The Global Population Will Soon Reach 8 Billion—Then What? | United Nations (2024)

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The Global Population Will Soon Reach 8 Billion—Then What? | United Nations (2)

Children in Namarjung, Western Development Region, Nepal, 2017. Rebecca Zaal/Pexels

World Population Day -- 11 July 2022

About the author

Michael Herrmann

Michael Herrmann is Senior Adviser, Economics and Demography, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

11 July 2022

Later this year, on 15 November 2022, the world population is projected to reach 8 billion. Seventy years ago, in 1952, it stood at 2.5 billion; and 70 years from now, by 2092, it will have grown by another 2.5 billion over current levels. Global population growth has been the overarching demographic story for decades and will remain a predominant trend for many years to come. Underneath this trend, however, lies growing demographic diversity. It is necessary to come to terms with this diversity to understand and address the increasingly divergent concerns of countries with demographic shifts, and we must support sustained and sustainable development.

Global demographic trends mask great diversity

In 1994, widespread concern over population growth brought world leaders together at the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), held in Cairo, Egypt, in 1994. Today, however, countries are concerned with a much wider range of demographic changes. Over previous decades, all world regions have seen marked improvements in life expectancy and falling fertility rates, which explain the rapid aging of populations everywhere, but important differences exist between regions. Population growth is currently concentrated in the world’s poorest countries, which remain at a relatively early stage of the demographic transition, while some of the richest countries are beginning to see population decline. Such decline has happened before—mostly during wars and famines—but this time it is different.

At the global level, population decline is driven by low and falling fertility levels. In 2019, more than 40 per cent of the world population lived in countries that were at or below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman; in 2021, this share climbed to 60 per cent. Net immigration has circumvented population decline in some Western European countries, for example, but high net emigration has exacerbated population decline in some of their Eastern European neighbours.

While the status quo might be comfortable for many, we need to recognize that the notion of a stable population is unrealistic.

Growing concerns about demographic shifts

Growing demographic diversity means diverging concerns about demographic change: While some of the poorest countries are concerned with how they can meet the needs of a large and growing population, some of the richest are worried about how they can promote fertility. Accordingly, countries now increasingly pursue divergent population policies with opposing objectives. Furthermore, over time, some countries have adjusted their population policies in response to new and emerging demographic realities. They have moved from policies focused on reducing fertility levels to explicitly pro-natalist policies seeking to raise fertility levels. These policy shifts are motivated by concerns about demographic change. Common worries are that population ageing and decline result in labour and skills shortages, weaken economic productivity and innovation, slow economic growth and development, impose unsustainable fiscal pressure on governments and people, lead to cultural and ethnic shifts in societies, and weaken the political and military power of countries. These demographic anxieties are apparent not only in populist mediabut also in political debate and indeed in academic literature that speaks of new “population busts”.

Whether these worries are justified, exaggerated or misguided, demographic changes do have far-reaching implications for sustainable development. Demographic change was identified by the United Nations Secretary-General as one of the megatrends that are greatly influencing the progress of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. They shape the objectives to provide essential goods and services for the population—including food, water, energy, housing, infrastructure, health, education and social protection—as well as prospects for full employment, better living standards and reduced environmental pressures. Meeting the needs and lifting the living standards of a large and growing world population will require higher levels of production and result in greater consumption. Without green reforms in energy, manufacturing and transport, as well as changes in human behaviour, this will place mounting pressures on the natural environment.

The Global Population Will Soon Reach 8 Billion—Then What? | United Nations (3)

Mothers wait with their babies to be attended by a midwife at Ntimaru Sub County Level 4 Hospital in Kehancha, Migori County, Kenya, 8 June 2022. UNFPA

Renewed focus on population policies

Concerns over demographic shifts have raised questions about the existence of an ideal population size related to the notion of a stable population and reinvigorated interest in demographic policy. It has long been thought that a fertility rate of 2.1 is ideal, but what does this actually mean? Arguing for a rate of 2.1 when the world population was 4 billion is very different from making the same argument when the world population has reached 8 billion. The only way this can be explained is that there exist both an overriding interest in stable population numbers and a fear of any demographic change. While the status quo might be comfortable for many, we need to recognize that the notion of a stable population is unrealistic. The only constant is change; this certainly holds true for demographic shifts and it is best to come to terms with such change.

Any effort to define and achieve an ideal population size is prone to failure. First, we do not agree on a common set of criteria to define an ideal population size. Is it the size of the population we need to ensure the solvency of pension funds and meet the labour demands of businesses, or to minimize the environmental impact of human activity, currently or in the future?

