Maximizing Your Investment With The Rule of 72 Calculator: How Does It Work? (2024)

Table of Contents
What is the Rule of 72 Calculator? Where Did the Concept of the Rule of 72 Calculator Originate? Other Terms for Rule of 72 Calculator – What is it Also Called? Misconceptions About the Rule of 72 Calculator 1. The Rule of 72 Calculator only calculates Compound Interest. 2. The Rule of 72 can accurately predict returns. 3. The Rule of 72 always produces accurate results. 4. You must use the same rate each time when calculating. 5. Professionals only use the Rule of 72. How is the Rule of 72 Calculator Related To Accounting? How To Calculate Using the Rule of 72 Calculator Examples Showing the Rule of 72 Calculator Example No. 1- Rule of 72 Calculator Example No. 2- Rule of 72 Calculator Example No. 3- Rule of 72 Calculator Benefits of Using the Rule of 72 for an Individual or Businesses 1. Quickly Calculate Investment Returns-Benefits of Using the Rule of 72 2. Measure Compound Growth Rate-Benefits of Using the Rule of 72 3. Help Set Financial Goals-Benefits of Using the Rule of 72 4. Improve Financial Literacy-Benefits of Using the Rule of 72 Drawbacks or Disadvantages of Using the Rule of 72 Calculator 1. Limited accuracy of calculations-Drawbacks or Disadvantages of Using the Rule of 72 2. Time required for long-term forecasts-Drawbacks or Disadvantages of Using the Rule of 72 3. Does not factor in risk-Drawbacks or Disadvantages of Using the Rule of 72 Maximize Your Investment With The Help of the Rule of 72 Calculator 1. Start saving and investing early-Maximize Your Investment With The Help of the Rule of 72 2. Take advantage of compounding interest-Maximize Your Investment With The Help of the Rule of 72 3. Choose suitable investments-Maximize Your Investment With The Help of the Rule of 72 4. Monitor and adjust your portfolio regularly-Maximize Your Investment With The Help of the Rule of 72 5. Understand risk versus reward-Maximize Your Investment With The Help of the Rule of 72 Conclusion – Maximizing Your Investment With The Rule of 72 Calculator: How Does It Work? Recommended Reading – Maximizing Your Investment With The Rule of 72 Calculator: How Does It Work? Frequently Asked Questions- Rule of 72 Calculator 1. How do you calculate the 72 rule? 2. What is 72 divided by the interest rate? 3. What is the best small investment? Rule of 72 4. How can I grow my money fast? Rule of 72 5. What is the safest investment right now?Rule of 72 FAQs

Are you looking to maximize your investments and grow your wealth? Whether you are an experienced investor or just starting, understanding how the Rule of 72 calculator works is essential to growing your portfolio.

Understanding the power of compounding interest and maximizing your investments are essential to achieving financial success. With numerous investment strategies available today, navigating the world of finance can be overwhelming for even the most seasoned investor. The Rule of 72 Calculator is a straightforward tool to help you make wise investing decisions.

This article will explain how this Rule of 72 calculator works and how it can help you quickly maximize your investment returns.

What is the Rule of 72 Calculator?

The Rule of 72 Calculator is a financial tool used to estimate the time it takes for an investment to double in value. It is from the Rule of 72, which states that if you divide 72 by the annual rate of return, you can estimate how many years it will take for your investment to double.

Using the Rule of 72 Calculator is simple – all you need to do is enter two pieces of information: (1) the initial amount invested and (2) the expected rate of return. The calculator then calculates how long it will take for your investment to double and gives you a detailed analysis of the results.

By understanding how quickly your investments are growing, you can plan more effectively for short-term and long-term goals. The Rule of 72 Calculator is a great tool to help you manage your finances more effectively. It will give you an estimate of how long it will take for your money to double and allow you to plan accordingly.

When used properly, the Rule of 72 Calculator can be an invaluable asset for financial planning. Knowing how quickly your investments are growing can help you make informed decisions about when and where to invest, leading to greater returns on investment in the long run. With its easy-to-use interface, the calculator allows anyone of any skill level to benefit from this powerful financial tool.

Where Did the Concept of the Rule of 72 Calculator Originate?

The concept of the rule of 72 calculators has been in existence since the 18th century. It was first introduced by a Scottish mathematician named John Napier, who is credited with introducing logarithms to simplify calculations. The rule of 72 calculators is based on the idea that if money is invested at a fixed interest rate and left to compound over time, it will double in value after a certain period.

