What Attracts co*ckroaches into Your Home? | EcoGuard (2024)

What Attracts co*ckroaches into Your Home? | EcoGuard (1)

co*ckroaches search out 3 things: food, water and shelter. If you are wondering why you have seen co*ckroaches, ask yourself if any of these things are readily available for co*ckroaches. If your home is dirty and has dishes and trash all over the place, co*ckroaches are finding plenty of food. If you have a leaking faucet and mildew under your sink, co*ckroaches are finding plenty of water. If your home is warm and dry when the weather is cold and wet outside, co*ckroaches are finding plenty of shelter. These resources are all necessary for co*ckroaches to thrive in each stage of the co*ckroach life cycle. Even the cleanest houses have co*ckroaches so ensuring that the things that attract them are minimized are the first step in preventing future co*ckroach problems. Below are several examples of what attracts co*ckroaches in your home.

What Attracts co*ckroaches into Your Home?

To effectively control co*ckroaches, it is important to understand what is inside a home that attracts them in the first place. In this article, we will explore the key factors that lure co*ckroaches into homes and provide tips for preventing and controlling infestations.

What Attracts co*ckroaches into Your Home? | EcoGuard (2)

Food Sources

Food is the first and strongest attractants for most bugs with co*ckroaches being no different. co*ckroaches are omnivorous scavengersthat will eat just about anything including grease, dust, dirt, paper, soap, hair, and other co*ckroaches. co*ckroaches need these food sources because they provide co*ckroaches with the energy and nutrition they need to survive and reproduce. They will always find something to munch on regardless of how clean a house is, but it is critical to fight them where they are most likely to be found to reduce the potential for a full-blown infestation. The places where co*ckroaches are most likely going to find a steady supply of food is wherever your family stores or prepares it. This makes kitchens, pantries, and cupboards prime targets for co*ckroach invaders. Kitchens are a safe bet for roaches to be able to find something to eat because there are typically crumbs on the ground, grease on the stove, food debris under appliances, or dirty dishes in the sink. However, because co*ckroaches can also feed on debris like dead skin, hair, dust, paper, and so much more, they can really be found just about anywhere. Places like bathrooms, garages, and laundry rooms are also prime areas where co*ckroaches are typically found due to ample food sources.

To effectively combat co*ckroaches in these spaces, it is crucial to keep these rooms as clean as possible and free of food debris. While it can be nearly impossible to get all of the mess, reducing large pain points where there is visible crumbs, stains, and spills can go along way to help minimize co*ckroach activity. In addition to general cleaning, it really helps to do a deep cleaning on a regular basis that involves deep cleaning the stove and oven for grease, cleaning and sanitizing under appliances like the stove and refrigerator, and wiping down and sanitizing the insides of cupboards and drawers. 

Strong Smells

Roaches have an extremely sensitive and highly developed sense of smell. This sense of smell is largely detected by a co*ckroach’s antennae, which are covered in scent receptors. These receptors can pick up different molecules in the air which trigger a response in the co*ckroach depending on the stimulus. co*ckroach antennae can tell the difference between small amounts of food, mates, and even sources of water and what direction these resources may be coming from. Even candles, potpourri, and laundry soap can potentially attract co*ckroaches because they give off odor molecules that smell like food. co*ckroaches can even leave pheromone trails to resourcesto help guide themselves and other co*ckroaches back to a source of food, water, or a potential nest with future mates. To help reduce the likelihood of co*ckroaches being attracted to certain odors, doing things like cleaning up messes, taking out the trash, and using and air purifier can all help minimize the strong odors that can attract co*ckroaches. 

Pet Supplies

Pet food and water provides co*ckroaches with the perfect source of sustenance they need to stay alive. However, these sources are often overlooked and left out to provide pets with a regular source of nutrition and hydration that they can use when they need it. Unfortunately, keeping a pet’s food and water bowl out and filled is a great way to attract co*ckroaches and introduce them to your home. Keeping pets fed regularly in small amounts that ensure there are no leftovers for co*ckroaches will be critical to minimizing co*ckroach populations. It doesn’t take much to feed a co*ckroach so it is also important to rinse out the bowls to ensure there are no leftover particles of pet food that co*ckroaches can eat. It is also important to store the food safely in airtight plastic containers to prevent co*ckroaches from accessing the pet food.


