If A Bank Pays A 6% Nominal Rate, With Monthly Compounding, On Deposits, (2024)


ASSIGNMENT QUESTION 1a) Give 5 definition of business finance and there authors?​

Solution 1

Here are five distinct definitions of business finance, along with the authors of each:

Five Here are five distinct definitions of business finance, along with the authors of each:

Five definition of business finance and there authors?

1. "Business finance primarily deals with the acquisition and use of funds by a business firm." Brigham, Eugene F.

2. "Business finance is concerned with the procurement, allocation, and control of financial resources in order to meet the financial needs and objectives of an organization." - Dharwadkar, Ravi E.

3. "Business finance is the art and science of managing money in a commercial setting." Leslie Lum's

4. "Business finance encompasses all of the financial activities required to operate a business." Eddie McLaney's

5. "Business finance is the financial management of a business enterprise, which includes the acquisition and use of funds, financial planning and forecasting, budgeting, cash management, credit management, and so on."

Learn more about business finance at https://brainly.com/question/1265337



"The stock market may not be the best place to put your money in the short run, but it is a pretty good place to put your money in the long run." What does this statement mean?

Solution 1

This statement means that one must invest for a long period of time in the stock market. Stocks provide investors with the greatest potential for long-term gain (capital appreciation). Investors who are willing to own equities for a lengthy period of time, say 15 years, have generally been rewarded with significant, positive returns.

The phrase stock market refers to a number of exchanges where shares of publicly traded corporations can be bought and sold. Such financial activities are carried out through regulated exchanges and over-the-counter (OTC) marketplaces that follow a set of rules.

Stock markets are essential components of a free-market economy because they provide democratized access to investor trading and capital exchange. Stock exchanges promote effective price discovery and trading.

Therefore, stock market is good place if we make a investment for a long period of time.

To learn more on stock market, here:




You have decided to expand your business and will now value shares. Given the following information, what is the value of a share in AMS today using the following information. AMS Ltd will not pay any dividends for the next 7 years; In exactly 7 years from today, AMS Ltd will pay a dividend of $1.28; The following four dividends (years 8, 9, 10 and 11) will grow at a rate of 40% per year; The dividends from year 12 onwards will grow at a more sustainable rate of 3% per year in perpetuity (note: the year 12 dividend will be 3% higher than the year 11 dividend); and, Dividends are paid annually, and the required rate of return on equity is 6% p.a compounded annually.​

Solution 1


To value the share of AMS Ltd, we need to calculate the present value of all future dividends and the future sale price of the share. Here are the steps to calculate the value of a share in AMS:

1. Calculate the present value of the 7th-year dividend:

PV(dividend in year 7) = $1.28 / (1 + 6%)^7 = $0.84

2. Calculate the present value of the dividends from years 8 to 11:

PV(dividends in years 8-11) = $1.28 * (1 + 40%) / (1 + 6%)^8 + $1.28 * (1 + 40%)^2 / (1 + 6%)^9 + $1.28 * (1 + 40%)^3 / (1 + 6%)^10 + $1.28 * (1 + 40%)^4 / (1 + 6%)^11

PV(dividends in years 8-11) = $4.98

3. Calculate the present value of the future dividends beyond year 11:

PV(future dividends) = $1.28 * (1 + 40%)^5 * (1 + 3%) / (6% - 3%) / (1 + 6%)^11

PV(future dividends) = $17.29

4. Calculate the present value of the future sale price of the share:

PV(future sale price) = $1.28 * (1 + 40%)^5 / (6% - 3%) / (1 + 6%)^11

PV(future sale price) = $44.79

5. Add up the present values of all future cash flows to get the total value of the share:

Value of a share in AMS = $0.84 + $4.98 + $17.29 + $44.79

Value of a share in AMS = $67.90

Therefore, the value of a share in AMS today is $67.90.


Which of the following would explain a company’s inventory turnover ratio rising from 2.5 to 3.5?

Solution 1

The answer is that any of the above-mentioned reasons (improved sales, better inventory management, reduced inventory levels, or expiration of inventory) could explain why a company's inventory turnover ratio has risen from 2.5 to 3.5.

Details : Which of the following would explain a companys inventory turnover


Suppose you buy land for $3,100,000 and spend $1,150,000 to develop the property. You then divide the land into lots as follows:
Category Sale Price per Lot
15 hilltops lots 540,000
15 valley lots. 360,000

How much did each Hilltop lot cost you?

Solution 1

The cost per hilltop lot is: 0.6 x $4,250,000 / 15 = $162,000

How to determine much did each Hilltop lot cost you

The entire cost of the land and development is $3,100,000 + $1,150,000 = $4,250,000.

The total earnings from selling the lots is: 15 hilltop lots x $540,000 per lot + 15 valley lots x $360,000 each lot = $13,500,000

Each category's relative value is as follows:

15 hilltop properties x $540,000 each = $8,100,000

15 valley parcels x $360,000 each = $5,400,000

The entire relative value is: $8,100,000 + $5,400,000 = $13,500,000

The hilltop lots have a ratio of:

$8,100,000 / $13,500,000 = 0.6

So, the cost per hilltop lot is: 0.6 x $4,250,000 / 15 = $162,000

Learn more about cost at https://brainly.com/question/29509552



One of the top reasons young adults lose their jobs is due to _____.

