Mitsuo Kubo (2024)

"What...? What's that supposed to mean!? I'm... I'm not nothing..."

—Mitsuo Kubo confronting his Shadow Self, Persona 4

Mitsuo Kubo is a character from Persona 4.


  • 1 Appearances
  • 2 Design
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Profile
    • 4.1 Persona 4
      • 4.1.1 Void Quest
    • 4.2 Persona 4 The Animation
    • 4.3 Persona 4 The Golden Animation
  • 6 Gallery
    • 6.1 Persona 4
    • 6.2 Persona 4 The Animation
    • 6.3 Persona 4 Visualize
    • 6.4 Other
  • 7 Etymology
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 References



Mitsuo is an ominous-looking young man with disheveled black hair that is parted slightly in the middle. He has a cool, ashen complexion, though his skin has a peachy tint to it, and he has a beauty mark under his left eye. He has a fairly pronounced slouch, walks somewhat slowly and breathes heavily, and has droopy eyes and a rather grim expression. Unlike any of the other characters in Persona 4, his pupils are extremely deep and pitch black without visible irises (similar to the real-world condition aniridia). He also has long eyelashes, thin eyebrows and very pronounced lips.

Mitsuo wears the uniform of an unknown high school, consisting of a black blazer with matching pants and black shoes; his blazer has the insignia of his high school, a green and red emblem resembling a shield on the right of his blazer. Under this, he wears a white dress shirt with a green tie. In an old picture of Mitsuo while investigating him, he wears a blue tie without an emblem.

Meanwhile, his casual clothes consist of video game themed shirts such as with a controller design, or an alien invaders-like pattern, and jeans. He also wears black and white sneakers with all his casual outfits, his overall choice in clothing reflects his interest and love of video games.

His English voice is boyish and tone-filled, whereas his Japanese voice is deep and intimidating. However, he may freely change the pitch of his voice if he wishes to.


"The police still haven't caught the killer? Those idiots! Can't they do anything right!? I tell ya, the world is chock-full of idiots! Take those morons that ride around on bikes in the middle of the night for example! Guys like that can't do anything right without each other! They're worthless! And lemme tell ya..."

—Mitsuo Kubo ranting, Persona 4

Mitsuo Kubo (1)

Although a regular high school boy, his expulsion from school and supposedly a loss of friends in turn have turned him into a delusional, narcissistic and repulsive person. He finds himself having no useful talents or skills bar video games and the internet. Wanting to be recognized but with no proper way to do it thanks to his lack of talent, he copies the Inaba serial murders with no real knowledge of how the real killer managed to pull them off. This lets him to be used as a pawn by the real killer, who merely finds him entertaining and decides to use him as the next victim.

He was disliked among others for his generally rude behavior and inappropriately running his mouth. Rise Kujikawa describes him as the "type who keeps talking, whether you like it or not." He would rant to her about the biker gangs (surrounding Kanji Tatsumi's case) and insist that they can't do anything alone. He's muttered that "women who cheat on their husbands should be executed" (surrounding Mayumi Yamano's affair and public scandal.) He even tries to hit on Yukiko Amagi, referring to her in an overly familiar manner (directly calling her "Yuki") and approaches her while she is talking with her group; when Yukiko doesn't accept his offer to go out, he takes it as a rejection, storming off in anger.

Because people in Inaba cling to rumors and treat them as the truth, Mitsuo is driven to lie for genuine recognition, but because of it he's forced to suppress his feelings, which he does to an extent that they're no longer part of him, most prominently with the help of the recognition of the Investigation Team that he's a killer is the truth. The shell of a boy would end up being inconsiderate of other people's feelings, blankly mocking and shunning Teddie for wearing a costume and calling him a "freak," and even convince himself Yukiko Amagi's acknowledged him even if he apparently has no interest in her. He would be satisfied with the turn of events, even not caring if he got killed, but his true feelings are temporarily unburied once Kanji Tatsumi adamantly reminds him of the consequences of his actions towards the people he's "killed."