Second to food, the other thing roaches need to survive is water. In extreme times of drought or heat, co*ckroaches may be driven inside in search of leaky plumbing or a dripping faucet to stay hydrated. Just like with food, a co*ckroach’s strong sense of smell can detect the smell of mold, mildew, and other indicators of excess water. co*ckroaches will seek these sources out and this is why you will often find co*ckroaches in bathroom, kitchens, and laundry rooms. co*ckroaches only need about one drop of water every day so they can even find water in potted plant soil, kitchen sponges, and from condensation. If co*ckroaches are not able to stay hydrated enough, they will dry out and not be able to digest their food or successfully reproduce. This means that eliminating water sources has a two fold impact on keeping co*ckroaches under control. If co*ckroaches are not able to find sources of hydration, they won’t be attracted to your property and they won’t be able to breed which is critical when trying to prevent a co*ckroach infestation. To prevent excess moisture and keep water sources down, homeowners should:

  • Fix leaky pipes and faucets
  • Seal cracks and gaps around toilets and sinks
  • Ensure that showers and bathtubs are properly set with a waterproof basin
  • Remove standing water sources inside of a home
  • Rinse sponges and wash clothes with a bleach mix to make the moisture toxic
  • Layer potted plants with gravel to separate moist soil from roaches
  • Use drain covers that prevent roaches from accessing moisture inside pipes
  • Ensure that surfaces where condensation can build up are consistently wiped down


co*ckroaches prefer to avoid weather extremes like intense heat, cold, or rain. When it becomes difficult to survive outside, co*ckroaches will move indoors in search of protection against the elements. co*ckroaches will generally access your home using cracks and crevices as entry points but once they realize how cozy it is inside your home, it will be hard to get them to leave. It is important to minimize co*ckroach activity because once a co*ckroach has found a safe, dark, and humid place to hide and lay their co*ckroach egg cases, they will release pheromones that attract other co*ckroaches. The most common places to find co*ckroaches are:

  • Inside cabinets and drawers
  • Under kitchen appliances
  • Inside or around trash cans
  • Under sinks and around pipes
  • Around toilets, showers, and bathtubs
  • Inside closets and other storage areas with cardboard boxes
  • Inside garages, sheds, and barns
  • Around laundry rooms
  • In crawlspaces and wall cavities

To help eliminate co*ckroach harborage points, it is important to seal any cracks and crevices, and apply residual pesticides around common co*ckroach hiding places.

What Attracts co*ckroaches into Your Home? | EcoGuard (3)


One of the biggest things that co*ckroaches need outside of the bare resources they need to survive is access to those resources. If your home has food, water, or shelter but all access points have been sealed properly, then co*ckroaches can’t find their way inside. It can be difficult to block accessibility though, because co*ckroaches only need a crack the width of a coin to sneak through. For an untrained individual, it can be difficult to find areas where co*ckroaches can gain access to a home so to prevent a potential infestation, it is important to rely on the expertise of professionals who know where to look. Trained and experienced professionals will know how to treat and seal potential access points that co*ckroaches can use to invade a building.

Other co*ckroaches

co*ckroaches are social insects that attract other co*ckroaches using pheromones. The pheromones releasedindicate the presence of potential mates and sources of resources that co*ckroaches need. Usually if you are starting to see the signs of co*ckroaches, it means that there are several more in a co*ckroach nest somewhere close by. This is extremely concerning because the rate at which co*ckroaches multiply can cause a small co*ckroach problem to become a large infestation in a very short period. To ensure that co*ckroaches are kept under control, it is important to treat for co*ckroaches at the first sign of co*ckroach activity. Keeping and area clean and sanitized can also help eliminate traces of pheromones that co*ckroaches use to communicate amongst each other.