Solution 1

Dependability , not showing to work


Whose is better fayol or mintzberg(12)

Solution 1

The person that is fayol because Fayol 's functions of management are organizing and presented his idea in simpler way comapare to Mintzberg

What is the difference between fayol and Mintzberg?

Fayol 's functions of management can be described as one that is considered to be organizing , Mintzberg on the o0ther hand stressed that organizing play a critical part of management.

It should be noted that Fayol focus on the basic concept of management as well as presenting it j in a simpler way compare to Mintzberg who gave his his idea based on the reality faced by managers .

Learn more about management at:




Which of these situations are more likely to happen in a GOOD economy?

A) Carlos was able to finish a design bootcamp and interview at many companies until he fines the job he likes best

B) Thrills Park delays building the new roller coaster until they can get a bank loan

C) Phyllis' Coffee, a new business, isn't able to innovate their coffee making process because money is tight

D) Laila is settling for a job that she doesn't want but she needs the money and there aren't any other options

Solution 1


A) Carlos was able to finish a design bootcamp and interview at many companies until he fines the job he likes best


A) Carlos was able to finish a design bootcamp and interview at many companies until he finds the job he likes best is more likely to happen in a GOOD economy. In a good economy, there are more job opportunities available, and companies are more likely to invest in hiring new employees with the right skill sets.

B) Thrills Park delays building the new roller coaster until they can get a bank loan is less likely to happen in a good economy. In a good economy, banks are more willing to lend money for new projects, and businesses are more likely to invest in new ventures.

C) Phyllis' Coffee, a new business, isn't able to innovate their coffee making process because money is tight is less likely to happen in a good economy. In a good economy, there is more investment and innovation, and businesses are more likely to have the financial resources to invest in new technologies and processes.

D) Laila is settling for a job that she doesn't want but she needs the money and there aren't any other options is less likely to happen in a good economy. In a good economy, there are more job opportunities available, and workers are more likely to be able to find jobs that match their skills and preferences.

Hope this helps

Solution 2

Final answer:

In a good economy, situations like finding preferred job options, obtaining loans for business expansion, and having resources for innovation in new businesses are more likely.


In a good economy, the situations that are more likely to happen include:

  1. Carlos was able to finish a design bootcamp and interview at many companies until he finds the job he likes best: In a good economy, there are more job opportunities available, allowing Carlos to have multiple options and choose the job that suits his preferences.
  2. Thrills Park delays building the new roller coaster until they can get a bank loan: In a good economy, banks are more willing to lend money, making it easier for businesses like Thrills Park to obtain loans for expansion projects.
  3. Phyllis' Coffee, a new business, isn't able to innovate their coffee making process because money is tight: In a good economy, businesses have more financial resources to invest in research and development, enabling them to innovate and improve their processes. Hence, in a good economy, it is less likely for businesses to face financial constraints like Phyllis' Coffee.

On the other hand, Laila settling for a job that she doesn't want due to lack of options and needing the money is more likely to occur in a weak economy where job opportunities are scarce and people may have to accept lesser desirable jobs for financial stability.

Learn more about Good economy situations here:


Details : Which of these situations are more likely to happen in a GOOD economy?A)


Treating the amounts of each material available as constraints, formulate a goal programming model to determine the optimal product mix. Assume that both P1 priority level goals are equally important to management. (Let x1 be the number of tons of fuel additive produced, x2 be the number of tons of solvent base produced, dpi be the deviation variable which exceeds the value of goal i, and dni be the deviation variable which is less than the value of goal i, for i = 1, 2.)

Solution 1

The goal programming model seeks to maximize the sum of the deviations from the two priority level goals.

What is goal programming model seeks?

Goal programming is a type of mathematical optimization technique that is used to optimize a set of goals or objectives. It is especially useful in situations where multiple objectives are present, as it allows a decision maker to optimize the objectives while taking into account the interactions between them.

Goal Programming Model:

Maximize z = 0.5(dP1 + dP2)

Subject to:

x1 + x2 ≤ 100 (amount of material available)

x1 ≥ 10 (amount of fuel additive required)

x2 ≥ 10 (amount of solvent base required)

dP1 ≥ (x1 + 2x2) - 160 (priority level 1 goal; profit)

dP2 ≥ (x1-x2) - 20 (priority level 2 goal; quality)

dN1 ≤ 160 - (x1 + 2x2)

dN2 ≤ 20 - (x1-x2)

x1, x2, dP1, dP2, dN1, dN2 ≥ 0

The goal programming model seeks to maximize the sum of the deviations from the two priority level goals, while satisfying the constraints of the amount of material available.

To learn more about mathematical optimization




Q3- Describe types of HR policies.

