The 4 Most Common Reasons a Small Business Fails (2024)

Running a business is not for the faint of heart; entrepreneurship is inherently risky. Successful business owners must possess the ability to mitigate company-specific risks while simultaneously bringing a product or service to market at a price point that meets consumer demand levels.

While there are a number of small businesses in a broad range of industries that perform well and are continuously profitable, about 33% of small businesses fail in the first two years, around 50% go belly up after five years, and roughly 33% make it to 10 years or longer, according to the Small Business Administration (SBA).

To safeguard a new or established business, it is necessary to understand what can lead to business failure and how each obstacle can be managed or avoided altogether. The most common reasons small businesses fail include a lack of capital or funding, retaining an inadequate management team, a faulty infrastructure or business model, and unsuccessful marketing initiatives.

Key Takeaways

  • Running out of money is a small business’s biggest risk. Owners often know what funds are needed day to day but are unclear as to how much revenue is being generated, and the disconnect can be disastrous.
  • Inexperience managing a business—or an unwillingness to delegate—can negatively impact small businesses, as can a poorly visualized business plan, which can lead to ongoing problems once the firm is operational.
  • Poorly planned or executed marketing campaigns, or a lack of adequate marketing and publicity, are among the other issues that drag down small businesses.

1. Financing Hurdles

A primary reason why small businesses fail is a lack of funding or working capital. In most instances a business owner is intimately aware of how much money is needed to keep operations running on a day-to-day basis, including funding payroll; paying fixed and varied overhead expenses, such as rent and utilities; and ensuring that outside vendors are paid on time; however, owners of failing companies are less in tune with how much revenue is generated by sales of products or services. This disconnect leads to funding shortfalls that can quickly put a small business out of operation.

A second reason is business owners who miss the mark on pricing products and services. To beat out the competition in highly saturated industries, companies may price a product or service far lower than similar offerings, with the intent to entice new customers.

While the strategy is successful in some cases, businesses that end up closing their doors are those that keep the price of a product or service too low for too long. When the costs of production, marketing, and delivery outweigh the revenue generated from new sales, small businesses have little choice but to close down.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) helps small businesses find loans for different needs, offering a variety of loan programs.

Small companies in the startup phase can face challenges in terms of obtaining financing in order to bring a new product to market, fund an expansion, or pay for ongoing marketing costs. While angel investors, venture capitalists, and conventional bank loans are among the funding sources available to small businesses, not every company has the revenue stream or growth trajectory needed to secure major financing from them. Without an influx of funding for large projects or ongoing working capital needs, small businesses are forced to close their doors.

To help a small business manage common financing hurdles, business owners should first establish a realistic budget for company operations and be willing to provide some capital from their own coffers during the startup or expansion phase.

It is imperative to research and secure financing options from multiple outlets before the funding is actually necessary. When the time comes to obtain funding, business owners should already have a variety of sources they can tap for capital.

2. Inadequate Management

Another common reason small businesses fail is a lack of business acumen on the part of the management team or business owner. In some instances, a business owner is the only senior-level person within a company, especially when a business is in its first year or two of operation.

While the owner may have the skills necessary to create and sell a viable product or service, they often lack the attributes of a strong manager and don't have the time to successfully oversee other employees. Without a dedicated management team, a business owner has greater potential to mismanage certain aspects of the business, whether it be finances, hiring, or marketing.

Most small businesses start out with the entrepreneur's savings or money from friends and family and then look for outside financing to grow.

Smart business owners outsource the activities they do not perform well or have little time to successfully carry through. A strong management team is one of the first additions a small business needs to continue operations well into the future. It is important for business owners to feel comfortable with the level of understanding each manager has regarding the business’ operations, current and future employees, and products or services.

3. Ineffective Business Planning

Small businesses often overlook the importance of effective business planning prior to opening their doors. A sound business plan should include, at a minimum:

  • A clear description of the business
  • Current and future employee and management needs
  • Opportunities and threats within the broader market
  • Capital needs, including projected cash flow and various budgets
  • Marketing initiatives
  • Competitor analysis

Business owners who fail to address the needs of the business through a well-laid-out plan before operations begin are setting up their companies for serious challenges. Similarly, a business that does not regularly review an initial business plan—or one that is not prepared to adapt to changes in the market or industry—meets potentially insurmountable obstacles throughout the course of its lifetime.

To avoid pitfalls associated with business plans, entrepreneurs should have a solid understanding of their industry and competition before starting a company. A company’s specific business model and infrastructure should be established long before products or services are offered to customers, and potential revenue streams should be realistically projected well in advance. Creating and maintaining a business plan is key to running a successful company for the long term.

