How to Get Rid of Carpet Moths - Step by Step Guide | Cleanipedia UK (2024)


Despite their size, moths – or more precisely, moth larvae – can make short work of a carpet or rug. Damage can be costly to repair, if it’s possible to mend at all. Left untreated the infestation can spread around your home. Fortunately, we have all you need to know about how to get rid of carpet moths.

How do carpet moths get into your house?

There are few things you need to know before you can start getting rid of carpet moths:

  • Carpet moths have a strong sense of smell. In particular they are attracted to the scent of fur, silk and wool.

  • The reason moths like natural fibres such as wool and fur (but also hair and dead skin!) is because their larvae eat a protein found in all those substances called keratin.

  • The larvae need somewhere to grow, so a moth will search out somewhere with a food source that has the likes of wool, hair, skin and food debris available. They like low-traffic parts of a room, especially if they are infrequently vacuumed.

  • If you have a continual moth problem, note that the winged pests aren’t interested in man-made fibres, so a carpet constructed of non-natural materials could be the way to go.

Signs of carpet moths


Be vigilant around carpets, rugs and soft furnishing in your home. Remember, moths are interested in any natural fibres, especially if in a dark, dusty corner. Things to watch out for include:

  • Holes or frayed edges to your rug or carpet

  • Adult moths congregating on your rug or carpet

  • The grubs themselves are rather small to spot directly, but look for a white, web-like material in the fibres of your rug or carpet.

How to get rid of carpet moths naturally: 6 top tips

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If you think you have an infestation this how to get rid of carpet moths. Your first priority is to get to work on the problem ASAP – they can do some serious damage if you don’t get on top of the infestation right away.

  1. Turn down the heating. Carpet moths and their larvae like warm, humid environments.

  2. Vacuum regularly and carefully. You want to remove any eggs that may be in or on your carpet, as well as clean up any hair, skin or food debris, which the larvae need to survive. Remember to get behind and under furniture, as moths enjoy dark, quiet places.

  3. In addition to vacuuming, make sure you keep on top of your carpet cleaning. We have some easy carpet cleaning tips here to get you started.

  4. Make a homemade moth repellent. Place dried herbs, such as rosemary, thyme or lavender, into a small cloth bag. Hang this in areas you have been treating for carpet moths. Replace every couple of months to keep the scent fresh.

  5. If you have a particularly bad infestation or want to make sure you got all the larvae, use a steam cleaner on the carpet – the heat will take care of any that are left (if you don’t want to buy a cleaner you can hire one). If you have a carpet cleaning care guide make sure to check that it’s okay to use a steam cleaner; you’ll also want to be careful using high temperatures on antique or oriental rugs.

  6. If all else fails, it may be time to call in pest control. They will have specialised equipment to get rid of the infestation from your home quickly and easily.

Natural moth repellent remedies

It’s always worth having some extra solutions to hand – try any of these to help with your carpet moth problem.


Moths will steer clear of the scent of cedarwood, so a bag of cedar chips or a block of wood strategically placed will act as a deterrent.


Moth larvae don't take kindly to the acidic nature of vinegar. Make up a solution of equal-parts white vinegar and water and spray directly onto infected areas. To help repel moths, wipe down floors, counters and the insides of drawers and cupboards with the solution. You can spray directly on fabrics, but be careful as some fabrics such as silk and suede can be damaged by the vinegar (if you’re unsure, do a spot test on an inconspicuous part of the material).


Use sachets of dried mint leaves, or dampen cotton balls with peppermint oil and place around the house as required. Replace when the mint smell starts to fade.

How to fix carpet moth damage

Hopefully you’ve brought the infestation to an end, but it’s possible the moths have done some harm to your carpets or rugs. As moth infestations aren’t usually covered by household insurance having a few tricks up your sleeve to deal with the damage they leave behind is especially important.