A summary of all of these traits would be that Mitsuo is self-centered and one-sided, caring only about his own personal wants and his inflated morals. He is quite immature and often throws tantrums if something upsets him, such as when his Shadow starts implying that he is nothing more than a copycat wanting attention. He is incredibly forceful and forward with his attempts in social interaction.

In the anime, Mitsuo is shown to be much more aggressive following his killing of Kinshiro Morooka. An example of this is when he verbally threatens Nanako Dojima after she attempts to buy the last two tamago rolls in Junes, reaching out to grab her before Yu intervenes. He also abrasively grabs Yukiko's arm to display "affection." When he fails to convince Yukiko to date him, he turns to the internet where he anonymously brags about being the serial killer in Inaba. Nobody believes him which causes him to throw a fit and smash his keyboard out of sheer anger, leading to him delusionally claiming that he is the killer in an attempt to shake Inaba.


Persona 4[]

Mitsuo Kubo (2)

Mitsuo first appears as a nameless student from a rival school in Yasoinaba when he waits outside the gates of Yasogami High School for Yukiko. Upon seeing her, Mitsuo addresses Yukiko as "Yuki" and asks if she wants to hang out with him, much to Yukiko's confusion as she does not know him. Several students passing by mock him for talking to Yukiko. Mitsuo asks again and upon Yukiko's rejection, he angrily says "Fine!" and runs away. He would be later seen standing across the street from Tatsumi Textiles, complaining about daily life.

On 6/13, Mitsuo can be found in the northern end of the shopping district, complaining that the police haven't found the killer yet. He goes on to fixate on Morooka, remarking that he is pretty suspicious. He goes on to talk about how he has a reputation for being strict and arrogant, and probably has some crazy grudges, also stating that teachers rank pretty low on society's totem pole before the conversation drifts off with Mitsuo dragging on and on.

Void Quest[]

"Of course I am! I'm the one behind everything! I don't give a damn what this impostor's aying! Hahaha, you hear that!? You have nothing to do with me! Get outta my sight!
That goes for the rest of you, too... Why'd you chase me all the way here!? I'll kill you! I'll kill all of you! I can do it, you know... I can do anything!"

—Mitsuo Kubo to his Shadow and the Investigation Team respectively, Persona 4

Mitsuo Kubo (3)

After the rescue of Rise Kujikawa, the protagonist's homeroom teacher Morooka is killed by blunt force trauma. His corpse is then found hanging from a water tower by his foot in a similar fashion to the murders of Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi. Mitsuo takes the opportunity to turn himself into the police, confessing that he was responsible for the three murdered victims thus far. The police do not take his statement seriously and pawn him off to Adachi. Shortly after, Mitsuo goes missing and winds up in the Midnight Channel.

If Mitsuo is not rescued and taken into police custody by the deadline of 8/12, Yosuke Hanamura will call the protagonist and tell him that they found Mitsuo's body. Since they assumed Mitsuo was the killer, Yosuke wonders if he purposely went into the TV to commit suicide. The protagonist blacks out after this and is given a choice to try again a week prior by Igor.

His presence in the Midnight Channel immediately puts him on display where his Shadow gloats about him murdering the three victims and ultimately getting away with it all. While they have serious doubts about his role in the murders, the Investigation Team decides to brave his dungeon to question him directly.

Mitsuo's dungeon, Void Quest, takes the form of a classic 8-bit styled video game dungeon, complete with pixelated flames and graphics. The music is peppy and 8-bit, eventually scaling up into maniacal orchestra music, and the dungeon's sound effects are monotone and digital. The dungeon's floors are labeled as "chapters," and climbing each one represents a certain moment in Mitsuo's journey in a chronological order and in the format of a video game. As the party scales the dungeon, Mitsuo loses his grip on reality. He thinks of killing Mayumi, Saki and Morooka as video game fights, complete with fictional stat increases ('Excitement increases by 4! Emptiness increases by 1!')