Second, even if we did agree on these overarching criteria, we do not have the instruments to achieve an ideal population size. Efforts to boost fertility typically have temporary effects but they have not resulted in a sustained turnaround.

Finally, even if we knew how to boost fertility, we would need to decide whether this would be a temporary or permanent policy. If it is temporary, it only postpones the various challenges of population ageing and decline; if it is permanent, it causes a whole host of other problems.

Whatever the demographic situation of a country, it cannot justify population policies that undermine basic human rights.

The centrality of reproductive rights and choices

Of the three principal determinants of demographic change—fertility, life expectancy and net migration—most demographic policies focus on fertility. This is because life expectancy has only one acceptable direction of change, and migration is often viewed as too sensitive or complicated to be addressed by policymakers. With some caution, the difference between desired and actual fertility levels can be interpreted as a space for rights-based intervention to help people achieve their fertility preferences. In the poorest countries, a relatively large number of women have more children than they desire: To date, there are about 222 million women with an unmet need for family planning. In other countries, a rapidly growing number of women wish for more children. Undoubtedly, more can be done in all world regions to support women—and their partners—in achieving their fertility preferences.

This year’s edition of the flagship report of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), The State of the World Population 2022, put a spotlight on unintended pregnancies. The report showed not only that many women have more children than they want, but also that many of them are not able to time and space births as they would like. According to the report, about half of all pregnancies worldwide are unintended, and more than half of those end in abortion, regardless of the legal context. The shockingly common inability of women to control their own bodies and reproduction represents a major failure of societies to ensure one of the most basic human rights, namely that of bodily autonomy.

In short, policies that help people achieve desired fertility can be perfectly compatible with and supportive of fundamental human rights. However, there is emerging evidence that some of the highly problematic policies aimed at controlling population numbers are gradually being replaced by other complex and difficult policies aimed at boosting population numbers. For fear of population decline, some countries are becoming less ambitious in ensuring universal access to family planning; some are restricting the right to abortion; some are banning sex education from school curricula; and some are propagating gender stereotypes that run counter to the empowerment and equality of women. Whatever the demographic situation of a country, it cannot justify population policies that undermine basic human rights.

The Global Population Will Soon Reach 8 Billion—Then What? | United Nations (4)

Health worker Aydah Mohamed attending to neonatal babies at Al Shaab Hospital in Aden, Yemen, 24 February 2022. UNFPA

Against this backdrop, three potential solutions emerge:

1. Plan ahead, using population data. Few outcomes within the realm of the social sciences can be projected with such a high degree of confidence as demographic change. Yes, there are notable differences in population projections 100 years out, but the differences are very small for the next 30 years, which is the period that really matters for policymaking. Countries must make more systematic efforts to collect population data, produce population projections and use those projections for policymaking. Had they done so in the past, current conditions of population ageing and decline would have come as no surprise and would hardly be seen as a “population bust” with potentially explosive implications. Countries must systematically consider demographic change in the formulation of development strategies, policies and programmes. Without knowledge of how many people exist, how old they are and where they live, and how population numbers, age structures and spatial distribution will change, countries will not be able to understand the current and future needs of their populations. Without demographic insights, evidence-based and people-centred policies will be questions of chance rather than design.

2. Build resilient institutions and societies. Countries need to consider and plan for future demographic changes and build institutions and societies that are resilient to and can thrive amidthese demographic changes. Rather than focusing efforts on changing population numbers to meet the needs of economic systems, for example, countries should create economic systems that meet the needs of the population.

3. Pursue people-centred population policies. Instead of top-down population policies that focus on ill-defined and illusive demographic targets, countries should pursue people-centred population policies. Such policies would focus on empowering people to achieve their reproductive aspirations through the realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights, and support rather than undermine fundamental human rights more broadly. In many of the poorest countries, such policies would contribute to lower fertility rates and decelerate population growth; in others, they wouldcontribute to higher fertility levels and arrest population decline. The only feasible and acceptable way to shape demographic change is through the empowerment of people.

To harness the power of 8 billion people it will be necessary to look beyond the aggregate and empower 8 billion individuals. This challenge has gotten bigger, however, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on research conducted by the World Bank, Oxfam has estimated that, in 2022, the number of people living in extreme poverty will be more than a quarter billion higher than would have otherwise been the case, amounting to 860 million. To date, millions of people continue to live in poverty and suffer from hunger, do not have access to health care or social protection, do not have decent work, and are unable to achieve primary and secondary education. Millions of women, in particular, lackequal opportunities. The world must stand as one and redouble its efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda and ensure progress towards the SDGs—it is the only way to realize the power of 8 billion people.

