What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (2024)

Last updated on May 11, 2024

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The purpose of segmentation


The types of segmentation


The sources of data


The methods of analysis


The criteria of evaluation


The challenges and limitations

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Market segmentation is the process of dividing your potential customers into groups based on their characteristics, needs, preferences, and behaviors. By doing so, you can tailor your marketing strategies, products, and services to meet the specific needs and wants of each segment, and increase your chances of success in the market. But how do you decide which criteria and factors to use to segment your market? In this article, we will explore some of the key considerations and best practices that can help you make informed and effective market segmentation decisions.

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  • George Davidson

    What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (3) 2

  • What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (5) 1

  • What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (7) 1

What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (8) What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (9) What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (10)

1 The purpose of segmentation

The first thing you need to consider is the purpose of your segmentation. Why do you want to segment your market? What are your goals and objectives? How will you use the segmentation results to improve your market intelligence, customer experience, and competitive advantage? Depending on your purpose, you may choose different criteria and factors to segment your market. For example, if you want to identify new opportunities and niches, you may use criteria such as unmet needs, pain points, or customer feedback. If you want to optimize your pricing and positioning, you may use criteria such as willingness to pay, perceived value, or purchase behavior.

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    This is an "AI-powered collaborative article" that does include the writings of Al Ries and Jack Trout who literally wrote the book on how consumers’ perceptions of market segmentations and how brands are positioned (and repostioned) relative to competitors. The Book: “Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind.”


    What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (19) 1

  • Alfredo Passos Competitive Intelligence Professional
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    When it comes to our market segmentation decisions, we prioritize a multidimensional approach. Demographics such as age, income, and education level guide us in tailoring our products/services to specific needs. Geographical considerations enable us to adapt to regional preferences and cultural nuances, ensuring our offerings resonate locally. Behavioral patterns offer valuable insights, shaping targeted strategies aligned with customer preferences. Psychographics, including values and lifestyles, allow for a more personalized connection. Technological trends inform our online presence, staying aligned with our audience's preferences. Monitoring the competitive and regulatory landscape ensures strategic adaptability.

  • Jessica Catherine Zupp Media (Powered by NFlow Technologies)
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    Some of the criteria and factors that influence market segmentation decisions include demographic characteristics, psychographic profiles, behavioral patterns, geographic location, purchasing behavior, industry trends, and product/service usage data.


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2 The types of segmentation

The second thing you need to consider is the types of segmentation you want to use. There are four main types of segmentation: demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and can provide different insights into your market. Demographic segmentation uses criteria such as age, gender, income, education, or occupation to segment your market. It is easy to obtain and measure, but it may not capture the diversity and complexity of your customers. Geographic segmentation uses criteria such as location, climate, region, or urbanization to segment your market. It can help you customize your products and services to different markets, but it may not account for cultural and social differences. Psychographic segmentation uses criteria such as personality, values, attitudes, interests, or lifestyles to segment your market. It can help you understand the motivations and emotions of your customers, but it may be difficult to access and analyze. Behavioral segmentation uses criteria such as usage, loyalty, benefits sought, or purchase occasion to segment your market. It can help you predict and influence customer behavior, but it may change over time and require constant monitoring.

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  • George Davidson
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    You need to reflect on what you think will be the main factors of any segmentation. For a fast food company, it may be demorgraphics like young men vs Mums/Moms. For a b2b business, it might be frequency of purchase. The analysis may throw up a variety of different segments but you, as the client, should think about what you expect to see as the main criteria.

  • Alfredo Passos Competitive Intelligence Professional
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    Diversity is integral to our market segmentation strategy. Recognizing and celebrating the diverse needs, preferences, and lifestyles within our target audience allows us to create inclusive and resonant campaigns. By understanding the unique characteristics of different demographic groups, we tailor our products and messaging to reflect the richness of our customer base. This not only strengthens our brand's relevance but also fosters a sense of belonging among our diverse customer segments. Embracing diversity in market segmentation is not good business; it's a commitment to understanding and serving the varied tapestry of our consumer landscape.


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3 The sources of data

The third thing you need to consider is the sources of data you will use to segment your market. How will you collect, store, and process the data you need to segment your market? What are the quality and reliability of your data sources? How will you ensure the privacy and security of your data? Depending on the types of segmentation you choose, you may need different sources of data to segment your market. For example, if you use demographic or geographic segmentation, you may use secondary data sources such as census, surveys, or reports. If you use psychographic or behavioral segmentation, you may use primary data sources such as interviews, focus groups, or customer feedback.

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    For instance, if your goal is to identify new niches, you might focus on criteria like unmet needs or customer feedback. On the other hand, if you're looking to refine pricing strategies, factors such as willingness to pay or purchase behavior might be more relevant. By aligning your segmentation criteria with your objectives, you can derive actionable insights that drive market intelligence and competitive advantage.


    What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (60) 1

  • George Davidson
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    I've traditionally used a large scale quantitative survey to segment a customer base. But you may also have large volumes of data either from a loyalty scheme or from your CRM database. Credit/Debit/Checking card spend analysis is allowing many organisations now to segment their customers into meaningful groups. This data includes demographics, spend levels and frequency with your brand, with your competitors but also with a range of other retailers.

