The Value Creating Strategy of Starbucks - Technology and Operations Management (2024)

The Value Creating Strategy of Starbucks - Technology and Operations Management (1)

How the company continued its rapid growth while maintaining its competitive advantage

Founded in Seattle, Washingtonin 1971, Starbucks has grown to become the largest coffeehouse company in the world, with the mission to “inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.” The company has grown to offer a variety of products, ranging from fresh foods and baked goods to brand merchandise and coffee equipment. It currently operates in 67 countries with a total of 22,519 stores. Revenue in 2014 reached $16.45B, with net income of $2.07B.

Business Model

Starbucks has managed to differentiate itself from competitors by creating the unique value proposition of becoming the “third place” for customers, after home and the workplace. Purchasing a cup of coffee became an “affordable luxury” and an experience in itself. Customers were able to order customized drinks and enjoy the beverage in a relaxed, upscale environment.

The Value Creating Strategy of Starbucks - Technology and Operations Management (3)

Starbucks primarily follows the standard retail business model, where it owns and operates most of its stores. Nonetheless, with emerging markets becoming an attractive landscape for investors, Starbucks has incorporated parts of the franchise business model into its strategy in order to capitalize on the expansion, yet maintain control of its business through its core strategy. In addition, the company doesn’t do any traditional advertising. Instead, Starbucks focuses on strengthening its value proposition by providing high-quality products and service. Since the average customer typically makes six visits per month (with the heaviest 20% of users visiting over 15 times per month), the company chooses to focus on delivering a consistent experience for its loyal customers, and by doing so, retain new visitors.

Operating Model

Starbucks serves 50 million customers per week worldwide. The company runs a complex operating model that begins all the way from procuring coffee beans and other products, to serving around 50 million customers per week.

However, in 2008 the company’s operational costs were growing even with steady sales, likely due to its high expansion rate. As a result, Starbucks chose to revamp its operating model to ensure efficiency, while remaining true to the organization’s mission and business strategy.

As part of the reassessment, management uncovered the underlying issue to be late deliveries due to excessive outsourcing agreements for transportation, which accounted for 65-70% of operating expenses.

To address these high costs, jobs were reorganized to fall into either of the following functions:

  • Plan – such as production planning or launching a new product
  • Source – divided into either coffee or non-coffee procurement
  • Make – includes all manufacturing processes
  • Deliver – includes all transportation, logistics and customer service activities

Each function performed a thorough analysis of its own processes to identify cost-savings and further efficiencies, with manufacturing and logistics having to address the company’s biggest operational challenge: supplying its 22,000 stores with over 70,000 deliveries per week. This led to the creation of one global logistics system, that allowed it to monitor its operations end-to-end. It begins with shipping ethically sourced coffee beans from Africa, Asia, and South America to coffee plants in the United States and Europe. The beans are roasted and packaged, then sent to regional distribution centers, located throughout the US, Europe and Asia, and finally to smaller distribution centers that also carry other materials such as baked goods, and paper items, who then combine them with the coffee beans to supply local stores. Most of these distribution centers are company owned; however, a number of them are run by third-party logistics companies. As a way to control the expenses associated with outsourcing, Starbucks implemented scorecards to measure third-party companies and to identify low performers.

As the company continues to expand and diversify its product offerings, it must keep in mind the potential tradeoff and performance implications between trying to control the majority of its operations internally and supplying its growing number of stores efficiently.At the moment, its operational model has proven effective in managing quality and compliments the competitive advantage of creating value by offering a consistent experience for its customers, regardless which Starbucks location they have chosen.


  1. December 9, 2015Alejandra Rios says:

    May: I loved how you laid out Starbucks’ operating model. I absolutely agree that one of the most important strengths that Starbucks has is the procurement of its coffee beans. I believe that without this crucial process, the company would not be able to provide the consistent experience to its customers for which it is appreciated. I am very curious to see how Starbucks will manage further expansion. In Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Colombia for example, they have divested their shares in Starbucks local companies and have left those operations for other companies to manage.

  2. December 14, 2015User deleted this comment on March 11, 2020

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The Value Creating Strategy of Starbucks - Technology and Operations Management (2024)


How do you think Starbucks can create value to their customers? ›

Starbucks aims at building customer loyalty through its in-store customer service. A signature retail objective of Starbucks has always been to provide customers with a unique Starbucks Experience. Service training is a key component of the value chain that helps to make its offerings unique.

What was Starbucks business strategy elaborate on your answer? ›

Starbucks business strategy can be classified as product differentiation. Accordingly, the coffee chain giant focuses on the quality of its products and customers pay premium prices for high quality.

