How to Pretend to Drink Alcohol: 10 Steps (with Pictures) (2024)

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1Getting Your Drink to Look Like Alcohol

2Getting Rid of Alcoholic Drinks

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Co-authored bywikiHow Staff

Last Updated: March 25, 2023References

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Do you find yourself in situations in which social drinking is expected? If you can’t or don’t drink for any reason, the best option is to simply tell your friends and acquaintances. But if you don’t feel comfortable with this, there are a few ways to make it appear to others that you’re drinking alcohol without actually having to.

Method 1

Method 1 of 2:

Getting Your Drink to Look Like Alcohol

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  1. 1

    Order a mocktail. If you’re at a bar, order a mocktail by simply asking for any special alcoholic drink to be made “virgin.” For example, ask for a “virgin pina colada” or a “virgin margarita.” Or, simply ask for a drink like the Shirley Temple, which is a non-alcoholic co*cktail made with citrus soda and grenadine.[1]

  2. 2

    Get a soda instead of a mixed drink. Order any kind of soda at the bar, which will look the same as a mixed alcohol drink. Order co*ke to look like a rum and co*ke, or get Sprite or soda water to look like a gin and tonic or vodka tonic, for example. Ask for a straw, too, and a lemon or lime wedge if it’s a clear soda. You may also want to ask for it in a short glass.[2]


  3. 3

    Order a ginger ale to look like beer. Ask for a ginger ale, without ice, in a pint glass to make it appear like a draft beer.

  4. 4

    Order a non-alcoholic beer. Ask for a non-alcoholic beer at the bar, and have them pour it into a glass so people don’t see the label.[3]

  5. 5

    Drink grape juice to look like wine. Order or pour your own apple or white grape juice into a wine glass to look like white wine, regular grape juice to look like red wine, or sparkling white grape or pear juice to look like champagne.[4]

  6. 6

    Drink soda or juice in a bottle. If you’re at friend’s house or house party, bring along a regular soda, juice, or tea bottle and drink from that, explaining to anyone who asks that it’s mixed with alcohol.

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Method 2

Method 2 of 2:

Getting Rid of Alcoholic Drinks

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  1. 1

    Pour out a beer and fill it with water. Take a beer bottle or can with you to a restroom and dump the contents down the sink or toilet. Then refill it with water from the tap and drink that instead. No one will be able to see the difference through the brown bottle or metal can.

    • Be sure to rinse the bottle or can out at least once before you fill it with the water you intend to drink, to get rid of any residual alcohol in the bottle or can.
  2. 2

    Slowly empty a drink. If you have an alcoholic drink, hold onto it and, very occasionally, find opportunities to get rid of a small amount at a time. Pour some into the sink in the bathroom, a trash can nearby, or someone else’s finished drink cup. Don’t get rid of too much at a time, or leave too often to empty it.

    • Put your mouth to the drink occasionally without actually drinking any so it doesn’t look suspicious that your drink is disappearing on its own.
    • Tell a friend (or several), “Mmm, this is good, try this!” and have them take a sip so your drink disappears faster.
  3. 3

    Spit alcohol into another bottle. If you have a drink with alcohol, keep a water, soda, or tea bottle nearby. Take a sip of the alcoholic drink, but hold it in your mouth without swallowing. Keep it there for at least 30 seconds, then pretend to drink from the other bottle, instead backwashing the alcohol into it at the end. Explain that you’re just trying to hydrate and avoid a hangover, if anyone asks.

  4. 4

    Fake taking a shot. If you’re offered a shot of alcohol, pour it out in a trash can, plant, or empty cup when no one is looking or while others are doing their shots. Hold your hand around the shot glass to disguise that there’s nothing in it, then pretend to take the shot.

    • If you can’t get away with pouring the shot out, take it but don’t swallow it. Reach for a soda bottle (preferably your own personal one) and pretend to drink from it as a chaser, backwashing the alcohol from your mouth instead.[5]
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    Will people be fooled if I bring a flask filled with water and pour some into my drink?

    How to Pretend to Drink Alcohol: 10 Steps (with Pictures) (15)

    Community Answer

    They might be, but you run the risk of someone asking to taste it. If they ask to smell it, just tell them it's vodka, which is pretty much odorless.

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    How can I make sweet tea look like a tropical drink?

    How to Pretend to Drink Alcohol: 10 Steps (with Pictures) (16)

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    If it’s in a glass, put an ounce or so of grenadine in the bottom, and then use a spoon to gently pour the tea over top of the grenadine.

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  • Question

    I work at a nightclub where I get paid to party. I'm short and dislike the taste of alcohol. Clients order both their drink and mine. How do I get a soda without being mistaken for an underage person?