The dungeon's story starts with Mitsuo getting "knocked down" by an unnamed enemy. It is heavily implied it is Kinshiro Morooka punishing Mitsuo by expelling him from Yasogami.[1][2][3] He would have fallen into depression as the murder of Mayumi Yamano was discovered. The next few chapters would falsely recollect Mitsuo killing both Mayumi and Saki, all while leveling up and becoming stronger: the context of these recollections are unclear. Afterwards, Mitsuo's had a mental breakdown, possibly implied to be from Yukiko's rejection. After would follow the discovery of Saki's body. Much later on, Mitsuo encounters Morooka again and kills him for the sake of fame and attention.[1] He would become praised as a hero, but in the process the dialogue becomes garbled and frozen.

Mitsuo Kubo (4)

When the Investigation Team reaches the Endgame, they find Mitsuo yelling at his Shadow, who refuses to say anything; even when Mitsuo hurls a hysterical question at him, the Shadow only replies that he is "nothing," implying that he is not only a delusional copycat rather than the real killer, but he's completely empty. Mitsuo wildly denies his Shadow's claim that he is nothing and continues to state that he is the true murderer. Upon rejecting the Shadow's existence, it turns into a giant baby with computer codes circling its head. It is heavily suggested by his dungeon and his Shadow's infantile appearance that Mitsuo has an immature personality and poor self-esteem. The Shadow also has the ability to erect 8-bit styled blocks around it, forming the image of "Mitsuo the Hero," a representation of his hobby of playing video games to mask his immaturity, escape the real world and become the important "hero" he could never actually be.

Upon his Shadow's defeat, Mitsuo continues to deny his Shadow which causes it to disappear into a cloud of smoke instead of transforming into a Persona, signifying that Mitsuo's faith in himself being the killer has surpassed the truth that he is nothing more than a deluded copycat with an overinflated ego. Mentally exhausted from the whole ordeal and supposedly rejecting his Shadow, he is brought out of the Midnight Channel by the Investigation Team.

When questioned for answers, he shamelessly boasts that he wanted attention and nothing else, much to their disgust and shock. Mitsuo then asks if Kanji Tatsumi, who believes he should be ready for what he deserves, will kill him. However, Kanji retorts that it would not be that easy, saying that what he did could never be taken back, and that he would own up to his crimes and pay for what he did, not being allowed to die until he understands exactly the consequences of his actions. Yosuke then calls the police at Kanji's demand, and Mitsuo is then handed off to the authorities for questioning. According to police reports, he's shown no remorse.

"Like that Mitsuo Kubo dude. They're still showing him on TV here. Every time I switch on the tube, the news is showing like, what he wrote in his yearbook. Pisses me off, man. The freakin' media's slapping together anything they can find to make the dude look like a born criminal. People think they can say anythin' they want about a guy who's been branded a criminal... 's just not right. I mean, I still hate the guy's guts. But... I dunno, after getting involved with all this, I started to realize how off-base most rumors are... It's so messed up..."

—Kanji Tatsumi on Mitsuo Kubo & the media, Persona 4

For a time, Mitsuo finally attracts the attention he had sought for so long, being plastered all over the media for his supposed crimes. Although the party's been at first convinced that Mitsuo's the killer especially since the beginning, that fades off slowly. By September, Kanji believes that it is wrong to simply say whatever one wants about someone who's been branded a criminal, and even going out of one's way to frame them as a "born criminal" based on loose evidence from someone's past. Even after having caught Taro Namatame and having assumed he's the real killer, Yosuke Hanamura would blame him for the death of Morooka, saying that if he hadn't done anything, no one would've tried a copycat killing to begin with.

Eventually, the legacy of his murder fades away when it is later confirmed that he was not the true killer of Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi. Instead, he was just a copycat killer who killed Morooka with no particular motive other than to claim to be the Inaba mass killer. The Investigation Team wonders why he would beat Morooka to death, under the assumption that Mitsuo also had the ability to enter the TV World, coming to the conclusion that he was unaware of the world's nature and thus never considered using it to murder people. It is unknown what his fate is after his arrest, but he was most likely convicted of his murder and remains in prison for his crime.