If you live in an apartment, townhome, or other unit that shares a wall, you may find yourself unlucky enough to live next to a slob who doesn’t maintain their property and creates an environment that attracts co*ckroaches. If your unsanitary neighbors do attract co*ckroaches, they may eventually find their way to your home through a shared wall. Typically, these types of units are often rented and managed by property managers. Most state laws indicate that resolving this issue is usually the responsibility of the property owner or manager. If you are a tenant, be sure to inform the property owner or manager and document the infestation. If you are a property owner or manager, be sure to call a professional co*ckroach control company immediately.

Cardboard Boxes

In addition to normal food and debris, co*ckroaches can consume paper and other cellulose rich materials. If co*ckroaches make their way into your house and find old boxes in garages, attics, or storage, they will make themselves at home. The reason co*ckroaches will infest cardboard boxes is because these items provide both the perfect home and food source because they are usually in dark, undisturbed places. To avoid this problem, be sure to keep things that are meant for storage in clear plastic bins and containers. Having clear containers will provide visibility into storage items to see if there are any unwanted home invaders hanging out inside your storage items.


While the location of a home might not necessarily be considered a co*ckroach attractant, it can definitely impact the presences of certain co*ckroach species. co*ckroaches are a notorious pest that can be found just about anywhere, however homes that are warm and / or humid all year round likely have a higher potential for co*ckroach problems when compared against homes in colder climates. That being said, co*ckroaches may become more visible in colder climates when temperatures drop and drive co*ckroaches inside. The location of your home may have some impact on the likelihood of when homeowners may experience co*ckroach problems. Regardless, it is important to take the right precautions no matter what your location is to ensure that co*ckroaches do not infest your property. Warmer climates may require regular treatment all year round as co*ckroaches are prevalent throughout the year where colder climates may just need seasonal treatments to ensure that co*ckroaches are defended against when they are most likely to invade a home.

What Attracts co*ckroaches Outside?

In addition to all of the things that attract co*ckroaches inside, there are a few extra things that may attract co*ckroaches to the outside of your home.


Your yard may be just as appealing to co*ckroaches and may provide them with all the food, water, and shelter they need. There are plenty of places where standing water can normally be found, hiding places under every rock and bushes, and food readily available just about anywhere there is organic detritus. This combination makes the outside of your home very attractive which will draw co*ckroaches to your yard. Once the co*ckroaches have made themselves welcome in your yard, it is only a matter of time before the weather drives those co*ckroaches inside. Ensure that preventative measures are taken to keep co*ckroaches out. Things like keeping your yard well maintained and treating using an exterior perimeter pesticide application can go a long way in keeping outdoor co*ckroach populations under control.


Many species of common household co*ckroaches are often attracted to certain wavelengths of lights. However, this is the most difficult co*ckroach attractant to utilize against a growing population because some species are also deterred by lights. Depending on the species, leaving lights on can attract them to your property while at the same time, keeping lights off might attract other species. Seeing co*ckroaches scurry away when lights are activated usually indicates that you are dealing with a light avoidant species and seeing co*ckroaches out during the day often indicates that you are dealing with a species that may prefer light. Regardless, this attractant doesn’t help much when trying to combat a potential infestation so professional help is recommended when treating for co*ckroaches.


The primary thing that attracts co*ckroaches is food and outdoor trash cans typically provide an abundant and consistent source of this in demand resource. These trash receptacles are usually rich with decomposing organic materials like decaying fruits and vegetables and other food scraps. Trash cans can also even provide sources of water and shelter so it makes sense that co*ckroaches would seek trash cans out. To prevent co*ckroaches from accessing trash cans, it is important to treat these receptacles with residual pesticides and occasionally clean them out so the insides are free of decomposing food.