This period can be determined using the rule of 72 formula, which states that if an amount is divided by the rate of return expressed as a percentage, then the result will be the approximate number of periods it takes for that amount to double.

For example, if someone invests $1,000 at 8% compounded annually, their investment would take nine years to double.

The rule of 72 calculators is helpful for anyone looking to manage their finances, make investments, or evaluate potential investments. It is a quick and easy way to calculate the approximate time it will take for an investment to achieve its desired returns. Knowing this information can help individuals plan out their financial goals and work towards attaining them.

Today, many financial advisors recommend using a rule of 72 calculators to help clients evaluate potential investments and plan for their future financial goals.

It is a simple but powerful tool that can compare the performance of different investment options over time. In addition, it can also serve as a helpful guide in determining how much money they need to save or invest each month to reach specific financial objectives.

Other Terms for Rule of 72 Calculator – What is it Also Called?

The Rule of 72 Calculator is also known as the doubling time calculator, compound interest calculator or future value calculator. It is a mathematical tool used to quickly estimate how long it would take for an investment to double in size when compounded at a given rate of return. This handy calculator can be found online and used by investors to make informed investment decisions.

The Rule of 72 can help determine the potential returns of a financial product over time, enabling one to decide which investment option is best suited to their goals and timeframe. Additionally, this powerful tool can help to compare different rates of return and understand how each rate will affect the performance of an investment over time.

Misconceptions About the Rule of 72 Calculator

1. The Rule of 72 Calculator only calculates Compound Interest.

The Rule of 72 calculator is an essential financial tool used to calculate the estimated time for a given investment to double in value. However, there is a common misconception that the Rule of 72 calculators only calculates compound interest. It could not be further from the truth; the Rule of 72 calculator can also calculate simple interest.

It can calculate both simple and compound interest rates. The formula works by dividing 72 by the annual rate of return, resulting in the number of years it would take for an investment to double its original value.

This calculation can be made for both simple and compound interest rates, meaning that investors can access more accurate ROI projections than if only a single interest rate were available for consideration.

2. The Rule of 72 can accurately predict returns.

The Rule of 72 is a popular and widely used tool among investors to estimate the rate of return on investment. However, despite its popularity, it is essential to distinguish that the rule needs to be an accurate predictor of returns.

The Rule of 72 serves merely as a general guideline or formula for calculating how long an investment would take to double in value given a specific growth rate. The accuracy of this calculation diminishes when applied to any other individual assets with varying results.

Due to its simplicity and ease of use, many people mistakenly perceive the Rule of 72 as an accurate predictor for their investments’ future returns – which could lead to costly mistakes in decision-making. Therefore, it is advised that investors use caution when using this tool and approach it more as a general guide than a reliable prediction for return on investments.

3. The Rule of 72 always produces accurate results.

The Rule of 72 is a financial tool frequently used to estimate the number of years it will take for an initial investment to double. Though this method can provide a general idea about the time frame in which one may reap potential returns, it is essential to note that it does not always produce accurate results.

Compounding interest is one key factor contributing to the Rule of 72 calculator inaccuracies. Because compounding interest can cause investments to grow exponentially over time, calculations based on simplistic assumptions such as those used in the Rule of 72 often need to account for this effect and instead generate inaccurate results. Additionally, since rates of return are volatile and unpredictable, their impact on investments cannot be accurately predicted using this rule.

4. You must use the same rate each time when calculating.

The calculator’s most common misconception is that one must use the same rate each time when calculating. It could not be further from the truth. In reality, the Rule of 72 allows users to adjust the rate at which their investment grows with each calculation.

Factors such as inflation, fees and other economic indicators can all lead to changes in this rate over time, meaning that one must never settle on a single number when using the rule of 72. Any rate changes and other factors that may influence growth over time must be considered to ensure accuracy in calculations.

5. Professionals only use the Rule of 72.

This misconception could lead investors astray, as they may mistakenly rely on the Rule of 72, underestimate their potential returns, or overestimate their risks. In reality, anyone can use the Rule of 72 with basic math skills and understanding compound interest rates.

It does not require specialized knowledge or access to privileged information; instead, all one needs is basic math skills and learning about their investments. Instead, it provides an easy-to-use estimate that can help individuals understand how long it would take for their money to double in value, given certain assumptions about risk and interest rate levels.

How is the Rule of 72 Calculator Related To Accounting?

The Rule of 72 Calculator is a valuable tool for accounting professionals. It allows them to quickly and easily calculate the time it takes for an investment to double in value based on the applied rate of return.

