How To Get Rid of Pantry Moths (2024)

Pantry moths are a very common kitchen pest. They may seem like tricky little critters hiding away in your cabinets and amongst your dried goods, but with some elbow grease and a few simple steps they can be quite easy to get rid of.

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How To Get Rid of Pantry Moths (1)

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What Are Pantry Moths?

Pantry moths are a common kitchen pest akin to the more popular (albeit equally as obnoxious) closet moth. Unlike their pesky relatives, however, pantry moths feed on dry goods, especially grains, flour, cereals, pet foods, nuts and dried fruit. They’re prevalent in the U.S. and are particularly common in warmer climates.

Although they are quite similar in size to their closet moth cousins (about a quarter of an inch or so with a half-inch wingspan), they have a more distinct reddish-brown hue on the outside of their wings that make them easy to spot.

Signs of an Infestation

Most pantry moth infestations don’t actually begin in your home but at commercial food processing and packaging facilities. Full-grown moths at the facilities will lay their eggs on the packaged products which will then make their way to the store and then to your pantry.

Seeing full-grown moths in your kitchen is a tell-tale sign that you already have a rather large infestation, so it is important to keep an eye out for early signs that you may have a problem. Early indicators are usually if you see silky webs on or around your dry goods, small holes in your packaging and in some cases an odd smell in infested goods where eggs are present.

Pantry moth larvae, like the very hungry caterpillars they are, will eat their way through as many of your dried foods as they can before settling down to build their cocoons. Checking for cocoons is also important as they often build them in the cracks and crevices of your pantry.

Safety Considerations

Although words like “infestation” may feel severe, it’s important to note that pantry moths are not dangerous or harmful to humans in any way. While it may make you feel quite squeamish, it is also not dangerous to accidentally consume pantry moth larvae or their eggs. It’s gross but reassuring.

As you take steps to eradicate your pantry moth problem, be sure that you are doing so safely. Avoid using pesticides or poisons as pantry moths are food-related pests and therefore reside in food-storage spaces. Our guide will walk you through how to rid yourself of the issue without resorting to any harmful chemicals.


  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Mop
  • Spray bottle (optional)
  • Sponge


  • Paper towels or washable cleaning rags
  • Dish soap or other food-safe cleansers
  • White vinegar


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1. Remove Everything from Your Pantry

Take everything out of your pantry or cabinet. Remove shelves if possible, including the support pegs, drawers, all food containers and packages (including pet food), shelf liners, contact paper etc. You want your space as bare as possible.

2. Inspect Your Goods and Discard Infested Packages

Once everything is out, take care to inspect every package and container for eggs, webs or small holes indicating larval infiltration. Check under the lids of jars for eggs or cocoons. Anything you suspect of being infested should be discarded immediately, preferably in an outdoor trash can.

3. Vacuum the Area

Vacuum every surface, including the doors and walls of your cabinets. If you have drawers pay special attention to areas around drawer glides or other supports where pantry moths might hide.

4. Wash Every Surface With Soapy Water

Start with hot soapy water and wash every surface. Include doors and walls, paying special attention to the undersides of drawers and shelves that are often neglected.

5. Wipe Down Surfaces With a Vinegar and Water Solution

Follow the same steps as above with a 50/50 solution of vinegar and warm water to kill off any remaining eggs. Mixing in a few drops of a fragrant essential oil like peppermint can also help deter any lingering moths. Use the solution and a cotton swab to clean any small crevices or such as holes for shelf support pegs.

6. Thoroughly Clean Your Vacuum and Tools

Once cleaning is complete, remove the vacuum bag and immediately dispose of it or thoroughly clean the vacuum chamber. If you have thrown anything away in your kitchen trash can, double bag the items and take them to your outdoor can. Then wipe down your trash can with the vinegar solution.

7. Do Not Restock Immediately

Give your freshly cleaned pantry a few days to ensure there aren’t any lingering moths before restocking. Wash any jars or other containers carefully before returning them to storage. Any unopened or uninfested packages should be placed in the freezer for a few days as well to ensure any lingering eggs on the packaging have been killed.

For Larger Infestations

If after several cleanings you continue to have a problem, start by enlarging your cleaning area. Check the gap between cabinets and the walls or between cabinets, behind appliances and even behind outlet or switch plate covers. If you notice these areas are a problem consider using caulk to seal them to prevent future issues.

Be sure to rid your home of any full-grown moths as well so they don’t continue to lay eggs and exacerbate the issue. You can invest in a few commercial pantry moth traps which use pheromones to attract moths and trap them. Other sticky fly strips will also work but are less effective as they don’t have anything to attract the moths to them.

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How to Prevent Future Infestations

Since they typically originate from packaging plants, the most important step you can take to prevent pantry moths is to inspect your packages at the store prior to buying. Look for signs of eggs or small holes to indicate larvae that have chewed through the packaging.

Consider storing your dried goods in your freezer permanently. If this isn’t an option for you, try freezing your new groceries for two or three days before placing them in your usual storage area to kill any eggs or larvae that may have been present on the packaging.