Different co*ckroach Species are Attracted to Different Things

Different species of co*ckroacheshave their own unique individual preferences. Some prefer humid damp environments while other prefer drier climates. Some species are attracted to light while others are deterred by lights. The differences will be explored below for each common household co*ckroach species.

What Attracts co*ckroaches into Your Home? | EcoGuard (4)

What Attracts American co*ckroaches

American co*ckroaches prefer to feed on decaying, organic matter and are particularly attracted to fermenting foods like fruit and beer. They generally prefer warm, moist, and humid environments that are not exposed to too much light, so they usually are not found in human living spaces. Plumbing issues generally attract large numbers of American co*ckroaches and they can usually be found in places like near your home’s boiler or basem*nt. Not only does a boiler provide the warm, humid environment American co*ckroaches thrive in, it also provides them with pipes that lead to every room in the house.

What Attracts German co*ckroaches

German co*ckroaches are drawn to food debris but have a preference for grease buildup, organic food waste, and moist or sweet foods. German co*ckroaches also prefer warm and moist environments, which gives them plenty of reason to hide out in areas like under the kitchen sink or in pantries and cupboards where food might be found. These co*ckroaches are nocturnal and will typically hide during the day, only to come out at night.

What Attracts Brown Banded co*ckroaches?

Brown banded co*ckroaches are typically found in areas that are kept warm and dry. They prefer to hide out in places that are elevated like bookshelves, hanging picture frames, furniture, and other storage places that are left undisturbed. The reason they prefer to hide in places like these is because brown banded co*ckroaches prefer to feed on cellulose and starchy items like the paper and glue that you might find in books, handing pictures, or wallpaper.

What Attracts Oriental co*ckroaches?

Oriental co*ckroaches are generally an outdoor species that are attracted to dark, damp, and cool environments. They are commonly found living under mulch, leaf debris, and other types of ground cover that stay moist. They are also commonly found in storm drains and sewers due to their preference for outdoor environments that stay consistently wet. When they make their way inside, they will usually make their way into basem*nts, crawl spaces, and cellars that stay cool. This species also prefers to feed on decaying organic matter and vegetation.

How to Prevent & Get Rid of co*ckroaches

Preventing and getting rid of co*ckroachesis mostly just keeping them from things they need to survive. When it comes to food, the best strategy is to eliminate, clean, and store.

  • Eliminate: Be sure to get rid of any food and pet food that is exposed and sitting out. Then take out the trash every evening so roaches have nothing to attract them when they are most active.
  • Clean: Regularly wipe down counter tops and surfaces, wash dishes, sweep and mop floors for food debris, and occasionally clean under and behind large appliances.
  • Store: Seal stored foods in airtight containers made of plastic, glass, or ceramic to avoid co*ckroaches in your pantry. Raise stored goods off of the floor and eliminate cardboard wherever it is unnecessary.

In addition to removing food, it is important to remove sources of water and treat potential harborage places where co*ckroaches may start breeding. It is important to fix any leaks to remove excess moisture and seal any cracks, gaps, or crevices with caulking or silicone sealants to prevent access. Using a residual pesticide spray on areas where different co*ckroach species tend to be can also go a long way in helping to reduce co*ckroach populations. Be sure to apply the spray around appliances, near sources of water, and anywhere food might be found.

Contact EcoGuard if You Are Dealing with A co*ckroach Infestation

If you find yourself dealing with co*ckroaches, it may be too late to remove co*ckroach attractants. Be sure to call EcoGuard Pest Management to come in and inspect your property. We will find where co*ckroaches are active and will shed some light on what could possibly be drawing in co*ckroaches in the first place. Our inspection will come with a customized co*ckroach treatment plandesigned to deliver the results you want. Call today to schedule an inspection right away.

co*ckroach Attractant FAQs

  • What attracts co*ckroaches outside?

    co*ckroaches will be drawn to your home before ever stepping foot inside. They will look for an abundance of water, food, and shelter. If there is trash cans outside that poorly contained and standing water, co*ckroaches will find everything they need survive. If there are bushes, overgrown grass, rocks, or mulch, the co*ckroaches will have everything they need to stay hidden.

