How To Find Your Purpose (2024)

Living a purposeful and intentional life makes life feel meaningful and exciting. In this blog, I’m sharing with you how to find your purpose so you understand who you are and what your soul’s journey is here on earth.

Since we are Nomads with a Purpose, we get asked all the time, “What is your purpose?” For us, it’s living each day in search of adventure or what the dictionary defines as “unusual and exciting, typicallyhazardous, experience or activity.”

After starting a business at the age of 20, getting married at 21, and having my first kids at 22, then 4 more kids over the next decade, I decided in 2012 to redefine my purpose.

Being self-employed and a mom was great, but there had to be more to life than just that.

I chose to step into the unknown regularly and that eventually led our family to become full-time nomads and travel the world in search of epic hikes and beautiful destinations where we could rock climb, mountain bike, surf, and ski.

How To Find Your Purpose (1)

If you feel stuck in the same emotional patterns, try this. It will help you heal from past wounds and find clarity for the future so that you can live each day in alignment with your highest self.

10 Questions To Ask Yourself To Find Your Purpose

These are the questions I ask myself when I want to redefine my purpose in life.

How To Find Your Purpose (2)

1. What is NOT your Purpose?

In 30 years of coaching, I’ve found that it’s easier for people to know exactly what they don’t like, but they aren’t quite sure how to define what they do want.

“If you want to fly, you must give up what weighs you down.”


Start by journaling what things weigh you down, what you wish you could do less of, and the things you’d like to avoid.

How To Find Your Purpose (3)

Download the Free 30 Day Journaling Challenge

How To Find Your Purpose (4)

2. What Sparks Joy?

How To Find Your Purpose (5)

Look at your schedule, your past, and your stuff. What are the things that spark joy, stoke, and excitement?

Notice what things make you eager to jump out of bed early.

What gets you to stop caring if the house stays messy?

Between sports, friends, kids, etc, I have a lot of things like that, but I’ve also noticed that what brought me joy and excitement has changed with age. If you aren’t sure what lights your fire now, try asking yourself,What did I use to enjoy?

Now, partying all night might have been fun to do in your twenties and may not be so in your thirties and beyond, but there are probably a lot of other great things you used to do.

Pick a few that you haven’t done in a while that you’d like to try again and go do them. Or, see if there’s a common theme or feeling that you could recreate differently.

  • What about that did you like?
  • What about that would you dislike now?
  • Who did you like spending time with?
  • Do you want to do that again?
  • What’s preventing you from doing more of it?

Download my 1 year adventure planner for free.

3. Describe Your Perfect Day

How To Find Your Purpose (6)

Ilove trifecta days, especially when I can do them with my family.

Trifecta days are days when I get to do three sports in one day!

I might surf with Gabi in the morning, take all my kids indoor rock climbing in the afternoon, and finish with yoga with Victor.

Sure there’d be some work in there, but the work I do with blogging is so fun that it doesn’t feel like work.

What would your perfect day be like?Maybe you have multiple versions of your perfect day, that’s okay too. It’s better to list all the possible scenarios that would leave you feeling happy, satisfied, and fulfilled.

4. Who’s There With You?

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Knowing who you like to surround yourself with is also important after all, we tend to be a reflection of the 5 people we spend the most time with so part of fulfilling your bhavana is surrounding yourself with the right people.

Do you surround yourself with people you look up to? Do you follow people on social media that motivate you?

Do your friends, family members, and coworkers inspire you?

Who do you admire or are even jealous of? Notice what it is about them that you wish you had or did.

5. If Money Weren’t an Object (IMWO)

How To Find Your Purpose (8)

My older kids and I have been doing IMWO talk when we hike for as long as I can remember. I’d ask them, “If money wasn’t an object, what would you do?”

It’s because of IMWO talk that our family has traveled to 26 countries and spent the last 8 years doing epic adventures together.

What is that something big that you’ve always wanted to see, do, experience, or become?

Related- How to Manifest Your Dreams

6. Who Do You Want To Be?

How To Find Your Purpose (9)

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Look past who you are now or who you used to be and ask yourself, “Who do I want to become?”