    How to Pretend to Drink Alcohol: 10 Steps (with Pictures) (17)

    Community Answer

    If you know what they are ordering for you or they order the same one every time for you, try to find a soda that has a similar color and when they are not looking, or when you go to the bathroom, hurry and throw the alcohol and switch it with the soda. Otherwise, be straight up and tell them you're straight when it comes to drinking and only want non-alcoholic drinks.

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    • If you need an excuse for why you’re not drinking, say you’re driving that night, you’re taking medication that you can’t mix with alcohol, or you have to get up early the next morning.[6] You will have to come up with new excuses if you continue to use them with the same friends.


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    • Act like you’ve been drinking, too, by talking a little louder, laughing more, or dancing. Keep it subtle without overdoing it; a good level of drunk or tipsy behavior is matching whatever those around you are doing. Chances are that the fun, loud actions of others who are drinking will almost be contagious, making you act more like them naturally.


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    • It’s always easier to just tell peers that you’re not drinking rather than go through the work of pretending. Most people are understanding and don't mind if someone chooses not to drink.


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    How to Pretend to Drink Alcohol: 10 Steps (with Pictures) (18)



    • Don’t let anyone pressure you to drink alcohol. If it’s someone you consider a friend, maybe they are not such a good friend after all if they’re trying to force you to do something you can’t or don’t want to do.


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    • People can get upset if they catch you lying or pouring out alcohol, especially if they paid for it. Choosing not to accept a drink and being truthful about opting for something non-alcoholic is safer.


      Helpful58Not Helpful10

    • If you are a minor under the legal drinking age, you can get into serious trouble for drinking alcohol or even being at a party or bar where alcohol is served.


      Helpful34Not Helpful18

    • If you fake drinking alcohol, there is always a risk that you'll get caught and you won't be able to, believably, explain your way out of it. If this happens, admit that you lied, apologize, and say that you're actually not a drinker.


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    About This Article

    How to Pretend to Drink Alcohol: 10 Steps (with Pictures) (30)

    Co-authored by:

    wikiHow Staff Writer

    This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 322,778 times.

    35 votes - 74%

    Co-authors: 51

    Updated: March 25, 2023


    Categories: Drinks

    Article SummaryX

    To pretend to drink alcohol, try pouring out your drink and replacing it with water if you're drinking out of a can or dark bottle. Or, if you're drinking something out of a clear glass, slowly empty your drink when no one is paying attention so it looks like you've been drinking it. If you have to take a sip of the alcohol in front of someone, hold it in your mouth and then try spitting it into another bottle when no one is paying attention. Also, if you're offered a shot, quickly dump it out somewhere and then pretend you already took it. To learn how to make non-alcoholic drinks look like alcohol, keep reading!

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    How to Pretend to Drink Alcohol: 10 Steps (with Pictures) (31)


    How to Pretend to Drink Alcohol: 10 Steps (with Pictures) (2024)


    How do you fake drinking alcohol? ›

    Get a soda instead of a mixed drink.

    Order any kind of soda at the bar, which will look the same as a mixed alcohol drink. Order co*ke to look like a rum and co*ke, or get Sprite or soda water to look like a gin and tonic or vodka tonic, for example. Ask for a straw, too, and a lemon or lime wedge if it's a clear soda.

    How to fake drinking when pregnant at restaurant? ›

    10 Tips for Fake Drinking When You're Secretly Pregnant
    1. Opt for canned beer. ...
    2. If you have to order a real drink, choose a clear co*cktail. ...
    3. Make friends with bartenders. ...
    4. Allude to a possible tannin allergy. ...
    5. Ginger ale is a GREAT substitute for Champagne. ...
    6. Pretend to be getting over a cold (so no one asks for a sip). [
    Jan 20, 2017

    How to simulate being drunk without drinking? ›

    Feeling groggy is one of the most common reactions to drinking alcohol. You can try to mimic that by making yourself as tired as possible. Push yourself to stay up later than normal, and read or watch television until you are forcing yourself to keep your eyes open. This will feel like you've had too much to drink.

    How can I make excuses for not drinking during pregnancy? ›

    Here are four of our favourites:
    1. Excuse 1: You lost a bet with your partner. ...
    2. Excuse 2: You're practicing mindfullness. ...
    3. Excuse 3: Designated driver. ...
    4. Excuse 4: You're not feeling well. ...
    5. Let your partner drink your beverage. ...
    6. Order a non-alcoholic drink.
    Aug 4, 2022

    What is the fake drunk effect? ›

    Just thinking that you're drinking can get you buzzed. If someone hands you a drink that looks, smells, and tastes alcoholic, chances are you'll feel its intoxicating effects—even if it contains no alcohol at all. That's the placebo effect, according to a classic review of studies in the journal Addictive Behaviors.

