How to Respond to a Lowball Job Offer (Sample Emails) (2024)

If you’re wondering what to do when you get a lowball job offer and most importantly, how to respond, then this article is for you. I’m going to share how you should negotiate and respond to a lowball job offer with examples, which mistakes to avoid, and more.

Let’s get started…

Should You Accept a Lowball Job Offer?

You should not accept a lowball job offer without first trying to negotiate. You’ll never know if the company could have offered more money if you don’t ask. By negotiating politely, with data and research to back up your request, you’ll ensure that you get the most out of each job offer without upsetting the employer. You can also walk away if you’re not satisfied with the salary after attempting to negotiate, but there’s lots to gain and no harm in asking for a higher salary first.

Later in this article, I’ll share word-for-word letter/email examples you can use to respond to and negotiate over a lowball offer.

What to do When You Get a Lowball Job Offer: Steps and Strategies

1. Thank the employer for the offer

Any time you get a job offer, even if you feel it’s a lowball salary offer, you should thank the employer and show appreciation. Sometimes, the hiring manager is limited in how much they can offer, so it’s possible that they wanted to offer more. Any time a company offers you a position, it means they feel you’d be a good fit for their company, which is a compliment and a sign that you’re doing a lot of things well in your job search.

For this reason, don’t panic or show anger, and don’t jump to assumptions. Thank them for the offer and then move on to the next step below…

2. Ask for time to consider the offer

It’s never to your advantage to accept a job offer on the spot. And the most successful job seekers — the people who go out and get four or five job offers when they job hunt because their skills are so in-demand — would NEVER accept immediately. So after thanking the hiring manager for the offer, always ask for a day or two to consider the details. You can say, “Would it be alright if I take 48 hours to review the details? I like to review important decisions like this carefully.” This will buy you time to research how low the salary is versus market rates, and come up with a counter offer or a plan to negotiate/respond to their salary offered.

Asking for time to review the offer will also allow you to respond and negotiate your starting salary through the communication channel that’s most comfortable to YOU, whether that be phone, email, etc.

3. Research salary data that you can use in a negotiation

You may immediately know that a job offer is a lowball salary offer immediately, but in my experience, this is rare. The main way you’d know this is in a scenario like the following: Imagine you go interview at 10 different companies, and four of them make offers, all for a Senior Manager position doing similar work. Then, imagine that three companies offer $100K+ for the base salary, yet the fourth one offers $75K. That’s a clear example of when you’re dealing with a low-salary offer, and you know this based on your other offers.

If the job were exciting aside from the low salary, you could counter by referencing your other offers (I’ll share an example script for this coming up soon), or you could simply decline and go with your other choices. However, unless you have multiple job offers for the same type of role, you may need to conduct some salary research. Research will help you feel confident when you counter an offer or ask for an increase in the salary of the offer.

Go to websites like Payscale and and look at average salaries in the city/region you’re located for the jobs you’re pursuing. Make note of this data, since it will help you in any negotiation. Of course, the data may confirm that the offer is fair and isn’t the low-salary offer that you thought it was. That’s beneficial to know, too.

Overall, conducting salary research BEFORE you attempt to respond to a low offer can only benefit you. After you’ve taken the steps above and determined a good/fair salary range, you can start to negotiate or make a counter offer, so let’s discuss that next…

4. Decide the minimum salary you’re willing to accept

Before negotiating, you should take time to think about the amount you’d like in the salary, but also the minimum you’d be willing to take. Consider the work you’ll be performing, and also changes to cost of living if you’re relocating for work. You NEVER share this minimum salary info with an employer or recruiter, since they’ll be tempted to pay that amount. However, what this minimum provides you with is a reference point in your negotiation. You don’t have to make as many decisions mid-conversation. You know what your “floor” is. You know that if they can’t at least offer your minimum amount, you’re walking away. And you’ve come up with this minimum amount in the comfort of your home without pressure to respond quickly on the phone or even via email.

This is yet another reason to always ask for some time to review each job offer. Then, in your upcoming negotiation, you’ll share the number you truly want and feel is fair. But in the back of your mind, you know what your “floor” is. This is one of the best tips I can give you for any negotiation. Never skip this step and never deliver a response before coming up with your acceptable range and salary floor.

5. How to respond to a lowball job offer: samples for email/phone

Finally, after conducting research and determining what you feel is a fair salary, you can deliver your response and negotiate/counter offer. While you’ll appear a bit “stronger” and more confident if you negotiate in person or via the phone, it’s also worth considering using email if you feel that this medium will make you more comfortable.

Play to your strengths. Responding to the job offer by email has some benefits. You can carefully consider each sentence. You’ll never rush to say something you regret, etc. And you’ve got two options for how to approach this salary negotiation:

Option 1: You can make a counter offer and ask for a specific salary.

Sample email/script for how to respond to a lowball job offer with a counter offer:

I did some research into average salary for this type of role here in Dallas, and I found an average salary of $X, based on and Payscale, and looking at data for a total of 38 jobs. I’m excited about the job and the opportunity to join the team, but I wanted to ask if there’s any flexibility in your offer to match that average figure that I found while researching.