  1. If a moth hole is 5mm or less in diameter you can use a fusible bonding web to disguise the damage.

  2. For larger holes, you may want to use a matching carpet scrap to replace the damaged area. Steps to fix larger damaged areas are similar to those we share in our tips on how to fix a burnt carpet.

  3. Using a utility knife, remove the damaged section of carpet taking care to avoid cutting the padding beneath.

  4. Cut the carpet scrap to size, using the removed piece as a guide. Don’t forget to line up any patterns to match the piece you are replacing.

  5. Stick down some carpet tape to the padding in the area you are replacing.

  6. Line up your carpet scrap and press firmly in place.

  7. If you have been unsuccessful in repairing the carpet moth damage yourself, consider asking a professional for help. As a final option, it may be time to replace the rug or carpet.

If you have a problem with pantry moths in your house and are worried about how to get rid of them, fret not – just follow our guide here on how to get rid of pantry moths.

Your carpet moth questioned answered

What causes moths in carpets?

Adult female moths lay larvae in carpets, which, when hatched, will munch away at a material called keratin. Keratin is found in natural fibres such as wool or silk, making any carpet or clothing with any such content a target. It’s also present in organic matter such as dead skin and hair (that includes pet hair, so if you have a cat or dog in your house you might need to pay special attention).

The adult moths themselves don’t eat the carpet and only live a few months, but one female can lay up to 200 eggs at a time, so it’s not difficult for an infestation to get started.

How long do carpet moths live?

That depends. A larva can develop into a month in as little as two months if it has the right conditions of heat and humidity.

During colder parts of the year maturation is slower (though central heating can create a year-round problem). At the other extreme, a larvae can take a couple of years to develop.

How do I get rid of moths in my house?

The key is to act quickly once you see any signs of moth activity (see above to find out what to look for). Given the potentially fast lifecycle of a moth and the number of eggs that an adult female can lay, you can quickly be facing a household problem as the moths spread, attacking carpets, rugs and other fabrics made of wool, cashmere, silk, leather or fur.

If you have carpet moths, follow the advice above. For other types, you want to directly tackle the infestation. Remove any contaminated food (so-called pantry moths like to lay their eggs in dry goods); if they are in your clothes get them in the washing machine in the highest heat possible and then tumble dry (check the care label first – see here for what the washing symbols on clothes labels mean). Then get the vacuum out and go over everything in the vicinity, from the floorboards to the walls (don’t forget to immediately chuck the vacuum bag in case it has larvae in it). For more, check out our guide on how to get rid of moths in the house.

How do I prevent moths in my house?

The best way is to make the environment unappealing for moths. That means sealing unseasonal clothes in airtight bags (make sure you wash them beforehand), while foods go into airtight containers. Then vacuum on a regular basis, as moths can be drawn to crumbs and dust.

Make sure to get behind furniture and into any corners or crevices. To be thorough, periodically remove sofa cushions and take off any removable cover to give them a shake or wash.

It’s also a good idea to give any rugs, furniture fabrics, cushion covers and clothing an airing as moths like humid spots. If possible, hang outside in sunlight (especially if anything has been in storage awhile). Finally, place homemade moth repellents (like the ones described above) in high-risk areas; cedar wood will also keep the pests at bay.

Does vinegar kill carpet moths?

White vinegar is a great natural sanitizer that helps to repel moths. See above for details on how to make up an effective solution and use it.

How to Get Rid of Carpet Moths - Step by Step Guide | Cleanipedia UK (2024)


What is the fastest way to get rid of carpet moths? ›

You will need to clean, vacuum, and routinely use repellents or moth killing sprays. You can purchase carpet moth pheromone traps and Carpet Moth Killer Kits from MothPrevention to kill moths, eggs, and larvae quickly and efficiently.

What home remedy kills carpet moths? ›

Moth larvae don't take kindly to the acidic nature of vinegar. Make up a solution of equal-parts white vinegar and water and spray directly onto infected areas. To help repel moths, wipe down floors, counters and the insides of drawers and cupboards with the solution.