Later, after the true culprit is exposed, Adachi reveals that he had thrown Mitsuo into the Midnight Channel, stating that if Mitsuo had taken credit for all of the murders, then Namatame's abductions would have stopped; his confession also confirms that Mitsuo did not possess the ability to enter the TV world. As the police did not believe Mitsuo's claims that he was the killer, they handed him over to Adachi, who took Mitsuo into an interrogation room with a TV before turning out the lights and pushing him into the Midnight Channel while he was stunned, lying to his colleagues afterward that he had sent the boy home. As a result, Mitsuo was completely unaware of his assailant's identity. When confronted, Adachi even admits that he got a sense of excitement in trying to murder Mitsuo with his own hands, since he had never done such a thing since Saki, and that the attempted murder of Yukiko, Kanji and Rise Kujikawa were all performed by exploiting Taro Namatame's ignorance.

Persona 4 The Animation[]

Mitsuo Kubo (5)

In the anime, Mitsuo appears on April 15 on a rainy day, rather than April 12 as in the game.

He does not appear near Tatsumi Textiles, though he is seen briefly on April 21 in his winter uniform staring at the crowd at Marukyu Tofu where Rise works.

Mitsuo appears in Episode 11. Following his murder of Morooka, he proceeds to go through a fit of near uncontrollable anger throughout the episode. He is seen stomping on a trash bag he accidentally tripped over, and scaring Nanako at the supermarket and reaching out to grab her because she was about to buy the last two packs of tamago, only to back away and run off when Yu shows up.

Soon afterward, he comes back to Yasogami High and tries to ask her out once again, grabbing her hand before Chie Satonaka pushes him away, and then Kanji intimidates him into retreating. That night, he goes on the internet and tries to claim he is the serial killer, only to be treated as a joke online, leading him to bash his keyboard out of rage and confess to the police for attention. Mitsuo then appears on the Midnight Channel, laughing at the attention he has received and daring the Investigation Team to come find him.

Mitsuo Kubo (6)

Mitsuo appears within his dungeon, Void Quest, in episode 12 of the anime. There, he is found screaming hysterically at his Shadow who sits, playing a video game and constantly reminding him of how he is empty inside and a worthless person. Completely insane, Mitsuo constantly denies this truth until his Shadow erupts in a pillar of red flames to fight him.

Upon the defeat of Mitsuo the 8-Bit Hero, he awakens surrounded by the Investigation Team, shocked that they followed him into the television. When they ask him if he is the killer, he claims to be responsible for all the murders, causing his Shadow to dissipate, as Mitsuo's ego is so large, he has become his Shadow. He is then turned into the police, laughing maniacally and driven away with Adachi and another officer from Junes Department Store.

In contrast to the game, the main cast doesn't learn of Mitsuo's identity until after he's arrested by the police following the defeat of his Shadow. The only person in the anime who addresses him by name is his mother, who calls him "Mitsuo-chan." Everyone else who learns about his deeds mentions him in passing as "that Kubo guy." When the case is considered closed and Mitsuo has become somewhat of a minor celebrity for taking the rap for all the murders in Inaba, the news ridicules and demeans him, which sparks some anger and disgust from Kanji who believes it's rude to insult people for their social abilities and looks, claiming that the news is only giving "more ammunition to keep on dissing all the anti-social kids." When the Investigation Team rescues Naoto from her dungeon, a conversation is brought up in which they realize Mitsuo can't be the killer. He was only responsible for the murder of Morooka, and likely had no knowledge of the TV World.

Persona 4 The Golden Animation[]

In the anime's opening introduction, he is seen walking by Konishi's Liquor in the Central Shopping District.


"The police still haven't caught the killer?
Those idiots! Can't they do anything right!? I tell ya, the world is chock-full of idiots!
Take those morons that ride around on bikes in the middle of the night for example!
Guys like that can't do anything without each other! They're worthless! And lemme tell ya...
> The student from a rival school ranted on and on..."

