How to Get Rid of Moths Naturally | Total Wardrobe Care (2024)

How to Get Rid of Moths Naturally | Total Wardrobe Care (1)

When it comes to getting rid of moths, prevention is better than cure and here at Total Wardrobe Care, we want to help you become moth free for good! The severity of your clothes moth problem will ultimately determine what you need to do, but with any level of infestation and with any type of pest, using a range of methods in combination is much more effective than just doing one thing on its own.

To get rid of moths in your wardrobe or room you will need to follow the steps below:

1. DEEP CLEAN THE AREA -Use soap and water to wipe down surfaces and thoroughly vacuum cracks and crevices.

2. USE A NATURAL MOTH KILLER -This will safely remove any larvae and eggs that might still be present. TryourChrysanthemum Killer Moth Spray.

3. STORE CLOTHES CORRECTLY -Ensure you store your clothes in mothproof clothes storage bags.

4. USE A MOTH REPELLENT -Prevent moths from coming back by using moth repelling cedar ballsor anti-moth natural essential oils.

5. REPEAT EVERY SEASON -At the change of every season, repeat the steps above and refresh your moth repellent products.

If you have a moth infestation or wish to prevent a past infestation from coming back, follow these simple moth prevention tips to keep your wardrobe free from clothes moths.


Clothes moths are attracted to dark, dusty, undisturbed corners. Therefore, the first step is to give your wardrobe a deep clean. Remove everything from your wardrobe and drawers. Wash what can be washed and dry clean everything else. To be safe, this includes bedding, drapes and curtains which are in the same room.

Vacuum your wardrobe, drawers, carpets, floors and all surrounding areas thoroughly. Thenwash the inside of the wardrobe and drawers with soap and water.


If you have an ongoing infestation, spray the inside of your wardrobe withChrysanthemum Killer Moth Spray.This will help kill off any eggs or larvae that may be present. follow the instructions above to ensure that soft furnishings undergoe the full moth treatment

TIP: Steam is also very effective in killing moth larvae. If your home has been troubled with multiple or prolonged moth infestations it may be worth investing in a steamer.

How to Get Rid of Moths Naturally | Total Wardrobe Care (2)


Moths feed on protein, so keratin which is found in natural fibres, such as cashmere, wool and silk, as well as hair and dust (which is mostly made up of shed skin cells). Protein from food residues on our clothes is also attractive to clothes moths. That is why you should follow strict wardrobe hygiene rules on how to get rid of clothes moths. Do not put dirty or even once worn clothes back in the wardrobe because skin cells or food splats, even small ones that you cannot see could become a food source that will attract moths.

TIP:Clothes moths don’t like the taste of dry-cleaning fluid so if you are storing out of season clothes, dry clean them first.

Storing out of season clothing is a useful way of creating more space for yourself. How you store your clothes is very important. They need to be able to breathe and they need to be kept dust and moth free. Total Wardrobe Care has a selection of popular garment bags including our washable and breathablecotton garment storage bagsand ournon-woven garment bags. Both these bags have a zip and velcro fastening that completely tucks in, so the moths cannot get in. Avoid storing clothes in plastic as the fabrics need to be able to breathe to prevent mould.

How to Get Rid of Moths Naturally | Total Wardrobe Care (3)

For folded items use afabric storage boxlined inacid-free tissue paper. Don’t store your clothes in an overheated or damp attic, cellar or storage unit. Put your storage box in a spare room, on top of a cupboard or better still, in a clean cupboard with a firmly shut door. Make sure all your clothes are stored away clean for full moth protection!

TIP: Cashmere, wool and silk are not only delicate fabrics, but are moth favourites. Keep them stored in either ourorcashmere storage bagfor complete peace of mind.


Once you have cleaned both your clothes and wardrobes you need to prevent adult moths from returning. You can do this by using natural anti-moth repellents. Unlike traditional moth balls, the aromas which are unpalatable to clothes moth are very pleasant and safe to humans.

Total wardrobe Care has researched natural ingredients used by ancient civilisations to repel moths and combined them to make two sumptuous and effective blends; The May Chang blend which takes you on a sumptuous dance in a meadow. The Vetivert blend which gives it a slightly more citrus note.

These blends are available in a range of,. We also have a range of the bestmoth repelling cedarwood products.

How to Get Rid of Moths Naturally | Total Wardrobe Care (4)


At the change of every season, repeat the steps above and replenish yourmoth repellent products. An important part of successful moth prevention is vigilance so use this opportunity to inspect your clothes for holes caused by moth eggs and larvae. If you do find anything suspicious it’s more likely that you will have caught any potential infestation before it’s had time to proliferate.

For continuous monitoring and greater peace of mind, consider themoth trap box. The box consists of a sticky board, coated in glue that has been infused with the female clothes moth pheromone. The glue board attracts and kills the male clothes moths, providing an early warning of an infestation and an idea of the infestation level. If you catch one or two moths a week you are unlikely to have a bad infestation but if the box fills up in the space of one or two week's then you must take action and carry out the steps above. (Please note: The Moth box is designed to be placed in a room and not inside the wardrobe).