Or, you can ask an open-ended question that essentially prompts them to negotiate against themselves. The best way to explain this is by showing you word-for-word, so let’s dive into an example below.

Sample email/script for countering a lowball job offer with an open-ended question:

I wanted to circle back to thank you again for the offer. I conducted salary research via the US Bureau of Labor Statistics as well as Glassdoor and, and I found that the average base salary for this position in Boston is $55,000. Is there any flexibility in the base salary of your offer?

For the typical salary negotiation, I like the open-ended question tactic above, but I think given that you’re specifically stating that you feel the salary is below average, I’d recommend simply telling them the number that you’d feel more comfortable with. I’d recommend the first email or phone script above for responding to their low-salary offer.

Remember to ask for what you truly feel is good/fair, though, because they may counter offer again and suggest an amount slightly lower than your target, but higher than the original offer.

6. Mention higher-paying job offers if you have any

As you counter the lowball job offer, there’s one more strategy you can consider. If you have higher offers from other companies, you can mention those other offers as a negotiation tactic.

For example, it’s okay to say the following via email or phone:

I appreciate the offer and the role sounds fantastic. However, I’ve recently received an offer from another firm in the industry, with a base salary of $X. Is there any flexibility in your offer to increase the base salary here?

Now, sometimes a hiring manager’s hands are tied in terms of hiring budget and offer amount, and they can’t offer more even if they would like to. But in some cases, they will be able to put together a new offer with a higher salary based on this info you provided.

Note that you don’t need to tell them the name of the other company. In fact, I recommend not sharing specific names. This is also true in the interview if they ask, “What other companies are you interviewing with?”

Further reading: How to compare two job offers.

7. Consider negotiating other benefits

If you come to a standstill in the salary negotiation after countering the lowball offer, yet you are excited about the job itself, you can also consider negotiating for benefits like a signing bonus, stock options, etc.

However, you should focus on negotiating base salary first. This is what’s most important and most likely to carry over into future job offers in your next job search. And in my opinion, if the base salary in your offer is significantly below market rate, it’s a sign of a bad employer. They’re either struggling and cannot pay people what’s fair or trying to take advantage of job seekers who don’t know their worth.

So if you’ve taken time to consider the offer and come back with solid research and a reasonable counter offer (delivered politely and professionally), but the company just won’t budge, it may be time to move on. Don’t get tempted by a signing bonus, which is a one-time payment. Whereas, a base salary is paid every year and is what your raises/bonuses are often based upon.

Should You Accept a Job Offer with Lower Pay?

Sometimes it’s okay to accept a job offer with lower pay. After you’ve used the tips and strategies above and negotiated, you may still find that the offer for the position you want most doesn’t pay as high as another offer, or perhaps as high as your current job.

You need to determine what you value most at this stage in your career. For example, if you’re trying to change careers, it may be worth taking a small step down in pay to make the leap. Or, if you feel a fast-growing startup has a bright future and amazing founding team, and they’re able to offer some equity but a smaller base salary, you may decide this is a smart risk to take. However, it’s also fine if you decide that total cash compensation (salary plus bonus) is all that you care about right now. If so, then you’ll need to reject the offer with lower pay and go for a higher-paying opportunity.

Only you can decide what you value in your job search. And only you will know what career stage you’re in. As a former recruiter, I’d advise people in their 20s and early-to-mid-30s to prioritize growth and learning so that they can make as much money as possible later in their career.

However, if you’re already at a later stage in your career, it makes sense to maximize earnings. In this case, you shouldn’t take a step down in pay or take an offer that pays significantly less than another for similar work. So, the answer to whether you should accept a lower-paying job offer is “it depends.” One person may find it acceptable, while another may not.

Mistakes to Avoid When You Respond to a Low Job Offer

Now, there are a couple of critical mistakes to avoid during any response to a lowball job offer.

First, don’t show frustration or disappointment in your initial reaction. You don’t know if a company is struggling financially and doing the best they can in the offer, or if they simply didn’t know what the average range is in the market, etc. Give them the benefit of the doubt, and rather than reacting right away, thank them and ask for time to consider the job offer. Then, make sure you’re prepared and calm, and get back to the employer at your convenience. It’s a mistake to rush and respond to employers before you’ve had time to prepare. Responding quickly without a strategy could cost you the job offer, and certainly will cost you the opportunity to negotiate well and increase the compensation.

Conclusion: How to Negotiate a Lowball Job Offer

You now know how to handle a low-paying job offer from a company, from the initial response to your follow-up negotiation strategy. You should never take a lowball job offer personally; it’s just business. But you should formulate a strategy to negotiate and try to get what’s fair, based on data and research. You can mention other job offers that you have in addition to research you’ve done.

After making your request and finding out the best the company can offer, you’ll be able to decide whether to walk away or take their offer. The steps above will give you the greatest chance at receiving the boost in pay you would like so you can happily accept the job.