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The Global Population Will Soon Reach 8 Billion—Then What? | United Nations (2024)


The Global Population Will Soon Reach 8 Billion—Then What? | United Nations? ›

Our growing population

What year will the world population reach 8 billion? ›

Population Division estimates the world population reached 8 billion on November 15, 2022.

Which nations will have the largest population in 2050? ›

According to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division, India will become the most populated country in the world by 2050. The country surpassed China as the most populated country in April 2023, and the projections say that its population will reach 1,659 million by 2050.

When population has reached 8 billion? ›

On 15 November 2022, the world's population is projected to reach 8 billion people, a milestone in human development. This unprecedented growth is due to the gradual increase in human lifespan owing to improvements in public health, nutrition, personal hygiene and medicine.

When would the population reach 9 billion? ›

Old estimates put the global population at 9 billion by 2037–2046, 14 years after 8 billion, and 10 billion by 2054–2071, 17 years after 9 billion; however these milestones are likely to be reached far sooner.

Who is the 8th billionth person? ›

The United Nations stated that they "can't predict which exact baby will push us into the next billion". Nonetheless, the Philippines' Commission on Population and Development selected Vinice Mabansag, a baby girl born in Manila, as the symbolic eight billionth person on Earth.

Which country has the highest population in the world? ›

In 2022, India overtook China as the country with the largest population in the world, with more than 1.43 billion people. China now has the second-largest population in the world, still with just above 1.4 billion inhabitants, however its population went into decline in 2023.

Which country is in 2080 now? ›

The year in Nepal is now 2080 and the equivalent in the western calendar is 2023. In Nepal, their New Year is celebrated on the 1st of Baisakh and this is April 14th 2023. They follow Vikram Samvat as an official calendar and not Gregorian calendars as followed by Western Countries.

What are the richest countries in the world by 2050? ›

Projections and Highlights for 2050
RankCountryReal GDP in 2050 (USD trillions)
1🇨🇳 China$41.9
2🇺🇸 US$37.2
3🇮🇳 India$22.2
4🇮🇩 Indonesia$6.3
11 more rows
Jul 21, 2023

What is the maximum population the earth can sustain? ›

A meta-analysis of 70 studies estimates the sustainable limit to the world population to 7.7 billion people. World population as of 2020: 7.8 billion...

How many humans are on Earth right now? ›

8.1 Billion (current)

The current world population is 8,115,495,109 as of Saturday, June 15, 2024 according to the most recent United Nations estimates elaborated by Worldometer. The term "World Population" refers to the human population (the total number of humans currently living) of the world.

How many humans have ever lived? ›

Still, with some assumptions about population size throughout human history, we can get a rough idea of this number: About 117 billion members of our species have ever been born on Earth.

How accurate is the world population count? ›

The latest margin of error for the world population estimate is plus or minus two per cent, compared to Canada's rather precise 0.3 per cent.

What was the lowest human population ever? ›

Estimates of the size of these populations are a topic of paleoanthropology. A late human population bottleneck is postulated by some scholars at approximately 70,000 years ago, during the Toba catastrophe, when hom*o sapiens population may have dropped to as low as between 1,000 and 10,000 individuals.

What is 1% of the world population? ›

Expert-Verified Answer. Approximately 70,000,000 is one percent of the world's population. To estimate the number of the resident population in a certain territory, governments conduct censuses. The term "population" is frequently used to describe the total number of people living in a certain location.

What countries are projected to double in 50 years? ›

From 2017 to 2050, it is expected that half of the world's population growth will be concentrated in just nine countries: India, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, Ethiopia, the United Republic of Tanzania, the United States of America, Uganda and Indonesia (ordered by their expected contribution ...

What year will the population reach 10 billion? ›

The United Nations Population Division projects that the world will reach 9 billion people in 2037 and 10 billion in 2058.

In what year will the human population reach 12 billion? ›

20th century

According to their medium projection, the world population would grow to 10.0 billion by 2050, 11.2 billion by 2100, and 11.5 billion by 2150.

What is the 1% of the world population? ›

The worlds population is about 7.8 billion people. So 10 % is 780 million people and 1 % is 78 Million people. Times two is 156 million people.

Can Earth support 11 billion? ›

In other words, there is a carrying capacity for human life on our planet. In the International Journal of Forecasting study's median scenario, the global population is 11.1 billion in 2100, 10.4 billion in 2200 and 7.5 billion in 2300. World population projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100.

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