Strategy Formulation Process (2024)

Ravi is a hardworking professional recently promoted to head of marketing at his software development firm. Full of new ideas and good with people, Ravi seems the ideal fit for his new role. Yet, within six months Ravi finds himself in troubled waters. His ideas, while good on paper, don’t seem to work out in practice.

Ravi gets in touch with Shruti, a life coach, who introduces him to the process of strategy formulation. Though the results aren’t instant, Ravi begins to see clear benefits of strategy formulation one year down the line. Four years later, Ravi’s track record as marketing head impresses shareholders and earns him a promotion to Chief Marketing Officer.

  1. What Is Strategy Formulation?

  2. Why Strategy Formulation Matters

  3. Levels Of Strategy Formulation

  4. Steps Of Strategy Formulation

  5. Examples Of Strategy Formulation

  6. Curate The Perfect Strategy

What Is Strategy Formulation?

Strategy formulation is the process of selecting the most appropriate and efficient ways to realize an organization’s vision and help it realize its goals and objectives.

The strategy formulation process is a part of strategic management and involves using several analytical tools to figure out the best way to use an organization’s resources. Strategy formulation allows an organization to create a financial blueprint for creating profits and being sustainable in the long haul.

The most popular way of examining a strategy formulation process is through the SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It provides a detailed and comprehensive analysis on strategy formulation and helps an organization determine whether a particular strategy is fit to be implemented.

Why Strategy Formulation Matters

But why should any organization spend time and resources on strategy formulation at all? The answer is simple: without a thorough strategy formulation process, it isn’t possible for an organization to survive in a competitive industry. The following is a list of ways in which strategy formulation matters to an organization:

  • Strategy formulation provides a roadmap for maximizing an organization’s return on investment (ROI)
  • It’s through strategy formulation that resource allocation and exact role divisions take place in an organization
  • Strategy formulation offers clarity on the big picture when it comes to organizational objectives and makes sure that all employees are on the same page
  • A rigorous and regularly evolving strategy formulation process keeps track of competition for the organization and prevents complacency within the management and employees

Levels Of Strategy Formulation

There are three levels of strategy formulation, also known as the three types of strategy formulation. These levels of strategy formulation refer to the different ways in which strategizing can take pace at an organization:

1. Corporate Level Strategy

This is among the most important types of strategy formulation as it’s used to outline the precise requirement of an organization—growth, acquisition, stability or retrenchment. This in turn shapes the nature of the work that an organization does, the timeline it has to follow and the resources that are at its disposal.

2. Business Level Strategy

As one of the levels of strategy formulation that requires the most research and investment of time and personnel, the business level strategy has a specific purpose. That purpose is to answer the question—how exactly is an organization going to compete? This takes into account an organization’s abilities to expand and retain a competitive edge in the market. This type of strategy formulation is particularly useful for those organizations that have several small units of business, each one of which is considered to be a strategic business unit (SBU).

3. Functional Level Strategy

This level of strategy is concerned less with ideation and more with logistical management and execution. The focus of this level is primarily on growth and how daily actions, including allocation of resources, can help deliver corporate and business level strategies for the organization to reach its business goals.

Steps Of Strategy Formulation

There are six separate steps that are recognized as part of the strategy formulation process. Each of these steps of strategy formulation has a specific role to play, although it’s not mandatory for the steps to follow a specific chronology to be effective. Let’s take a closer look at all the steps of strategy formulation with a brief explanation for each.

1. Determining Organizational Objectives

The primary purpose of strategic formulation is to set down certain objectives that an organization tries to meet. Objectives may be ambitious or modest, but in either case, they must be spelt out with the help of a detailed plan that shows how these objectives can be realized by the organization. When determining organizational objectives, strategy formulation also takes care of the time periods when particular objectives have to be met or discarded, in case they’re no longer feasible within the scope of the industry concerned.

2. Assessing The Organizational Environment

The second step of strategy formulation involves assessing the industrial and economic environment in which an organization operates. This means that competitors within an industry need to be observed, tracked and analyzed. In addition to that, regular qualitative and quantitative reviews of an organization’s products or services must be carried out.

3. Fixing Quantitative Targets

This step requires organizations to fix quantitative targets that they must meet in a particular quarter or financial year. These targets provide useful information about the long-term value of customers to an organization as well as the performance trajectories of various product or service zones and operating departments across an organization.

