  • Scripting, scripting, and scripting. There are many performance testing tools on the market. ...
  • Basic Understanding of System Architecture. ...
  • CSS and XPath Selectors.
Jan 29, 2018

What are the 4 recovery strategies? ›

Some of the more common recovery techniques utilised by athletes include hydrotherapy, active recovery, stretching, compression garments and massage.

What are the 4 things a recovery plan should include? ›

What should a disaster recovery plan include?
  • Goals. ...
  • Personnel. ...
  • IT inventory. ...
  • Backup procedures. ...
  • Disaster recovery procedures. ...
  • Disaster recovery sites. ...
  • Restoration procedures.

What are the 4 steps to service recovery? ›

The 4 Basic Steps to Customer Service Recovery
  1. Apologize. Go beyond an apology and ask for genuine forgiveness. ...
  2. Review. Before solving the problem, make a collaborative review of it with the help of the complainant. ...
  3. Fix and Follow Up. This crucial step is where the action really starts to take place. ...
  4. Document.
Feb 12, 2015

Why is DR activity important? ›

Disaster recovery (DR) is an organization's ability to respond to and recover from an event that negatively affects business operations. The goal of DR methods is to enable the organization to regain use of critical systems and IT infrastructure as soon as possible after a disaster occurs.

Why is IT necessary to test a disaster recovery plan? ›

Testing the disaster recovery plan aims to ensure that business operations and critical services can be maintained during and after an incident. Disaster recovery testing in its most comprehensive form involves simulating an IT failure or any other type of business disruption to assess the DR plan in place.

What is the purpose of DR planning? ›

The objective of a disaster recovery (DR) plan is to ensure that an organization can respond to a disaster or other emergency that affects information systems –and minimize the effect on business operations.

What are some examples of recovery? ›

Recovery is those activities that continue beyond the emergency period to restore lifelines. Examples include providing temporary shelter, restoring power, critical stress debriefing for emergency responders and victims, job assistance, small business loans, and debris clearance

What are the two types of recovery processes? ›

If performing recovery, there are two types of recovery processing: normal and catastrophic.

What are the two types of data recovery? ›

There are two types of recoveries, logical data recovery and physical data recovery.

What are the 3 key elements of disaster? ›

Preparedness, Response, Recovery & Prevention/Mitigation.

What are the 2 main different types of disaster? ›

Types of Disasters - Natural and Human-Caused Disasters.

What are the 3 levels of disaster? ›

Disasters are declared starting at the federal, then state, then local level.

Why is disaster management important short answer? ›

Disaster management is important for people and the government to prevent the nation from the hazardous consequences of the disaster, which can be either man-made or natural.

What are the main points of disaster management? ›

The cycle involves the following five stages:
  • Prevention. The best way to address a disaster is by being proactive. ...
  • Mitigation. Mitigation aims to minimize the loss of human life that would result from a disaster. ...
  • Preparedness. ...
  • Response. ...
  • Recovery.

What is disaster management 150 words? ›

Sample Essay of Disaster Management (150 Words)

Disaster can be simply termed as a sudden incident or happening which can be either natural or man-made and can potentially cause damage to the surroundings or loss of human life.

What is disaster management few lines? ›

Disaster management in India refers to conservation of lives and property during a natural or man-made disaster. Disaster management plans are multi-layered and are planned to address issues such as floods, hurricanes, fires, mass failure of utilities and the rapid spread of disease.

What is disaster recovery interview questions? ›

Who are the key stakeholders and decision makers who need to be involved in the recovery process? Does the recovery plan meet all compliance objectives? What will happen to key data in the event of a disaster? Against which types of disasters do you need to protect your business?

What are the steps in disaster recovery? ›

  1. 7 Steps to a Successful Disaster Recovery Plan. ...
  2. Create your disaster recovery contingency planning team. ...
  3. List all names and contact details. ...
  4. Determine a chain of command. ...
  5. Consider your risk assessment. ...
  6. Do you have a 'Plan B'? ...
  7. Protect your company data. ...
  8. Test, test and test again!

What is meant by disaster recovery? ›

Disaster recovery is the process by which an organization anticipates and addresses technology-related disasters. IT systems in any company can go down unexpectedly due to unforeseen circ*mstances, such as power outages, natural events, or security issues.

What is recovery testing example? ›

Examples of recovery testing: While an application is running, suddenly restart the computer, and afterwards check the validness of the application's data integrity. While an application is receiving data from a network, unplug the connecting cable.

What do you do in disaster recovery? ›

Disaster recovery (DR) is an organization's ability to respond to and recover from an event that negatively affects business operations. The goal of DR methods is to enable the organization to regain use of critical systems and IT infrastructure as soon as possible after a disaster occurs.

What is the first test of a disaster recovery plan? ›

The DRP Review is the most basic initial DRP test, focusing on a reading of the DRP in its entirety to ensure complete coverage. This review is typically performed by the team that developed the plan and involves team members reading the entire plan quickly to uncover any obvious flaws.

Why do companies need to perform disaster recovery tests every year? ›

The objective of testing a disaster recovery plan is to understand the shortcomings within the plan. By testing a plan, it is possible to find quick solutions before they deteriorate and disrupt the ability to re-establish key business operations.

How often should disaster recovery plans be tested? ›

Disaster recovery (DR/IT) tests often involve the coordination of efforts between multiple vendor platforms and complex technology configurations. The results are generally pass/fail, and it's recommended to be performed annually.

What are the 3 types of disasters? ›

Disasters are classified into natural disasters, man-made disasters, and hybrid disasters.

What are the 4 R's in disaster management? ›

4 R'S OF RESCUE, RELIEF, REHABILITATION AND RECONSTRUCTION The standard time frame of rescue, relief and rehabilitation are usually defined as approximately 7 days, 3 months and 5 years respectively.

What are the 3 major categories of disasters? ›

The 3 main types of disasters are: Natural Disasters, Physical Disasters & Technology-Based Disasters.

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