  • Why do co*ckroaches suddenly appear?

    co*ckroaches that appear suddenly are usually the result of weather that just past. Was it extremely hot, cold, or wet right before the increase in co*ckroach visibility? If so, then that likely prompted the co*ckroach sightings. If not, co*ckroaches may have already been active and you are just now starting to notice them.

  • How can I get rid of co*ckroaches fast?

    Getting rid of co*ckroaches fast can be done with a local spot treatment using a pesticide spray. That being said, this might not get rid of a larger co*ckroach infestation. Ensuring that all co*ckroaches are terminated can be difficult without the proper treatment strategy. For larger infestations, it is best to call professionals who can come treat the entire home and increase the chances that your co*ckroach problem is eradicated.

  • What attracts co*ckroaches to your bedroom?

    co*ckroaches are typically attracted to food and water, and it is unlikely that there is a source of water in your bedroom unless it is attached to a bathroom. There is most likely a source of food or something that smells like food that co*ckroaches are being attracted to.

The information provided delves deeply into understanding what entices co*ckroaches into homes and yards. The core attractants include food, water, shelter, accessibility, and even the behaviors of neighbors. It also highlights specific species of co*ckroaches, such as American, German, Brown Banded, and Oriental, shedding light on their preferences and habitats.

Food Sources:

co*ckroaches are omnivorous scavengers, feeding on various items like grease, dust, paper, and even other co*ckroaches. Kitchens, pantries, and cupboards are their primary targets due to crumbs, food debris, and grease.

Strong Smells:

co*ckroaches detect odors through highly sensitive antennae, attracted even to scents resembling food. Cleaning, trash removal, and using air purifiers help minimize these attractions.

Pet Supplies:

Pet food and water become an easy food source for co*ckroaches if left accessible. Rinsing pet bowls, storing food in airtight containers, and cleaning up any spilled food are crucial preventive measures.


co*ckroaches need minimal water, finding it in leaking faucets, condensation, and even potted plant soil. Fixing leaks, using drain covers, and eliminating standing water are key strategies.


Dark, warm, and humid areas are preferred hiding spots. Sealing cracks, applying pesticides, and reducing clutter in common hiding areas can deter them.


Blocking access points is challenging as co*ckroaches need minimal space to enter. Professionals can identify and seal potential access points effectively.

Other co*ckroaches:

Pheromones attract more co*ckroaches, making early intervention crucial. Sanitizing spaces can help eliminate these communication signals.


Living in shared spaces requires coordination with property managers or owners to address shared infestation issues caused by unsanitary neighbors.

Cardboard Boxes:

co*ckroaches infest cardboard boxes due to darkness and undisturbed environments. Using clear plastic bins for storage helps prevent infestation.


co*ckroach species prevalence can vary based on climate and environment. Regular treatments might be necessary based on local conditions.

Attractants Outside:

Outdoor factors like landscaping attracting co*ckroaches due to available food, water, and shelter. Lights can attract or repel different co*ckroach species.

co*ckroach Species Preferences:

Different species prefer distinct environments and foods. Understanding these preferences helps in targeted prevention and eradication efforts.

Prevention and Eradication:

Eliminating food, water, and shelter is crucial. Regular cleaning, sealing access points, and using pesticides strategically are preventive measures.

Fast Eradication:

Spot treatments may help for small infestations, but professional help might be necessary for larger ones to ensure complete eradication.

Attractants in the Bedroom:

co*ckroaches might be attracted by food or something resembling food in the bedroom.


Answers addressing what attracts co*ckroaches outside, sudden appearances, fast eradication, and bedroom attractions are provided, offering comprehensive insights into common queries.

The article covers extensive grounds, emphasizing prevention, identification, and elimination strategies for co*ckroach infestations, making it a holistic guide for readers dealing with these pests.

What Attracts co*ckroaches into Your Home? | EcoGuard (2024)
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