Solution 1


Here are different types of HR policies:

  1. Recruitment and Selection Policies: These policies outline the procedures for hiring and selecting new employees. They may include guidelines for job postings, applicant screening, interview processes, and background checks.
  2. Performance Management Policies: These policies establish how employee performance is evaluated, monitored, and measured. They typically include guidelines for setting performance expectations, conducting performance appraisals, and providing feedback to employees.
  3. Compensation and Benefits Policies: These policies outline the organization's approach to compensating employees for their work. They may include guidelines for salary, bonuses, incentives, and benefits packages, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.
  4. Employee Relations Policies: These policies define how the organization manages employee relations issues, such as workplace harassment, discrimination, and grievances. They may include guidelines for conflict resolution, disciplinary action, and termination procedures.
  5. Workplace Health and Safety Policies: These policies establish the organization's approach to promoting a safe and healthy work environment. They may include guidelines for identifying and addressing workplace hazards, implementing safety training programs, and providing employees with protective equipment.
  6. Training and Development Policies: These policies outline the organization's approach to employee training and development. They may include guidelines for identifying training needs, selecting training methods, and providing ongoing professional development opportunities.
  7. Diversity and Inclusion Policies: These policies promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. They may include guidelines for creating a diverse and inclusive workforce, addressing unconscious bias, and promoting cultural competence.



What is an example of lack of accurate and timely accounting information?

Solution 1

Some examples of lack of accurate and timely accounting information include:

• Outdated financial statements like income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, etc. that do not reflect the current financial position of the company.

• Delays in recording transactions which can lead to inaccurate accounting records. For example, invoices not recorded for weeks or months.

• Lack of periodic reconciliation of balance sheet accounts like accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory, etc. This can result in inaccurate balances in the financial statements.

• Lack of budgeting and variance analysis to monitor key metrics and identify potential issues. Out of date or non-existent budgets provide no visibility into actual performance vs targets.

• Lack of reliable management information systems to aggregate data from different operational areas. Key metrics and KPIs cannot be tracked and monitored.

• Lack of audit trails to see the history of changes made to accounting records. This reduces transparency and increases the risk of fraud or manipulation.

• Decentralized and manual accounting processes that lead to delays, errors and redundancy. Lack of accounting automation results in low efficiency and high workload.

• Irregular or lack of management reviews of accounting information and financial statements. Important issues may go unnoticed for longer periods.

Those are some common examples of lack of accurate and timely accounting information in an organization. Let me know if you need more details.


Someone who scores high on the Investigative personality type of the Holland Code probably likes being the center of attention.



Solution 1

False, someone who scores high on the Investigative personality type of the Holland Code probably not likes being the center of attention.

What is attention?

Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things. It is a state of alertness and focused concentration on a particular stimulus or task. Attention is the process of actively filtering out irrelevant information and focusing on the most relevant and important aspects of an environment. Attention allows one to process and respond to information more efficiently. It is an important cognitive skill that helps in everyday life to stay focused on the task at hand and to block out distractions. Attention is necessary for learning, problem-solving, decision-making, and everyday functioning.

To learn more about attention



Details : Someone who scores high on the Investigative personality type of


After you get the new oil filter from stock, what do you do with it?
Select the correct answer and click Submit.
Place the oil filter at the front of the service bay with the gasket up.
Place the new oil filter on the oil drain pan.
Install the oil filter on the vehicle.
Place the oil filter at the front of the service bay with the gasket down.

Solution 1

After you get the new oil filter from stock C. Install the oil filter on the vehicle.

How to use the oil filter ?

Upon retrieving the new filter from storage, proceed with the task of replacing the current oil filter. Before installation of the fresh filter, eliminate the previous one and thoroughly cleanse the adjacent region.

Follow this with a careful inspection to verify that the substitution has been properly executed. Afterward, append unused oil to activate smooth engine operation.

Find out more on oil filters at https://brainly.com/question/29306494



Premier, Incorporated, has an odd dividend policy. The company has just paid a dividend of $3.75 per share and has announced that it will increase the dividend by $5 per share for each of the next five years and then never pay another dividend. If you require a return of 11 percent on the company’s stock, how much will you pay for a share today? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.)

Solution 1

Note that if Premier, Incorporated, has just paid a dividend of $3.75 per share and plans to increase the dividend by $5 per share for each of the next five years and then never pay another dividend, and if you require a return of 11 percent on the company’s stock, you should pay $15.18 for a share today.

What is the explanation for the above response?

To calculate the present value of the dividends, we can use the formula for the present value of a growing annuity:

PV = PMT / (r - g) * (1 - (1 + g)^-n)

where PV is the present value of the annuity, PMT is the payment at the end of each period, r is the required rate of return, g is the growth rate of the payments, and n is the number of periods.

In this case, PMT = $3.75, g = $5, r = 11%, and n = 5.

PV = $3.75 / (0.11 - 0.05) * (1 - (1 + 0.05)^-5) = $15.18

Therefore, if Premier, Incorporated, has just paid a dividend of $3.75 per share and plans to increase the dividend by $5 per share for each of the next five years and then never pay another dividend, and if you require a return of 11 percent on the company’s stock, you should pay $15.18 for a share today.