What are the management strategy that Starbucks has used? ›

Starbucks' location strategy focuses on urban centers, especially those with large middle and upper class populations. Most of its cafés are in densely populated areas. Also, Starbucks occasionally uses strategic clustering of cafés in the same geographic area to gain market share and drive competitors away.

What is the value proposition of Starbucks? ›

To inspire and nurture the human spirit - one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. With our partners, our coffee and our customers at our core, we live these values: Creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome.

What is the best way to create value for the customer answer? ›

14 Tips for creating value for customers
  1. Improve the buying process. Value can exist outside your product or service. ...
  2. Focus on brand perception. ...
  3. Get customer feedback. ...
  4. Make a unique product. ...
  5. Provide a positive experience. ...
  6. Prioritize quality over price. ...
  7. Identify your strengths. ...
  8. Adjust your marketing strategy.
Jun 1, 2021

How does Starbucks use technology? ›

Starbucks uses technologies such as the Starbucks Mobile App, associated rewards and card systems, internet of things enabled machines in the stores, blockchain technologies connecting stakeholders, and reinforcement learning technology to analyze all the data.

Why Starbucks strategy is successful? ›

The main reason why Starbucks is one of the most successful chains worldwide is because the corporate leaders believe that their employees and customers are their most valuable resources to compete globally. Thus, Starbucks invests heavily in its employee's and consumers' satisfaction.

Why Starbucks strategy has been so successful? ›

The company has successfully built a loyal customer base due to the strategies it has set in place. Brand extensions, strategic locations, focusing highly on the customer experience, and the great ambiance have greatly impacted the success and growth of Starbucks throughout the years.

What are the strategic factors facing Starbucks? ›

Their main competitors are Dunkin Donuts, McDonald's, and Nestle in the US and brands like Costa Coffee and Caffè Nero in the UK, the two major markets for Starbucks.
Jul 26, 2021

How much has technology helped Starbucks compete? ›

It improved the way baristas make and serve coffee. The company can make more drinks with the same number of workers or with fewer workers. Baristas can also use the extra time to interact with customers.

What kind of production strategy does the Starbucks Corporation use and why? ›

Starbucks Coffee uses the broad differentiation generic strategy for competitive advantage. In Michael Porter's framework, this strategy involves making the business and its products different from other coffeehouse firms.

What are the 4 management strategies? ›

The four phases of strategic management are formulation, implementation, evaluation and modification.

What are the 4 questions of a value proposition? ›

We've put together five questions that'll help you arrive at a value proposition you can be proud of.
  • What product or service do you offer? ...
  • Who is your target customer? ...
  • What problem does your product solve for your customer? ...
  • How does your product or service benefit your customer?
Apr 28, 2016

What is the main value of proposition? ›

A value proposition is a simple statement that summarizes why a customer would choose your product or service. It communicates the clearest benefit that customers receive by giving you their business.

What are the 3 three categories of value proposition? ›

A “value proposition” can be classified into three types: All Benefits, Favorable Points of Difference, and Resonating Focus.

What is value creation examples? ›

Value Creation is the process of turning labor and resources into something that meets the needs of others. That includes, for example, farmers growing crops, workers building something in a factory, as well as other intangible goods like computer code and creative ideas.

What are the 3 ways we can create value? ›

Three principal ways to create value within a company include organic revenue growth, growth through acquisition, and cost reduction.

What are the 3 most important things that you will considered in creating a customer value and why? ›

What is Customer Value
  • Quality of the product.
  • Advantages of ownership.
  • Image.
  • Company brand and affiliation.
  • Access to a solution.
  • Experience.
  • Success from use of the product or service.
  • Long term takeaways (including knowledge)

What technology is Starbucks using with their data to improve their services and increase their bottom line? ›

They utilize the power of data intelligence through Atlas, a mapping tool and business intelligence platform developed by Esri. The data assists in identifying a potential new store location.

How technology helps the coffee industry? ›

For many years now, technology has been used to improve transparency and traceability in coffee production. One of the most notable examples is blockchain technology, which allows a number of supply chain actors to store data on a decentralised network system.

How does technology affect coffee industry? ›

More and more roasters are utilising artificial intelligence-driven technology to exert more control over developing roast profiles. AI can detect key stages of roast development, such as first crack, arguably more precisely and consistently than humans can – ultimately improving coffee quality.

What is Starbucks strategic vision? ›

Starbucks highlights its mission as “to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.” And its vision is to “treat people like family, and they will be loyal and give their all.”

