u don't have surname and it is mandatory in some application to fill surname so what can I do ppzz help me (2024)

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  • u don't have surname and it is mandatory in some application to fill surnameso what can I do ppzz help me

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Prajwal 31st Jul, 2021



Answer (1)

Shalini Parimal 31st Jul, 2021

u don't have surname and it is mandatory in some application to fill surnameso what can I do ppzz help me (1) u don't have surname and it is mandatory in some application to fill surnameso what can I do ppzz help me (2)


It's okay to not have a surname. There are a lots of ways through which you can escape over the situation that you have mentioned. First one is that you can write “.”(Full Stop) as the Last Name. The second method is that check whether the first name and middle name are mandatory or not, if not mandatory then you can skip these two placeholders and put your name in Surname holder.

Hope this helps you.

Good luck!!

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u don't have surname and it is mandatory in some application to fill surname
so what can I do ppzz help me (2024)


How do you fill a form if you dont have a last name? ›

Do not use initials. If you don't have a family name on your passport, travel or identity document, enter all your given name(s) in the surname field and leave the given name field blank. Do not enter “Not applicable,” “*” or “NA.”

Can you have a name without surname? ›

No matter what deviations people have sought however, the basic structure — of first name, last name — has largely continued to withstand the test of time. Except in many parts of India. Many Indians don't have a surname at all and are known only by one name (Dharmendra, Pran).

What if there is no surname in ds160? ›

If only one name is written in your passport, enter that as your “Surname.” If your passport does not include a first or given name, please enter 'FNU' (meaning “first name unknown”) in the space for “Given Names.”

Is surname mandatory? ›

Yes , It is must. If you have the surname in your legal documents like passport, birth certificate, etc.

Can you legally have no last name in Canada? ›

Overview. Documents and certificates for life events such as a birth, marriage, death or stillbirth require a legal name(s). A person's name may be either: at least one given name and a last name, which is a surname, family name or name used in common by family members.

Can you write a letter without a last name? ›

It doesn't say explicitly that the name must be real or complete and if you look at the requirements for business addresses, a name isn't required. However, if you're sending registered mail or the address is a military address, a complete name is required.

What happens if you have no surname? ›

Police won't arrest you for not having a name. But you can't legally identify yourself without one, which would make things difficult for you. For instance, you need a legal name on a birth certificate or social security card to obtain a driver's license or passport, open a bank account and get a job.

Is surname mandatory in passport for Canada? ›

In Canada, all documents will require the surname of the students and if there is none, the given name will be considered as the last name. All of your Canadian documents reflect your passport, so it is a good idea to separate the first and last name.

What is an example of a surname? ›

A surname can be Smith, Jones, Johnson, Giacometti — any name that someone gets from their family. The word surname derives from sur “above" + name. The term surname was first used by feudal lords, who adopted the name of their property as their family name.

Does your last name have to match your passport? ›

It's not illegal for your official documents, such as your passport, to bear your old name – whether maiden or whatever legal name you used pre marriage. Neither are you obligated to get a new passport if your name has changed.

What is the name FNU in Canada? ›

The visa is issued in the name that appears in the passport. FNU means First Name Unknown. If the surname is not included in the passport as in the following example: Given Name: Happy Traveler; Surname: Blank.

How to retrieve the ds160 form if surname is less than 5 letters? ›

How do I retrieve the ds160 form if surname is less than 5 letters? You can write your full surname though it doesn't have 5 letters. they will accept your surname and form will be retrieve. How do I edit information on a DS-160 form after having booked the appointment and paid the visa fee?

How important is a surname? ›

Surnames provide an enormous amount of information and are fundamental in family research. Not only do they reveal the identities of your ancestors, but can also tell you details about their lives.

What is the purpose of having a surname? ›

Surnames were originally added to people's first names to distinguish them from other people who had the same first name locally e.g. Robert the baker or Robert at the wood.

When did surnames become necessary? ›

Surnames weren't widely used until after the Norman Conquest in 1066. As the country's population grew, it became necessary to distinguish between people and so names began to include descriptions of the person, such as Thomas son of John, Peter the Baker, Richard the Whitehead, Mary Webster, etc.