Learn more about dividend policy at:




Patel and Sons Incorporated uses a standard cost system to apply factory overhead costs to units produced. Practical capacity for the plant is defined as 50,000 machine hours per year, which represents 25,000 units of output. Annual budgeted fixed factory overhead costs are $250,000 and the budgeted variable factory overhead cost rate is $4 per unit. Factory overhead costs are applied on the basis of standard machine hours allowed for units produced. Budgeted and actual output for the year was 20,000 units, which took 41,000 machine hours. Actual fixed factory overhead costs for the year amounted to $245,000, while the actual variable overhead cost per unit was $3.90.

Solution 1


Using the given information, we can calculate the following:

Calculate the standard fixed overhead rate per unit:

Standard fixed overhead rate per unit = Budgeted fixed factory overhead costs / Practical capacity in units

= $250,000 / 25,000 units

= $10 per unit

Calculate the total standard overhead cost per unit:

Total standard overhead cost per unit = Fixed overhead cost per unit + Variable overhead cost per unit

= $10 + $4

= $14 per unit

Calculate the total actual overhead cost per unit:

Total actual overhead cost per unit = Actual fixed overhead cost per unit + Actual variable overhead cost per unit

= ($245,000 / 20,000 units) + $3.90

= $12.25 + $3.90

= $16.15 per unit

Calculate the overhead variance:

Total overhead variance = Actual overhead cost - Standard overhead cost

= (Actual fixed overhead cost + Actual variable overhead cost) - (Standard fixed overhead cost + Standard variable overhead cost)

= ($245,000 + (20,000 x $3.90)) - ((20,000 x $10) + (20,000 x $4))

= $330,000 - $240,000

= $90,000 unfavorable variance

Therefore, the overhead variance for the year is $90,000 unfavorable. This indicates that the actual overhead cost per unit was higher than the standard overhead cost per unit, which could be due to various factors such as increased machine hours, higher variable overhead costs, or inefficient use of fixed overhead costs.

Hope this helps!


Different cash flow. Given the cash inflow in the following table, what is the present value of this cash flow at
6%, 13%, and 22% discount rates?
What is the present value of this cash flow at 6% discount rate?
(Round to the nearest cent.)
Data table
(Click on the following icon in order to copy its contents into a spreadsheet.)
Year 1:
Year 2:
Years 3 through 7:
Year 8:

Solution 1


To calculate the present value of the cash flow at different discount rates, we can use the present value formula:

PV = CF1/(1+r)^1 + CF2/(1+r)^2 + ... + CFn/(1+r)^n

where PV = present value, CF = cash flow, r = discount rate, and n = number of years.

At 6% discount rate:

PV = $2,000/(1+0.06)^1 + $8,000/(1+0.06)^2 + $24,000/(1+0.06)^8

PV = $1,886.79 + $7,056.64 + $12,518.33

PV = $21,461.76

At 13% discount rate:

PV = $2,000/(1+0.13)^1 + $8,000/(1+0.13)^2 + $24,000/(1+0.13)^8

PV = $1,769.91 + $6,156.63 + $8,565.98

PV = $16,492.52

At 22% discount rate:

PV = $2,000/(1+0.22)^1 + $8,000/(1+0.22)^2 + $24,000/(1+0.22)^8

PV = $1,652.89 + $5,184.50 + $4,303.07

PV = $11,140.46

Therefore, the present value of the cash flow at 6%, 13%, and 22% discount rates are $21,461.76, $16,492.52, and $11,140.46, respectively.

Details : Different cash flow. Given the cash inflow in the following table,


The following table contains nominal and real GDP data, in billions of dollars, from the General Statistics for 2021 and 2022. The data is listed per quarter, and the real GDP data was calculated using 2020 as the base year. Fill in the columns for the GDP deflator and for the percent increase in price level.

Solution 1


please send me the questions and I'll help you


Evaluate the differences between fayol’s and Mintzeberg’s view about what managers do

Solution 1

Fayol's and Mintzberg's views about what managers do differ in terms of their emphasis on managerial functions and roles. Fayol focused on functions, while Mintzberg emphasized roles.

What are the differences between their views?

Fayol identified five primary functions of management which are planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling because he believed that managers perform these functions regardless of their level in the organization or their specific industry.

Mintzberg emphasized roles that managers play which include interpersonal, informational and decisional roles because he believed that managers engage in a range of activities such as networking, information gathering and problem-solving depending on the situation and their level in the organization.

Read more about management theory




“I’ve been at my job for four days, and I’ve already met all my coworkers!” Amber says. Which type of business does Amber MOST likely work for?

locally owned




Solution 1





Subject: Economics
State the meanings and differences for the following term: “Foreign Exchange Rate”

Solution 1


Foreign exchange rate refers to the value of one currency expressed in terms of another currency. It is the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another currency. For example, if the exchange rate between the US dollar and the euro is 1 USD = 0.85 EUR, it means that one US dollar can be exchanged for 0.85 euros.

There are different types of foreign exchange rates, including spot exchange rate, forward exchange rate, and real exchange rate. The spot exchange rate is the rate at which currencies are traded for immediate delivery. The forward exchange rate is the rate at which currencies are traded for delivery at a future date. The real exchange rate is the nominal exchange rate adjusted for inflation.

