Moving Checklist | The Ultimate Printable Home Moving Checklist (2024)

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At Two Small Men with Big Hearts, we care about our customers, and we want to do everything we can to ensure every move is a successful one.

We know moving can be exciting and stressful and we want to make sure you don’t forget to do anything in the process. Use this checklist below and stay confident that you’ll cover all you’ll need to do before and during your move:

Moving Checklist


  • Make an inventory of everything to be moved.

    Your first priority should be planning ahead of time. Make sure to check all your belongings and make an inventory of everything to be moved. Visit every room in house and decide what you’d take with you and what you want to get rid.

  • Sort out and donate any unwanted clothing or furniture.

    Once you have an inventory of all the goods you want to keep, you may want to recheck and sort it out to make a final list. Also, you may think to donate all the unwanted items that you’ve decided to leave behind like clothing, furniture, kitchen utensils, etc.

  • Have a garage sale or list them online to get rid of unwanted items.

    You cannot simply dump the things in garbage or donate everything. Many items could bevaluablebut simply would not fit in your new space. If you are having trouble getting rid ofitemsyou are not taking with you, a simple way would be to organize a garage sale or take pictures and sell your stuff on Facebook marketplace, Kijiji/Craigslist apps.

  • Start collecting moving supplies like boxes and newspaper for wrapping.

    Order or buy boxes and moving supplies such as tapes, bubble wraps, markers etc. for packing. Also make sure to order to specialty items like mattress covers, wardrobe boxes, dish barrels, etc.

  • Submit a change of address form to your post office.

    You’ll not want your bank letters, important mails or bills to be reaching your old address, once you move out. It is always better submitting a change of address to your post office ahead oftime, so you start receiving mail at your new address. Go to your postal office and fill out a change-of-address form.

  • Choose your moving company and confirm the arrangements.

    Get in touch with professional moving services 3-4 weeksahead oftheprojected moving date. Start investigating your options and do not merely rely on the quote over the phone. Moreover, it may be possible; your preferred moving company is booked for the time and date.Givemore timetothe professional moversfor planningand estimatingyour requirements. See our Moving Tip “How to Choose a Mover”.

  • Research items that can’t be moved (aerosol can, etc.).

    Find items that can be moved orones that mayrequire extra time and effort. Some heavy appliances are fitted and are extremely difficult to move.

  • Arrange for storage in your new community (if necessary).

    Your new homecould beunder renovations or therecould bewaitingperiodbefore you can take complete possession.Lease space for short termstorage ofyour heavy appliances or other valuable equipment. Usually moving companies offer storage space at discounted prices; it is always good to check with the movers before booking. View our Storage Services.


  • Start packing up your home by boxing up the items you use less often (seasonal articles, books, etc.).

    Start by packing things that you use less frequently like books, Christmas decorations, waffle iron or a croquet set. You may want to note down the value of each item you pack. View our Packing Services.

  • Have rugs and draperies cleaned and leave wrapped when returned.

    Get your rugs and draperies cleaned before you move into your new home. The cleaners usually return them wrapped. You may not want to take them out until you reach your new place and start unpacking.

  • Obtain written appraisal of antique items to verify value.

    When you are packing, make sure to note down prices of items of special value like antiques. These items may require additional insurance from your moving company.

  • Book the moving elevator and confirm parking arrangement for truck, if applicable.

    If you are moving totheupper floorin an apartment, you should book an elevator. This will pose a less hassle to the people living on the space already, on a moving day. Also, confirm parking for the moving truck and get prior permission if you are living in a sharedspace.

  • Contact insurance company to transfer policies (life, homeowners, tenants).

    It is wise to notify your insurance company and arrange for transfer policies.

  • Prepare a list of friends, companies, and personal accounts who should be notified of your upcoming move.

    Prepare a list to alert the relevant parties that you are moving, especially, banks, brokerage firm, your company’s human resource department, magazine and newspapers you subscribe to, insurance and utility companies.

  • Arrange to be off work on your moving day.

    Notify the human resources department at your office that you plan to supervise the move and will need a day off. In Canada, your employer is obliged to let you take the day off if you need to move. But make sure to inform them beforehand.

  • Address minor home repairs before moving out (especially if you’re moving from an apartment).

    As soon as you find the time, address any minor home repairs before moving out. It is also easier to sell the space if the repairs are complete and the new occupants do not have to pay anything extra.


  • Start actively packing the rest of your home room by room.

    Start with one room and move onto another. Make sure not to leave anything behind, which might be of use in your new home. From curtains to shower mats, all that was yours should be taken with you.

  • Everything that can be put in a box should be. all boxes should be taped shut and stackable.

    This is one part of your moving checklist, which needs the most attention. Everything you are taking with you should be put in the boxes, taped, shut and marked with the items it bears. Pack your suitcase for enough clothes to wear for a few days.

  • Clean your home or arrange for a cleaning company to come in.