Can you have a first name and no last name? ›

There is no law preventing you from being known by a single name, or mononym — that is, a first name only, with no surname — and HM Passport Office should accept such a name, although they may be more sceptical of your application.

Can you legally only have one name? ›

Exceptions to this latter rule include cases where an individual has been a victim of domestic violence. As for changing your name to a mononym, this is generally impossible in the US in all but the most exceptional of circ*mstances. As a result, only a handful of US citizens have Passports listing a single name.

How long can you go without a name? ›

How long can you go without naming your baby? States differ on how long residents are given to come up with a first name, but it's often as long as a year. Hospitals must record that the birth happened, but the first-name slot can be left blank or filled in with something like “babygirl” or “babyboy.”

Can a last name be just a letter? ›

Some individuals only have a single name, not a forename and surname. Others have surnames that are just one letter. Problems with such names have been reported before.

Can I end a letter with just my name? ›

The General Structure of a Letter. If you are writing an informal letter, you may omit the recipient's name and address, and you may also sign it off more informally: 'With love', or 'With best wishes', rather than 'Yours sincerely', and sign with just your first name, omitting your surname and title.

What happens if you post a letter without a name? ›

If you put the correct address on it without the name, it will probably be delivered. If it's not delivered, it will be sent to your return address.

What is the difference between last name and surname? ›

Connection between Surname and Last Name: The surname of a person is his family name, and is shared by all members of the family, dead or alive. Last name is the name that comes at the end of the name. This refers to the family name of a person in western culture.

What is it called when you have one name? ›

Mononymous. Hard to pronounce, but easy to understand. When a person has reached the point of fame or infamy at which they are recognized by just one name, they become mononymous. We can all name dozens of such people throughout history.

What does surname lack mean? ›

The name Lack is Anglo-Saxon in origin. It was a name given to a doctor. Throughout the Middle Ages, doctors were known as "leaches" as the practice of bleeding sick people was the generally accepted manner of curing them.

What countries doesn't require surname? ›

A mononym may be the person's only name, assigned to them at birth. This was routine in most ancient societies, and remains common in modern societies such as in Afghanistan, Bhutan, Indonesia, Java, Myanmar, Mongolia, Tibet, and South India.

What name is required on a passport? ›

Do the names have to match up exactly? Answer: The passport application asks for your first, middle and last name. If you completed the form with your full name, then that is what will appear on the passport.

Is it mandatory to include your spouse name in passport for Canada visa? ›

What documents do I need to add my spouse's name on my passport? To add spouse's name you only need to add the name on the online application. No supporting document is required.

What is an example of a surname in Canada? ›

The most common Canadian family names have a British origin, e.g. SMITH, BROWN, MCDONALD, WILSON, JOHNSON. It is common for Indigenous Canadians to carry family names of French or English origin.

What are the 4 types of surname? ›

Surnames are usually classified into four main types, Location Names, which are further divided into Topographical and Habitational, Occupational Names, Nicknames, and Patronymics.

How do I write my surname? ›

However, if you write your surname first, always put comma so that readers can identify it as such. For example, if you write *John, James* a reader will know that John is your surname and James is your first name. Another acceptable practice is — you write your surname in caps and keep the first name in lower keys.

What last name should I use on my passport? ›

Answer: As a general rule, your married name should be your legal last name and your maiden name can be used as your middle. This is probably why your passport was issued in your married last name.

Do you put given name or surname on passport? ›

Your surname is your last name (or family name). If your surname consists of multiple names, please enter them all. Given Names: Enter your given name as it appears in your passport. Given name includes both your first and middle name.

Does the surname on the passport include middle name? ›

Answer Your passport will contain your entire name. Your middle name will be spelled out entirely. The United States Transportation Security Administration made it mandatory for passengers to provide their full name.

What nationality is the surname sample? ›

The surname Sample is most likely a version of the name Semple/Sempill, the Clan Sempill being a lowland Scottish clan originating near Glasgow, Scotland. Some members of the clan emigrated to northern Ireland and America.

What is a non official name? ›

An′onym, a person whose name is not given: a pseudonym; Anonym′ity, the quality or state of being anonymous.