Foreign exchange rates have a significant impact on international trade and investment. Changes in exchange rates can affect the competitiveness of countries' exports and imports, as well as the profitability of companies operating in different currencies. Additionally, fluctuations in exchange rates can impact international capital flows, affecting investment decisions and economic growth.

Details : Subject: EconomicsState the meanings and differences for the following


Important of Alternative Risk transfer

Solution 1


it helps companies and individuals to safeguard any future risk

Solution 2


The alternative risk transfer (ART) market allows companies to purchase coverage and transfer risk without having to use traditional commercial insurance. The ART market includes risk retention groups (RRGs), insurance pools, captive insurers, and alternative insurance products.



in 200 words write about in direct reference to the Machan article "Environmentalism Humanized" (under readings on Canvas) and the film The Yes Men Fix the Planet, please discuss the following: in your opinion is the approach that the Yes Men take in any one of their farcical ploys a way of creating value in the sense that Machan discusses? Please pick one "prank" depicted in the film and discuss how it either creates value or does not. Remember to explain key terms (hint: you will want to describe exactly what Machan means by value creation and how it works). Also, please remember to refer to the guidelines in the syllabus for reflection specifics outside this prompt.

Solution 1

In his article "Environmentalism Humanized," Tibor Machan argues that environmentalism should shift its focus from nature-centric to human-centric values. According to Machan, the most effective way to promote environmental values is to demonstrate how they benefit human well-being. He believes that the market system, with its emphasis on innovation and efficiency, can best serve the goals of environmentalism. Machan contends that by creating value for humans, environmental protection can become a sustainable and profitable enterprise.

The film "The Yes Men Fix the Planet" shows two activists, Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno, who use satire and pranks to draw attention to environmental issues. One of their pranks involves a fake press conference in which they announce that Dow Chemical will compensate the victims of the Bhopal disaster, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of people in India due to a gas leak. The Yes Men's goal was to shame Dow Chemical into taking responsibility for the disaster.

In my opinion, The Yes Men's approach can create value in the sense that Machan discusses. The Dow Chemical prank highlights the company's failure to address the needs of those affected by its operations. The prank generates public attention and criticism that could pressure Dow Chemical to take more responsibility for its actions. By drawing attention to the issue, the prank could lead to positive changes in the company's behavior.

Furthermore, the prank highlights the inadequacies of government regulations in protecting the public from corporate harm. This could lead to a public demand for stronger regulations that could prevent similar disasters in the future. The prank can also create a sense of solidarity among those who share the activists' concerns, leading to greater public support for environmental protection.

In conclusion, The Yes Men's approach, while unconventional, can create value in the sense that Machan discusses. The Dow Chemical prank draws attention to environmental issues and can generate public pressure for positive change. The prank highlights the need for stronger regulations and can build public support for environmental protection.



Web developers work with a range of software applications. Which of these is an example of a software application?





Solution 1

Web developers work with a range of software applications. Photoshop is an example of a software application.

What is software?

Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. It is a set of computer programs, procedures and associated documentation concerned with the operation of a data processing system. Software can be divided into two main categories: system software and application software. System software is responsible for the functioning of the computer hardware and operating systems, while application software enables users to perform specific tasks such as creating documents, playing games and running business applications. Software can also be divided into two types: proprietary software and open-source software. Proprietary software is owned by an individual or company and requires permission to use, while open-source software is often free to use and modify.

To learn more about software




Why is it important for a student to reflect on their experiences as they create their career portfolio?

Employers will expect students to have done this already.

Doing so can help students analyze their weaknesses and strengths.

Doing so can help students improve on the Myers-Briggs test.

This practice is an important part of earning an International Baccalaureate.

Solution 1

It is important for a student to reflect on their experiences as they create their career portfolio because doing so can help students improve on the Myers-Briggs test.

What is portfolio?

A portfolio is a collection of work that showcases a person's skills, experience, and accomplishments. It is typically used to demonstrate an individual's qualifications for a job, university admissions, or other opportunities. A portfolio can include documents, artwork, photographs, websites, and other media that highlight the individual's skills, talents, and abilities. It is a reflection of the individual's professional development and capabilities. Portfolios can also be used as a tool for self-assessment, reflection, and goal setting. They provide evidence of learning and growth, and they serve as a way to show employers or other stakeholders what a person can achieve. Portfolios can be created online or in a physical format, and they may include a variety of items such as resumes, letters of recommendation, awards, certificates, and samples of work.

To learn more about portfolio



Details : Why is it important for a student to reflect on their experiences


Julie Leung, an employee of the Import Company, worked 172 hours during the month of January 2021. Her pay rate is $12.50 per hour, and her wages are subject to no deductions other than income taxes, EI, and CPP. The overtime premium is 50% and is applicable to any time greater than 160 hours per month.

Calculate her regular pay, overtime premium pay, gross pay, total deductions, and net pay. Use the below tables to determine the EI, CPP and income tax deductions (assume claim code 1). (Round the final answers to 2 decimal places.)

Solution 1

Julie Leung receives $2150.00 in regular pay, $225.00 in overtime premium pay, $2375.00 in gross pay, $407.10 in total deductions, and $1967.90 in net compensation.