How do I get rid of carpet moths naturally UK? ›

One of the best methods to do so is to combine baking soda and white vinegar. It will not only help you eradicate moths once and for all but will also help you remove those annoying spots and stains from your rugs and carpets.

Will vacuuming get rid of carpet moths? ›

Regular vacuuming is the best way to prevent carpet moths. As with everything, prevention is far better than cure and with the stubborn nature of carpet moths to get rid of.

What do carpet moths not like? ›

Many natural remedies can also be used to deter moths from infesting carpets. These include cedar, lavender, mint, bay leaves, rosemary, and thyme. Most natural remedies, sprays, and powders may need to be refreshed regularly until there are no longer any moths anywhere in your home.

What is the best carpet moth killer? ›

Pest Expert Formula 'P' Carpet Moth Smoke Bombs (Twin Pack)

Formula 'P' Fumer insecticidal smoke bombs are a fast and highly effective insect and moth killer product. Perfect for getting rid of both clothes and carpet moths. Use in combination with Formula C Moth Killer Spray to maintain successful moth control.

What smell will keep moths away? ›

Use herbs or essential oils.

Moths, like many insects, simply can't stand the smell of some of the most aromatic herbs, like mint, lavender, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary, and thyme. Use this to your advantage to create natural moth repellents in your home.

What time of year are carpet moths active? ›

Outdoors, carpet moths manage a couple of life cycles a year and are dormant in winter. In our nicely heated homes however they can be active all year round and manage as many as six or seven life cycles in the same time. What do carpet moths look like?

What kills moth larvae and eggs in carpet? ›

Treatment Method for Case Making Carpet Moth

The most effective method of treatment is to spray the affected carpeting with a water-based insecticide such as Pro-Active C comes in a 1 litre ready to use trigger spray to kill moths or we also offer the 5-litre containers of moth killer spray.

What cleaner kills moths? ›

Cleaning with a disinfectant, white vinegar or a formulated clothes Moth Killer spray will kill moths, eggs and larvae. Vacuuming picks up any eggs and larvae, as well as frass, from damaged rugs and anywhere the moth larvae may be hiding.

What temperature kills carpet moths? ›

Freezing infested woolens can work to kill clothes moths if there is an abrupt change from warm (70° F; 21° C) to freezing (0° F; - 18° C) and leaving the items for at least 72 hours once the material reaches 0° F.

How do you moths get inside my house if it's clean? ›

Many people wonder what brings these pests indoors. Common knowledge holds that light attracts moths, and this is true in many cases. Moths often gather around outdoor lighting or windows at nighttime, where they may move inside through small cracks or when doors and windows are opened.

Do carpet moths like damp? ›

Moths are attracted to moisture in spills and perspiration, as well as food traces. Ensuring that you vacuum thoroughly around the edges of room and under furniture is imperative, as moths will thrive in undisturbed areas.

Can you hoover up moths? ›

Vacuuming picks up any eggs and larvae, as well as frass, from damaged rugs and anywhere the moth larvae may be hiding. In short, vacuum and clean often.

Do carpet moths come out at night? ›

These eggs hatch into very destructive larvae that can eat through natural materials or grains. Moreover, most types of moths are nocturnal. This means they're going to be incredibly active at night.

Do moths prefer clean or dirty clothes? ›

Take care of your wardrobe

As moths are attracted to materials with keratin and stains on them like clothing, taking care of your wardrobe is important for keeping them away from your belongings. Always put dirty clothes in the wash, even if they only contain the smallest of stains.

What is the lifespan of a carpet moth? ›

Carpet Moths

They happily munch their way through wool carpets and silk rugs. The adult moths live only a few months, but females can lay up to 200 eggs in this time – in quiet, dark, undisturbed areas. Favoured locations for the moth larvae are: Under sofas.

