Vengeful Heart of Ender (2024)

For the final boss’ pre-reconstructed form, see Heart of Ender.

Vengeful Heart of Ender (1)

This article is a work in progress.

Please help in the expansion or creation of this article by expanding or improving it. The talk page may contain suggestions.

  • Need official game assets of fire.
  • Add small purple fire block on the top of the glowing cube head.
  • Add more detail to the Imperfect Heart of Ender's render and fix detail of the Vengeful Heart of Ender's head (See gameplay videos for accurate examples)

Vengeful Heart of Ender (2)

This page describes content that is a part of the Echoing Void DLC.

The Vengeful Heart of Ender, also known as the Broken Heart of Ender, is the boss of the Echoing Void DLC of Minecraft Dungeons, and thus the final boss of the game as a whole.


  • 1 Story
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Spawning
  • 4 Behavior
  • 5 Imperfect Heart of Ender
    • 5.1 Appearance
    • 5.2 Spawning
    • 5.3 Behavior
  • 6 Drops
  • 7 Sounds
    • 7.1 Music
    • 7.2 Vengeful Heart of Ender
      • 7.2.1 BlastWave Explode
      • 7.2.2 Charge
      • 7.2.3 Drag
      • 7.2.4 Feast In
      • 7.2.5 Endermite Feast Loop
      • 7.2.6 Endermite Land
      • 7.2.7 Scatter In
      • 7.2.8 Scatter Out
      • 7.2.9 Endermite Spawn
      • 7.2.10 End Explode
      • 7.2.11 Hurt
      • 7.2.12 Idle
      • 7.2.13 Laser Death
      • 7.2.14 Laser Death One Shots
      • 7.2.15 Laser Shoot
      • 7.2.16 Lassr Shoot Impact
      • 7.2.17 Mirror Impact
      • 7.2.18 Mirror Spawn
      • 7.2.19 Pin Wheel In
      • 7.2.20 Pin Wheel Loop
      • 7.2.21 Pin Wheel Out
      • 7.2.22 Step
      • 7.2.23 Void Demon Loop
      • 7.2.24 Void Pool Enter
      • 7.2.25 Void Pool Evaporate
      • 7.2.26 Void Pool Exit
      • 7.2.27 Void Pool Slime
      • 7.2.28 Void Pool Spawn
      • 7.2.29 Void Pull Out
      • 7.2.30 Void Slug Explode
      • 7.2.31 Void Slug Land
      • 7.2.32 Void Spew In
      • 7.2.33 Void Spew Loop
      • 7.2.34 Void Spew Magic
      • 7.2.35 Void Spew Out
      • 7.2.36 Teleport In
      • 7.2.37 Teleport Out
      • 7.2.38 Explosive Shoot
      • 7.2.39 Cinematic Sounds
      • 7.2.40 Miscellaneous Sounds
    • 7.3 Imperfect Heart of Ender
  • 8 History
  • 9 Data value
  • 10 Trivia
  • 11 Gallery
    • 11.1 Renders
    • 11.2 Textures
    • 11.3 Animations
    • 11.4 Official Renders
    • 11.5 Gameplay
    • 11.6 Concept art
  • 12 References


Vengeful Heart of Ender (3)

Spoiler warning! This section contains detailed information about Minecraft Dungeons that may spoil your enjoyment of it. Read at your own risk!

After being defeated by the heroes atop the Obsidian Pinnacle, the Heart of Ender was seemingly defeated. However, after the heroes left with Archie, the shattered shards are shown to be putting themselves back together, but without the four shards that landed among the island realms, it would never be able to reform itself completely.

Anger…pain…suffering…Through the heart of ender’s fractured, but shared conscience, the remaining chunk of the orb felt the destruction of the other four shards. Somehow, it remained hidden from its enemies, maybe for the best. It managed to outlive the other shards of its being, but it was only a matter of time before they came for it. The sound…the sound of stone being moved. Yes, they received its message. Light shines in as two endermen moved aside the bricks that made up the ruins of the obsidian pinnacle. As one enderman grabbed the chunk, the orb felt its time had come. To the beginning…the endermen teleported to the stronghold. The beginning from which it came, the beginning from which it lived. To the beginning…the shard carrying enderman approached the end portal. After the two head through the portal, several endermites and six endersent emerge from the portal, determined to protect the pathway to their master. The endersent in particular took six eyes of ender, to de-activate the portal so that no one could follow the remnant of the orb. To the beginning…the time had now come to go to the end.

