Chemists Dispute How 'Into The Wild' Protagonist Chris McCandless Died (2024)


Chemists Dispute How 'Into The Wild' Protagonist Chris McCandless Died (1)

Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Erik Halfacre

This is the dilapidated bus where McCandless’s body was found.

In 1992, a party of moose hunters discovered the remains of a 24-year-old man in the Alaska wilderness. His name, they would learn, was Christopher J. McCandless. His tale would rise to international prominence in 1996 as the subject of a best-selling book, and later a movie, called “Into the Wild.”


Chemists Dispute How 'Into The Wild' Protagonist Chris McCandless Died (2)





Names: β-N-Oxalyl-l-α,β-diaminopropionic acid (β-ODAP); l-β-oxalyl aminoalanine (BOAA); l-2-amino-3-oxalylaminopropanoic acid; dencichine.

Known sources: Grass pea (L. sativus), some other Lathyrus plants, and some Panax, Crotalaria, and Acacia plant species.

Effects: Glutamate mimic and neurotoxin. Its mechanism is not fully understood. Long-term exposure affects neurons in the lumbar portion of the spinal cord, paralyzing legs, a condition known as lathyrism.

Who’s at risk: Lathyrism occurs when a plant such as grass pea is consumed as a sole food source for a period of weeks or months. Men are more susceptible than women.

SOURCES:Vijayalakshmi Ravindranath, National Brain Research Centre, in India; Peter Nunn, University of Portsmouth, in England

The story polarized readers. Some praised McCandless’s choice to leave a comfortable existence to embrace the uncertainty of the backcountry. Others derided him as an unprepared fool.

A coroner’s report ruled the man probably starved to death. But his photos and cryptic diary pointed the author of “Into the Wild,” Jon Krakauer, elsewhere. In his book, he posited that McCandless accidentally ate a poison. And last month, in a blog post at The New Yorker, Krakauer cited a new chemical analysis supporting the idea that McCandless ate poisonous seeds from a wild potato known as Hedysarum alpinum. Though this plant is thought to be nontoxic, he wrote, the seeds actually contain crippling levels of a neurotoxic amino acid, β-N-oxalyl-l-α,β-diaminopropionic acid (β-ODAP).

But those data, from high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separations of potato seed extracts, don’t show what Krakauer says they do, according to experts who reviewed the report for C&EN. In fact, they say, the extract was barely separated at all, making it impossible to tell what the seeds contain.

Krakauer had sent freshly collected seeds to Ann Arbor, Mich., chemical analysis firm Avomeen Analytical Services. The lab conducted HPLC analysis and concluded that H. alpinum seeds contain 0.394% β-ODAP by weight, which is within levels that cause paralysis. Krakauer made Avomeen’s data publicly available at the Alaska Dispatch news website.

However, “there are problems with that report,” says Daniel W. Armstrong of the University of Texas, Arlington, who specializes in chromatographic separations. He says the HPLC data cannot be used to conclude that wild potato seeds contain β-ODAP.

To search for β-ODAP in the potato seeds, Avomeen adapted an existing published protocol, Armstrong explains, but Avomeen’s data differ dramatically from what would be expected on the basis of the protocol.

Avomeen’s purported β-ODAP peak exits the HPLC column after less than three minutes, Armstrong says. This suggests that the seed extract had little to no interaction with the HPLC column. Without interacting with the column for a longer time, the extract’s many components cannot be separated effectively. The peak is “somewhat broad and misshapen,” Armstrong says, further suggesting that the peak contains a mixture rather than β-ODAP alone.

Avomeen’s β-ODAP peak was also the first thing to exit the HPLC column, and that’s another oddity, says David G. Klapper, an emeritus professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and an expert in amino acid separation technology. Avomeen chemically modified the amino acids in the extract according to the literature procedure. This chemistry leads to formation of a salt, and in most cases this salt is the first compound to exit the column. “It would be very unusual indeed for the target compound to precede the salt,” and in the Avomeen report, the salt peak comes after the purported β-ODAP peak, Klapper says. Because of that “I would question the Avomeen data,” he concludes.

One reason for these radical differences is probably pH, Armstrong says. The published report calls for 0.1 M sodium acetate buffer adjusted to an acidic pH of 4.6. Avomeen’s team reported using 0.1 M sodium acetate but did not report a pH. It’s possible the team didn’t adjust the pH of their sodium acetate solution, so it would have an alkaline pH of 8.9, instead of 4.6. “That’s going to cause a big difference in the chromatography,” Armstrong says.