The sticky board will need to be replaced every 12 weeks, you can purchasemoth box refills here.

Once you have got rid of those moths in your wardrobe you can prevent future infestations by using ourMoth Decoy.


For further tips and advice on getting rid of clothes moths, head to ourblogsorcontact us, we love talking about clothes moths!

How To Get Rid of Moths Naturally with These Products

As a quick recap, these are the products you will need for a moth free wardrobe:

  • Chrysanthemum Moth Spray- kills moths
  • Moth Trap Box- kills male moths & monitors infestation
  • The Moth Decoy- confuses male moths and interrupts the lifecycle
  • put inside wardrobes to repel moths
  • Cedar Balls- to naturally repel moths
  • - to protect & store your clothes
  • Fabric Storage Boxes - to protect & store your accessories
How to Get Rid of Moths Naturally | Total Wardrobe Care (2024)


How to Get Rid of Moths Naturally | Total Wardrobe Care? ›


How do you treat closet moths naturally? ›

The strong acidic smell of vinegar will repel moths away from the area as well as cleanse the area from dirt, dust, moth eggs and larvae. Lavender: Similar to cedar oil, lavender oil's strong scent can repel moths. The potent smell will disorient moths and prevent them from invading your closet.

What kills moths in wardrobes? ›

Remove everything from your wardrobe, vacuum all the corners and drawers, and wipe all your surfaces with a detergent-soaked cloth to kill off larvae. Then wash all of your clothes (and curtains and upholstery, too). Dry cleaning kills moth eggs and larvae, and is an excellent option for bulky items like coats.

How do I keep moths out of my clothes storage? ›

When it comes to moth prevention, mothballs are considered the classic technique, and for good reason. Mothballs contain paradichlorobenzene or naphthalene, substances that are lethal to moths. Line your shelves and drawers with these to keep the critters away.

Does washing clothes kill moth eggs? ›

Moth eggs, larvae and adult moths can all be killed by a hot-water wash cycle or by dry cleaning. And any that remain in the closet can be vacuumed up or removed by scrubbing.

What scent keeps moths away? ›

Moths, like many insects, simply can't stand the smell of some of the most aromatic herbs, like mint, lavender, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary, and thyme. Use this to your advantage to create natural moth repellents in your home.

What smells do moths hate the most? ›

Clothes Moths detest the scent of cedar. They also dislike rosemary, thyme, sage, mint, bergamot, and lavender. Rosemary, thyme, and peppermint oils can be great for keeping Pantry Moths away.

Do dryer sheets repel clothes moths? ›

Dryer sheets typically contain chemicals such as linalool, beta-citronellol, and geraniol, which are known to have some insect-repellent properties.

Do clothes moths ever go away? ›

Yes, there are plenty of ways to eliminate Clothes Moths in the wardrobe or cupboard without mothballs, from Clothes Moth Traps which catch the adult males and help break the breeding cycle, to Moth Foggers and Moth Killer Sprays.

How long does it take to get rid of moths in clothes? ›

So, clothes moths may live one month, eggs may take less than ten days to hatch, larvae will reach maturity in about a month and the pupate stage will last about two to three weeks. So to get rid of a moth infestation, you would need to hammer all stages for at least four to five weeks to break the life cycle.

Does vinegar kill clothes moths? ›

Vinegar is a fantastic natural moth-killing option because its acidity makes it capable of killing moth eggs and removing lingering pheromones. You can also safely spray a vinegar and water solution on most fabrics, although you might want to do a spot test first to make sure that any fabric dyes will not be affected.

Will dryer heat kill clothes moths? ›

Infested items and susceptible articles nearby should be laundered, dry-cleaned or discarded. Bagging heavily infested items before disposal can help prevent further spread of the moths. Dry-cleaning or hot laundering kills any eggs or larvae that may be present. Heat generated by a clothes dryer is effective as well.

Does putting clothes in the dryer kill moth eggs? ›

Will putting clothes in a dryer kill moths? - Quora. You not only have to worry about the Moths, but their eggs as well. It takes approximately 120 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes to kill them all.

What is a homemade remedy for moths? ›

Peppermint oil has been known to effectively repel Pantry Moths. So, you may want to wipe down your shelves with this fragrant oil. Rosemary, clove, lavender, thyme, and Eucalyptus may also be helpful. Each of these natural repellents for pantry moths is safe to use around food items!

Does vinegar get rid of moth? ›

Vinegar is a fantastic natural moth-killing option because its acidity makes it capable of killing moth eggs and removing lingering pheromones. You can also safely spray a vinegar and water solution on most fabrics, although you might want to do a spot test first to make sure that any fabric dyes will not be affected.

Why do I suddenly have moths in my house? ›

"Clothes moths can enter homes by hiding out in clothing, furniture or home goods purchased from thrift stores, garage sales or consignment shops; and pantry moths can enter via eggs laid in foods like flour, cereal, beans and dried fruit," added Tucker.

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