    How to fake drink at a dinner? ›

    How To Fake Drinking Alcohol At An Event
    1. Make grape juice look like wine. This one's a pretty easy trick, as grape juice has a similar look and texture to red wine especially when it's carbonated. ...
    2. Get a mocktail instead. ...
    3. Substitute beer for ginger ale. ...
    4. Get a non-alcoholic beer. ...
    5. Fill your bottle with water instead.

    Is it a crime to drink while pregnant? ›

    Currently, there are no federal laws that restrict pregnant women from using alcohol; however, the policy of most representatives of the federal government is that this practice should be avoided.

    What if a woman drinks before she knows she's pregnant? ›

    You probably won't know you are pregnant for up to 4 to 6 weeks. This means you might be exposing your baby to alcohol without meaning to. Alcohol use during pregnancy can also lead to miscarriage and stillbirth. The best advice is to avoid any alcohol use when you start trying to get pregnant.

    How to drink without being noticed? ›

    Concealing the Consumption of Alcohol
    1. Change clothes, take a shower.
    2. Drink vodka only.
    3. Chew gum or mints.
    4. Eat fruity candy.
    5. Don't sit next to them.
    6. Spray perfume or cologne.
    7. Eat while you're drinking.
    8. Try to act natural.
    Apr 25, 2017

    What drug can replace alcohol? ›

    What Are Medication Alternatives for Alcohol?
    • Benzodiazepines, such as Valium (diazepam)
    • Barbiturates, such as Seconal (secobarbital)
    • Opioid drugs like heroin or Vicodin (acetaminophen and hydrocodone)
    • Some muscle relaxants.

    Can you get drunk off vanilla extract? ›

    Vanilla extract may contain up to 35% ABV, which is the equivalent of a shot of hard liquor like vodka or bourbon. This means vanilla extract can get you drunk, but it also puts a person at risk of alcohol poisoning.

    What are valid excuses for not drinking? ›

    If you're in a situation where you feel you can be honest, try the following:
    • “No thanks, I don't drink anymore.”
    • “Alcohol doesn't mix well with me.”
    • “I can't. My alcohol use gets out of hand sometimes.”
    • “I've decided I just feel healthier without alcohol”
    Feb 21, 2023

    What excuse can I use for not drinking? ›

    I've got an early start in the morning. I'm taking the night off – giving the liver a break! I just want to see what it's like to go with out a drink. I'm doing it for charity.

    When did doctors say not to drink while pregnant? ›

    Since fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) was first described in the medical literature in 1973, public health agencies and doctors in the United States have warned women not to drink alcohol at all during pregnancy.

    What is the most faked alcohol? ›

    Vodka, the most commonly counterfeited spirit, should look completely clear, with no white particles or sediment visible in the bottle.

    What is something that makes you drunk? ›

    Ethanol — also referred to as alcohol, ethyl alcohol, or grain alcohol — is the primary ingredient in alcoholic bevvies. It's also the one that causes drunkenness. Ethanol is a clear, colorless liquid that's a byproduct of plant fermentation.

    What's the worst liquor to drink? ›

    The world's most dangerous alcoholic drinks include Absinthe, Bacardi 151, Changaa, Everclear, Death in the Afternoon, Four Lokos, Jungle Juice, Knockeen Hills, Moonshine, and Spirytus Rektyfikowany. Commonly referred to as the “green fairy,” absinthe was banned in the U.S. from 1915 to 2007.

    What is mock drink? ›

    Consider making a “mocktail.” Mocktails are simply co*cktails without the liquor – they use a variety of tasty ingredients to create a flavor fusion, providing a sophisticated beverage sans alcohol. Whether you imbibe or not, mocktails can be a treat for any social gathering or night in.

    What is used in fake alcohol? ›

    If you think a hangover is the worst effect of counterfeit alcohol, think again. Criminals produce counterfeit alcohol, which often contains substances such as antifreeze, nail polish remover and even paint stripper. Fake alcohol can cause blindness and organ failure and can even lead to death.

    How can I make myself drink? ›

    Here are some tips for upping your water game:
    1. Flavor it. Add fruit to your water. ...
    2. Tie it into a routine. Drink a glass of water every time you brush your teeth, eat a meal or use the bathroom.
    3. Eat it. ...
    4. Track it. ...
    5. Challenge a friend. ...
    6. Take it to go. ...
    7. Alternate your drinks.
    Jul 12, 2021

    How can I drink without embarrassing myself? ›

    Here's how to drink and have a good time without Embarrassing Yourself
    1. Make The Right Choice, Even Under Pressure. Don't feel obligated to chug a drink simply because everyone else is! ...
    2. The First Page Of The Manual Says, Eat Before You Drink. ...
    3. Set A Tracker In Motion.