4. Divisional Plans And Contributions From Different Departments

For this step, each department or division or product or service category present in an organization is identified and evaluated for its performance and adherence to strategic planning. This is done not only for the department in question but also for each of the sub-units under a single department.

5. Performance Analysis

As part of this step, organizations are required to identify and analyze the gap between desired performance and actual performance. This is done on the basis of performance data, customer feedback, employee suggestions as well as a general survey of the trends and patterns present in an organization. This step is vital to build connections between what an organization has done in the past, how it’s faring in the present and what it can accomplish in the future.

6. Choice of Strategy

The previous five steps of strategy formulation are supposed to culminate in the sixth and final step of deciding the actual strategy for an organization. To pick the best course of action, this step requires active and careful consideration of organizational strengths and weaknesses, potential, limitations as well as the presence of internal and external opportunities for that organization.

Examples Of Strategy Formulation

For certain organizations, strategy formulation isn’t just about doing well, it’s also about doing good for the community. In one of the best examples of strategy formulation and how it can shape a brand’s identity, Unilever’s Lipton brand decided to reorient its strategy around manufacturing sustainable tea. Not only did this decision to become more environment-friendly make Lipton a popular choice with environmentally conscious consumers but it also gave the brand an edge in a way its competitors couldn’t have anticipated.

Sports manufacturing giant Nike provides a different example of strategy formulation. In the early 2010s, Nike was beginning to lose its lead in endorsem*nts among footballers, with competitors like Adidas and Puma catching up. To ensure that Nike retained its appeal, the organization decided to cross-endorse, that is use an athlete from one sport to promote merchandise for another sport. Their first choice was legendary basketball player Michael Jordan, with whom Nike launched the Air Jordan line of football kits and apparel. French football club Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) were the first to join the Air Jordan bandwagon, which not only steered NIke clear of its rivals but also provoked interest among millions of Jordan fans about football and PSG.

Another classic example of strategy formulation comes from Apple’s approach to designing its famous Macintosh computers in the 1980s. Taking advantage of an opening in the tech industry that nobody else knew of, Apple came up with a strategy to kickstart a new era with its Macintosh series. Apple’s strategy was built on repurposing the computer from a chunky piece of hardware that’s only seen in offices to something that’s more handy, user-friendly, even entertaining. The Macintosh strategy paid off and the personal computer launched a tech revolution that lives on to this day.

Curate The Perfect Strategy

As may be evident by now, strategy formulation can’t be learned in a day. It takes hours and hours of diligence and practical experience to master the process. Harappa’s High Performing Leaders Program is here to ensure that this skill is something your employees can pick up in the smoothest possible way. With the help of this program, your employees will be able to decode the strategic big picture without missing out on the details. They’ll also learn how to mitigate risks, manage crises and create out-of-the-box solutions. Through exciting learning frameworks such as the Leadership Equation, The Rule of Three and Design Thinking, the promising leaders in your organization will get a chance to nurture and develop a variety of must-have Thrive skills, like championing innovation, instinctive adaptability and cultivating foresight. Sign up your best and brightest employees for the High Performing Leaders Program without and set them on their way to curating the perfect strategy for your organization.

Explore Harappa Diaries to learn more about topics such as , Benefits of Strategic Management, Importance Of Team Work in Strategic Planning Process and Types of Management Communication that will help organizations tap into employee potential.

Strategy Formulation Process (2024)


What are the process of strategy formulation? ›

6 steps to execute strategy formulation
  • Develop a strategic mission. ...
  • Establish organizational goals. ...
  • Create departmental plans. ...
  • Conduct a performance analysis. ...
  • Implement a plan of action. ...
  • Revise your strategy as needed.
Jul 7, 2021

What questions does strategy formulation answer? ›

Strategy formulation answers the question: What should be our strategy?

Which process is harder strategy formulation or strategy implementation explain your answer? ›

And that's the reason which will explain why strategy implementation is more difficult than strategy formulation. That's because, good strategy execution requires that all the resources, people and brand elements involved in that interaction need to be in line with the strategy.

What are the key elements in strategy formulation? ›

Competition analysis, macro-environmental conditions and team works are key factors in the strategy formulation. Employee involvement and strategic consensus are key success factors in the implementation process. Strategy formulation and strategy implementation are both important for managers.