What are deductions?

Deductions are amounts that are subtracted from a person's income, usually for tax or other government-mandated purposes, such as Employment Insurance (EI) and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions. Deductions can also include voluntary contributions to retirement plans, health insurance, or other benefits offered by an employer. The amount of deductions taken from a person's income can vary depending on their income level, the jurisdiction they live in, and other factors.

For example, in Canada, employees are required to contribute to the EI and CPP programs, which provide financial support in the event of job loss, disability, or retirement. The amount of EI and CPP deductions is based on the employee's income level and is calculated as a percentage of their earnings. In addition, income tax is also deducted from an employee's pay based on their income level and the tax rate for their jurisdiction.

To calculate Julie Leung's pay, we need to consider both her regular pay and her overtime premium pay:

Regular Pay:

172 regular hours x $12.50 per hour = $2150.00

Overtime Premium Pay:

12 overtime hours x $12.50 per hour x 1.5 = $225.00

Now we can calculate her gross pay by adding her regular pay and overtime premium pay:

Gross Pay:

$2150.00 + $225.00 = $2375.00

Next, we need to calculate her deductions for income tax, EI, and CPP. We will use the provided tables and assume claim code 1:

Income Tax Deductions:

Using the federal tax table, we find that Julie's income tax deductions are $240.10.

CPP Deductions:

For 2021, the CPP contribution rate is 5.45% of eligible earnings, up to a maximum of $61,600. Since Julie's gross pay is less than the maximum, her CPP deduction is calculated as:

$2375.00 x 5.45% = $129.49

EI Deductions:

For 2021, the EI contribution rate is 1.58% of insurable earnings, up to a maximum of $56,300. Since Julie's gross pay is less than the maximum, her EI deduction is calculated as:

$2375.00 x 1.58% = $37.51

Now we can calculate her total deductions by adding up the income tax, CPP, and EI deductions:

Total Deductions:

$240.10 + $129.49 + $37.51 = $407.10

Finally, we can calculate Julie's net pay by subtracting her total deductions from her gross pay:

Net Pay:

$2375.00 - $407.10 = $1967.90

Therefore, Julie Leung's regular pay is $2150.00, her overtime premium pay is $225.00, her gross pay is $2375.00, her total deductions are $407.10, and her net pay is $1967.90.

To learn more about deductions visit.




Mark​ Goldsmith's broker has shown him two bonds issued by different companies. Each has a maturity of 4 ​years, a par value of ​$1000​, and a yield to maturity of 8.70. The first bond is issued by Crabbe Waste Disposal and has a coupon interest rate of ​%6.315 paid annually. The second ​ bond, issued by Malfoy​ Enterprises, has a coupon interest rate of 8.90 ​% paid annually.
a. Calculate the selling price for each of the bonds.

Solution 1

1. Selling Price of Bond 1 issued by Crabbe Waste Disposal = $1031.08

2. Selling Price of Bond 2 issued by Malfoy Enterprises = $1269.50

How can we calculate the selling price (SP) for each bond?

Bond 1: Issued by Crabbe Waste Disposal

Coupon Interest Rate (CIR) = 6.315%

Yield to Maturity (YTM) = 8.70%

Maturity (n) = 4 years

Par Value (PV) = $1000

To calculate the selling price of Bond 1, we can use the following formula:

SP = (CIR/100) * PV + [(PV - (CIR/100) * PV) / (1 + YTM/100)^n]

Putting the values:

CIR = 6.315%

PV = $1000

YTM = 8.70%

n = 4 years

SP for Bond 1 = (6.315/100) * 1000 + [(1000 - (6.315/100) * 1000) / (1 + 8.70/100)^4]

SP = $632.36 + $398.72

Selling Price of Bond 1 issued by Crabbe Waste Disposal = $1031.08

Bond 2: Issued by Malfoy Enterprises

Now, let's calculate the selling price for Bond 2 issued by Malfoy Enterprises.

Coupon Interest Rate (CIR) = 8.90%

Yield to Maturity (YTM) = 8.70%

Maturity (n) = 4 years

Par Value (PV) = $1000

Using the same formula as above:

SP = (CIR/100) * PV + [(PV - (CIR/100) * PV) / (1 + YTM/100)^n]

Putting the values:

CIR = 8.90%

PV = $1000

YTM = 8.70%

n = 4 years

SP of Bond 2 = (8.90/100) * 1000 + [(1000 - (8.90/100) * 1000) / (1 + 8.70/100)^4]

SP = $889 + $380.50

Selling Price of Bond 2 issued by Malfoy Enterprises = $1269.50

Learn more about bonds at brainly.com/question/25965295



If the money multiplier is 5, then the required reserve ratio is: a. 25% b. 10% c. 20% d. 15%

Solution 1

If the money multiplier is 5, the required reserve ratio would be 20%. The correct option is c.

The relationship between the amount of money that can be created through lending and the amount of reserves held by banks is defined by the idea of the money multiplier.

In a fractional reserve banking system, banks must hold a predetermined portion of their deposits as reserves, which they are not allowed to lend against. Lending and investing can be done with the remaining money.