What nationality is the last name free? ›

English: nickname or status name from Middle English fre 'free' (Old English frēo) with reference to either tenurial status ('free born') or to character ('noble generous open-handed'). Irish: variant of Freeman . Americanized form of Swiss German and German Frei and Frey .

What happens to visa after name change? ›

I changed my name. Is my U.S. visa with my old name still valid? If your name has legally changed through marriage, divorce, or a court ordered name change, you will need to obtain a new passport.

What is first name and last name? ›

First name is the name that appears first in a person's name. First name is often the name given to a child upon birth and is also called his Christian name or given name. Last name is one that is used at the last place when writing a name and, in most cases, is the family name or the surname of an individual.

Do I need to fill DS-160 again after rejection? ›

Unless your personal circ*mstances change significantly since your previous interview, we do not recommend reapplying. If you do reapply, you will have to fill out a new DS-160 form, pay a new visa application fee, and schedule a new appointment.

Should we use surname? ›

Your surname is your family name. It's also called your “last name.” When filling out applications, type your surname as it appears on your passport, travel or identity document. Do not use initials.

What is most common surname? ›

The most common surname in the United States is Smith. Actually, the most common surname in just about every English-speaking country is Smith.

Which surname should go first? ›

While tradition previously dictated that the man's family name would be placed last (a la Kim Kardashian West, or the couple formerly known as Jolie-Pitt, sob), most couples now simply decide upon which of the two permutations sounds better when spoken aloud.

What is the difference between your name and your surname? ›

Surname is the family name or the last name of a person, whereas first name is the unique name given to a person at birth, also referred to as his Christian name. Surname is passed down generations, whereas first names are unique depending upon physical attributes or circ*mstances at birth of a kid.

What is the difference between your surname and your given name? ›

Given-names: these are the names given to children by their parents (or, rarely, are changed by the children). 2. Family-names (otherwise known as surnames): these are the names passed down from generation to generation (except in Iceland). Example 1: Mary Elizabeth Smith has two given-names and one family-name.

What is the oldest surname still used? ›

The oldest surname in the world is KATZ (the initials of the two words — Kohen Tsedek). Every Katz is a priest, descending in an unbroken line from Aaron the brother of Moses, 1300 B.C. According to Michael O'Hair, 1749–1813; soldier of the revolution, the oldest surname is O'Brien.

Is it common to not have a last name? ›

Can someone be born without a surname? This might surprise you, but we are all born without a surname. Someone, usually a parent, writes a name in a box or on a line on a form, and that then becomes your surname. You do not have to have your father's surname, nor your mother's, at least in the UK and the USA.

How do you address a letter without last name? ›

To Whom It May Concern: Use only when you do not know to whom you must address the letter, for example, when writing to an institution. Dear Sir/Madam, Use when writing to a position without having a named contact.

How do you send a letter without last name? ›

You can address a letter with a first name or no name at all, just an address. Many letters are addressed to “resident” or “occupant” and they will be delivered. Sometimes you can do a reverse address search online and you will come up with the full name of the owner or tenant at the address. Try White pages.com.

Is first name the same as surname? ›

Surname is the family name or the last name of a person, whereas first name is the unique name given to a person at birth, also referred to as his Christian name. Surname is passed down generations, whereas first names are unique depending upon physical attributes or circ*mstances at birth of a kid.

Who do I write a cover letter to if there is no name? ›

"If the hiring manager's name is nowhere to be found and the company is unwilling to give you his or her name, you should use 'Dear Hiring Team' in your cover letter salutation," she says. "By addressing your cover letter to the hiring team, you increase your chances of getting it in front of the right pair of eyes."

What is surname on immigration form? ›

Surname: Enter your surname as it appears in your passport. Your surname is your last name (or family name). If your surname consists of multiple names, please enter them all. Given Names: Enter your given name as it appears in your passport.

What is the difference between given name and surname? ›

Given-names: these are the names given to children by their parents (or, rarely, are changed by the children). 2. Family-names (otherwise known as surnames): these are the names passed down from generation to generation (except in Iceland). Example 1: Mary Elizabeth Smith has two given-names and one family-name.

Is middle name considered as surname? ›

A middle name is usually a recognised surname and not a patronymic.

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