4. Marketing Mishaps

Business owners often fail to prepare for the marketing needs of a company in terms of capital required, prospect reach, and accurate conversion-ratio projections. When companies underestimate the total cost of early marketing campaigns, it can be difficult to secure financing or redirect capital from other business departments to make up for the shortfall.

Because marketing is a crucial aspect of any early-stage business, it is necessary for companies to ensure that they have established realistic budgets for current and future marketing needs.

Similarly, having realistic projections in terms of target audience reach and sales conversion ratios is critical to marketing campaign success. Businesses that do not understand these aspects of sound marketing strategies are more likely to fail than companies that take the time to create and implement cost-effective, successful campaigns.

What Is the Small Business Failure Rate?

Approximately 33% of small businesses fail in the first two years, 50% fail within five years, and 33% make it to 10 years and further.

What Are Some Signs That Your Business Is Failing?

Signs that a business is failing include small levels or lack of cash, inability to pay back loans on time, inability to pay suppliers on time, customers that pay late, loss of clientele, and an unclear business strategy.

The 4 Most Common Reasons a Small Business Fails (2024)


What are 4 reasons small businesses fail? ›

The most common reasons small businesses fail include a lack of capital or funding, retaining an inadequate management team, a faulty infrastructure or business model, and unsuccessful marketing initiatives.

What are the top 10 reasons small businesses fail? ›

Top 10 Reasons Small Businesses Fail
  • Procrastination. ...
  • Inadequate knowledge of regulations. ...
  • Ignoring the competition. ...
  • Ineffective marketing and ignoring customers' needs. ...
  • Incompetent employees and management. ...
  • Lack of versatility. ...
  • Poor location. ...
  • Cash flow problems.

What is the #1 reason that most new businesses fail? ›

1. Poor management. We've finally reached the #1 reason why a new business might fail. Entrepreneurs have power over their businesses, and with great power comes great responsibility.

What are the 4 factors that affect business? ›

Four factors that affect business growth
  • Business structure and management. When you start out, your business is likely to be structured around you as the entrepreneur and your own abilities and resources. ...
  • External factors. ...
  • Behavioural and personal traits. ...
  • Location.
Aug 1, 2019

What of small businesses fail? ›

Data from the BLS shows that approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more.

What are the three 3 most important causes of business failure? ›

Five Common Causes of Business Failure
  • Poor cash flow management. ...
  • Losing control of the finances. ...
  • Bad planning and a lack of strategy. ...
  • Weak leadership. ...
  • Overdependence on a few big customers.

What is the biggest mistake small businesses make? ›

One of the biggest common mistakes new business owners make is losing focus. Whether it's getting comfortable and coasting or losing interest in their company, it's critical for you to focus on running your small business to help it grow and succeed. A good way to keep you focused is to set goals for your startup.

What are the 9 reasons businesses fail? ›

  • Not having an effective business plan. ...
  • Not putting the customer first. ...
  • Not hiring the right people. ...
  • Lack of flexibility. ...
  • Lack of innovation. ...
  • Not understanding your industry. ...
  • The wrong mindset. ...
  • Ineffective marketing strategies.

What are the 8 things that can make a new business fail? ›

Here are eight of them.
  • Not doing enough market research. ...
  • Not having enough money. ...
  • Putting together the wrong team. ...
  • Disagreements among partners. ...
  • Not focusing on marketing. ...
  • Relying too heavily on one customer. ...
  • Getting beaten by competition. ...
  • Picking the wrong location.
Oct 18, 2022

What are the 10 challenges faced by small businesses? ›

10 main challenges that many small businesses face
  • Limited access to cash for financial growth. ...
  • Lack of business plan. ...
  • Problems with cashflow. ...
  • Difficulty in recruiting talented staff. ...
  • Having trouble standing out in the market. ...
  • Losing your passion for the business. ...
  • Pivoting to a new business model.

What is the most common business to fail? ›

Business failure rate across industries
IndustryBusiness failure rate within 1 yearBusiness failure rate after 10 years
Administrative and waste services20.9%66.9%
Arts, entertainment and recreation18.9%66.5%
Wholesale trade17.5%70.5%
15 more rows
May 2, 2022

Why do 90 of small businesses fail? ›

According to business owners, reasons for failure include money running out, being in the wrong market, a lack of research, bad partnerships, ineffective marketing, and not being an expert in the industry. Ways to avoid failing include setting goals, accurate research, loving the work, and not quitting.