It can be beneficial when performing financial analysis or making investment decisions. Knowing the exact time needed for an investment to double its value can help inform strategic business decisions and aid in forecasting future returns.

Furthermore, this calculator can save accountants time by providing quick calculations instead of manually computing values. Therefore, the Rule of 72 Calculator is a valuable asset to any accountant’s arsenal, as it helps efficiently provide accurate data.

As such, the Rule of 72 Calculator is an essential tool for accounting professionals looking to make sound financial decisions. By accurately calculating the time needed for investments to double in value, accountants can better understand the risks involved in various investments and plan accordingly.

Additionally, it can help provide insight into the long-term success of any investment and allow accountants to adjust their strategies as necessary. Ultimately, this calculator helps provide important information that can aid in making intelligent decisions about any financial venture.

The Rule of 72 Calculator provides a valuable tool for making informed decisions when investing money or planning for future returns. This calculator helps accountants save time by quickly providing accurate data instead of manually computing values.

How To Calculate Using the Rule of 72 Calculator

The Rule of 72 calculator is a tool used to calculate the time it takes for an investment to double in value. It utilizes a simple formula: 72/interest rate = years needed to double the money. Generally, the higher the interest rate is, the shorter amount of time it will take for your investment to double in value.

For example, if you have $1,000 invested at a 10% annual interest rate, using the Rule of 72 would tell you that after 7.2 years (72/10%), your principal balance would be worth $2,000. The calculation can also be reversed; if you know how quickly you want your money to double, you can use this formula to determine the kind of return rate necessary.

The Rule of 72 is a helpful tool to quickly calculate the expected return on investments and help you make intelligent financial decisions. By understanding the rate of return and time needed for your money to double, you can set realistic expectations regarding saving, investing or debt management.

Examples Showing the Rule of 72 Calculator

Example No. 1- Rule of 72 Calculator

Suppose a business invests $100,000 in a stock with an annual return of 8%. The Rule of 72 can determine how quickly the money will double in value. So if we use the rule, we divide 8 into 72 and get 9; this means that with a rate of return of 8%, our $100,000 investment will double in nine years.

Example No. 2- Rule of 72 Calculator

Let’s assume you’ve saved $5,000 and invested it at an interest rate of 6%. How long will it take for your investment to double? You can use the Rule of 72 Calculator to figure this out.

First, divide the annual interest rate by 72: 6% / 72 = 0.0833. The result is your growth rate (0.0833). To calculate how many years your money will take to double, divide the number 72 by this growth rate: 72 / 0.0833 = 863 months or about 72 years.

This example shows how valuable the Rule of 72 Calculator can be for determining how long investments take to double. While this may differ from the time it takes for your money to double, it’s a valuable and fast way to get an approximate answer.

Example No. 3- Rule of 72 Calculator

Let’s take an example of an individual investor looking to understand the impact of investing a certain amount at a given interest rate.

The individual has decided to invest $10,000 for ten years with an annual interest rate of 5%. The Rule of 72 Calculator allows us to quickly calculate how long it will take for our investment to double in value using the following formula: 72/r=T.

Where r = interest rate and T = time (in years) it takes for the investment to double.

Plugging in our numbers gives us: 72/5=14.4

It means that it will take 14.4 years (rounded to the nearest whole number) for our investment of $10,000 to double in value at an annual interest rate of 5%.

Benefits of Using the Rule of 72 for an Individual or Businesses

1. Quickly Calculate Investment Returns-Benefits of Using the Rule of 72

For those in the investment world, the Rule of 72 is a critical tool for quickly calculating investment returns. It benefits individuals and businesses seeking to calculate long-term returns on investment with compounding interest over time.

The Rule of 72 can provide a rough estimate of how many years it will take to double an asset at a given rate of return. It makes it an invaluable resource when planning and budgeting for future goals.

The Rule of 72 works by dividing the current rate of return into 72. For example, if the annual rate of return is 10%, then you can expect your investment to double in 7.2 years (72/10).

While this method does not provide exact calculations, it gives investors a close approximation that allows them to plan their long-term strategies accurately without needing more complex calculations or costly software programs.

2. Measure Compound Growth Rate-Benefits of Using the Rule of 72

The Rule of 72 can also calculate compound growth rate, which measures how quickly an investment grows. The compound growth rate is determined by dividing the annualized return into 72. For example, if an investor has a 10% yearly return on their investment, they would divide this figure by 72.