—Friday 05/06 Shopping District, North as 'Rival school student', Persona 4; Persona 4 Golden


Persona 4[]

Mitsuo Kubo (7)

In-game appearances

Mitsuo Kubo (8)

Shadow Mitsuo

Mitsuo Kubo (9)

Mitsuo concept art

See Also
Supreme Hand

Persona 4 The Animation[]

Mitsuo Kubo (10)

Concept artwork from The Animation

Mitsuo Kubo (11)

Mitsuo attempts to grab Nanako

Mitsuo Kubo (12)

Mitsuo being rejected by Yukiko

Persona 4 Visualize[]

Mitsuo Kubo (13)

Mitsuo appearing on the Midnight Channel in Persona 4 Visualive


Mitsuo Kubo (14)


  • Mitsuo means "beautiful" (美) (mi), "haven, port, harbor, ferry" (津) (tsu) and "hero, manly" (雄) (o).
  • Kubo means "long time" (久) (ku) and "protect/protection, maintain, guarantee" (保) (ho/bo).


  • On one of Void Quest's floors, a textbox will say: "Good morning. You seemed to have slept well last night. You slept so well that not even the noisy siren from the police cars woke you. I think something real bad happened... Can you go buy some coffee from the cafe at the arcade? Thanks. Did you hear a girl was killed? It's becoming a dangerous world out there... I don't even feel safe walking around town. Don't let your guard down, and make sure you're not out late, okay?" This is a reference to Shin Megami Tensei when the protagonist wakes up from the strange dream and is asked to buy coffee at the mall by his mother.
  • In Persona 4 The Animation, the track "I'll Face Myself" from the album Never More -Reincarnation: Persona 4- plays when Yu fights Mitsuo's Shadow.
  • In Persona 4 Golden, the boss theme for Mitsuo's Shadow is a heavily synthesized, 8-bit edition of "I'll Face Myself" entitled "Revelations: Mitsuo" / "Shin Mitsuo Tensei." This bears relevance to how Mitsuo is meant to be a joke making fun of the player, and how his Shadow uses video games predominantly in its design.
  • Mitsuo can be found walking around Inaba on the same days as Namatame. He talks about how the police are bad at their job and that the biker gangs do nothing for society.


  1. 1.0 1.1

    "Waahahahahahaha! How dare you stand against me for being a rotten orange! I'll make a worthless human like you taste endless pain! Take this!"

    —*, Void Quest, Chapter 2, Persona 4

    "Waahahahahahaha! How dare you stand against me for being a rotten orange!"

    —*, Void Quest, Chapter 8, Persona 4

    "Morooka draws near!"

    —Void Quest, Chapter 8, Persona 4

  2. "He went to the high school where that teacher who was killed worked... It must have been a grudge killing."

    —Shopping woman, Persona 4

  3. "I was surprised... The suspect in the murders is a high school student! The police think he may have killed his teacher after being expelled..."