What is Starbucks doing to ensure its future growth and success? ›

Investing in purpose-built store concepts: Starbucks is reimagining the store environment by introducing purpose-built store concepts that meet customers wherever and whenever they want and improve the partner experience.

What strategies contributed to Starbucks success in the global market? ›

Starbucks international strategy relies on low integration and high responsiveness (multi-domestic), which is best reflected in Entry Modes and Pricing Strategies. The goal is to spread Starbucks' coffee culture while adapting to local tastes and preferences.

What are 3 major innovations that have been implemented by Starbucks? ›

This includes:
  • Introducing new, industry-leading and more efficient coffee brewing equipment such as the new Mastrena II espresso machines and the new Starbucks Cold Brewer.
  • Installing innovative and efficient MerryChef ovens across thousands of stores.
  • Deploying new, efficient handheld ordering devices to stores.
Mar 16, 2022

What makes Starbucks better than its competitors? ›

How Does Starbucks Differentiate Itself From Competitors? Starbucks differentiates itself by creating a "third home" value proposition. In addition to home and work, the company strives to have a welcoming, warm location for customers to consume their products.

How did Starbucks create its competitive advantage? ›

Competitive Advantages

Excellent customer service is one source of Starbucks' competitive advantage. Starbucks' emphasis on ensuring a positive customer experience has allowed it to become one of the leading firms in the coffee industry.

What is the Starbucks long term strategy? ›

As it implements its reinvention strategy, Starbucks said it also plans to build roughly 2,000 new U.S. stores between fiscal 2023 and 2025, accelerating its development strategy. By the end of fiscal 2025, it plans to have 45,000 locations worldwide.

What are strategic factors examples? ›

For cus- tomers, the Strategic Factors are customer service, product quality and the like. With employees, they are items such as rewards, company reputation and job security. For owners in a public company, the Strategic Factors include dividends and capital growth. Strategic Factors as Common Currency.

What are the 4 fundamentals of Starbucks? ›

Four Fundamentals for Brewing the Perfect Cup of Coffee

The recipe for a great cup of coffee includes four basic fundamentals: proportion, grind, water and freshness. Understanding and following the guidelines for each of them will ensure a great cup of coffee every time.

How do you create value to your product and customer? ›

How to add value to a product?
  1. Add new product features that improve user experience.
  2. Improve product packaging and design.
  3. Improve customer onboarding.
  4. Continue to innovate.
  5. Refine after-sales service.
  6. Increase speed of product delivery.
  7. Offer expert advice.
Sep 12, 2022

What makes the Starbucks brand so valuable? ›

Starbucks Redefined How We Drink Coffee

It's one of the most successful companies in the world, not only in the coffee shop business. It is so successful because it was able to provide an experience that changed how much of the world thought about coffee shops and how many of us drink coffee outside of our homes.

What is customer value and how can you create it? ›

Customer value is the perception of what a product or service is worth to a customer versus the possible alternatives. Worth means whether the customer feels s/he got benefits and services over what s/he paid. In a simplistic equation form, customer value is benefits – cost (CV = B – C).

What is Starbucks engaging in to create a loyal customer? ›

Personalization. The Starbucks loyalty program has created personalization for its customers by using their data and offering tailored privileges and offers. The coffee chain says many of its purchases are due to personalized promotions.

What were the elements in the Starbucks brand that made it successful? ›

For Starbucks, the brand had three elements: coffee, people and stores. Stringent control over the quality and processing of the beans assured that the coffee would be of the highest possible quality. Outstanding store personnel were recruited and trained in coffee knowledge and customer service.

What are the 3 most important things that you will considered in Creating a customer value and why? ›

What is Customer Value
  • Quality of the product.
  • Advantages of ownership.
  • Image.
  • Company brand and affiliation.
  • Access to a solution.
  • Experience.
  • Success from use of the product or service.
  • Long term takeaways (including knowledge)

How does value creation lead to business success? ›

Value creation leads the business to its optimal state by ensuring that everything driving value helps to build the business' value. It allows the owner to focus on prioritized tasks and saves time. Some business owners want more than mere profit, such as goodwill, brand recognition, etc.

Why is Starbucks loyalty program so successful? ›

Starbucks makes sure the one-Star-per-dollar approach doesn't get boring; members also have plenty of opportunities to earn Bonus Stars through Double Star Days, online games, personalized offers, and other engaging campaigns.

How does Starbucks attract and retain customers? ›

Product: High-quality products justify the premium pricing. They ensure that the coffee tastes better than its competitors. Their Barista Promise of fixing your drink if you don't like it has attracted the masses. Price: Starbucks sells their coffee at least 25% higher than other brands.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.