Transferring dried goods to glass, tin or sealed plastic containers is also a great way to prevent infestations or at least isolate them should they occur. Be sure that you are using air-tight containers and avoid jars or other twist-on lids which could serve as ideal spots for moths to lay eggs.

Pantry moths will also avoid certain scents so placing sachets of dried lavender, bay leaves, mint or cedar chips in your cabinets can also discourage them. The most important thing to do is to stay vigilant and inspect your pantry often, cleaning up any spills or messes, discarding any old open products and using the 50/50 vinegar solution to clean regularly.


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When to Call a Pro

Pantry moths are usually a simple enough pest to eradicate, although they do require a bit of hard work. If you’ve found that the problem has persisted even after following these cleaning steps, contact your local pest control services for a consultation. As noted, professional-grade pesticides and other poisons should always be avoided when working with pantry moths for safety.

How To Get Rid of Pantry Moths (2024)


How To Get Rid of Pantry Moths? ›

For an instant kill, cleaning containers using a solution of hot soapy water will instantly kill Pantry Moth Eggs. Additionally, freezing items will kill eggs and larvae, although you must wait 72 hours for this method to be effective.

What is the fastest way to get rid of pantry moths? ›

For an instant kill, cleaning containers using a solution of hot soapy water will instantly kill Pantry Moth Eggs. Additionally, freezing items will kill eggs and larvae, although you must wait 72 hours for this method to be effective.

Why do I suddenly have pantry moths? ›

Although pantry moths can enter via doors and windows, most infestations probably start when we inadvertently bring home eggs and caterpillars in our dried foods. Kitchens full of unsealed containers and spilled food create an irresistible smorgasbord for female moths looking for the ideal place to lay eggs.

What smells do pantry moths hate? ›

Moths, like many insects, simply can't stand the smell of some of the most aromatic herbs, like mint, lavender, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary, and thyme. Use this to your advantage to create natural moth repellents in your home.

Does vinegar kill pantry moths? ›

'White vinegar is a natural cleansing agent that changes the pH levels of surfaces that it touches, and moth eggs and larvae exposed to white vinegar cannot survive in the acidic environment,' he explains. 'You could, therefore, use a sponge or rag to apply vinegar to a surface or apply with a spray bottle.

Do pantry moths ever go away? ›

An infestation of pantry moths requires throwing away affected items, cleaning up, and securing other food items. It can take up to a month to entirely eliminate pantry moths by disrupting their lifecycle.

How do you find a pantry moth nest? ›

How do you find a pantry moth nest? According to 'The Old Farmer's Almanac,' "You may find larvae and pupae tucked away in door hinges, backs of door knobs, and corners of wire baskets; underneath shelves, and around the edges of jar lids, cans, and non-food items also stored in your pantry or cupboard.

How long does it take to get rid of pantry moth infestation? ›

Taking the above information into consideration, it can take anywhere from a week or two to six months to get rid of a pantry moth infestation.

Should I be worried about pantry moths? ›

Aside from the insects themselves, food infested by pantry moths may also have silk webbing present on the surface. So will pantry moths or their larvae, eggs and webbing make you sick if you accidentally eat them? The experts say no. So, if you ingest them, don't panic.

Can you starve out pantry moths? ›

Besides an old forgotten box of cereal, these moths will stretch out further and spread into other areas to ensure they have plenty to eat. The larvae and pupa of pantry moths can survive for months without food, which makes eliminating an infestation difficult.

Do dryer sheets repel moths? ›

Dryer sheets typically contain chemicals such as linalool, beta-citronellol, and geraniol, which are known to have some insect-repellent properties.

Does Irish Spring soap keep moths away? ›

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that Irish Spring soap specifically keeps bugs away.

What are the best pantry moth killers? ›

Killigan's Premium Pantry Moth Traps offer an effective solution. These traps utilize powerful pheromones to attract and capture pantry moths, breaking the breeding cycle.

How does Dawn dish soap get rid of moths? ›

It turns out that soap and alcohol—the two main ingredients in Dawn Powerwash—are both great at killing insects. The soap clogs up insects' breathing tubes, essentially drowning them. Alcohol dries them out as well.

Does Dawn dish soap kill moths? ›

I have found that just a small amount of dishwashing liquid in a squeeze-spray-misting type bottle will nicely bring down moths and mosquitos as well.

What is a repellent for pantry moths? ›

Thoroughly vacuum every inch of the pantry (removing shelves if possible) before cleaning it using a 50-50 mix of vinegar and warm water along with some peppermint oil which is known to repel moths.

What kills pantry moth eggs and larvae? ›

Place infested items in the freezer for a week to kill pantry moth larvae and eggs. Place all new food items into glass or plastic containers in case lingering moths exist. Pheromone traps may be used to monitor the population and capture male moths. Plain yellow sticky traps may also be helpful.

What home remedy gets rid of pantry moths? ›

Give your pantry a good scrub down with warm soapy water then follow with a 50/50 solution spray of warm water and white vinegar. This will kill off any remaining eggs. If you want to add a more pleasant smell, adding a little bit of peppermint or eucalyptus oil will leave a nicer aroma.

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