How to Respond to a Lowball Job Offer (Sample Emails) (2024)


How to Respond to a Lowball Job Offer (Sample Emails)? ›

I'm really excited about the company and the role. I want to be upfront with you that the salary is lower than I was expecting based on my skills and experience. I'd like to be at a number more like $X. I'm really interested in this opportunity and would love to make this work with you.”

How do you politely reject a job offer by email for low salary? ›

After careful consideration, I have decided to decline the offer. My choice is primarily based on financial considerations, as the offered salary does not align with my current financial needs and career expectations. This decision was difficult, especially given my respect for [Company Name].

How do I reply to a lowball offer? ›

If faced with a low offer, respond honestly yet respectfully. Mention any higher offers or opportunities you have, stating they're a certain percentage above the current offer. While expressing your interest in the company, clarify your stance on the financial aspect.

How do you respond to a lowball salary offer email? ›

The first step is to say thank you. Maintain a respectful tone and tell the hiring manager how much you appreciate them for taking the time to interview you. However, make it clear that the salary they're offering is too low for you to accept — that you know your worth and you're willing to stand by it.

How do you respond to a job offer with a low salary? ›

Here is a list of steps on how to respond to a low salary offer:
  1. Ask for time. ...
  2. Understand your minimum acceptable salary. ...
  3. Conduct research. ...
  4. Make a plan. ...
  5. Practice negotiations. ...
  6. Show enthusiasm. ...
  7. Negotiate for early performance reviews. ...
  8. Focus on your skills and expertise.
Feb 2, 2024

How do I professionally say I don't get paid enough? ›

Describe what makes your services worth more than they are right now, then explain why increasing their investment in you would make their services even better in the long run. Don't let emotions get in the way, this needs to be a factual and measured conversion.

How do I decline a job offer because I don't have enough money? ›

If you're sure that you want to decline, consider saying something like this:"I appreciate the offer and your time, but I can't accept this position at the salary you're offering. If the salary range is something that can be negotiated, please let me know."

How do you accept a low offer? ›

Here are five tips for responding to a lowball offer:
  1. Don't be insulted. Emotion tends to drive most of our decisions; we use logic to justify them after the fact. ...
  2. Respond gracefully. ...
  3. Write a strategic counteroffer. ...
  4. Expect a counteroffer to your counteroffer. ...
  5. Negotiate other terms.
Feb 26, 2021

How to respectfully counter a job offer? ›

2 Be respectful and positive

Instead, express your gratitude for the offer and your enthusiasm for the job. Explain why you deserve a higher salary based on your qualifications, achievements, and contributions. Use specific examples and data to support your case.

How do you respond to a bad counter offer? ›

In your response, thank the employer or hiring manager for the counteroffer and acknowledge their consideration of your skills and qualifications. Express your appreciation for the time and effort they have invested in the negotiation process.

How to reply to job offer email negotiate salary? ›

I would like to discuss the possibility of moving closer to [Amount], which I feel better reflects my qualifications and the job requirements. Please let me know if you are open to discussing this before I make a decision on your offer. Thank you again, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Should I accept a job offer with lower pay? ›

If you find that the proposed salary is lower than your current one, you need to decide if the opportunity is lucrative enough to justify the pay cut. According to Miller, taking a salary that is lower than your current one can negatively impact your earning power in the future.

How do you answer what's the lowest salary you will accept? ›

If you happen to have a figure that you know is truly the bottom limit of what you'd accept (meaning you would definitely walk away if the offer came in lower) and which wouldn't feel like a lowball to you if that's what they offered, then sure, go ahead and tell them “I wouldn't be able to take it for less than $X.” ...

How to politely decline a job offer because salary is too low? ›

“I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to discuss salary expectations with me. Ultimately, I will have to decline this role/job offer as the salary is too far outside my expectations to leave my current position.”

How to respond to a low salary increase email sample? ›

Thank you for your offer of [offered amount]. After giving it some thought, I believe that I am worth more than this. I would like to counter with a salary of [proposed amount]. I have experience in [area of expertise], and I am confident that I can bring value to the company.

How do you respond to a low salary increase email? ›

Be kind but straightforward. Thank your boss for the salary bump and recognition they've already given you, and then explain why you believe the number should be reconsidered. Share your big accomplishments, as well as the salary data you've gathered, to back up why you would like your Boss to reconsider your raise.

How to respond to a rejected salary negotiation email example? ›

While I can't accept your proposed salary at this time, I am able to offer a 5% pay increase, which will bring your salary to $60,000 per year. The salary increase will be effective January 2nd and will still include our full benefits package.

How to decline a lower position? ›

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I want to express my sincere appreciation for offering me the position of [Job Title] at [Company Name]. While I am grateful for the opportunity, I have decided to respectfully decline the offer as I have received an offer that better aligns with my career goals and aspirations.

How to decline a job offer you already accepted because of salary? ›

Be upfront, honest and specific

There's a reason you're declining the job offer you've already accepted. If you're taking another job with better pay, benefits, work-life balance or even a better commute, clearly communicate that reason to your would-be employer.

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.