Topic: Agriculture in the Philippines (2024)

  • Agriculture
  • Farming
The Philippines is primarily an agricultural country with a large portion of Filipinos living in rural areas and supporting themselves through agricultural activities. Preliminary figures for 2022 reported about a quarter of employed Filipinos work in the agricultural sector which is made up of four sub-sectors: farming, fisheries, livestock, and forestry. In the same year, the sector generated a gross value added (GVA) of about 1.78 trillion Philippine pesos, equivalent to about 8.9 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). After two years of contraction due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the agriculture industry in the Philippines finally showed signs of recovery in 2022, although it remains to reflect a slower growth in comparison to the pre-pandemic periods.

Status of agriculture in the Philippines

Due to its terrain and tropical climate condition, farming and fisheries have been the largest agricultural sub-sectors in the Philippines. Crop production, particularly of sugarcane, palay or rice, coconut, and bananas were among the highest nationwide and were also among the top export products. In recent years, oils, fruits and nuts, along with animal or vegetable fats contributed the largest share of the total agricultural exports in the Philippines. Meanwhile, for the livestock and poultry sectors, hog, cattle, and chicken were the leading products.

On the other hand, the fisheries sector, which is composed of three subsectors: commercial, municipal, and aquaculture, reflected slow growth in recent years. The export value of principal fishery products from the country had also been declining since 2019 as the volume of production fluctuated. Among the main contributing factors were climate change and the practice of uncontrolled and unsustainable overfishing.

Challenges in the agriculture sector

The slow growth of the agricultural sector in the Philippines had been attributed to the rampant conversion of arable lands to residential subdivisions, industrial parks, and resorts. Of the 30 million hectares of land area, only one-third is used for agricultural activities. On top of that, the country’s geographical location makes it vulnerable to natural disasters such as flooding and drought, further contributing to the decrease in production. Investments in technology and innovation are necessary steps to diversify and transform the country’s agricultural output, along with increased production support and improved policies that prioritize the needs of farmers.

This text provides general information. Statista assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct. Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date data than referenced in the text.

Published by Statista Research Department, Mar 26, 2024

Key insights

Gross value added of agriculture in the Philippines 1.78tr PHP

Topic: Agriculture in the Philippines (1)

Detailed statistics

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing sector GVA Philippines 2016-2022

GDP share of the agriculture, forestry, and fishing industry in the Philippines 8.9%

Topic: Agriculture in the Philippines (2)

Detailed statistics

GDP share of agriculture, forestry, and fishing sector Philippines 2016-2022

Employee share in the agriculture industry in the Philippines 23.1%

Topic: Agriculture in the Philippines (3)

Detailed statistics

Employee share agriculture industry Philippines 2016-2022

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Topic: Agriculture in the Philippines (2024)


Topic: Agriculture in the Philippines? ›

Due to its terrain and tropical climate condition, farming and fisheries have been the largest agricultural sub-sectors in the Philippines. Crop production, particularly of sugarcane, palay or rice, coconut, and bananas were among the highest nationwide and were also among the top export products.

What is the main agriculture in the Philippines? ›

The country's major agricultural crops are rice, corn, coconut, sugarcane, banana, cassava, pineapple, and vegetables. The major livestock products are hog, cattle, carabao, goat, and dairy products.

What can you say about agriculture in the Philippines? ›

Agriculture in the Philippines is a major sector of the economy, ranking third among the sectors in 2022 behind only Services and Industry. Its outputs include staples like rice and corn, but also export crops such as coffee, cavendish banana, pineapple and pineapple products, coconut, sugar, and mango.

What is the main problem of agriculture in the Philippines? ›

The problems in agriculture in the Philippines include high post-harvest losses, lack of post-harvest infrastructure, handling issues, and a multi-layered distribution system.

What factors promote farming in the Philippines? ›

The most important factors that affect agricultural farming in the Philippines are access to irrigation, farm inputs, and technical capacity of producers. The most important factors that affect agricultural farming in the Philippines are labor, credit to agriculture, irrigated areas, and fertilizer.