Within the end, the orb remnant reformed itself to the best of its ability into an imperfect form due to the mysterious energies of the End. This form is known as the imperfect heart of ender. While the orb of dominance tried perfecting this broken form, the heroes realized the existence of the imperfect heart of ender, and the End in general. They needed eyes of ender to enter, and unfortunately for them the eyes merged with endersent that were scattered throughout the Overworld. After the eyes were defeated and gathered, they traveled to the Stronghold and activated the End Portal. They then traveled through the portal and into an entirely new dimension. They battled their way through the End Wilds and traveled through a gateway into a Broken Citadel. They fought through the the citadel in hopes of reaching a shrine, where the imperfect heart of ender is resting.

Finally, when the heroes reached the end shrine, the imperfect heart of ender undergoes a transformation before their eyes. This transformation resulted in the heart of ender's final and perfect form, the Vengeful Heart of Ender, the strongest and most monstrous monster they ever fought. Filled with the rage of being humiliated at the Obsidian Pinnacle and the anguish of the pain it felt when the corruptive shards of the Island Realms were destroyed, the Vengeful Heart of Ender attempts to kill the heroes at its very resting point in hopes of being rid of the heroes, and the very world it wished to control. The heroes manage to defeat it, and the last remains of the orb of dominance are finally destroyed. The heroes then return to the overworld through an exit portal and celebrate the end of the orb's tyranny.


The Vengeful Heart of Ender is much larger and more monstrous than the Heart of Ender, now possessing eyes throughout most of its body. It has four small legs, a long neck, and a head possessing two long horns. The tips of the horns are lit with purple flames, along with its jaw. It also possesses an extra eye and jagged teeth.


  • Broken Citadel


Upon encountering the imperfect heart of ender at its shrine, it opens and enters a large portal and then emerges in its perfect form. Upon its death, the eyes on its body shoot lasers uncontrollably, slicing its body apart in the process, losing its power. After a few seconds, it topples over and slowly disintegrates into dust with its ashes blowing away into the obscurity of the End to be lost forever. It has seven behaviors that are used in a random order:


The Vengeful Heart of Ender quickly charges at the hero, dealing constant damage if they are in its way.

Void spew

The Vengeful Heart of Ender spins its body segments around, similar to Heart of Ender's behavior, spewing out several projectiles which fall to the ground, lingering for a moment. Instead of leaving purple flames behind, the projectiles will explode in a large radius. This attack also flings void slugs at random spots nearby, which after a while explode, turning into an area that can cause the Void Touched effect. This void slug disappears afterward.

Endermite scatter

The Vengeful Heart of Ender shakes, and several endermites fall off of it. Some of these endermites are enchanted with Sharpness, giving them 33% more health than naturally spawning ones.

Endermite feast

The Vengeful Heart of Ender can spin its body segments and cause any endermites that are still alive to be sucked back to the vengeful heart of ender, causing the boss to be healed by 1/128 per endermite.

Void pool

The Vengeful Heart of Ender becomes invulnerable to damage and goes to the center of the arena, covering it in a void shroud, then does one of two attacks:

Void pull

It begins sucking heroes toward it and, after a few seconds, explodes, dealing massive damage. This attack is performed three times in a row, and can only be used twice in a single battle. While this attack is active, additional endermites are constantly summoned by the boss, but they are not effected by the sucking or explosion.

Laser pinwheel

Several void crystals erupt from around the edges of the arena, and the vengeful heart of ender begins shooting many energy projectiles off of its body segments in circle formations. Each deals energy projectiles heavy damage. The void crystals reflects any oncoming projectiles that hits them in a random direction, making it harder to avoid and can last more then ten seconds. The lower amount of health points it has, the more projectiles it shoots, making it even more harder to avoid and is the boss's most powerful attack.