How do you find where moths are coming from? ›

Look out for the following:
  1. Irregular holes in your clothing.
  2. Fur garments and accessories that shed excessively.
  3. Moths flying around or crawling on items in your home.
  4. Silky tunnels or furrows found near or in wool fabric and clothing; also sometimes seen in grains and other dried foods.
12 Jul 2021

How many carpet moths is an infestation? ›

Then you can monitor how many pests there are and where they are. Any more than five moths in one room indicates a series problem. You can purchase a carpet moth kit to deal with the issue, these consist of a range of sprays and powders and are targeted to the extent of the infestation.

Is there a spray for carpet moths? ›

Pest Expert Formula C+ Advanced Carpet Moth Killer Spray is the new and improved formulation of our bestselling original product, Formula C. Formula C+ Advanced is a ready-to-use triple action carpet moth killer, with a long-lasting residual that maintains carpet moth control for up to 12 weeks.

What does vinegar do to moths? ›

Vinegar: Vinegar really can be used for anything. And when it comes to cleaning out your closet or storage box to repel moths, it does the job. The strong acidic smell of vinegar will repel moths away from the area as well as cleanse the area from dirt, dust, moth eggs and larvae.

What attracts a moth infestation? ›

They get attracted to bread, flour, cereal, dried nuts, processed products, and pasta. Since they have an excellent sense of smell, they can reach your cabinets within such a short time and infest the place. Some pantry moths are referred to as Indian meal moths.

What do moths hate the most? ›

Moths hate light and movement, so keep your closet open, air it out regularly, and move clothes around. Keep an eye on your sweaters and other wool clothes for signs of moths, and be diligent about keeping them clean.

Is lavender a moth repellent? ›

“Lavender has been used for centuries for its bug-repelling properties,” she says. “It has terpene compounds that are said to help keep moths away,” she says.

Do moths like lavender? ›

Herbs – Several fragrant herbs repel moths, including rosemary, thyme, cloves, lavender and bay leaves. Place the herbs in a small bag in cupboards or spray the essential oil into high-risk areas.

What do moth eggs look like in carpet? ›

They are a creamy-white color and they look like tiny grains of rice. The eggs of clothes moths are usually laid on woolen items, but they can also be found on other animal products such as fur, feathers, and leather.

Can you see carpet moth eggs? ›

Carpet moth eggs are so small you won't notice them, but their larvae are easily identified due to the case they carry around, which gives them their common name. If you spot a tiny grub wrapped in a woven case dragging itself around, you've got carpet moths.

Can carpet moths live in mattresses? ›

Moths are attracted more to fillings such as wool predominantly found in naturally filled mattresses. As such you are usually best in these situations going for a mattress with synthetic fillings (Our Origins range).

How do I permanently get rid of carpet beetle larvae? ›

A potent insecticide is useful in getting rid of carpet beetles and their larvae. Use one that contains deltamethrin, bifenthrin or cyfluthrin. Use the insecticide on a small area not easily visible to test whether it stains the carpet or fabric. Boric acid, a mild insecticide, is lethal on carpet beetles.

Can you vacuum carpet beetle larvae? ›

Frequent, thorough vacuuming is an effective way of removing food sources as well as carpet beetle eggs, larvae, and adults. After vacuuming infested areas, dispose of the bag promptly, because it can contain eggs, larvae, or adult insects.

Can moths live in floorboards? ›

Danger areas are under floor boards, in air bricks, behind cavity walls (so check all gaps), fireplaces, under furniture (in the canvas and webbing), on wall hangings and rugs, behind curtains and cushions.

Can moths survive washing machine? ›

Moth eggs, larvae and adult moths can all be killed by a hot-water wash cycle or by dry cleaning. And any that remain in the closet can be vacuumed up or removed by scrubbing.

Does sugar water help moths? ›

Many species of moths – just like butterflies – feed on nectar which is full of sugar, so they will be attracted to the sweet sticky cloths as they fly around at night.

Does steam cleaning get rid of carpet moths? ›

Steaming can be used to kill moth eggs on any fabrics or materials that are safe to steam clean. The high temperatures of your steamer will boil the eggs and prevent them from hatching. For carpets, a steamer is a great way to rid yourself of a Carpet Moth infestation.