It would give them a compound growth rate of 0.14%. Understanding the compound growth rate offers investors insight into how long it will take for their investment to double in size and what sort of returns they should expect from their investments over time.

3. Help Set Financial Goals-Benefits of Using the Rule of 72

For individuals and businesses alike, it’s necessary to set financial goals for success. But how can you ensure to meet those goals? That’s where the Rule of 72 comes in. This simple mathematical equation enables people to calculate the time needed for an investment to double at a given interest rate. By understanding this formula, investors can better plan their investments, budgeting, and savings plans.

The Rule of 72 helps help set financial goals. Individuals or businesses can accurately determine how much money they’ll need to save to reach their financial goals. It includes short-term and long-term objectives, whether saving for a vacation home or retirement fund. The calculations provided by the equation make it easier to create realistic targets and set achievable milestones toward reaching them.

4. Improve Financial Literacy-Benefits of Using the Rule of 72

Financial literacy is the understanding of how money works and the ability to make educated decisions regarding financial matters. The Rule of 72 quickly estimates how long an investment will double at a given interest rate. Improving financial literacy by using this rule can benefit individuals and businesses.

Understanding how investments work and how they can grow over time by utilizing compounding interest can help individuals plan for their retirement or other long-term financial goals. Through the Rule of 72, individuals can gain insight into how different investments may perform over time, allowing them to understand their options better when choosing which is best suited for their needs.

Drawbacks or Disadvantages of Using the Rule of 72 Calculator

1. Limited accuracy of calculations-Drawbacks or Disadvantages of Using the Rule of 72

Using it can be beneficial because it provides a quick estimate with minimal effort on the part of investors; however, this method involves making assumptions about future interest rates, which can result in inaccuracies.

For example, suppose an investor assumes that their investment will increase at 8% annually but instead experience a 6% return rate due to market fluctuations. In that case, they may receive their expected returns in a different amount of time predicted by the calculator.

2. Time required for long-term forecasts-Drawbacks or Disadvantages of Using the Rule of 72

The Rule of 72 calculates a given number by 72 to calculate how many years it will take to double an investment or pay off a loan. For short-term predictions, this can provide relatively accurate results; however, if the prediction horizon is longer than 10-15 years out, the accuracy drops significantly.

It is because economic conditions shift rapidly over time, and any forecast made too far in advance may not reflect current market realities when it comes time to make investments or pay off loans.

3. Does not factor in risk-Drawbacks or Disadvantages of Using the Rule of 72

The lack of risk assessment from the Rule of 72 Calculator can be detrimental for those looking to invest their money. When calculating an investment’s potential return on investment (ROI), assessing risks associated with investing in any particular asset or security is essential.

With this factor in the calculation, investors can accurately measure whether their potential investments will result in growth or loss. They should conduct research and analysis before investing money into a stock market portfolio or other assets that could yield returns on the initial capital invested.

Maximize Your Investment With The Help of the Rule of 72 Calculator

1. Start saving and investing early-Maximize Your Investment With The Help of the Rule of 72

Starting to save and invest early is a great way to maximize your investments. It can help you use the Rule of 72, a valuable tool that lets you determine how long your assets will take to double. When used correctly, this calculator allows individuals to adjust their savings rates and investment strategies to achieve their goals.

The Rule of 72 calculator works by dividing the number ’72’ by the expected rate of return on investment. Given its current interest rate, this calculation estimates how many years it will take for an investment’s value to double. For example, if you expect an 8% return on your investment, it would take approximately nine years for its value to double (72/8 = 9).

2. Take advantage of compounding interest-Maximize Your Investment With The Help of the Rule of 72

Compounding interest is an important concept when maximizing your investment returns. Over time, your investments will accrue interest that can be reinvested and compounded, allowing your money to grow at an accelerated rate. The rule can help you understand how quickly your investments are increasing with compound interest so that you can make more informed decisions regarding your portfolio.

3. Choose suitable investments-Maximize Your Investment With The Help of the Rule of 72

This tool allows investors to make more informed decisions when choosing suitable investments – maximizing their returns and minimizing risk. When using the Rule of 72, an investor should consider several factors, such as the expected rate of return on their investments, the level of risk associated with different asset classes and current market conditions.

Considering all these things will help them identify potential investments that balance risk and reward. Additionally, the investor should be aware that many investments come with additional fees, which can reduce the overall return on investment over time.

