Strategy Plan Management vs. Project Management: The Difference and Why It Matters (2024)

But what does that look likefor your business?

When you manage your strategy, you gather information about your organization, examine the environment in which it works, and determine your goals for the future.Some questions to ask are:

  • What will bethe next big thingthat will come along?
  • How canIpreparemyself to meet those challenges?
  • What dowehave to do now sowecan be ready?
  • What are the changesIwill have to make?
  • What are the thingsweneed to make better in all areas of our organization?

As you can tell from thesuggestionsabove, strategies can(and should)shiftbecause of predicted or unforeseen complications.Whencompanies consistently revisit and reflect on their strategic plan, they aremorecapableto makequickpivotswhile still adheringto their vision.Although this is the case,companiesinfrequentlyscheduletime for strategic thought and positioningdue to it not being as satisfying asworking on the here-and-now.Scheduling regular time for strategic thought and positioning might feel strange, but in the long run it prepares you for your future.

Alternatively,project managementcontributes to a longer-term strategy, but the outcome is far more immediate andtask-based.While strategy is big picture, project management focuseson a specific operational goal(which can be an individualproject or a long-term action item)and isdeadline-driven, action-typeoversight.

Strategy Plan Management vs. Project Management: The Difference and Why It Matters (2024)


What is the connection between strategic planning and project management? ›

The project manager plans, organizes and manages those major initiatives until they become reality. Strategic planning must feed into the project management process to ensure a more powerful, single business system.

What is a project plan and how does it differ from a project management plan? ›

The project plans are visionary documents that focus on the objective of the project. They provide the project manager the vision related to the project stages and steps. On the other hand, the project management plan is an execution document that focuses on the techniques required to achieve the project.

Why is strategic planning important in project management? ›

Ultimately, strategic planning allows a business to take control of its vision and turn projected results into reality. This emphasizes its importance for project managers, who are responsible for the success or failure of a project, and for ensuring an organization operates at optimal efficiency.

What is the difference between project manager and strategic project manager? ›

In addition, general project managers focus on how to handle certain projects, while a strategic project manager considers the long term and how a project can benefit both the company and the company's efficiency. Essentially, a project management team focuses on the broader business aspects of a project.

What is the link between strategy and projects? ›

A good organizational strategy can help align your team, address your vision, mission, and goals, and help you implement strategic initiatives organization wide. Each project should ideally support this overall strategy, and the project management framework you choose will help you follow through on your projects.

Is strategy part of project management? ›

Project management strategies are methods of leadership that project managers use to unite their teams and address specific challenges. These strategies help everyone understand the needs of the project and how the manager wants each phase to progress.

What are the 5 stages of project management plan? ›

Five stages of project management
  • initiation.
  • planning.
  • execution.
  • monitoring and control.
  • closure.

What are the 4 components of RACI? ›

What does RACI mean? The acronym RACI stands for responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed.

What are the 7 parts of a project plan? ›

Let's dive into the details:
  • Step 1: Define your goals and objectives. ...
  • Step 2: Set success metrics. ...
  • Step 3: Clarify stakeholders and roles. ...
  • Step 4: Set your budget. ...
  • Step 5: Align on milestones, deliverables, and project dependencies. ...
  • Step 6: Outline your timeline and schedule. ...
  • Step 7: Share your communication plan.
Nov 19, 2022

What is the main importance of strategic management? ›

Strategic management strategies help businesses to find direction and grow through a process of assessment, evaluation and then development which can help to identify new business goals, set appropriate and achievable objectives, and help businesses to regain a competitive edge.

What are 6 benefits of strategic planning? ›

Six Benefits Plateaued Entrepreneurs Can Realize From Strategic Planning
  • It helps you focus.
  • It allows you to establish (and stick to) priorities.
  • It allows you to divide and conquer.
  • It helps you create building blocks for the future.
  • It allows you to measure what matters.
  • It fosters accountability.
Sep 12, 2019

Why strategic planning is more important than ever? ›

Strategic planning helps because it focuses attention on the crucial issues and challenges the organization faces and it helps key decision makers figure out what they should do about them. It can help them make today's decisions in light of future consequences.

Is a strategist a project manager? ›

The strategist's job is to ensure the project is done on-strategy for the client. The project manager's job is to get the project done as quickly (and on-budget, and on-scope) as possible. Those priorities are typically at odds with each other.

