What Is Product Value & How Can It Boost Market Share (2024)

You can supercharge your value based pricing strategy by improving customer valuations. Here are some simple tips to increase your product value.

What Is Product Value & How Can It Boost Market Share (1)


Price Intelligently

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If you’ve read our blog before, you know how much we emphasize the importance of customer willingness-to-pay data. Not to beat a dead horse, but customer valuations should be the main driver of yourpricing strategy, because your customers could care less about yourproduction costsorcompetitors’ prices; they only care about the value you're providing them.

Interestingly enough, determining willingness to pay and honing in on customer valuations isn't a one-time exercise. Customer valuations constantly fluctuate due to numerous factors, all of which you can influence to increase the perceived product value. Intrigued? Well, let’s take a look at some of the most important drivers of customer valuations to figure out how we can raise the amount your customers are willing to pay for your product, before exploring some factors you shouldn't worry about, because they're out of your control. If you're wondering how to gain market share - start with this roundup on product value!

What is product value?

Product value refers to the benefits the product offers to the target customers. The overall value of a product is the degree to which it meets or exceeds customers' expectations. Product value directly affects product design and pricing strategy. Companies rely on the product value to prioritize, improve targeting, and brand messaging

Increasing market share using product value: 5 top tips

Wondering how to gain market share? Look back to your current product value proposition. Does it reflect where your brand is, and is it determined with the qualities of your target audience? Increasing product value doesn't have to be difficult, but it takes some critical thinking and understanding of what makes a good customer experience. We’ve shared 5 top tactics on how to market a product with value in mind, all without having to tinker with your overall strategy.

1. Product functionality is key

This one might seem obvious, but product value is the strongest driver of the value of a company. If you aren’t selling something that meets your customers’ needs, then your customers obviously won’t be willing to pay anything, let alone be won over by a prestige pricing plan. On the other hand, if your product benefits relieve all of your customers’ headaches, then they’ll be willing to pay just about any amount you ask. In general, the more pain points you can solve with your product, the stickier your product. Remember to check your ego in the process. A product manager or marketer's favorite feature may not be your customers.

When is it time to refocus your value marketing strategy?

Not seeing the scale of leads you’d hoped for, or being underwhelmed by your retention figures can leave you at odds with your entire offering. If you feel as though you've explored every other aspect of your business, it might be time to look inward. Talk to a few customers and make sure your product development roadmap has the goal of solving a real problem. A great way to increase your price is to add useful product features. Just make sure they're actually useful, not adding additional obscurity or friction.

2. Prioritize customer relationships

The second most important driver of customer valuations is customer tastes and preferences. Remember when GI Joe and Barbie dolls were all the rage when you were young? Now think about how much you would pay for them today. The product remains fundamentally the same, but customers value the tiny fantasy figurines less today because the tastes in entertainment have matured.

Similarly, realize that no matter what you're selling, taste and preferences are affected by time and "the herd." If you're a tastemaker and can get the herd to swarm your enterprise software solutions, then the perceived value of your product will rise as you gain more and more social proof and word of mouth spread. Yet, if you haven't maintained your level of clout, your brand can begin eroding into a generally negative perception, plummeting the value of your product.

Control the voice and brand of your product, maintain consistency, and ensure you align your target customer personas with where you want to be in the market. Sometimes it's ok to be the market leader for "discount" products and other times you want to guarantee you're the Ferrari. Either way, tastes, and preferences play a huge role in how your product is perceived in your target market, and a great team has the ability to raise the value of your product dramatically.

If you don’t believe us, just look at Apple and the iPod. Steve Jobs and company did not invent the ability to play MP3s on a device, but they blazed trails by ensuring the product was perceived as a luxury accessory. Through brilliant marketing, the iPod eventually came down in affordability to the masses to the point that Apple's market penetration is obscenely high, but somehow they built a very successful product that is still viewed as a luxurious good.

3. Target customers by income

Surprisingly, you can influence the salary of your customers. Well, indirectly, and we don't mean by giving them discounts. Instead, adjust your customers’ income centers on either going upstream or downstream with your product. Countless products have come to market centered on one type of customer in a particular income bracket and quickly shifted to another. Make sure you're identifying key demographics concerning your customers and that your personas are quantified and aligned — this will ensure your product value points resonate with your audience.