    It is a common courtesy you follow for new occupants in your home. Also, you can use the opportunity to throw away any accumulated junk and do a thorough cleaning of your home, so it is easy for the new occupants to settle down. You’ll want the same when you move into your new space.

  • Check furniture for dents and scratches.

    You should check your furniture for dent and scratches before moving company starts packing and loading it to the truck. This would give you an idea if the moved furniture got any dent or scratch during the process.

  • Label items you need to access quickly.

    Labelling helps in keeping you organized. This helps in easy unpacking, and you’ll know exactly where to find the things if you need something immediately at your new place.

  • Clean out the refrigerator/plan to defrost and dry day before moving.

    Clean the refrigerator and defrostitat least 24 hours before moving day,if you are taking it with you. Make sure it is entirely empty and clean.

  • Drain equipment: water hoses, propane tank, gas/oil lawnmowers.

    Another thing to consider is draining the equipment before they can be taken and loaded to your new place.

  • Confirm travel arrangements for pets and family.

    Check the location of your new home and consider the best way to reach the place. If you are making cross country moves, you’ll want to book the flight tickets for your family and pets or make proper travel arrangements.

  • Arrange for the cut-off/activation dates for your cable, gas, electricity, water, and garbage.

    Notify the primary agencies about your move and get the cut-off dates set for cable, gas, electricity, water and garbage. Likewise, you may want to follow up with your utility agencies about the activation date at your new place.

  • Place all appliance manuals and warranties in one place for the new occupants.

    Put them in a place wherethe new occupantscan easily find them.

  • Take photos of all electronics before unplugging them, so you know how to hook them up again.

    Rather than reading manuals,takingpictures can help you assemble the equipment orwill help youworking faster at your new place.

  • Pack a lockbox with your valuable jewelry, cash, and other items of high value to take in your car with you.

    The lockbox will make sure that all your valuables are in one place and you do not find a difficult time where you’ve put what.


  • Determine which boxes and items are last to load.

    Have a close look at your inventory and tick all the things as they are loading. Youcanset priority fortheitems to be loaded first and last, according to their value and necessity.

  • All loose items are packed in boxes.

    Kitchen utensils, cutleries, decorative items should be appropriately packed in the cardboard boxes.

  • All pictures are removed from the walls.

    Make sure to remove all pictures and pack them intheboxes or wrap the bigger ones to be loaded in the moving truck.

  • All boxes are labelled with their destination room in your new home on the top and sides of each box.

    Make sure to label the boxes not just with the category of things in it, but also with the room you want that item to be placed. This makes it easier for things to unload, unpack and get in places you want.

  • No contents are in your appliances.

    Double-check all the appliances to make sureeverything is empty andthere are no contents in your appliances.

  • All items are removed from the top of furniture, cupboards, etc.

    Againcheck, all the furniture or cupboardsand if they areempty, and everything is removed from it.

  • All rooms, closets, cabinets have been checked for misplaced/ remaining items.

    Check again for all closets, cabinets and make sure that you’re not leaving behind any important thing.

  • Disassemble the remaining bedroom sets.

    Bedroom sets should be disassembled so your movers can load them quickly.

  • Be at your new location to direct movers as to where items should be placed.

    Make sure that youreachyour new place, well before the movers can reach. This way, you’ll help them set up things at the right places.

  • Prepare an essential box list

    Don’t forget to put the following items in your essentials box:

    • Toilet Paper
    • Phone Chargers Snacks/Coffee Scissors
    • Garbage Bags Paper Towels
    • Change of Clothes Dish Soap and Towel Pet Food and Dish Portable Tool Kit
    • Minimal Cleaning Supplies Mug/Plate/Cutlery
  • Things to consider before you leave the house

    Make sure that therearenomis happeningsafter you leave the house. Here are few things to check before leaving:

    • Water shut off, Lights turned off
    • Windows shut and locked
    • Surrender house keys
    • Check for items left behind
    • Turn down your thermostat (if it’s summer)


  • Unpack, then flatten and donate the boxes.

    You can engage your moving company for unpacking and setting up your new homefor astress-freemove. Once you take out all the moved items from the boxes, make sure to flatten them and donate the boxes to the nearby charity or the people who may need help with moving.

  • Change the address on your driver’s license & car insurance.

    It is essential that you change the address on your driving license, car insurance, government insurance program and such.

  • Leave a review of your moving company.

    Your review will help the moving company build more trust with the new clients. Tell what services you liked the most or what part you did not like. This will help the company improve its service and customer experience.

  • Plan a housewarming party!

    You are finally in your new home, and it is pretty exciting. Invite friends, family and coworkers to your new home for a cozy housewarming party and have tons of fun!

    Organize and plan your move betterwith a moving checklist.

Download our moving checklist

Are you moving your home? Ensure your move goes as smoothly as possible. Download our free moving checklist to get advice for things to take care before, during, and after your move.