What is the difference between strategic management and management? ›

Strategic management focuses on the future of the company, expanding a business plan to last for three to five years. Operational management, however, focuses on more short-term ideas and implementation tactics. Leaders using operational management may create plans that consider up to a year in the company's future.

Is project management and planning the same thing? ›

Project planners and project managers are both important positions in project management, but they fill different roles in the project management cycle. While a project manager handles a project's entire cycle, from inception to results, project planners usually focus on the planning and monitoring phases of a project.

Why is it important to have a strategy before starting a project? ›

Having a strategic plan in place can enable you to track progress toward goals. When each department and team understands your company's larger strategy, their progress can directly impact its success, creating a top-down approach to tracking key performance indicators (KPIs).

What happens if project goals are misaligned with strategic goals? ›

A misaligned strategy and purpose will cause nothing but sub standard results. Syncing your strategy with your purpose is a smart first step to getting aligned and outperforming your competition.

What are the 4 structures of strategic management? ›

Executives must select among the four types of structure (simple, functional, multidivisional, and matrix) available to organize operations.

What falls under strategic management? ›

Strategic management involves setting objectives, analyzing the competitive environment, analyzing the internal organization, evaluating strategies, and ensuring that management rolls out the strategies across the organization.

What are the four strategic management? ›

The four phases of strategic management are formulation, implementation, evaluation and modification.

What are the seven 7 stages of project cycle? ›

The Project Lifecycle consists of seven phases intake, initiation, planning, product selection, execution, monitoring & control, and closure. These phases make up the path that takes your project from start to finish.

What are the four 4 Ps of project management? ›

There are 4 critical components puff project management which is known as the '4Ps” namely Product, Process, People, Project.

What are the 4 main processes of project management? ›

Whether you're in charge of developing a website, designing a car, moving a department to a new facility, updating an information system, or just about any other project (large or small), you'll go through the same four phases of project management: planning, build-up, implementation, and closeout.

What can I use instead of RACI? ›

To avoid these pitfalls, we recommend an alternative to RACI called DARE—standing for deciders, advisors, recommenders, and execution stakeholders. While counterintuitive, it can be helpful to involve more people in making a decision—but only when roles are clearly articulated.

Can you have 2 accountable in a RACI? ›

The accountable person in the RACI equation delegates and reviews the work involved in a project. Their job is to make sure the responsible person or team knows the expectations of the project and completes work on time. Every task should have only one accountable person and no more.

Why is RACI only accountable? ›

Only One Responsible and Accountable Person: It is essential that only one person be assigned the R/A roles. Having more than one person responsible for the same task increases ambiguity and the chances of the work not being performed. It could also lead to duplication of work and wastage of efforts and costs.

What are the 7 C's of project management? ›

There are seven core elements that if considered will contribute to the organization's project decision-making process. The seven elements (7 C's) are: customers, competitors, capabilities, cost, channels, communication, and coordination.

What are the 3 key elements of project management? ›

The project management triangle is made up of three variables that determine the quality of the project: scope, cost, and time. The triangle demonstrates how these three variables are linked—if one of the variables is changed, the other two must be adjusted in order to keep the triangle connected.

What are the 3 critical elements in a project plan? ›

The three major parts of a project plan are the scope, budget and timeline. They involve the following aspects: Scope. The scope determines what a project team will and will not do.

What are the three major benefits of strategic management? ›

There are many benefits of strategic management and they include identification, prioritization, and exploration of opportunities.

What are the 5 benefits of strategic management? ›

The Advantages of Strategic Management
  • Discharges Board Responsibility. ...
  • Forces An Objective Assessment. ...
  • Provides a Framework For Decision-Making. ...
  • Supports Understanding & Buy-In. ...
  • Enables Measurement of Progress. ...
  • Provides an Organizational Perspective. ...
  • The Future Doesn't Unfold As Anticipated. ...
  • It Can Be Expensive.
Nov 21, 2005

What are the 3 elements of strategic planning? ›

Effective strategic planning is a process that should be broken down into three separate, equally important components: strategic thinking, long-range planning, and operational planning.

What makes a strong strategic plan? ›

Strategies should map long-term plans to objectives and actionable steps, foster innovative thinking, as well as anticipate and mitigate potential pitfalls. Strategic plans often look out 3-5 years, and there may be a separate plan for each individual objective within the organization.

