The Darkest And Most Disturbing Fairy Tales (2024)

With fantastical stories of witches and fairies, goblins and elves, or heroic princes and their villainous counterparts, folklore and fairy tales have long been an ingrained tradition in story-telling for children.

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These stories allow us to explore the furthest reaches of our imaginations – but some have more sinister back stories. We take look below at the darker side of the canon’s most enduring tales.

Beauty and the Beast

Considered the ultimate tale of how love conquers all, this traditional fairy tale written by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont is an enduring classic that has spawned operas, films and ballads. The ‘original,’ however, is neither as sanguine nor as comic as later versions. In the original, Belle is the daughter of a bankrupt merchant, as opposed to an eccentric inventor, the silverware in the Beast’s impressive castle neither sings nor dances and, most importantly, it is the machinations of Belle’s two wicked sisters that result in the Beast’s demise, and not the comically villainous Gaston, who is merely a Disney embellishment. Furthermore, though de Beaumont’s narrative does end happily, with Belle’s love breaking the curse placed on the Beast, many versions deny this happy ending for the ill-fated couple, instead choosing to close the story with Belle grieving over the Beast’s prone form.


This archetypal story of unjust oppression has been re-interpreted in various films and literature, and has even been used in psychological terminology. Though the ending remains the same in the less ‘sanitized’ versions of the lore, the existence of the glass slippers has remained an unexplained error in oral transmission; in the earlier versions, the slippers were made of squirrel fur. When the prince was seeking his elusive love he was, according to the Brothers Grimm, almost tricked by the two stepsisters, both of whom cut off parts of their foot in order to fit into the slipper; it was only through the heavenly doves that the Prince realised that the sisters were bleeding from their self-inflicted amputations. Furthermore, in a spirit of quasi-macabre comedy, some versions end with the stepsisters’ eyes being pecked out by the same doves, thus allowing evil to be justly punished.

The Frog King

Recently adapted into 2009’s The Princess and the Frog, the original Grimm fairy tale is, unfortunately, far less sentimental and romantic than its modern adaptations. Where modern versions claim that the spell is broken by the kiss of the princess, the reality is that the Prince’s transformation was occasioned by the spoilt and petulant princess flinging the unassuming frog against the wall in anger and disgust. Other versions of the story even claim that, instead of a kiss (or a throw), the frog spent one night sleeping peacefully on the pillow of the princess, with her (very) reluctant agreement, and this, apparently, was sufficient to break the spell of his frog-like form.

Hansel and Gretel

A terrifying story of cannibalism and child abuse, which thankfully ends happily for the protagonists, this tale of the Brothers Grimm also has all the elements of an exciting adventure for children, including gingerbread houses, talking geese and hidden treasure. As well as being a tale of a man being forced to abandon his children at the command of his manipulative wife, the details of Hansel and Gretel’s captivity at the hands of the witch (Hansel using the bone of a previous victim to trick his captor, for example, and Gretel eventually shoving the witch into an oven) are as alarming as they are compelling. Some of these events are still present in ‘sanitized’ versions, but many omit the more grisly details involved in the children’s escape from the gingerbread house.

The Little Mermaid

With its eponymous female character having become a landmark of Denmark (in the form of a statue), the original tale by Hans Christian Andersen is one of the more tragic of all stories in the entire fairy tale canon. Unlike the more child-friendly versions, in which the little mermaid chases and finds her happiness, the original mermaid never succeeds in gaining the prince’s love. However, unlike the darker and more cynical undertones revealed in other folklore, the original Little Mermaid tale shows the rewards that come from self-sacrifice, as she the mermaid chooses to become sea foam rather than kill the man who has earned her unrequited love. Both heart-breaking and uplifting, The Little Mermaid is a complex exploration of the issues involving social class and doomed aspirations.