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Moving Checklist | The Ultimate Printable Home Moving Checklist (2024)


How do I make a moving checklist? ›

What are the top 10 things to include on your moving checklist?
  1. Book professional moving services early. ...
  2. Sell or donate unwanted belongings. ...
  3. Request time off and get your permits. ...
  4. Create a moving folder. ...
  5. Create an inventory list. ...
  6. Get supplies and start packing. ...
  7. Request records from institutions. ...
  8. Complete your change of address.
Apr 25, 2024

What to pack 2 weeks before moving? ›

8. Pack up the last things you'll use in the morning. Toiletries, cosmetics, medication/vitamins, snacks, dog food, kid's supplies—think of everything you know you'll need to use on move day that won't go on the truck. Keep them easily accessible in a grab bag to toss in your vehicle.

How to move out of parents house checklist? ›

Steps to moving out for the first time
  1. Review your finances & create a budget. ...
  2. Check your credit. ...
  3. Discuss your plans to move out with your parents. ...
  4. Practice paying living expenses while still at home. ...
  5. Build an emergency fund. ...
  6. Find a place to live. ...
  7. Set up utilities. ...
  8. Investigate renters insurance.
Oct 13, 2022

How do I make a moving packing plan? ›

General moving and packing tips
  1. Start with items you won't need right away. ...
  2. Pack similar items together. ...
  3. Keep essentials packed separately for quick access. ...
  4. Label each box by its contents and room. ...
  5. Color code boxes by each room. ...
  6. Allow yourself plenty of time to pack. ...
  7. Load furniture, appliances and larger items first.

How do I make an inventory list for movers? ›

Details to Include in Your Checklist of Home Inventory for Moving
  1. Name of the item and its brief description (make, model name, serial number, production year, etc.)
  2. Item's current condition, including pre-existing damage.
  3. Purchase date and cost of item at purchase.
  4. Receipt and warranty paperwork.
Feb 6, 2024

What to pack first when moving? ›

Here's a play-by-play:
  1. Start With the Stuff in Storage (5+ Weeks Out). ...
  2. Move to Out-of-Season Clothes (4-5 Weeks Out). ...
  3. Wrap Up the Fragile Items (3-4 Weeks Out). ...
  4. Pack Up the Guest Bedroom (3 Weeks Out). ...
  5. 5. Box Up the Books, Artwork, and Decor (2-3 Weeks Out). ...
  6. Load Up the Linens (2 Weeks Out).
Oct 25, 2023

When to start packing for a house move? ›

It's useful to start packing for a move at least 7 weeks before your moving date. This allows you to have enough time to complete everything without having to rush. You can begin packing the items you're unlikely to need at this time, such as things from your garage or attic.

What should I pack first in my bedroom when moving? ›

3. Start small. With your packing supplies in hand and your wardrobe purged, you can begin the packing process, starting with small items like linens, clothing and decorations.

What to do 3 weeks before moving house? ›

3 weeks. Start packing and label boxes clearly. Start taking down any fitted items that are coming with you (e.g. shelving and pictures etc). If you have any pets arrange a home for them on the day of the move.

Is $5000 enough to move out? ›

The answer depends on various factors, such as your location, lifestyle, and personal circ*mstances. While $5,000 can be a good starting point, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the costs associated with moving out and living independently.

What is the average age to move out of parents house? ›

While there are a lot of factors involved, the average age when people move out of their parent's home is somewhere between 24 and 27. This makes logical sense – it's after many people have completed college and around the time when most people get married and/or are in a long-term relationship.

How much money is enough to move out of parents house? ›

Ideally, before you undertake the major milestone of moving out of your parental home, you would have six months' worth of living expenses saved up. However, in today's economy, that's not always possible, and some young people will move out with just one or a couple months' worth of living expenses in the bank.

How do you declutter and organize before moving? ›

11 Pro Tips To Help You Declutter Before Moving
  1. Get motivated. ...
  2. Don't procrastinate — start early. ...
  3. Start with the rooms and things you use the least. ...
  4. Pack with pride. ...
  5. Don't linger on old memories. ...
  6. Use the power of piles. ...
  7. Involve your kids with their things. ...
  8. Schedule dedicated time for decluttering.
Oct 2, 2023

How do you organize things after moving? ›

How to Organize a New Home as You Unpack
  1. Pack a Moving Essentials Box. Via A Joyfully Mad Kitchen. ...
  2. Plan Ahead to Avoid the Rush. ...
  3. Unpack and Organize Room by Room. ...
  4. Declutter as You Unpack. ...
  5. Organize a New Home with Stuff You Already Have. ...
  6. Unpack First, Then Decorate. ...
  7. Time to Start Organizing Your New Home! ...
  8. More Moving Resources:
Jun 30, 2023

How do you set up a moving budget? ›

Create Your Moving Budget
  1. Assess your finances. Review your current finances to determine how much you are willing and able to put toward your move. ...
  2. Determine your needs. ...
  3. List potential expenses. ...
  4. Research costs. ...
  5. Request moving quotes. ...
  6. Give yourself a buffer. ...
  7. Monitor and make adjustments.
Jun 29, 2023

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.