Evolving Theory: What Killed Chris McCandless?

1992 Fairbanks, Alaska, coroner’s report: Probable starvation

1993 Outside magazine: Mistakenly ate poisonous seeds of the wild sweet pea (Hedysarum mackenzii)

1997 “Into the Wild,” 1997 edition: Ate seeds of the wild potato (H. alpinum); early tests suggest they contain poisonous alkaloid swainsonine

Mid-2000s University of Alaska, Fairbanks, chemist Tom Clausen concludes H. alpinum seeds do not contain swainsonine

2007 “Into the Wild,” 2007 edition: Ate H. alpinum seeds contaminated with Rhizoctonia leguminicola, a mold that produces swainsonine

Late 2000s Clausen’s student grows mold on H. alpinum but finds no swainsonine or related alkaloids

2013 The New Yorker post: Ate seeds of the wild potato (H. alpinum), which contain neurotoxin β-ODAP

Philip J. Proteau, who studies natural products at Oregon State University, agrees there are serious questions. “These experiments are not conclusive in any way,” he says. Like Armstrong, he believes the single HPLC peak likely contains multiple compounds.

Armstrong, Klapper, and Proteau all say that new data are needed to determine whether H. alpinum seeds contain β-ODAP. A new HPLC analysis that includes mass spectrometry (MS) and pays careful attention to buffer pH could settle the question, Armstrong says.

Klapper says it might be simpler to inject seed extract directly into a mass spectrometer. “Mass spec takes about a minute, but it is the gold standard for identification,” he says.

Proteau would like to see additional tests on top of MS. “Full confirmation of the presence of β-ODAP would require nuclear magnetic resonance data and proof that the correct l-enantiomer is present,” he says.

Krakauer tells C&EN that Avomeen is conducting another round of analysis, this time with MS. Both Krakauer and Avomeen declined to comment for this story, pending the outcome of that test.

The idea is certainly worth follow-up work, the chemists say. “The analysis as it stands is far from conclusive, but the β-ODAP hypothesis is very intriguing,” Proteau says.

“If it’s true that β-ODAP is in the seeds of this particular plant, people need to know about that,” Armstrong says. If the seeds test positive, it might even be possible to perform another autopsy on McCandless’s body to search for evidence of the toxin, if the body hasn’t decomposed too much, Armstrong says.

“I am very interested in what [Avomeen] finds,” says Thomas P. Clausen, an emeritus professor from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, who is an expert in plants’ chemical defenses. Clausen’s lab helped Krakauer analyze wild potato seeds for the first edition of “Into the Wild.” Clausen says it’s possible that his own lab’s analyses may have missed β-ODAP, but he’d like to see more data before he’ll be convinced that it is present.

No matter what the science ultimately decrees, Clausen says, there will always be those who refuse to change their minds about McCandless. “Alaskans are a little too hard on Chris,” Clausen says. “I don’t know anyone who’s spent time in the wilderness without making a few mistakes,” he says. “Chris just paid very dearly for his.”


Chemists Dispute How 'Into The Wild' Protagonist Chris McCandless Died (3)

Credit: Anal. Chim. Acta

Top: HPLC chromatogram of Lathyrus sativus seed extract (Anal. Chim. Acta 2005, DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2004.11.051). Contains ~30 peaks, each representing a different amino acid or amine. β-ODAP elutes at 12.1 minutes. Bottom: Chromatogram of H. alpinum seed extract (Avomeen Analytical Services, 2013). Four peaks, three attributed to para-nitrobenzyloxycarbonyl chloride (PNZ-Cl), an agent used to make derivatives of amino acids so they can be “seen” by the HPLC’s detector. Broad peak attributed to β-ODAP elutes at 2.676 minutes.

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Chemists Dispute How 'Into The Wild' Protagonist Chris McCandless Died (2024)


What contributed to the death of Chris McCandless? ›

L-canavanine in Hedysarum alpinum seeds

Instead of ODAP, the report found relatively high levels of L-canavanine (an antimetabolite toxic to mammals) in the H. alpinum seeds and concluded "it is highly likely that the consumption of H. alpinum seeds contributed to the death of Chris McCandless."