Regarded as one of fiction’s most lovable felines, Puss-in-Boots is more famous for his quick wit and boot-touting ways than for the folklore in which he acted as the principle character. Rather than merely being an anthropomorphic cat with a vain penchant for leather-ware, Puss is, in fact, a sly, crafty and quick creature, who, with his guile, his charm and his resourcefulness, catapulted his master to fame and fortune and obtained for him a princess bride, a castle and innumerable riches so they could live in luxury for the rest of their lives. Despite having a lighthearted and somewhat optimistic approach to life, there is a certain Machiavellian ruthlessness in the methods of this clever cat, and he seems to encourage the maxim that ‘the ends justify the means’, even if the results are rather unsavoury.

The Darkest And Most Disturbing Fairy Tales (3)


This German tale has become the subject of much fascination (and parody) over the years, with the idiom ‘Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair’ becoming all too memorable. The happy couple, however, had to endure many more trials and tribulations than is initially apparent, for they were only reunited after Rapunzel had been cast out, pregnant and alone, into the wilderness by the irate witch, while the prince was blinded after falling from the tower and into the thorny brambles below. And there are even more cynical versions of the narrative. In these, a pregnant Rapunzel is abandoned and forgotten by the prince who never had any intention of marrying her. Presumably this version was intended as a cautionary tale about the dangers of seduction.

Red Riding Hood

The Red Riding Hood lore has had so many re-workings that it is difficult to work out which is the ‘earliest’ version. Though the most expurgated versions simply use the wolf as an allegory to warn against talking to strangers, several darker accounts reveal a violent and destructive layer beneath the initial veneer. One version hints at the wolf and the grandmother being one and the same person, another hints at Red Riding Hood ‘graciously’ allowing the wolf to eat her grandmother before she kills the wolf, so as to be able to seize her grandmother’s property. The most disturbing, however, is probably the version that hints at bestial*ty, in which Red Riding Hood uses her body to save herself from death, thus consummating her ‘love’ with the wolf on the very sheets upon which her grandmother was killed.

Sleeping Beauty

With a premise already bizarre and faintly disturbing in itself, many versions of Sleeping Beauty actually end happily, with the spell being broken by true love’s kiss. However, Charles Perrault’s version offers a bizarre addition, claiming that the prince’s mother is an ogress with a tendency towards devouring little children. Perrault’s Sleeping Beauty and her children narrowly escape being boiled and eaten thanks to the timely return of her husband and the kindly endeavours of a palace servant. Even so, the most disturbing recension of the story is the one in which the prince, captivated by the sleeping princess’ beauty, assaults her while she sleeps. The princess awakes, giving birth to twins, but the prince has long gone.

The Darkest And Most Disturbing Fairy Tales (4)

Snow White

Known as the first fairy tale that Disney chose to lavish its magic upon, the guilelessness and charm of the cartoon Snow White has endured in the memories of many children and adults alike, especially with the catchy songs and the comic antics of the seven dwarfs. Bleaker variations tell a completely different story, however, with implications of necrophilia by the prince, and the sexual degradation of poor Snow White at the hands of the seven dwarves who enslave her. Other obscure versions even hint that Snow White’s father, the king, is so enamoured with his daughter’s beauty that an unhealthy obsession takes hold, thus forcing the princess to flee from the castle (and into the clutches of the dwarves).

The Darkest And Most Disturbing Fairy Tales (5)


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The Darkest And Most Disturbing Fairy Tales (2024)


What is the darkest fairy tale ever? ›

The eight darkest fairy tales
  • LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. Charles Perrault, 1697. ...
  • THE LITTLE MERMAID. Hans Christian Andersen, 1836. ...
  • SLEEPING BEAUTY. Giambattista Basile, 1634. ...
  • RAPUNZEL. Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de la Force, 1698. ...
  • HANSEL AND GRETEL. The Brothers Grimm, 1812. ...
  • BLUEBEARD. ...

What is the most disturbing fairytale? ›

Here are six classic — and classically disturbing — fairy tales that won't be adapted by the folks at Disney any time soon.
  • Sun, Moon, and Talia. ...
  • The Strange Feast. ...
  • Penta of the Chopped-Off Hands. ...
  • The Flea. ...
  • Aschenputtel. ...
  • The Juniper Tree.
Jan 10, 2020

What is the darkest Grimm story? ›

The Robber Bridegroom

This might be the most disturbing Grimm story yet. A man sets out to marry a miller's daughter. The man asks her to come over to his house, for he had people coming over to meet his bride-to-be.