What are the three principles of strategic planning? ›

There are three principles of strategic planning that you should follow. First, set a clear direction and stay in your lane, versus meandering and pursuing strategies that change every year.

What are four benefits to strategic planning? ›

5 Benefits of Strategic Planning
  • Creates a sense of direction. ...
  • Increase operational efficiency. ...
  • Increase market share and profitability. ...
  • Increase durability and sustainability. ...
  • Being proactive instead of reactive.
Mar 3, 2018

Is strategic planning still relevant? ›

It's still critical to engage in a long-term strategic planning process. Every organization, regardless of its type or size, has to have some vision of its future and some roadmap for how to get there.

What is the most important factor in strategic planning? ›


Initiatives take more than one person to implement, which is why engagement is very important for your strategic planning. Members that are part of the plan will build value, so you should consider whether engagement and teamwork are at a strong point or not. Low engagement can lead to low productivity.

Who is the boss of a project manager? ›

Director of program management

The company's project managers often report directly to the director of program management, who ensures that all projects remain on schedule and facilitates interaction between projects when necessary.

What managers do in strategic management? ›

identifying and analyzing internal and external strengths and weaknesses; formulating action plans; executing action plans; and. evaluating to what degree action plans have been successful and making changes when desired results are not being produced.

Is a scrum master a project manager? ›

Scrum Masters can be project managers, and project managers can be Scrum masters, but they're not the same thing. A Scrum Master is a role embedded specifically on a Scrum team, whereas a project manager refers to the professional leading virtually any type of project.

What comes first strategy or plan? ›

In a perfect world the strategy always comes before a plan and shapes the details of the plan. A strategy is the overarching wisdom that coordinates all of the plans in order to effectively reach the goals. Remember, having a plan is essential, but developing a strategy should always come first.

Which comes first strategy or strategic management? ›

A company's strategy is its plan for victory in competition with other companies. Strategic management is a process for formulating and implementing a strategy.

What are the 5 types of strategic management? ›

The five types of strategic management enumerated from most simplistic to most complex are linear, adaptive, interpretive, expressive, and transcendent. These five types of strategic management represent a continuum of organizational focus and action.

What is the difference between a strategic plan and a project plan? ›

Strategic plan vs project plan

A strategic plan is the “how” of your project. This is different from a project plan, which is focused on the execution or the nitty-gritty of “what” needs to be done.

What is the relationship between strategic planning and project management? ›

The project manager plans, organizes and manages those major initiatives until they become reality. Strategic planning must feed into the project management process to ensure a more powerful, single business system.

Can you manage a project without planning? ›

So, can you manage a project without planning? Sure. But by planning a little better now, you can help reduce the agonizing hours of re-work later.

What is the relationship between management and strategic management? ›

It is a relationship between two functions that need each other and at the same time, produce desired results for the organisation. They are not totally separate but strategic management and leadership at their own respective assignments.

Is strategic planning the same as project planning? ›

Strategic plan vs project plan

A strategic plan is the “how” of your project. This is different from a project plan, which is focused on the execution or the nitty-gritty of “what” needs to be done.

What is the purpose of strategic management? ›

Strategic management sets a direction for the organization and its employees. Unlike once-and-done strategic plans, effective strategic management continuously plans, monitors and tests an organization's activities, resulting in greater operational efficiency, market share and profitability.

What are the key terms in strategic management? ›

Before we further discuss strategic management, we should define nine key terms: competitive advantage, strategists, vision and mission statements, external opportunities and threats, internal strengths and weaknesses, long-term objectives, strategies, annual objectives, and policies.

What is the objective of strategic management? ›

Achieving goals: Strategic management helps keep goals achievable by using a clear and dynamic process for formulating steps and implementation. Sustainable growth: Strategic management has been shown to lead to more efficient organizational performance, which leads to manageable growth.

What are the three types of strategic planning? ›

Strategic planning activities typically focus on three areas: business, corporate or functional.

What are the four types of strategic planning? ›

The 4 Types of Plans
  • Operational Planning. “Operational plans are about how things need to happen,” motivational leadership speaker Mack Story said at LinkedIn. ...
  • Strategic Planning. “Strategic plans are all about why things need to happen,” Story said. ...
  • Tactical Planning. ...
  • Contingency Planning.
Jul 7, 2017

What are the two types of strategic planning? ›

In our experience, there are two key types of strategic planning that organizations undertake: internal strategic planning for the future and building a competitive strategy for the external marketplace.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.