    What proof is 5% alcohol? ›

    12 ounces of beer per serving, 10 proof or 5 percent ABV. 1.5 ounces of liquor or spirits per shot, 80 proof or 40 percent ABV.

    How fast does alcohol reach the brain? ›

    Alcohol affects your body quickly. It is absorbed through the lining of your stomach into your bloodstream. Once there, it spreads into tissues throughout your body. Alcohol reaches your brain in only five minutes, and starts to affect you within 10 minutes.

    What three factors affect how quickly someone gets drunk? ›

    Food content in the stomach: Having food in your stomach can help slow the absorption of alcohol and rate of intoxication. Mood: Emotions, such as stress, can change your stomach enzymes and affect how your body processes alcohol. Sex: Women tend to experience the effects of alcohol quicker and longer than men.

    What countries drink while pregnant? ›

    Alcohol. Ireland is the country with the worst rates of alcohol consumption during pregnancy worldwide. According to a study by The Lancet, an estimated 60 percent of Irish mothers drink alcohol while pregnant, considerably higher than second-placed Belarus (46.6 percent) and third-placed Denmark (45.8 percent).

    What is the 2 week wait? ›

    The two week wait is a term used to describe the length of time a woman should wait before using a pregnancy test, after she has undergone IVF. The wait is necessary for an accurate test because the hormones used during the procedure can interfere with results.

    What if I smoked before I knew I was pregnant? ›

    I SMOKED BEFORE I KNEW I WAS PREGNANT. WHAT NOW? The chances are, if you smoked before you knew you were pregnant, that no harm was done. But the longer you wait to quit, the higher those chances grow–especially during the 3-8 week period where rapid development occurs.

    What alcohol is hardest to smell on your breath? ›

    Beer and wine, for example, are the least intoxicating drinks but will cause the strongest odor. A much stronger drink, such as scotch, will have a weaker odor. And vodka leaves virtually no odor at all.

    How many shots does it take to get drunk? ›

    Most people become drunk after drinking two shots of vodka (1.5 ounces). To reach a BAC of 0.08%, which is the legal limit, it usually takes around five shots for an average-sized man and three-to-four shots for an average-sized woman.

    What alcohol doesn't give you a hangover? ›

    Vodka is known to be the best alcoholic beverage for the most minimal hangover. Gin, light rum and white wine are runner-ups—with brandy and whiskey being at the bottom of the list.

    What drug has no hangover? ›

    Lormetazepam was found to be an effective hypnotic that causes virtually no hangover the next morning.

    What is the best alcohol for pain relief? ›

    A 1941 Time Magazine article stated, “Whiskey is one of the cheapest and best painkillers known to man.” During the civil war, paramedics would give wounded soldiers whiskey when they ran out of opioids to keep the pain more manageable.

    Is a shot equal to an ounce? ›

    While there is no federally-mandated shot-glass size, many U.S. bartenders consider a standard volume to be 1.5 ounces, or 44 milliliters. (For what it's worth, Utah is the only state that has officially defined a shot measurement—and it's 1.5 ounces.)

    Can you get drunk from smelling alcohol? ›

    The Bottom Line. Alcohol vapors can be produced by heating up alcohol or pouring it over dry ice. Alcohol can be absorbed into your bloodstream by inhaling alcohol vapors. People who inhale alcohol vapors get drunk very quickly, because the alcohol goes straight to the brain.

    Can you fail a breathalyzer from vanilla extract? ›

    When consumed in large quantities, vanilla extract can produce a positive breathalyzer test reading. In its raw form, vanilla extract has a 35 percent alcohol content, which is comparable to certain liquors. Drink enough of it, and you can become legally intoxicated.

    What do you say when refusing alcohol? ›

    Do be polite and avoid value judgements. Use tact – politely inform the patron you will not serve them any more alcohol. Do point to posters/signs behind the liquor service point to reinforce your decision. Do explain the reason for refusal of service (e.g. showing signs of being unduly intoxicated).

    What are two ways that you can refuse alcohol? ›

    Statements to use in refusing alcohol:
    • “I have more positive things in to do in my life.”
    • “I don't need to drink; being sober is a great high.”
    • “I would rather hang out at the rec center or student center.”
    • Say, “No thanks, I don't need it.”
    • “Sorry, my friends and I have chosen not to drink.”
    • “Sorry, I don't drink.”