What did the author believe that Chris McCandless died from? ›

In "Into the Wild," his best-selling 1996 book, Krakauer said McCandless died from eating poisonous seeds of the wild potato, not from starvation.

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The fact that someone as articulate and effective at communicating as McCandless died alone, having written a kind of letter (the S.O.S. note) that went unread until it was too late, is an example of irony.

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He conjectured that Chris had died by poisoning when he mistook the wild sweet pea Hedysarum mackenziei for the “wild potato” Hedysarum alpinum. But since Chris had clearly starved to death, Krakauer had to reach further, positing that McCandless was “laid low” by the poisoning, and thus unable to feed himself.

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After his body was flown out of the wilderness, an autopsy determined that it weighed sixty-seven pounds and lacked discernible subcutaneous fat. The probable cause of death, according to the coroner's report, was starvation.

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His lack of basic knowledge that most wilderness hikers would find crucial (how to attract attention in an emergency with flares, for example) and his failure to equip himself with emergency gear and food supplies led to his death by starvation (or possibly by poisoning, as he may have eaten plants he did not identify ...

How did Walt and Billie react to Chris's death? ›

In the epilogue of Into the Wild, Krakauer describes traveling with Chris's parents to the site of the bus where he died. Billie and Walt have been devastated by their son's death, but they are both glad to see where he lived and died. They take in small reminders of his presence there and leave a plaque in his memory.

How does the author think Chris McCandless died? ›

The book, as a matter of fact, is about McCandless and his journey to Alaska. Initially, it was believed that McCandless had died due to lack of food, but Krakauer disagrees. He thinks McCandless died after eating the wrong type of seed. The young man ended up poisoned as a result.

What did Franz do when McCandless died? ›

Franz learned about McCandless's death from a pair of hitchhikers he picked up. Franz was so upset by the news of his young friend's life that he lost his faith in God, withdrew his membership from his church, and broke his decades of sobriety by drinking a bottle of whiskey in an attempt to kill himself.

What did coroners suspect was the most probable cause of death for McCandless? ›

At the time of the autopsy, McCandless's remains weighed sixty-seven pounds. Starvation was posited as the most probable cause of death.

What sad irony was realized after Chris's body was found? ›

The first person to learn about the death of Chris was his half-brother Sam McCandless. It was ironic because he had read a article about a man who was found dead in Alaska and said " i felt sorry for the family." When ironically the family he was feeling bad for was his own.

Did Chris McCandless find what he was looking for before he died? ›

Although the mistake of trying to be self-sufficient off the unspoiled land of Alaska while searching for some inner meaning to his life may seem far-fetched to some, and not a popular vacation destination for most, (McCandless) did find what he was looking for in the wild of Alaska, as well as on the rest of his trip.

What events led to Chris McCandless death? ›

The cause of death was officially reported as starvation. However, in his final days McCandless recorded his own conviction that the seeds of the wild potato, or Eskimo potato (Hedysarum alpinum), had disabled him.

How was Chris McCandless found dead? ›

Christopher McCandless weighed just 30 kilograms when he died alone in the Alaskan wilderness on August 18, 1992. Hunters discovered his severely emaciated body laying in his sleeping bag, inside the abandoned shell of Bus 142 where McCandless had lived for nearly four months.

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Had Chris had a map, he would have known that there was a gauging station with a basket system that could have gotten him across, saving his life.

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Also, it was ignorance which must be forgiven, for the facts underlying his death were to remain unrecognized to all, scientists and lay people alike, literally for decades. So McCandless is not explicitly to blame in his own death; blame the lack of knowledge on toxic wild potato plants.

What killed the Into the Wild guy? ›

The cause of death was officially reported as starvation. However, in his final days McCandless recorded his own conviction that the seeds of the wild potato, or Eskimo potato (Hedysarum alpinum), had disabled him.

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Chris McCandless was not suicidal. Chris McCandless was a simple person, who denied societal norms, wanted more from life, and had his own idea of what society should be. The society he lived in did not provide him with this, so he left and created his own society full of adventure and what he wanted.

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He encountered harsh weather conditions, scarce food supplies, and isolation. Despite his determination and resourcefulness, tragedy ultimately befell him. In August 1992, after over 100 days in the wild, McCandless succumbed to starvation and died in his makeshift campsite, alone and far away from civilization.

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