What are 3 things small businesses can do to survive during hard times? ›

5 Ways To Help Your Business Survive Tough Economic Times
  • Put Together A Budget. ...
  • Maintain A Healthy Cash Flow. ...
  • Getting That Small Business Loan.
Jul 11, 2019

What are 5 things that can affect a business? ›

10 change factors that can affect a business
  • The environment. Many businesses strive for sustainable business practices in response to the changing climate. ...
  • Economic shifts. ...
  • Social norms. ...
  • Technological developments. ...
  • Talent pool changes. ...
  • Laws and regulations. ...
  • Market trends. ...
  • Growth.
Dec 7, 2021

What are the 4 main of business? ›

Typically, there are four main types of businesses: Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies (LLC), and Corporations.

Why do small businesses fail 2022? ›

82% of small businesses that fail experience cash flow problems, while 42% find an insufficient need for their product or service. 29% run out of cash, 23% don't have the right team, and 19% are out-competed.

Why are small businesses declining? ›

Lack of cash flow, lack of market interest, and strong competition are some of the top reported reasons small businesses fail. Despite these risks, thousands of small businesses are started every day and every day, more and more Americans choose to be their own bosses.

What are the key 3 challenges facing most businesses? ›

Here are the seven greatest challenges every company should be ready for in 2023:
  • Inflation and Economic Downturn. ...
  • Supply Chain Security. ...
  • Increasing Customer Expectations. ...
  • Accelerated Digital Transformation. ...
  • The War for Talent Will Intensify. ...
  • Data and Device Security. ...
  • Sustainability.
Nov 15, 2022

What are the three types of business failure? ›

There are 3 main types of business failures: predictable failures, unavoidable failures, and intellectual failures.

What are the major causes of failure? ›

The 30 Causes of Failure
  • Unfavourable Hereditary Background. ...
  • Lack of a Well Defined Purpose in Life. ...
  • Lack of Ambition to Aim Above Mediocrity. ...
  • Insufficient Education. ...
  • Lack of Self-Discipline. ...
  • Ill Health. ...
  • Unfavourable Environmental Influences During Childhood. ...
  • Procrastination.

What are the 5 critical success factors of a business? ›

The five critical success factors are strategic focus, people, operations, marketing, and finances.

What small businesses should avoid? ›

20 mistakes to avoid when starting your business
  • Being afraid to fail. ...
  • Not making a business plan. ...
  • Being disorganized. ...
  • Not defining your market and target audience. ...
  • Not filing for the proper legal structure. ...
  • Trying to do everything yourself. ...
  • Partnering with the wrong investors. ...
  • Avoiding contracts.
Jan 23, 2023

Is it true that 90% of businesses fail? ›

The reality is that 90% of startups fail. From budgeting apps to legal matchmaking services, businesses across every industry see more closures than billion-dollar success stories. And a whopping 10% of startups fail before they reach their second year.

What is a major reason why businesses fail financially? ›

According to a U.S. Bank study, 82 percent of business failures are due to poor cash flow management, or poor understanding of how cash flow contributes to business. Cash flow is critical, because it's the lifeblood of your business.

What are the major causes of small business failure quizlet? ›

The three main causes of small-business failure are management shortcomings, inadequate financing, and difficulty complying with government regulations. About 82 percent have folded by the 10-year mark.

What are 4 ways a new product will fail? ›

So many things contribute to new product failure: bad design, poor user experience, sloppy implementation, feature creep, and lack of quality control.

What are the 6 P's you can change to make a business successful? ›

The building blocks of an effective marketing strategy include the 6 P's of marketing: product, price, place, promotion, people, and presentation.

What are the top 5 small businesses? ›

Best Small Business Ideas
  1. Handyman. Image Source. ...
  2. Woodworker. ...
  3. Online Dating Consultant. ...
  4. Sewing and Alteration Specialist. ...
  5. Freelance Developer. ...
  6. Personal Trainer. ...
  7. Freelance Graphic Designer. ...
  8. Life/ Career Coach.
Oct 21, 2022

What are common mistakes in business? ›

9 common mistakes to avoid when starting a new business
  • Neglecting to make a business plan. ...
  • Inadequate financial preparation and resources. ...
  • Failing to monitor progress and adjust. ...
  • Buying assets with your cash flow. ...
  • Avoiding outside help. ...
  • Setting the wrong price. ...
  • Ignoring technology. ...
  • Neglecting online marketing.