  • Alfredo Passos Competitive Intelligence Professional
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    In the era of Artificial Intelligence, leveraging diverse data sources is paramount. Beyond traditional datasets, incorporating real-time, unstructured data from social media, customer interactions, and IoT devices enriches AI models. Quality, labeled data is the backbone, ensuring accurate training and model performance. Collaborative efforts with external data providers and partnerships amplify data variety. Ethical considerations and privacy compliance are integral, to maintaining trust. Continuous adaptation to evolving data landscapes and emerging sources sharpens AI's predictive capabilities. In AI times, the fusion of structured and dynamic data fuels innovation, allowing us to unlock deeper insights and enhance decision-making.


4 The methods of analysis

The fourth thing you need to consider is the methods of analysis you will use to segment your market. How will you analyze and interpret the data you have collected to segment your market? What are the tools and techniques you will use to segment your market? How will you validate and test your segmentation results? Depending on the complexity and size of your data, you may need different methods of analysis to segment your market. For example, if you have simple and small data sets, you may use descriptive or exploratory methods such as frequency tables, cross-tabulations, or charts. If you have complex and large data sets, you may use inferential or predictive methods such as cluster analysis, factor analysis, or regression analysis.

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  • George Davidson
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    I've used cluster analysis or factor analysis. But I have always found it helpful to create several options for segments. Do we prefer this 3-segment option based on age? Or this 4-segment option based on geography? Or this 2-segment option based on frequency and loyalty? By looking at a menu of options with colleagues you can decide which will land best in the organisation. Analyses can and should be run several times dialling up or suppressing the importance of different variables.


    What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (85) 1

  • Alfredo Passos Competitive Intelligence Professional
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    In the realm of Artificial Intelligence, the most effective analysis methods are rooted in a blend of machine learning algorithms, deep learning, and natural language processing. Harnessing the power of predictive analytics enables us to extract meaningful insights from vast datasets. Ensemble methods, combining diverse models, enhance accuracy and robustness. Explainable AI ensures transparency, crucial for understanding complex models. Continuous learning through reinforcement and unsupervised learning refines AI systems over time. Embracing a multidisciplinary approach, where data scientists collaborate with domain experts, maximizes contextual relevance.


5 The criteria of evaluation

The fifth thing you need to consider is the criteria of evaluation you will use to evaluate your segmentation results. How will you measure the effectiveness and efficiency of your segmentation results? What are the standards and benchmarks you will use to compare and contrast your segmentation results? How will you communicate and present your segmentation results to your stakeholders? Depending on your purpose and objectives, you may need different criteria of evaluation to evaluate your segmentation results. For example, if you want to assess the quality of your segmentation results, you may use criteria such as validity, reliability, stability, or consistency. If you want to assess the utility of your segmentation results, you may use criteria such as relevance, actionability, profitability, or scalability.

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  • George Davidson
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    The utility is essential. Will people in the organisation believe the results? Will they embrace and move ahead with them? I recently worked on a segmentation based on high value, loyal customers and a long tail of lower value, less loyal customers. We had other possible segments available but the energy in the organisation was for this frequency-based approach as so many people felt passionate about this already.


6 The challenges and limitations

The sixth thing you need to consider is the challenges and limitations you may face when segmenting your market. What are the potential pitfalls and risks you may encounter when segmenting your market? How will you overcome or mitigate them? How will you adapt and update your segmentation results to changing market conditions and customer expectations? Depending on the context and environment, you may face different challenges and limitations when segmenting your market. For example, some of the common challenges and limitations are data availability and quality, data privacy and security, data analysis and interpretation, segmentation implementation and execution, and segmentation evaluation and feedback.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • George Davidson
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    It is tempting to have lots of complex segments but in reality most organisations can only cope with one or two segments. The best and most successful organisations I have worked with use just one or two segments. A very successful womens fashion retailer had one segment called "Emma" and they had a laser focus on her. A fast food retailer I worked with had "Young men" and "Mums/Moms". I am neither of those but when I go in to their restaurants with my young son, the Mum offers (great kids meal, coffee, safe environment) are great for us. When I go alone, I can enjoy the big greedy burger and fries they make for the "Young men" even if I am no longer young myself!


    What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (110) 2

  • Paul Chuyes Marketing Manager at Support Brigades | Commercial Management | Customer Experience - CX | Service Designer | Design Thinking | Growth Marketing | Artificial Intelligence - AI
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    Uno de los factores más importantes para mí al momento de una segmentación es conocer a fondo cuáles son los gatillos que disparan la motivación de compra de un producto o servicio de un cliente. Para esta investigación utilizo herramientas como un mapa de empatía, un buyer persona, entrevistas de profundidad acompañado de un atomic research y hasta un estudio aplicando la técnica de los Jobs To Be Done; estos me ayudan a comprender bien no solo quién es el cliente, sino qué es lo que lo motiva a comprar, a descubrir insights que me ayuden a perfeccionar el mensaje y hasta desarrollar segmentaciones psicográficas que se adapten a clientes específicos. Una segmentación no solo es demográfica, ya que se puede segmentar absolutamente todo.



Market Intelligence What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (119)

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What are some of the criteria and factors that influence your market segmentation decisions? (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.