4. Use price comparisons to your advantage

No matter your product, customers will always compare the price to something, and this is exactly where your value marketing strategy will prove its value. Maybe there's a direct comparison, like the dozens of brand-name and generic cereals in a supermarket, or maybe there's an indirect one, like a salesperson comparing the cost of a revolutionary new software application to a similar type of purchase she's made in the past. Either way, a comparison occurs; the thought is human nature.

Typically, the more options that exist (both direct and indirect) the lower the willingness to pay, as different choices eat at your possibility of making a sale. Yet, this concept is easily used as a competitive advantage. Understand your unique product value proposition, whether it's your "organic" products, customer service, or even how you're solving the same problem, but in a 10X more elegant manner (look at Apple from above). Competition is something to be relished, not feared, and your product value should encompass this principle.

Of course, you do need to conduct detailed market research to avoid dropping down the rabbit hole too far. Don't differentiate your new product so much that you completely box yourself out of the market. Similarly, don't become so similar to a competitor that you can't carve out your own market. Find a product-market fit that works specifically for what your product value provides. Establish a healthy balance that perfectly aligns your customers to your offerings, and ultimately your price point.

5. Give customers the urgency to purchase

Whether with plane tickets, groceries, or even clothing, we've all been in a situation where we've thought about just waiting one more week to see if prices go down. Of course, prices could go up, but unless we absolutely need the item, we're more inclined to take the risk. Your customers are doing the same thing, no matter the obscurity of what you're selling.

Now, I know one of the first reactions might be, "Well, let's keep the sales and discounts going," and yes, that is a possibility. Yet, discounts are awful for most types of transactions (retail excluded, sort of) if done incorrectly and too often. The best ones are discrete, expire, and have some level of predictability. Think Herman Miller who, like clockwork, has a sale twice per year and that's it, or even many luxury brands that never go on sale. These types of promotions (or lack thereof) are apparent and predictable, controlling customer expectation and perception.

Pragmatically, we suggest taking a look at what your customer expects and understanding how to fit within their perceptions of the purchasing process. Most retailers will need discounts. Software companies can employ a strategy of regular sales that coincide with price increases, or even make a policy that bans discounts. You simply need to make sure the strategy is consistent. After all, if you announce that you’re hiking up your prices in a few months, but are grandfathering in old plans, customers who are on the fence about buying your product today will be much more likely to pull the trigger. They’ll think that the future price of your product represents its future value, and will subsequently want to buy in at the lowest price they can.

Product value & general economic conditions

Unfortunately, the one factor we can’t influence that impacts customer valuations and perceptions concerns market forces. Although we do get some pretty heavy hitter readers on this blog, for 99.99% of our businesses, we're not involved with enough market capitalization or control over commodities or durables to push the economy in one direction or another (at least individually).

Throughout your business, there will always be things out of your control (inflation, interest rates, recessions, expansions, etc.). Even though we can't control these factors, we all must make sure our businesses are in an adaptable and level-headed position to constantly react to the forces we need to react to and ride the ones that benefit our path. We won't get too into this aspect of business though, because plenty has been written and will continue to be written surrounding the subject. We just thought we'd mention it.

Using product value to influence customers

While you can’t stop the fluctuation of customer valuations, you do have the power to exert a positive influence using product value. Simply remember to maintain a healthy balance of keeping the customer first, while also ensuring you're moving in the direction that the customer will be in the future (either through your influence or your predictions on the market — there are ways that you can utilize product value in this sense, too. Fortunately, this diligence will pay off in constant refinement of your positioning, packaging, and pricing, allowing for a nice win-win situation as your business (and your customer) continue to grow.

To learn more about pricing specifics,check out ourPricing Strategyebook, ourPricing PageBootcamp, or learn more about ourprice optimizationsoftware. We're here to help!

What Is Product Value & How Can It Boost Market Share (2)

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Product value FAQs

How is the value of a product determined?

You can determine product value by evaluating the ratio of product quality to its price. This means that products of higher value to customers can command a higher price point.

What is a product value proposition?

A product value proposition is the company statement that highlights the features and uses of a product. Value proposition clearly explains the benefits and unique qualities of a product, as well as shows how it solves customers' problems. To write a product value proposition, product teams take into account prospective customers' needs, expectations, and their biggest pain points. Of course, there are ways to add value to a product, making your overall proposition more appealing to customers - read on to find out more about this.

We want to increase our market share, so how can we add value to a product?