What do most businesses struggle with? ›

Lack of Funds

Nothing can hold a business back like money problems. This is even more true for small businesses. While most larger companies have enough cash flow to keep up with payroll and keep the lights on, small businesses are often in a less stable situation.

Why 85% of businesses are failing during the first years list four reasons? ›

  • No market need. The most commonly cited reason for small business failure was more nebulous than others on this list but also much more fundamental to what makes a business idea great in the first place: whether it solves a need. ...
  • Not enough capital. ...
  • Not the right team. ...
  • Competition. ...
  • Pricing.
Oct 25, 2018

Why do small businesses fail with no experience? ›

Many new business owners fail because they lack business savvy and relevant leadership experience in areas such as organization, structuring, strategy, networking, hiring and managing employees, compensation, capitalization, and uncovering and assessing the hidden risks and exposures associated with operating a new ...

Do 95% of businesses fail? ›

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, over 50% of small businesses fail in the first year and 95% fail within the first five years.

What are the Top 5 reasons small businesses fail? ›

The top 10 reasons small businesses fail – and how to avoid them
  • Lack of research. ...
  • Not having a business plan. ...
  • Not having the business funding they need. ...
  • Financial mismanagement. ...
  • Poor marketing. ...
  • Not keeping abreast of customer needs or the competition. ...
  • Failing to adapt. ...
  • Growing too quickly.
Jul 6, 2021

What are small business owners struggling with? ›

Small business owners perform several tasks that can take up time on their daily schedule. Entrepreneurs often find it difficult to balance a schedule that includes sales and marketing activities, the search for financing, product development, accounts payable, accounts receivable and business development.

What do small businesses really need? ›

10 Things Every Small Business Needs To Do
  • You need to manage your cash. ...
  • You need to develop a data-based culture. ...
  • You need to engage in Lean Planning. ...
  • You need to understand your margins on all your products and services. ...
  • You need to have a strategy for recruiting and retaining talent.

What are the biggest problems small businesses face? ›

Here are five of the most common challenges you may encounter.
  • Lack of Funds. Nothing can hold a business back like money problems. ...
  • Lack of Time. ...
  • Trouble Finding Good Employees. ...
  • Difficulties Balancing Growth and Quality. ...
  • Ineffective Web Presence. ...
  • How Can You Manage These Challenges?

What is the biggest threat to small businesses? ›

Recession. “The biggest and most obvious threat to companies and organizations in 2023 is the global rise of inflation and subsequent economic downturn,” Richard Osborne, founder and CEO of UK Business Forums, said via email.

What is the single biggest mistake small businesses make? ›

Here are some major mistakes that small businesses make when first starting out and tips to overcome them:
  • Viewing Your Work As More Important Than Running The Business Side Of Things.
  • Not Accepting Credit Cards.
  • Trying To Do Everything Yourself.
  • Considering Marketing As A Negative.
Jul 10, 2018

What are the top 5 marketing mistakes small businesses make? ›

Common small business marketing mistakes to avoid
  • Doing the writing yourself. ...
  • Neglecting your website. ...
  • Fatiguing your audience. ...
  • Not tracking your results. ...
  • Not speaking to your target audience.

What are the 5 main risk types that face businesses? ›

Here are five types of business risk that every company should address as part of their strategy and planning process.
  • Security and fraud risk. ...
  • Compliance risk. ...
  • Operational risk. ...
  • Financial or economic risk. ...
  • Reputational risk.
Jun 16, 2021

What are the attitudes that kills small business? ›

After all, every entrepreneur's goal is to grow a profitable business.
6 Things That Can Kill Business Growth
  • Not knowing your competitors. ...
  • Poor customer insight. ...
  • Lack of funds. ...
  • Making decisions on your own, or “winging it” ...
  • Poor leadership.

What are the 5 business threats? ›

Threats: Obstacles That Can Trip Up Your Business
  • Weather. These affect seasonal businesses that depend on good conditions.
  • The economy. ...
  • Material shortage. ...
  • Your computer system is hacked. ...
  • Employment in your industry is strong. ...
  • Market demand dries up.

What are the top 3 things which will lead the company to failure? ›

Five Common Causes of Business Failure
  • Poor cash flow management. ...
  • Losing control of the finances. ...
  • Bad planning and a lack of strategy. ...
  • Weak leadership. ...
  • Overdependence on a few big customers.

What are the 4 most common types of small businesses? ›

Types of businesses FAQs

The four main types of business structures are sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and limited liability company (LLC).

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.