4. Monitor and adjust your portfolio regularly-Maximize Your Investment With The Help of the Rule of 72

Having a solid and reliable investment strategy is essential if you want to maximize your profits. One way to improve your portfolio performance is by regularly monitoring and adjusting it to ensure you take advantage of the best opportunities available. The Rule of 72 can be an invaluable tool in this process, as it helps investors calculate how long their investments will take to double in value based on their current rate of return.

Investors can analyze the growth rate of their portfolio’s returns over time and decide whether to adjust accordingly. This information helps determine which investments to buy or sell, when to invest additional funds, and how often they should rebalance the portfolio.

5. Understand risk versus reward-Maximize Your Investment With The Help of the Rule of 72

Investing can be a great way to secure a financial future, but it is essential to understand the risks and rewards associated with your investments. The Rule of 72 calculator works on the principle of risk versus reward. It means that if you are willing to take more significant troubles with your assets, there is a higher chance for greater rewards.

On the other hand, if you choose lower-risk investments, your returns may be lower but will likely come more steadily over time. With this in mind, the Rule of 72 calculator helps investors determine what level of risk they should take on their investments to maximize their return potential without taking too much trouble.

Conclusion – Maximizing Your Investment With The Rule of 72 Calculator: How Does It Work?

The Rule of 72 is an incredibly useful tool for investors looking to maximize their returns. By inputting the principal invested, rate of return, and period into the calculator, investors can quickly determine how long it will take to double. It makes it easy for them to plan when they should start collecting returns or reinvesting profits.

Additionally, the simplicity of this calculation means that even novice investors can better understand their investments’ performance and make more informed decisions about future investments.

Ultimately, by using the Rule of 72 Calculator, you can make sure your investments are performing as best they can be while keeping track of returns on any funds or assets you have invested in.

Recommended Reading – Maximizing Your Investment With The Rule of 72 Calculator: How Does It Work?


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Frequently Asked Questions- Rule of 72 Calculator

1. How do you calculate the 72 rule?

Answer: The 72 rule is a financial calculation that allows individuals to determine how quickly their money will double at a given rate of return. This calculation helps to calculate the future value of an investment or compare investments with different rates of return.

Calculating the 72 rule is simple; divide 72 by the annual rate of return, and the result will give you the number of years it will take for your investment to double in value. For example, if you have an annual rate of return of 8%, it will take nine years (72/8=9) for your money to double in value. It is important to note that this formula can function with any rate of return, such as inflation or interest on savings accounts.

2. What is 72 divided by the interest rate?

Answer: In financial circles, understanding what 72 is divided by interest rate is essential. Calculating the interest rate on a loan or investment can be complicated when dealing with different terms and conditions. The answer depends entirely on how much interest is charged and the duration of the loan agreement or investment.

When calculating 72 divided by an interest rate, it is crucial to understand that this calculation only works if the amount in question has been previously expressed as a percentage (such as 5%).

Additionally, this equation should not use annual percentage yield (APY); only simple yearly interest rates can be helpful in this calculation. This formula will determine the number of years it would take for an investor to double their money based on a particular rate of return.

3. What is the best small investment? Rule of 72

Answer: Making a small investment can be a great way to grow your finances over time. But with so many options available, knowing which one is best for you can be challenging.

One of the top contenders for small investments is stocks. Stocks have been a proven source of long-term growth and offer exceptional returns when invested correctly. With stock trading platforms becoming more accessible, investing in stocks has never been easier or more affordable.

It’s important to remember that stock prices are volatile and past performance isn’t necessarily indicative of future results, but stocks remain an excellent option for growing your capital over time.

4. How can I grow my money fast? Rule of 72

Answer: Growth and expansion are often the primary goals of any investor. Growing your money fast requires a clear strategy, discipline and patience. However, you can use some tried and tested methods to raise your money quickly.

Diversifying across multiple markets or asset classes is the most effective way to invest for profit. It means investing in stocks, bonds, real estate and other investments with varying levels of risk. Each investment type comes with risks and rewards, so do your homework before deciding.

Additionally, it is essential to have realistic expectations about what types of returns you can expect from each type of investment over time.

5. What is the safest investment right now?Rule of 72

Answer: Investing can be a difficult thing to navigate. With the markets seemingly in constant flux, knowing which investments are safe and secure is essential.

The current consensus among investors is that low-risk bonds offer some of the most secure returns. Low-risk bonds provide a guaranteed return on investment and an attractive alternative for those who want to protect their capital over time without worrying about market volatility.

These bonds offer predictability, with interest rates paid at predetermined intervals until maturity or redemption. Furthermore, they often come with an insurance policy against default risk, which helps ensure your principal amount remains secure even if something goes wrong with the issuer of these bonds.