What are the characteristics of a good strategy formulation process? ›

He offers some characteristics every strategy should include.
  • They are Not Tactical. People often get a strategy mixed up with a tactic. ...
  • They are Actionable. Strategic goals are achievable through tactics. ...
  • They are Clear. ...
  • They Include a Business Plan. ...
  • They Don't Change Much.

What are the 3 important questions to answer when developing a strategic plan? ›

Here are the three questions to get your strategic plan on track.
  • Question 1: What is the real problem here? ...
  • Question 2: Why is our solution better than everyone else's? ...
  • Question 3: How are you going to do it?
Sep 18, 2015

What are the three main questions strategy makers must consider? ›

He taught that the three most important strategic questions each company must answer are:
  • What is our business? (Mission)
  • What will our business be? (The changing environment that we are certain about)
  • What should our business be? (Vision)
Apr 11, 2017

What are the questions about strategic formulation? ›

Strategy Formulation Questions What are the threats for the business? What are the opportunities for the business? What are our weaknesses? What are our strengths?

Why is strategy formulation a difficult task? ›

Difficulty of Planning the Sequence of Tactics

Implementation is a complex process because some strategies require a lengthy series of steps. A business strategy may also require a degree of timing to be successful, such as deciding the best time of year to launch a new ad campaign.

Which is more important strategy formulation or strategy implementation? ›

Implementation is the process that turns your strategies and plans into actions so you can accomplish strategic objectives and goals. Implementing your strategic plan is as important, or even more important, than your strategy.

What is the most difficult stage in strategic management process? ›

Strategic implementation is arguably the most difficult stage in strategic management. Translating plans into actions can be difficult, especially if one encounters some challenges. Various challenges make the strategic implementation stage difficult.

What are the three basic steps in strategy formulation? ›

Successful strategic management involves three steps: Planning, Execution and Monitoring Developments & Progress.

How many stages are there in strategy formulation? ›

The strategic-management process consists of three stages: strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation.

What are the 3 stages in the strategy formulation framework? ›

Techniques of strategy formulation can be integrated into a decision making framework. Strategies can be identified, evaluated and selected by this framework that includes three stages: (1) input stage, (2) matching stage, and (3) decision stage (Figure 1) (David, 2007).

What is the main purpose of formulating a strategy? ›

Strategy formulation allows an organization to create a financial blueprint for creating profits and being sustainable in the long haul. The most popular way of examining a strategy formulation process is through the SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

What are the four approaches to strategy formulation? ›

The study obtained six distinct approaches to strategy formulation namely: the planning approach – related to long-term planning and execution to achieve organisation goals; fit approach – concerned with matching internal strengths and weakness with that of external opportunities and threats; emergent approach – ...

What is successful strategy formulation? ›

Strategy formulation is the process of using available knowledge to document the intended direction of a business and the actionable steps to reach its goals. This process is used for resource allocation, prioritization, organization-wide alignment, and validation of business goals.

What are the factors affecting strategy formulation? ›

Generally, numerous factors affect the formulation of strategies. For instance, the vision, mission, and stakeholders determine the strategy to be formulated. The concept and mission describe the primary purpose and objectives of the organization.

What are the 3 big strategic questions? ›

Here are three key strategic planning questions:
  • First, are we clear on our purpose and our bigger “why? ...
  • Second, how do you define what you do – the “businesses within your business?” Why do you define them that way? ...
  • Third, what do you know about the sustainability of each of those businesses?
Oct 7, 2020

What are the 4 strategic questions? ›

Four Strategic questions
  • What is your current share position in the market?
  • What is the core strength that your brand can win on?
  • How tightly connected is your consumer to your brand?
  • What is the current business situation that your brand faces?
Dec 6, 2014

What are the powerful strategic questions? ›

Strategic questions to ask when building a company strategy
  • Who is your target customer? ...
  • What are the biggest challenges the company is facing? ...
  • How can you improve the company's current product? ...
  • How did the company get to where it is? ...
  • Where does the company want to go? ...
  • What should the company do more of?
Jun 1, 2021

What are the five strategic questions? ›

The 5 Business Strategy Questions you Should be Thinking About
  • 1 - What is our value proposition to our customers? ...
  • 2 – Where are you going to compete? ...
  • 3 – How will we win against our key competitors? ...
  • 4 – What capabilities are needed to achieve success? ...
  • 5 – What business systems are required to achieve success?
Jun 27, 2017

What type of strategy uses four questions to find answers? ›

QAR is a questioning strategy that emphasizes that a relationship exists between the question, the text, and the background of the reader. In this strategy, students are taught to use four question/answer relationships (QAR's) to find the information they need to answer the question.

