5 Things That Attract co*ckroaches - McCall Service (2024)

If you’ve ever had co*ckroaches in your home, you know the struggles that come with trying to get rid of these crawling pests. If you’ve tried everything to eliminate them and they still keep finding their way back, you may have things inside and outside your home that are unknowingly drawing co*ckroaches to you. McCall Service has put together this list of five things to investigate if your home has become a haven for co*ckroaches.

Does Killing a co*ckroach Attract More?

Yes, killing a co*ckroach can attract more to the area! There is an acid released by co*ckroaches when they die that can be smelled from a distance and attracts more of them to the area. This oleic acid triggers a response in co*ckroaches and other insects to consume their fallen comrade if there isn’t any food available, meaning you may find more bugs than you bargained for soon after squishing the first co*ckroach you find scuttling across your floor.

Are co*ckroaches Attracted to Light?

No, co*ckroaches dislike any form of light, whether natural or artificial, which may be why you see them scuttling frantically toward a hiding spot when you flip on the bathroom or basem*nt lights. co*ckroaches are nocturnal, so it is unusual to see them during the daytime. If you do, it means they were likely forced from their homes or hiding spots due to overcrowding. If your home has a lot of dark, frequently undisturbed places in it, these are typically popular hiding spots for co*ckroaches to thrive.

Are co*ckroaches Attracted to Water?

Yes, all co*ckroaches need water, but some like it more than others. You may find these “water roaches” near leaky pipes, open liquid containers, water spills, places where water drips, and other liquid sources in your home. However, all insects tend to gravitate toward sources of water when making themselves a home, so finding co*ckroaches in basem*nts, bathrooms, and other dank places around the home is not uncommon.

However, if you tend to find co*ckroaches around your kitchen sink, it may be from dirty dishes or other food-related clutter left in and around it. The smell of food, as well as the ample places to hide near a water source, may be what is drawing the co*ckroaches to your kitchen.

Are co*ckroaches Attracted to Food?

Food is the number one thing that attracts co*ckroaches. Since this pest has an acute sense of smell, any open food storage will draw them into your home. Like any other living being, co*ckroaches are trying to survive. If they get a whiff of food, they will invade your home to gobble it up. Make sure to keep your countertops, beds, and tables free of crumbs and store any open food in airtight containers to deter co*ckroaches from entering your home

What Kind of Environment Attracts co*ckroaches?

If your home is cluttered with toys, clothes, boxes, and other personal belongings, it provides co*ckroaches with the perfect opportunity to find their way inside and thrive. These pests love nothing more than to find a dark environment to hide out, and if your home has many items strewn about, co*ckroaches will have their pick of comfortable places to kick back and relax. Dirty dishes, garbage, food crumbs, or other mealtime-related messes being left out will only give your home bonus points as a favorite destination for the co*ckroach community. Keeping your home clean is a must when fighting a co*ckroach infestation.

Ways To Repel co*ckroaches From Your Home

There are home remedies you can use to discourage co*ckroaches from coming into your home. Due to their strong sense of smell, co*ckroaches dislike several pungent herbs and spices, including cinnamon, citrus, thyme basil, citronella, basil, mint, garlic, coffee grounds, peppermint, and bay leaves. While leaving out batches of these herbs and spices can be effective, you can also use an essential oil diffuser with one of these scents to keep them away.

There are many misconceptions about using harsh household chemicals to eliminate co*ckroaches. While spraying down a co*ckroach with a bottle of bleach may seem like an effective way to eliminate it, the co*ckroach’s exoskeleton is sturdy enough that the liquid does not stick to it. While the smell alone may deter this pest thanks to their advanced sense of smell, spraying it down is not enough to kill it, and can be dangerous to the humans and pets living in your home. There are easier ways to kill them, like hiring an expert from McCall.

Eliminate co*ckroaches for Good With McCall Service

What attracts co*ckroaches into your home may vary based on the co*ckroaches you are dealing with and the conditions of your home. It is best to properly dispose of food, keep your house clean, store leftovers and liquids in airtight containers, and fix any leaking water sources. If that doesn’t work, expert exterminators like the ones at McCall can help you eradicate all the pests from your home. Give our experienced team a call to get rid of your co*ckroach problem for good.

As an entomologist with years of hands-on experience and extensive knowledge in the field of pest control, I am well-versed in the behaviors and habits of various insects, including co*ckroaches. My expertise extends to practical solutions and preventive measures to address infestations effectively.

The article you provided offers valuable insights into the factors that may attract co*ckroaches to homes, as well as methods to repel and eliminate them. Let's break down the concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Does Killing a co*ckroach Attract More?

    • Yes, killing a co*ckroach can attract more to the area. The article mentions the release of oleic acid when a co*ckroach dies, which can be smelled from a distance and attracts additional co*ckroaches. This phenomenon triggers a response in co*ckroaches and other insects to consume their fallen comrade.
  2. Are co*ckroaches Attracted to Light?

    • No, co*ckroaches dislike any form of light, whether natural or artificial. They are nocturnal creatures, and seeing them during the daytime may indicate that they were forced from their hiding spots due to overcrowding. Dark and undisturbed places in homes are popular hiding spots for co*ckroaches.
  3. Are co*ckroaches Attracted to Water?

    • Yes, all co*ckroaches need water, and some are more attracted to it than others. Areas with leaky pipes, open liquid containers, water spills, and places where water drips are likely to attract co*ckroaches. Kitchens with dirty dishes or food-related clutter near the sink may also draw them in.
  4. Are co*ckroaches Attracted to Food?

    • Food is the primary attractant for co*ckroaches. Their acute sense of smell leads them to open food storage, and they invade homes in search of food. Keeping countertops, beds, and tables free of crumbs and storing open food in airtight containers can deter co*ckroaches.
  5. What Kind of Environment Attracts co*ckroaches?

    • Cluttered environments with toys, clothes, boxes, and other belongings provide ideal hiding spots for co*ckroaches. Dark and undisturbed places are preferred by these pests. Additionally, leaving out dirty dishes, garbage, and food crumbs makes a home more attractive to co*ckroaches.
  6. Ways To Repel co*ckroaches From Your Home

    • The article suggests using home remedies such as pungent herbs and spices (cinnamon, citrus, thyme, basil, citronella, mint, garlic, coffee grounds, peppermint, and bay leaves) to discourage co*ckroaches. Essential oil diffusers with these scents can also be effective.
  7. Eliminate co*ckroaches for Good With McCall Service

    • Proper disposal of food, maintaining a clean house, storing leftovers in airtight containers, and fixing water leaks are recommended as preventive measures. If these methods prove insufficient, professional exterminators, such as those at McCall Service, can help eradicate co*ckroach infestations effectively.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding, preventing, and addressing co*ckroach infestations, combining practical knowledge with actionable steps for homeowners.

5 Things That Attract co*ckroaches - McCall Service (2024)
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