How do you get rid of moths when you don't know where they are coming from? ›

Moths and other insects are repelled by the pheromones in cedar. Combine dried, crushed, and powdered herbs. Combine the following in a bag that you can hang anywhere you keep clothes or food: lavender, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary, and thyme. Moths also hate the odors of these herbs.

Do moths like dirty houses? ›

Clean it up.

Moths are attracted to dirty fabrics and dust. So one of the easiest pest control solutions to keeping these blighters at bay is to keep a tidy living space and not pack your clothes away unwashed. This includes cleaning drawers, cabinets, cupboards and under your bed.

Do moths go away on their own? ›

Once you've identified you have a moth issue, it's time to take action. It's hard to pinpoint how these things get indoors in the first place, but they do not go away on their own, says Suiter. If you don't want moth hanky-panky in your pantry (translation: lots of babies!), it's time to do some sleuthing.

What carpets do moths not eat? ›

A moth resistant carpet! Usually made from synthetic materials such as polypropylene or nylon, these carpets cannot be ingested by moths and therefore pose no interest to the little pests. If you are desperate for the warmth, texture and insulation offered by wool, you can also opt for a mixed wool blend.

How common are carpet moths UK? ›

Carpet moths are a common household pest in the UK.

Do plastic bags keep moths out? ›

Plastic bags are frequently recommended to keep moths away, and these jumbo bags will hold a ton. Plus, these shrink in size once you use the vacuum feature to remove air from inside.

Can moths get into sealed plastic bags? ›

Adult females can lay hundreds of eggs directly on or near potential food sources, and the damage is done by the larvae (tiny caterpillars). Larvae can chew through plastic bags and thin cardboard, so even unopened packages may become infested.

How do you bomb a room for moths? ›

How to Use a Moth Fogger or Moth Bomb
  1. Gather and put on suitable protection such as a mask, gloves, etc.
  2. Read Moth Fogger Instructions Carefully.
  3. Remove Items You Don't Want To Be Contaminated.
  4. Confine The Space But Also Expose Confined Spaces Such As Cupboards.
  5. Locate The Moth Fogger Centrally In The Room.
27 May 2021

How do I get a moth out of my room ASAP? ›

You can use vacuum cleaning, chemical treatment, and temperature against moths. These methods work best when combined together. You can kill moths with extreme cold or with heat using space heaters or a powerful steamer.

How do I get rid of moths forever? ›

How to Get Rid of a Moth Infestation
  1. Deep clean your wardrobe. ...
  2. Lower the heat. ...
  3. Clean your clothes. ...
  4. Double-check vintage furniture and clothes. ...
  5. Vacuum and deep clean. ...
  6. Throw out old items. ...
  7. Use cedar hangers or cedar balls. ...
  8. Place lavender bags.

What attracts carpet moths? ›

Moths are attracted to moisture in spills and perspiration, as well as food traces. Ensuring that you vacuum thoroughly around the edges of room and under furniture is imperative, as moths will thrive in undisturbed areas.

What is the best natural moth repellent? ›

Without a doubt, Cedar is the best natural moth repellent, followed by lavender. Just keep in mind, you have to first get rid of an infestation before you can prevent future moths. Otherwise, you'll just be hanging up Cedar and lavender sachets as decorations for the larvae to enjoy.

What soap repels moths? ›

Adult moths are very sensitive to certain odours. The oils in real Marseille soap made with olive oil act as repellents so that the moths are not inclined to lay eggs and breed in your wardrobes and cabinets.

Where do carpet moths hide? ›

Like clothes moths, carpet moths hide in dark spaces such as those beneath furniture, allowing their population to reach devastating levels before you even notice a problem.

Do carpet moths like clothes? ›

These moth species can attack clothes and other home textiles, and are commonly known as clothes moths or carpet moths depending on where their larvae are found causing damage.

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