Reserve ratio= 1/5=0.2

Reserve ratio = 20%

The correct option is c.

Learn more about money multiplier at:




What information should a writer include in the applicability section of a policy document?
O A.
O C.
O D.
details about how to implement the policy
details about who the policy affects
details about when the policy is enforced
details about why the policy is required

Solution 1


Details about who the policy affects is the correct answer.


The applicability section of a policy document ought to incorporate subtle elements almost who the policy affects, or in other words, who is subject to the policy. This area ought to depict the scope and reach of the arrangement, and distinguish any people, bunches, or substances that are influenced by the approach. It ought to to show any exemptions or uncommon cases where the arrangement may not apply.

Whereas points of interest about how to execute the policy, when the policy is implemented, and why the approach is required are all critical to incorporate in a policy report, they are ordinarily secured in other segments of the report such as the execution, authorization, and method of reasoning areas, separately. The applicability section ought to center particularly on distinguishing the groups or people to whom the policy applies.

To learn more about policy document,



Details : What information should a writer include in the applicability section


Linda is self-employed and spends $770 for business meals (provided by restaurants) and $550 for business entertainment (tickets to the opera for entertaining customers) in 2022.
What is Linda allowed to deduct in the current year for these expenses in 2022?

Solution 1


Linda is allowed to deduct $935 in the current year for these expenses in 2022.


In general, the IRS allows self-employed individuals to deduct expenses that are "ordinary and necessary" for their business. This includes expenses for business meals and entertainment, but there are some limitations and requirements.

For business meals, the IRS allows a deduction of up to 50% of the cost. In this case, Linda spent $770 on business meals, so her deduction would be:

$770 x 50% = $385

For business entertainment, the rules are a bit more complicated. Entertainment expenses are generally not deductible, but there are some exceptions. One of these exceptions is for "entertainment that is directly related to the active conduct of a trade or business." This means that if Linda can show that the entertainment was directly related to her business and was intended to generate business income or goodwill, she may be able to deduct some or all of the expense.

In this case, Linda spent $550 on opera tickets for entertaining customers. If she can demonstrate that the entertainment was directly related to her business and was intended to generate business income or goodwill, she may be able to deduct all or a portion of the expense. However, without additional information about the purpose and context of the entertainment, it's impossible to determine exactly how much of the expense is deductible.

Assuming Linda is able to deduct the full amount of the business entertainment expense, her total deduction for the two expenses would be:

$385 (business meals) + $550 (business entertainment) = $935

Therefore, Linda is allowed to deduct $935 in the current year for these expenses in 2022.


Q2-Non utilized talent one of the major wastes in any organization How to deal with this waste.

Solution 1

Organizations can reduce non-utilized talent and create a more engaged and productive workforce that can contribute to the organization's success through:

How organizations can deal with Q2-Non utilized talent

1. Identify and Assess Talent: The first step is to identify and assess the organization's talent, including their skills, experience, and potential.

2. Align Talent with Business Needs: Once talent has been discovered, businesses must ensure that their skills and talents are in line with the company's current and future needs.

3. Provide Growth and Development Opportunities: Organizations should provide opportunities for talent to grow and enhance their skills.

4. Foster a Culture of Collaboration: A collaborative and teamwork culture can help employees work efficiently together, harnessing each other's strengths and talents.

5. Recognize and Reward Talent: Organizations should recognize and reward talent for their efforts.

Learn more about Q2-Non utilized talent at https://brainly.com/question/29379396


Solution 2


Explanation:Q2-Non utilized talent one of the major wastes in any organization How to deal with this waste.

Non-Utilized Talent

n the office, The Muda of Non-Utilized Talent is considered the hardest to detect among the eight types of waste. It is the most subtle hidden type of waste but by far the most rewarding to eliminate. Recruitment in corporate offices is quite different than that in manufacturing because you are hiring for soft skills. This means there is a high possibility for candidates to go unnoticed or for them be assigned to positions below their skills and qualifications.

The Muda of Non-Utilized Talent is the failure to utilize the skills and capabilities of all your employees. It is failing to recognize your employees’ skills and even their contribution and not providing them with the needed time and resources to complete and improve their tasks. Human capital is by far the most valuable resource your organization has and its efficient performance lies entirely in the hands of your employees. In a lot of organizations, we see that having too many policies and regulations can sometimes stifle employees’ creativity and proactivity due to excessive bureaucracy and endless paperwork.

The Muda of Non-Utilized Talent in the office can take (but is not limited to) any of the following forms:

•Poor or no incentives

•Insufficient or inadequate training/cross-training/tools to perform tasks

•Deploying new systems or software without prior training

•No personal or professional development opportunities available to employees

•Not engaging employees in planning, organization, and innovation

•Nepotism or favoritism in hiring and recruitment

•Hiring highly paid or overqualified staff for routine tasks

•Overly limiting employees’ authority, responsibility, or input to conduct routine decisions or basic tasks

How to Eliminate the Muda of Non-Utilized Talent

A good exercise to reduce the Muda of non-utilized talent is to ask: “How can we recruit, train and retain the best people? What are the benefits of developing and nurturing a culture of the multi-skilled workforce? Do you want to hire a workforce that feels there is no room for contributing their opinions?”