There are a few ways to add value to a product, and implementing these changes can help to drive sales and revenue. Some of the top ways for companies to put this into practice include::

  • Add new product features that improve user experience
  • Improve product packaging and design
  • Improve customer onboarding
  • Continue to innovate
  • Refine after-sales service
  • Increase speed of product delivery
  • Offer expert advice
What Is Product Value & How Can It Boost Market Share (2024)


What Is Product Value & How Can It Boost Market Share? ›

“Product value is the benefit that a customer gets by using a product to satisfy their needs, minus associated costs. Complexity is the effort associated with delivering such a product to the customer.”

What is product value and how can it boost market share? ›

Product value is an aggregate of all the work that a company does to strategize, build, launch, market, sell, and support an offering. Teams that follow value-based product development create a shared definition of product value that informs the metrics used to vet what gets built and understand performance.

What is product value? ›

Product value is a measure of a product's ability to meet and address customers' needs. If product value to customers is high, pricing strategy can be adjusted accordingly. Likewise, the value of a product to customers can inform a product's development roadmap.

How do you increase the market value of a product? ›

We want to increase our market share, so how can we add value to a product?
  1. Add new product features that improve user experience.
  2. Improve product packaging and design.
  3. Improve customer onboarding.
  4. Continue to innovate.
  5. Refine after-sales service.
  6. Increase speed of product delivery.
  7. Offer expert advice.
Jun 13, 2022

What is product data value? ›

On the other hand, the value of your product data is basically the insights it gives you which helps you to improve your product. You want to build the best product and your customer data insight is crucial to that success.

What is product value and example? ›

Product value is the benefits users get for using a product. It is how good the product is at addressing customer pain points. From the business point of view, it's the benefits the product brings to the company. For example, these could be revenue, prestige, or increased competitiveness.

What increases the market value of a company? ›

Diversifying to gain a new revenue stream and increase cash flow will help raise the value of your business in the eyes of a buyer. This is important because a commercial viability analysis will be one of the first things a potential buyer will be interested in.

How do you give a product value? ›

How to define product value
  1. List the product's features or objective values. The first step you can take when defining a product's value is to identify the features that bring value to customers. ...
  2. List customers' needs. ...
  3. Describe how the product meets customers' needs. ...
  4. Quantify this value.
Feb 3, 2023

How do you show product value? ›

How do you show the value of your product to customers?
  1. Understand your customers' needs and goals.
  2. Define and communicate your value proposition.
  3. Use stories and examples to illustrate your value.
  4. Quantify and measure your value.
  5. Demonstrate and deliver your value consistently.
  6. Ask for and act on customer feedback.
Jun 29, 2023

What does value mean in marketing? ›

A Common Definition of Value

Value in business markets is the worth in monetary terms of the technical, economic, service, and social benefits a customer company receives in exchange for the price it pays for a market offering.

What does it mean to increase market value? ›

Market value is determined by the valuations or multiples accorded by investors to companies, such as price-to-sales, price-to-earnings, enterprise value-to-EBITDA, and so on. The higher the valuations, the greater the market value.

What makes a product high value? ›

For a product to have value, it must meet the needs and expectations of the customer. This means that the product must solve a problem, make a task easier or more efficient, or provide a desirable experience.

How does product add value to customers? ›

15 ways to create added value for customers
  1. Always consider your customers' perspective. ...
  2. Consistently work to improve customer satisfaction. ...
  3. Implement marketing models into your strategy. ...
  4. Develop a memorable customer experience. ...
  5. Never underestimate the value of free resources. ...
  6. Building an online community for your clients.
Mar 12, 2024

What is the product value and price? ›

Product price is the cost that a customer pays to purchase a product. Product value is the perceived worth or benefit that a customer receives from using the product. While price is a fixed amount, value varies depending on individual perception and needs.

What is the core value of a product? ›

Your core value proposition is not your product or service. It's the overall essence that makes your business stand out from the competition. It is not necessarily about monetary value (although it may be). Rather, it's the key benefit that keeps customers coming back to your business again and again.

What determines market value of a product? ›

An asset's market value is determined by the price that buyers are willing to pay for that asset, and the price that sellers are willing to accept for it.

What is product value in scrum? ›

Product Value is the benefit that a product provides to a customer to increase their satisfaction and needs. It can also be considered as the benefit that the organization gains from the product represented in terms of money, or benefit to society.

What are the benefits of adding value to a product? ›

Value-added is the additional features or economic value that a company adds to its products and services before offering them to customers. Adding value to a product or service helps companies attract more customers, which can boost revenue and profits.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.