Why are Grimm's fairy tales so dark? ›

Darker classics

Both Perrault and the Brothers Grimm were united in their desire to transform the stories they collected into moralistic tales for social good. They were as much warnings for children to behave themselves as anything else – discipline instilled through fear.

What fairy tale slept for 40 years? ›

Rip Van Winkle, short story by Washington Irving, published in The Sketch Book in 1819–20. Though set in the Dutch culture of pre-Revolutionary War New York state, the story of Rip Van Winkle is based on a German folktale. It and Irving's “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” have been called the first American short stories.

What is Fairy Tail darkest secret? ›

The Lumen Histoire is the Fairy Tail guild's biggest secret, as this power is capable of annihilating complete nations. The Lumen Histoire is said to be more powerful than the Three Great Fairy Magics combined – a testament to the unfettered strength this ability beholds.

Is there anything inappropriate in Fairy Tail? ›

Parents need to know that Fairy Tail is a violent anime series with sexy content that's not for younger kids. Not only is main character Lucy impossibly buxom, she's also savvy enough to use her physical attributes to get what she wants (attention, a better sale price on a store item, etc.) from men.

Is Grimm's fairy tales banned? ›

Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm by the Brothers Grimm – The stories of the Brothers Grimm were banned for some time in Allied-occupied Germany due to certain themes being glorified in Nazi propaganda.

What is the darker version of Cinderella? ›

Aschenputtel is a much darker tale. Cinderella's wishes come not from a fairy godmother but from a tree growing on her mother's grave. Her father, instead of being absent as in Perrault's tale, is willfully ignorant of his daughter's suffering.

What is the dark story behind Rapunzel? ›

The story of "Rapunzel" is based on the tragic life of Saint Barbara, who is thought to have lived in the third century. The true story of Rapunzel is thought to be about a young woman in Italy named Barbara who was so beautiful that her father locked her away in a tower so no men could get to her.

What is the oldest fairy tale? ›

The story of The Smith and the Devil (Deal with the Devil) appears to date from the Bronze Age, some 6000 years ago. Various other studies converge to suggest that some fairy tales, for example the swan maiden, could go back to the Upper Palaeolithic.

What's the scariest fairy tale? ›

The Juniper Tree

Cannibalism, infanticide and revenge: a heartwarming tale. Probably the goriest, creepiest fairy tale in the whole Grimm canon, The Juniper Tree is a story of infanticide and revenge. Even my high school students thought it was scary, and most of them had seen all the “Saw” movies.

Why are Hansel and Gretel dark? ›

Hansel and Gretel's Dark Origin

Hansel and Gretel's abandonment and battle with the witch was inspired by the Great Famine of the early 1300's when people were literally starving. Many of the elderly forewent food, choosing to starve to death to save the young people in their families and communities.

Is the Brothers Grimm ok for kids? ›

It's how just about every children's fairy-tale—and this movie—begins. But don't confuse the two. The Brothers Grimm may have written unforgettable, imaginative stories that have mesmerized kids for centuries, but The Brothers Grimm is definitely not for children.

What is the evil version of fairy? ›

The Fairies came in several distinct types. The most feared and malicious were the Unseelie Court who would often attack and harass mortals without cause or reason. They consisted of Redcap, Goblins, Hags and other malicious spirits.

What is a bad fairy tale called? ›

An anti-fairy tale, also called anti-tale, is a fairy tale which, unlike an ordinary one, has a tragic, rather than a happy ending, with the antagonists winning and the protagonists losing at the end of the story.

What is a dark fairy called? ›

The Unseelie Court describes the darkly-inclined fairies. Unlike the Seelie Court, no offense was deemed necessary to bring down their assaults. In Scotland, they were seen as closely allied with witches.

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