    —Man in suit, Persona 4

PlayableProtagonist - Yosuke Hanamura - Chie Satonaka - Yukiko Amagi - Kanji Tatsumi - Rise Kujikawa - Teddie - Naoto Shirogane
Social LinkMargaret - Nanako Dojima - Ryotaro Dojima - Naoki Konishi - Kou Ichijo - Daisuke Nagase - Hisano Kuroda - Sayoko Uehara - Yumi Ozawa - Ayane Matsunaga - Ai Ebihara - Fox - Shu Nakajima - Eri Minami - Marie - Tohru Adachi
MajorIgor - Mayumi Yamano - Misuzu Hiiragi - Saki Konishi - Mitsuo Kubo - Hanako Ohtani - Kinshiro Morooka - Noriko Kashiwagi - Taro Namatame - Old Lady Shiroku - Master Daidara - Minoru Inoue - Yuuta Minami - Kaneko - Aika Nakamura - President Tanaka - Chihiro Fushimi - Mr. Edogawa - Kanami Mash*ta - Moel Gas Station Attendant
Major enemiesShadow Yosuke - Shadow Chie - Shadow Yukiko - Shadow Kanji - Shadow Rise - Shadow Teddie - Shadow Mitsuo - Shadow Naoto - Kunino-sagiri - Ameno-sagiri - Kusumi-no-Okami - Izanami
InabaCentral Shopping District - Dojima Residence - Junes Department Store - Samegawa Flood Plain - Velvet Room - Yasogami High School
Midnight ChannelTwisted Shopping District - Yukiko's Castle - Steamy Bathhouse - Marukyu Striptease - Void Quest - Secret Laboratory - Heaven - Magatsu Inaba - Hollow Forest - Yomotsu Hirasaka
OtherOkina City - Shichiri Beach - Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz - Tatsumi Port Island (Gekkoukan High School - Club Escapade - Iwatodai Station)
AlbumsOriginal Soundtrack (Persona 4 / Golden / The Animation) - Never More -Reincarnation- - Persona 4: The Golden Animation Special Arrange CD - Persona 20th Anniversary All Time Best Album - Re:BRiLLiANCE
Songs"Ain't Nobody Can Hold Me Down" - "Alone in this World" - "Aria of the Soul" - "Studio Backlot/Backside of the TV" - "Beauty of Destiny" - "Dazzling Smile" - "Falling into Right Places" - "Heartbeat, Heartbreak" - "Heaven" - "I'll Face Myself" - "Just Like The Wind" - "Key Plus Words" - "Koisuru Meitantei" - "Never More" - "Next Chance to Move On" - "Pursuing My True Self" - "Reach Out To The Truth" - "Shadow World" - "Signs of Love" - "Sky's The Limit" - "SNOWFLAKES" - "Someone Else's Man" - "Time For True Revelation" - "Time To Make History" - "True Feelings" - "True Story" - "The Way of Memories" - "We Are One and All" - "Ying Yang" - "Your Affection"
TerminologyPersona (Initial / Ultimate) - Persona user - Glasses - Fog - Shadow - Shadow Self - Party - Tactics - All-out Attack - Shuffle Time - Arcana Chance - Fusion Forecast - Weather Forecast - Investigation Team - Mystery Food X - Phoenix Ranger Featherman R
ListsArcana - Personas - Shadows - Skills - Items (Persona 4 / Golden) - Requests - Status Changes - Activities - Calendar - Golden Trophies - The Animation / Golden Animation Episodes - Patches and Updates - Steam Profile Items
School LifeWeather Forecast - Seasons - Social Link - Social Stats - Yen - Class - Studying - Books - Movie Theater - Bed - Fishing - Cooking - Part-time Jobs - Shrine - Scooter - Gardening - School Club - Bug Catching - Refrigerator - Crane Machine - Chagall Café - Tanaka's Amazing Commodities - Cat
Other Media
GamesGolden - Arena - Arena Ultimax - Dancing All Night
ProductionsThe Animation / -The Factor of Hope- / The Golden Animation - Visualive / the Evolution - Persona Stalker Club - 「PERSORA AWARDS」 - PERSORA AWARDS 2 - PERSORA AWARDS 3 - Persora -The Golden Best- - Persona VS
PublicationsManga - The Magician - Dengeki Comic Anthology (the Animation / The Golden / The Golden Animation) - Kiri no Amnesia - Your Affection - Persona x Detective Naoto (manga) - Yasoinaba Case File - Persona Magazine
Drama CDsPersona 4 (Vol.1 / Vol.2 / Vol.3) - Persona 4 The Animation (Vol.1 / Vol.2) - Persona 4 Golden (Vol.1 / Vol.2)
Mobile GamesThe Card Battle - Colors - Persona 4: The Slot - Persona 4 the Pachinko
EventsMusic Live 2008 - Music Live 2009 - Music Tour 2010 - Music Live 2012 - Music Fes 2013 - Music Box 2014 - Super Live 2015 - Livehouse Tour 2015 - Super Live 2017 - Super Live 2019- 25th Anniversary Symphonic Concert
20th Anniversary Festival - 25th Anniversary - 25th FES

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Mitsuo Kubo (2024)


Why is Shadow Mitsuo a baby? ›

The "baby" represents the fragile, feeble nature of his true intentions, as well as his immaturity and his inability to face the real world by hiding behind video games. During battle, Shadow Mitsuo makes a series of claims about Mitsuo that are not mentioned by him, though they shed a lot of light on his personality.

Did Adachi put Mitsuo in the TV? ›

Adachi will usually perform murders through Namatame via this way for most of the investigation, although he directly put Mitsuo Kubo into the TV as an act of sadism, since Mitsuo was nihilistic enough to copycat him for a sense of recognition.