Imperfect Heart of Ender[]

Vengeful Heart of Ender (4)

This article's name is unofficial.

An official name is yet to be given to the subject matter. Please add an official name when reliable sources confirm it.

The Imperfect Heart of Ender[unofficial name] is the first and less powerful form of the Vengeful Heart of Ender. Throughout the DLC, the imperfect heart of ender crawls around the missions, stalking the hero.


Before entering the end shrine, the imperfect heart of ender appears as a long black centipede-like creature with a segmented body, a pink energy connects each of them. It has six small legs, several pink spots all around its body and has a small two-horned head with two pink eyes and a pink mouth.


  • Camp (Mission Select Screen)
  • The Stronghold (Cinematic)
  • End Wilds
  • Broken Citadel


The imperfect heart of ender stalks the hero while journeying to the end shrine. In the end wilds and broken citadel missions, it can be seen crawling around, usually setting off ambush events. In cutscenes, it is also shown to be able to create portals to transport it to places quickly.


  • Grim Armor
    • Wither Armor
  • Reinforced Mail
    • Stalwart Armor
  • Teleportation Robes
    • Unstable Robes
  • Boots of Swiftness
  • Tasty Bone
  • Totem of Shielding
  • Vexing Chant
  • Void Quiver
  • Wind Horn
Melee Gear
  • Cutlass
    • Dancer's Sword
    • Nameless Blade
  • Spear
    • Fortune Spear
    • Whispering Spear
  • Void Touched Blades
    • The Beginning and The End
Ranged Gear
  • Heavy Crossbow
    • Doom Crossbow
    • Slayer Crossbow
  • Exploding Crossbow
    • Imploding Crossbow
    • Firebolt Thrower
  • Void Bow
    • Call of the Void



Boss theme loop
Boss theme end (new)
Boss theme end (unused)
Post-boss theme

Vengeful Heart of Ender[]

BlastWave Explode[]

Fungus Explosion


Charge V1


Void Pool Drag

Feast In[]

Feast In

Endermite Feast Loop[]

Endermite Scatter Loop V1

Endermite Land[]

Endermite Land

Scatter In[]

Scatter In

Scatter Out[]

Scatter Out

Endermite Spawn[]

Endermite Spawn

End Explode[]

End Explode (Only up to 5)




Drag Voice

Laser Death[]

Corrupted Beacon Loop (1)

Laser Death One Shots[]

Corrupted Beacon Activate (2)

Laser Shoot[]

Laser Shot

Lassr Shoot Impact[]

Arch-Illager Magic Impact

Mirror Impact[]

Void Touched Twin Blades Swing

Mirror Spawn[]

Magic Book Interact

Pin Wheel In[]

Pin Wheel In

Pin Wheel Loop[]

Pin Wheel Loop

Pin Wheel Out[]

Pin Wheel Out



Void Demon Loop[]

Void Demon Loop
Enderman Start
Enderman Static Scatterer
Enderman Voice Scatterer
Graveyard Ghast Moan

Void Pool Enter[]

Void Pool Enter

Void Pool Evaporate[]

Posion (1)
Enderman Portal (2)
Enderman Voice Scatterer
Poison (Only 3 and 4)

Void Pool Exit[]

Void Pool Exit

Void Pool Slime[]

Arch-Vessel Step

Void Pool Spawn[]

Void Pool Spawn

Void Pull Out[]

Void Pull Out

Void Slug Explode[]

Void Slug Explode

Void Slug Land[]

Void Quiver Drop

Void Spew In[]

Void Spew In

Void Spew Loop[]

Enderman Static Scatterer (3)
Enderman Voice Scatterer
Enderman Static Scatterer (1)
Generic Loop V2
Enderman Static Scatterer (2)

Void Spew Magic[]

Void Spew Magic

Void Spew Out[]

Void Spew Out

Teleport In[]

Arch-Vessel Teleport In
Arch-Vessel Archie Voice

Teleport Out[]