What is strategy formulation in problem solving? ›

Strategy formulation refers to the process of choosing the most appropriate course of action for the realization of organizational goals and objectives and thereby achieving the organizational vision.

Which one of the following are the challenges faced during strategy formulation? ›

The five most common challenges in executing a strategic plan are:
  • Poor goal setting. ...
  • Lack of alignment. ...
  • Inability to track progress. ...
  • People not connected to the strategy. ...
  • No measurements or leading indicators.
Apr 12, 2019

Is strategy formulation a skill? ›

Strategy formulation is as much an art as it is a science. In fact, it is the art of strategy formulation that drives fast growth and catapults a firm into newer horizons. Leaders should develop skills and capabilities to sense early opportunities and be quick in making strategic moves.

What are the benefits of strategy formulation? ›

A strategic plan helps to define the direction in which an organization must travel, and aids in establishing realistic objectives and goals that are in line with the vision and mission charted out for it. But it also creates a sense of collaboration and collective responsibility.

Does strategy formulation focus effectiveness? ›

Strategy formulation focuses on effectiveness, whereas strategy implementation focuses on efficiency.

When formulating strategy it is important to consider? ›

The overall competitive strategy should take into account three main factors: (1) the status, make-up, and prognosis of the industry as a whole and its market(s); (2) the firm's position relative to its competitors; and (3) internal factors at the firm, such as particular strengths and weaknesses.

What are the six barriers to strategy implementation? ›

The six most often mentioned by the teams are: top-down management style; unclear strategy and conflicting priorities; ineffective senior management team; poor vertical communication; poor communication across function; and inadequate down-the-line leadership skills.

Why do strategies fail at implementation stage? ›

Many strategy implementations fail because of a lack of monitoring and control. Often an effective planning and control system is missing. Without timely and accurate management information it is impossible to assess the progress of the strategy implementation effort.

What is the most critical part of the strategic planning process? ›

Clarity is key and one of the most critical elements of strategic planning. Providing clarity places on the leader great responsibility, but can also serve as one of his or her greatest assets. When clarity is provided it allows the leader to paint a picture the whole team can align to.

What is the first step in strategy formulation? ›

Formulate a Strategy

The first step in forming a strategy is to review the information gleaned from completing the analysis. Determine what resources the business currently has that can help reach the defined goals and objectives. Identify any areas of which the business must seek external resources.

What is strategy formulation framework? ›

What is a strategic framework? A strategic framework is a tool that will assist you at a specific stage of the strategic management cycle, most commonly during the strategy formulation and evaluation stage. Usually, strategic frameworks will require you to categorize your goals into a series of groupings.

What is strategy formulation steps? ›

Here are the three levels of strategy: Corporate level: How you structure the organization and coordinate across business units. Business level: How you target and retain customers and compete with other organizations in your market. Functional level: How you plan to grow and improve the organization.

What is the process of plan formulation? ›

Plan formulation is an iterative process that establishes planning objectives, evaluates management measures that address these objectives, develops potential alternatives that meet the objectives, screens out plans based on comparison criteria, and identifies plans for implementation.

How many steps are in strategy formulation? ›

Strategy formulation refers to the process of choosing the most appropriate course of action for the realization of organizational goals and objectives and thereby achieving the organizational vision. The process of strategy formulation basically involves six main steps.

What are the types of strategy formulation? ›

Three Aspects of Strategy Formulation, Corporate-Level Strategy, Competitive Strategy, Functional Strategy, Choosing Strategies, and Troublesome Strategies.

What are the 3 key elements of process? ›

The THREE well known elements are: input, process and output. Here the PERFORMER of process or activity or task is ignored.

What is step 4 of the strategy implementation process? ›

4. Execute and Monitor. It's time to put your strategic plan into action. All team members should have the resources they need to complete the task at hand.

What is an example of strategy formulation? ›

Another classic example of strategy formulation comes from Apple's approach to designing its famous Macintosh computers in the 1980s. Taking advantage of an opening in the tech industry that nobody else knew of, Apple came up with a strategy to kickstart a new era with its Macintosh series.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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