    Is it okay to drink 1 beer while pregnant? ›

    The most recent review, published in September 2007 in draft form by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence advises that, based on current evidence “pregnant women should limit their alcohol intake to less than one standard drink (1.5 UK units or 12 g of alcohol) per day and if possible avoid alcohol ...

    Had a sip of beer while pregnant? ›

    You should not drink any amount of beer, or any alcohol, while you're pregnant. While it's well known moderate and heavy drinking during pregnancy is dangerous, there is also no established “safe” amount of alcohol you can drink while pregnant.

    Had a sip of wine while pregnant? ›

    Drinking any amount of alcohol at any time during pregnancy can harm your baby's developing brain and other organs. No amount of alcohol has been proven safe at any time during pregnancy.

    How do you fake sobriety? ›

    How To Act Sober
    1. Keep sitting down.
    2. Hold on to something.
    3. Hide your eyes or use eye drops.
    4. Keep phrases short and speak slowly.
    5. Freshen yourself.
    6. Wear clean clothes and dress sharply.
    7. Look busy when in a public place.
    8. Disguise your scent.
    Feb 7, 2019

    What are fake alcoholic drinks called? ›

    A mocktail is a broad term for a non-alcoholic drink, usually a mixture of different fruit juices, alcohol-free alternatives and fizzy drinks. These often are directly recreating famous co*cktails but with no alcohol.

    What can I replace alcohol with? ›

    What to drink instead of alcohol
    • Soda and fresh lime. Proof that simple is still the best.
    • Berries in iced water. This summery drink will keep you refreshed and revitalised.
    • Kombucha. ...
    • Virgin bloody Mary. ...
    • Virgin Mojito. ...
    • Half soda/half cranberry juice and muddled lime. ...
    • Soda and fresh fruit. ...
    • Mocktails.

    What alcohol is good for no hangover? ›

    Vodka is known to be the best alcoholic beverage for the most minimal hangover. Gin, light rum and white wine are runner-ups—with brandy and whiskey being at the bottom of the list.

    What is the baddest alcohol? ›

    Here are 12 of the strongest liquors in the world.
    1. Polmos Spirytus Rektyfikowany Vodka. Proof: 192 (96% alcohol by volume) ...
    2. Everclear 190. Proof: 190 (95% alcohol by volume) ...
    3. Golden Grain 190. ...
    4. Hapsburg Absinthe XC. ...
    5. Balkan 176 Vodka. ...
    6. Sunset Very Strong Rum. ...
    7. Stroh 160 Rum. ...
    8. Devil's Springs Vodka 160.
    Jul 29, 2022

    What is the most drunk ever? ›

    1.480 BAC. After a car crash that resulted in serious injuries, a Polish man's BAC was taken and it was 1.480%. That's the highest BAC ever recorded in known history. Doctors said he survived his brush with death due to drinking, but he later died due to his injuries from the car crash.

    What drink makes you feel drunk? ›

    If you're going for a night out with friends and plan to get drunk fast, then shots of tequila or vodka will do the trick. Due to their high alcohol volumes, they help you get drunk quickly without having to drink too much.

    What is the hardest point of sobriety? ›

    For many people, the first few weeks of sobriety are the hardest. You may have withdrawal symptoms that are physically and emotionally uncomfortable. Cravings are also common during this time, which can tempt you to relapse. Treatment can help you get through this challenging period.

    What are the 5 rules of sobriety? ›

    Teaching clients these simple rules helps them understand that recovery is not complicated or beyond their control. It is based on a few simple rules that are easy to remember: 1) change your life; 2) be completely honest; 3) ask for help; 4) practice self-care; and 5) don't bend the rules.

    What is the only real way to sober up? ›

    Unfortunately, nothing lowers your BAC or sobers you up. The only solution to sobering up is to wait for your body to metabolize the alcohol consumed. However, there are many myths out there about sobering up fast.

    What is no alcohol called? ›

    Teetotalism is the practice or promotion of total personal abstinence from the consumption of alcohol, specifically in alcoholic drinks. A person who practices (and possibly advocates) teetotalism is called a teetotaler or teetotaller, or is simply said to be teetotal.

    What is it called to never drink alcohol? ›

    teetotaller. noun. someone who never drinks alcohol.

    Does three spirit give you a buzz? ›

    Technically, no – Three Spirit drinks do not contain any alcohol. With that said, however, they do include many natural “feel good” ingredients and adaptogens put together by their plant scientists. These can help give you a natural “buzz” or good-feeling vibes!

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    Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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