Updated: 4/27/2023

Maximizing Your Investment With The Rule of 72 Calculator: How Does It Work? (2024)


Maximizing Your Investment With The Rule of 72 Calculator: How Does It Work? ›

You divide 72 by your expected annual rate of return. This calculation will help you arrive at the approximate number of years it'll take for your investment to double. Consider this example: 5% Rate of Return: If you're anticipating an average return of 5% on an investment, you'd divide this return into 72.

What is the Rule of 72 and how does it work? ›

The Rule of 72 is a calculation that estimates the number of years it takes to double your money at a specified rate of return. If, for example, your account earns 4 percent, divide 72 by 4 to get the number of years it will take for your money to double. In this case, 18 years.

How can the Rule of 72 be used to calculate growth? ›

You take the number 72 and divide it by the investment's projected annual return. The result is the number of years, approximately, it'll take for your money to double.

How many years are needed to double a $100 investment using the Rule of 72? ›

To find the approximate number of years needed to double an investment, divide 72 by the interest rate. In this case, with an interest rate of 6.25%, divide 72 by 6.25, which is approximately 11.52. Therefore, it would take approximately 11.52 years to double the $100 investment.

Which answer is the correct calculation for the Rule of 72? ›

How the Rule of 72 Works. For example, the Rule of 72 states that $1 invested at an annual fixed interest rate of 10% would take 7.2 years ((72 ÷ 10) = 7.2) to grow to $2. In reality, a 10% investment will take 7.3 years to double (1.107.3 = 2).

What are the flaws of Rule of 72? ›

Errors and Adjustments

The rule of 72 is only an approximation that is accurate for a range of interest rate (from 6% to 10%). Outside that range the error will vary from 2.4% to 14.0%. It turns out that for every three percentage points away from 8% the value 72 could be adjusted by 1.

Does the Rule of 72 always work? ›

For higher rates, a larger numerator would be better (e.g., for 20%, using 76 to get 3.8 years would be only about 0.002 off, where using 72 to get 3.6 would be about 0.2 off). This is because, as above, the rule of 72 is only an approximation that is accurate for interest rates from 6% to 10%.

How long will it take to increase a $2200 investment to $10,000 if the interest rate is 6.5 percent? ›

Final answer:

It will take approximately 15.27 years to increase the $2,200 investment to $10,000 at an annual interest rate of 6.5%.

How long does it take to double your money in the stock market? ›

We saw in the previous section that investing in the S&P 500 has historically allowed investors to double their money about every six or seven years. Your initial $1,000 investment will grow to $2,000 by year 7, $4,000 by year 14, and $6,000 by year 18.

Why do investors use the Rule of 72? ›

Using the rule of 72 allows you to have a solid idea of when your investment would double just from the investment rate. Very conveniently, the number 72 divides cleanly into 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 12, allowing for a quick and simple division problem instead of your usual compound interest problem.

How to calculate Rule of 72 in Excel? ›

Left click and hold on the bottom right corner of cell B2 and drag the cell down to cell B6. Now, use the rule of 72 to calculate the approximate number of years by entering "=72/A2" into cell C2, "=72/A3" into cell C3, "=72/A4" into cell C4, "=72/A5" into cell C5 and "=72/A6" into cell C6.

What is the interest rate earned on a $1400 deposit when $1800 is paid back in one year? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Therefore, the interest rate earned on the $1,400 deposit is approximately 28.57%. So, the Simple interest is $400.

How to double your money in 10 years? ›

If you need to double your financial investment in 10 years, a savings account with a 5% interest rate, for instance, wouldn't help achieve your goals. You'd need something with a higher rate of return (at least 7.2%) to make that 10-year milestone happen.

How long would $100,000 take to double? ›

This tells you that, at a 6% annual rate of return, you can expect your investment to double in value — to be worth $100,000 — in roughly 12 years. When calculating the Rule of 72 for any investment, note that the formula is an estimation tool and the years are approximate.

When can you use the Rule of 72? ›

The rule of 72 can help you forecast how long it will take for your investments to double. Divide 72 by the annual fixed interest rate to determine the rate at which the money would double. Historical returns on your investment type can help choose a realistic expected return rate, in some cases.

How many years does it take for money to double? ›

Very few investors know how long it takes to double their money. Rule of 72 can be of help. Divide 72 by the expected rate of return and the answer is the number of years required to double your money. For example, if a bond offers 6 percent rate of interest per year, then you will double your money in 12 years.

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