Arch-Vessel Teleport Out

Explosive Shoot[]

Arch-Visage Mortar Shoot

Cinematic Sounds[]


Miscellaneous Sounds[]

Charge V2

Imperfect Heart of Ender[]



Minecraft Dungeons
July 12, 2021The Echoing Void DLC’s boss’s appearance was revealed in the official artwork of the Echoing Void logo. Was previously unnamed.
July 23, 2021In the Echoing Void Dev Diaries, one of the developers referred to the Echoing Void DLC’s boss as the vengeful heart of ender.[1] Heart of Ender (5)Vengeful Heart of Ender (6)Added the imperfect heart of ender and the vengeful heart of ender.

Data value[]

  • In the game files, the vengeful heart of ender is referred to internally as the PerfectForm.
    • Additionally, the broken heart of ender is referred to internally as the ImperfectForm.
  • In the sound files, the vengeful heart of ender is referred to internally as the FinalForm.
  • The soundtrack for the boss is called "Broken Heart of Ender".[2]
    • Originally, the boss was referred to as the broken heart of ender, but at a point in its development, the name was switched to the vengeful heart of ender.


  • In its imperfect form when it is seen crawling around the missions, cave ambience is heard when it is seen.
  • The second Drag Voice sound is a distorted voice saying "Beginning". A similar version of it also appears in the stronghold's intro cutscene.
  • Originally this boss was not supposed to have cutscene after defeated because there is an unused sound file that would play after being defeated, like all other bosses.
  • Theoretically the reason why Vengeful Heart Of Ender Drop The Beginning and The End was because The Heart Of Ender was the one that first making the chaos by making Arch Illager take the Orb Of Dominance and that being the final threat of the Orb chaos




  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (9)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's in-game texture file.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (10)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's face.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (11)

    The Imperfect Vengeful Heart of Ender's in-game texture file.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (12)

    The Imperfect Vengeful Heart of Ender's face.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (13)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's in-game shadow texture file.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (14)

    The Imperfect Vengeful Heart of Ender's in-game shadow texture file.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (15)

    Vengeful Heart of Ender's glow texture file.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (16)

    Vengeful Heart of Ender's head mask texture file.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (17)

    Unknown blob found in the texture files.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (18)

    Imperfect Heart of Ender's glow texture file.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (19)

    The texture file of pink goo.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (20)

    The shadow texture file of pink goo.


Vengeful Heart of Ender (21)

See Also
Killing Hand

This page would benefit from the addition of more images.

Please remove this notice once you've added suitable images to the article.
The specific instructions are: Missed small fire block on the top of the glowing cube./Blinking animations for the eyes on its body./Make the position of the "PerfectFormCrown" more higher or switch dynamically in some GIF, such as "Charge In". (See gameplay videos for accurate examples)

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (22)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's intro animation.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (23)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's idle animation.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (24)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's walk animation.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (25)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's charge-in attack animation.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (26)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's laser pin attack animation.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (27)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's endermite feast attack animation.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (28)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's endermite scatter attack animation.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (29)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's void pool animation.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (30)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's void pull animation.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (31)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's void spew attack animation.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (32)

    The Vengeful Heart of Ender's death animation.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (33)

    The Imperfect Vengeful Heart of Ender's idle animation.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (34)

    The Imperfect Vengeful Heart of Ender's walk animation.

Official Renders[]

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (35)

    An official render of the Vengeful Heart of Ender by Mojang Studios and Double Eleven.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (36)

    An official gameplay render of the Vengeful Heart of Ender by Mojang Studios and Double Eleven.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (37)

    An official render of the Imperfect Vengeful Heart of Ender by Mojang Studios and Double Eleven.


  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (38)

    The imperfect heart of ender as seen in a cutscene.

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (39)

    The cinematic shown before the vengeful heart of ender battle.

Concept art[]

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (40)

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (41)

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (42)

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (43)

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (44)

  • Vengeful Heart of Ender (45)


Minecraft Dungeons entities

View at: Template:Minecraft Dungeons entities/content [edit]

Vengeful Heart of Ender (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

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Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.