What are the three major agricultural systems in the Philippines? ›

Major agricultural systems include lowland irrigated farming, rainfed farming and upland farming. Irrigated farm areas mainly grow rice and sugarcane whereas rainfed areas are planted with coconut, corn and cassava.

Why should we focus on agriculture in the Philippines? ›

More than half of the Philippines' 100 million people live in rural areas, and more than a third of them are poor. Agriculture is the primary source of income for poor rural people, and the only source for many of the poorest households. Most of them depend on subsistence farming and fishing for their livelihoods.

What are the current trends in Philippine agriculture? ›

The current issues and trends in Philippine agriculture include the presence of huge inequalities in the countryside, failed attempts at agrarian reform, insufficient rice production despite being a top rice importer, high post-harvest losses in the supply chain, the need to improve farmers' access to information ...

Why is agriculture considered as the backbone of the Philippine economy? ›

Agriculture has been the traditional backbone of the Philippine economy. It is a principal source of income and employment, employing almost half of the total labor force. It is thus considered a major industry in the Philippines.

How can we improve agriculture in the Philippines? ›

The report says that interventions like farm consolidation (including cooperative farming schemes for instance), better extension services, e-commerce, and investments in agribusiness start-ups can further advance modernization of Philippine agriculture.

What is the biggest problem of a Filipino farmer? ›

The issues facing Filipino farmers include limited farm size, poor knowledge in production and marketing, difficulties accessing finance, and lack of support services, infrastructure, and access to markets.

What is the weakness of Philippine agriculture? ›

Infrastructure. Aside from private capital, public capital stock, particularly rural infrastructure, is also a key determinant of agricultural growth. However, the country has been underinvesting in infrastructure. According to Llanto (2012), poor rural infrastructure is a contributor to low agricultural productivity.

Why is Philippine agriculture dying? ›

In the case of the Philippines, with the elimination of quotas as decreed by the WTO and the so-called Minimum Access Volumes (MAV's) providing little protection, dumping of massively subsidized products triggered crises in the corn, pig, poultry, and vegetable sectors, leading to the bankruptcy of large numbers of ...

What are the facts about agriculture in the Philippines? ›

Due to its terrain and tropical climate condition, farming and fisheries have been the largest agricultural sub-sectors in the Philippines. Crop production, particularly of sugarcane, palay or rice, coconut, and bananas were among the highest nationwide and were also among the top export products.

What are the top 3 important crops in the Philippines? ›

Sugarcane was the leading crop produced in the Philippines with a total volume of production at 23.46 million metric tons in 2022. Palay, coconut, and banana were also among the crops with the highest production volume in that year.

What are the main problems in the Philippines? ›

The top problems in the country based on PUBLiCUS Asia Inc. second quarter poll for 2021 include: economy at 60%, COVID-19 vaccine at 51% and jobs at 42%. These pressing matters are then followed by education, corruption, poverty, and crime with around 24% to 13%.

What is the number one crop in the Philippines? ›

Leading crops produced in the Philippines in 2022, by volume of production (in million metric tons)
CharacteristicProduction volume in million metric tons
7 more rows
Nov 22, 2023

What is the main source of income in the Philippines? ›

Industry and Trade. Services, industry, and agriculture are the main sectors of the Philippine economy. Food processing, cement, iron, and steel production, and telecommunications are among the country's most significant contributors.

What are the top 5 export crops in the Philippines? ›

Major crop products exported include coconut, sugar, pineapple, banana, coffee and mango. On the other hand, rice and corn continue to be imported to meet the demand of the growing population.

Which agriculture is most profitable in the Philippines and why? ›

1. Sugarcane (Tubo) – Profits can be seen mostly from the by-product of sugarcane (confectionary, rum, ethanol, building materials, and fuel). 2. Bananas – Bananas are the top-grossing fruit produce as of Q3 of 2021.

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