Start with your recruitment process. Develop it in such a way that you can gauge people’s backgrounds and skills. Create a set of tests or a system that allows you to gather that kind of information about your candidates and how to act accordingly. Make sure to put in place onboarding plans that will allow you to get to know your new hires and their skillsets better.

Improvement ideas should come from the ground up. You need your employees’ input because they are the ones dealing with the product or the client directly. Management must evaluate and listen to every employee in the organization and invite them to contribute to continuous improvement. Managers in larger organizations where flat organizational structures are more difficult to achieve must create space for self-directed teams that are well trained and aligned.

Foster a culture of open doors, teamwork, training, feedback, clear leadership, and continuous improvement. Ensure that incentives, benefits, and compensations reflect the effort of the employees. Encourage your employees to speak up, take initiative, and practice ownership of their projects and areas of expertise. The worst thing you can do is make your employees feel unheard or excluded from innovation and process improvement.

Beyond recruitment, follow Lean principles such as Kaizen —often considered as the “building block” of all lean production methods

The most valuable resource in any organization is the employees. The lean waste of non-utilized talent is exactly as it sounds; not effectively, or at all, utilizing the valuable resource that is your employees. This creates waste by leaving value on the table that your employees could bring through skills or talents that haven’t been recognized.

In manufacturing non-utilized talent can be prevalent at multiple levels of the organization. At the very bottom are workers who aren’t being properly evaluated. A lower level employee may be able to be flexible between more than one job, or could have skills that aren’t directly applicable to the manufacturing process but would provide new context to view operations with. Keeping an employee with multiple skills in one position may be passing up opportunities to expand their role and involvement in the plant. At management levels of manufacturing, managers may be under-utilized because they have insight into potential process improvements that are missed by oversight engineers, but only have agency to speak on worker management.

If A Bank Pays A 6% Nominal Rate, With Monthly Compounding, On Deposits, (2024)


If A Bank Pays A 6% Nominal Rate, With Monthly Compounding, On Deposits,? ›

For example: assume you deposit 100 dollars in a bank account and the bank pays you 6% interest compounded monthly. This means the nominal annual interest rate is 6%, interest is compounded each month (12 times per year) with the rate of 6/12 = 0.005 per month, and you receive the interest at the end of each month.

Which of the following statements is correct if bank pays a 6% nominal rate of interest the interest is compounded quarterly? ›

The correct answer is c) The periodic rate of interest is 1.5% and the effective rate of interest is greater than 6%.

How many times a year does interest compound if the nominal rate is 12% compounded quarterly? ›

If the original percent offered is 12% then in one year that interest can be compounded: Once, with 12% at the end of the year. Twice (semi-annually), with 6% after the first 6 months and 6% after the last six months. Four times (quarterly), with 3% at the end of each 3 months.

What is the nominal interest rate of 6% compounded monthly? ›

This means the nominal annual interest rate is 6%, interest is compounded each month (12 times per year) with the rate of 6/12 = 0.005 per month, and you receive the interest at the end of each month.

What is a 6% nominal interest rate? ›

Nominal Interest Rate

It is the stated interest rate paid or earned to the lender or by investor. So, if as a borrower, you get a loan of $100 at a rate of 6%, you can expect to pay $6 in interest. The rate has been marked up to take account of inflation.

What is the effective rate equivalent to the nominal rate of 6% compounded monthly? ›

For example, a nominal interest rate of 6% compounded monthly is equivalent to an effective interest rate of 6.17%. 6% compounded monthly is credited as 6%/12 = 0.005 every month. After one year, the initial capital is increased by the factor (1 + 0.005)12 ≈ 1.0617.

What is the formula for compound interest with monthly deposits? ›

The formula of monthly compound interest is: CI = P(1 + (r/12) )12t - P where, P is the principal amount, r is the interest rate in decimal form, and t is the time.

What if nominal interest rate is 12% and it is compounded monthly? ›

The nominal interest rate, also known as an annual percentage rate or APR, is the periodic interest rate multiplied by the number of periods per year. For example, a nominal annual interest rate of 12% based on monthly compounding means a 1% interest rate per month (compounded).

What is the effective interest rate if interest is for a nominal interest rate of 6%? ›

Note that when you sign your auto loan paperwork, the nominal rate is usually stated. In this case, the formula is: Effective Interest Rate = (1 + (6% / 12))^(12) - 1 ≈ 6.17%. This rate reflects the true cost of borrowing on an annual basis, accounting for monthly compounding.

What is the effective rate of interest associated with a 6 percent nominal rate of return when interest is compounded monthly? ›

Question: What is the effective annual interest rate if the nominal interest rate is 6%, compounded monthly? Ans. 6.1678% per year.

Which of the following statements is correct your bank account pays a 5% nominal rate of interest the interest is compounded quarterly? ›

Final answer: The correct answer is A) The effective annual interest rate is greater than 5%. This is because when the nominal rate of 5% is compounded quarterly, it results in a higher effective annual interest rate, specifically 5.09%.

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