How did Mitsuo Kubo get into the TV? ›

As the police did not believe Mitsuo's claims that he was the killer, they handed him over to Adachi, who took Mitsuo into an interrogation room with a TV before turning out the lights and pushing him into the Midnight Channel while he was stunned, lying to his colleagues afterward that he had sent the boy home.

What happened to Mitsuo Shadow? ›

After the battle, Mitsuo continues to deny his Shadow, practically ignoring it and eventually the Shadow does not attack again, but instead disappears. Since he didn't accept it, he does not gain a Persona, which is the overall rule so we know that didn't happen.

Why is Shadow Mitsuo so hard? ›

The most frustrating thing about Shadow Mitsuo is that he's got zero Affinity Weaknesses (meaning less chance of Downing him) and is Strong against Physical and Almighty Skills. He's also a boss with two forms.

Who is the weird kid in Persona 4? ›

Mitsuo Kubo is a major antagonist in Persona 4. He is the first suspect that the Investigation team encounters and is quickly suspected of the murders of Ms. Yamano, Saki Konishi, and Mr. Morooka by the police and the protagonists.

Why does Adachi have izanagi? ›

Persona 4. Magatsu-Izanagi is the Persona of Tohru Adachi, the one truly responsible for the murders in Inaba. It follows the form of Izanagi, as it is actually bestowed upon Adachi without Adachi's knowledge by Izanami when he first arrived in the rural town.

Why did Adachi commit the murders? ›

Boasting his accomplishment, Adachi remarks that he wasn't committing crimes, but merely establishing justice by killing those two "gold-diggers" hoping to swindle Namatame's money.

Is Adachi a bad guy? ›

He also provided Yu with a hint about Izanami and the true ending in a letter he sent from prison. So... That's at least what I thought about Tohru Adachi. Nevertheless, he was a great villain.

Who is the true killer in Persona 4 Golden? ›

Who is the Real Culprit in Persona 4 Golden? The person behind the killings in Persona 4 Golden is actually Tohru Adachi. The discovery comes after a series of critical story events and plot twists that shined a new light on the kidnappings of the characters who became party members.

Why did Kubo end? ›

Kubo suffered from a partially torn tendon in his left shoulder and requested the manga to end within one or two years due to his deteriorating health.

Who killed Mr. Morooka? ›

In reality, Morooka was killed by Mitsuo Kubo, a copycat who merely wanted fame by claiming himself as the killer of Inaba. Mitsuo bludgeoned him to death and then hung his body upside down from a water tower, and Morooka was never thrown into the TV in the first place.

Why didn't Mitsuo get a Persona? ›

Mitsuo never accepted his true self and thus never became a Persona user.

What level is Mitsuo? ›

1 Answer. Shadow Mitsuo is level 45, so it would be safest to be a few levels above that. Depending on your difficulty (if you're, say, on Normal or Easy) you could probably get away with a little less than 45.

How do you beat Mitsuo boss? ›

Shadow Mitsuo / Mitsuo the Hero Strategy

To defeat him, you'll have to break the outer shell, then kill the boss before the shell rebuilds. The first step is to destroy the shell, “Mitsuo the Hero.” Use whatever your Personas specialize in, whether it be Physical or Magical damage.

What does the Shadow Mitsuo symbolize? ›

Empty Shell: Shadow Mitsuo represents Mitsuo's inner feelings of worthlessness and lack of being. He is the only Shadow to not claim to be the true self. At one point during the boss fight, he says that he needs proof that he exists.

What level should you be to fight Shadow Mitsuo? ›

You should fight him at level 45+... I bring Teddie as a healer, Yosuke to cast his Dekaja, Kanji to crush him with Kill Rush, and personas that definitely has Masukukaja, Rakunda and Matarukaja.

What does Mitsuo mean in Japanese? ›

Meaning:Shine, light; Third son. Match baby's inner radiance with the striking name Mitsuo. This Japanese moniker for baby boys signifies “shine”, “light,” and being a “third son.” Whether baby's the first or seventh kiddo in the family, they'll have a unique inner light that will warm your heart!

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