What do you want the adjectives of your life to be? How do you want to describe yourself? Can you align the actions of your day to mirror these adjectives?

I thrive on daily challenges, avoiding routines, and curating engaging experiences. Balancing productivity and fun is a constant focus for me.

In my varied roles as a wife, mom, homeschooler, coach, nomad, author, traditionalist, food enthusiast, adventurer, athlete, inquisitive mind, and perpetual smiler, I aspire to be known for this multifaceted identity. Most days, I embody a blend of these personas.

Occasionally, I encounter moments of resentment, anger, frustration, or selfishness. Rather than self-criticism, I pause, realign my actions, and strive to mirror the values I hold dear.

What about you? Do you need organization, cleanliness, adventure, movement, calmness, conversation, quiet time?

How To Find Your Purpose (10)

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How To Find Your Purpose (11)

Then, spend a few more minutes thinking about how often you feel like you get to demonstrate those adjectives to the world daily. If you feel like it isn’t as often as you’d like, then think about what you can give up, let go of, or prioritize better to create a life that represents those adjectives.

Someone once told me that human beings have three dimensions: how you see yourself, how others see you, and how you want others to see you. The closer the distance between the three dimensions, the more at peace you are, and the more stable you become.

Marwa Rakha,The Poison Tree-Planted and Grown in Egypt

7. Know Your Talents

How To Find Your Purpose (12)

We all have specific talents that are unique to us. A huge part of discovering your Bhavana starts with really identifying where your talents lie. Ask yourself:

  • What are you good at?
  • What comes easy for you?
  • What doesn’t feel like work?
  • What do people ask you about often?
  • What are you known for?

8. Know Your Passions

How To Find Your Purpose (13)

Knowing what you love to do is at the root of finding desire. When you combine talents with passions, you are certainly on your way towards Bhavana.

Focus on finding ways to let your talents fuel your passions and vice versa.

Finding a career that matches what you are good at while allowing you time to do the things you love, will definitely make you a badass.

9. Align Your Values

What values are most important to you?

How do you apply your core values to your life?

Identifying your values will help you figure out what desires and goals you want for yourself.

How To Find Your Purpose (14)

In our group coaching community, Be The Hero Academy, we guide you through aligning your life with the values that will help you live your purpose.

My most important values are: adventure, challenge, competency, determination, freedom, self-growth, happiness, love, and security.

Full-time travel has certainly helped me live more in alignment with my values. I want to be happy but I need adventure in my life and I need to feel inner harmony and personal growth with it.

It’s also important that I feel competent and people around me are competent. Some values are your core values and some form a support system that helps you meet your other values. The things in your life that align with what you value are the things you are going to want to do more and prioritize.

You want to feel like people could guess your values just by watching how you spend your days. Remember, they are your values and they are the right values for you. Don’t worry if they don’t align with everyone else’s and certainly don’t feel guilty for wanting to be different. It’s your life.

10. Your Personality Leaves Clues

Your personality has shaped your “personal reality.”

If your current life, or daily reality, doesn’t feel in alignment with your purpose, you can look for clues on why this is so by analyzing your personality.

How To Find Your Purpose (15)


Get you to know your enneagram better &practice self care for your type with these free cheatsheets!

How To Find Your Purpose (16)

As coaches, we help people uncover self limiting beliefs and patterns by looking deeper at their personality traits.

Do you ever catch yourself saying“Why am I acting like that? Why do I feel like that? Why do I say that?”

We can look at your Enneagram to better understand the core desires and fears that are influencing your behavior.

We can look at your moon sign to understand your emotional tendencies. Your mercury sign gives you insight into your speech style.

Furthermore, we can look deeper into your energetic field and see where you might have trapped energy in blocked chakras.

Get Coaching to Better Understand Yourself

Whether you feel stuck and need help uncovering your purpose or know your purpose but need help living and embodying it, we can help.

If you:

  • Are you tired of feeling meh, STUCK in the same rut, or repeatingOLD PATTERNSthat take you down dead-end roads?
  • Wish that you could wake up tomorrow and feel like a total BADASS?
  • Want to LET GO of all those self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back and instead, embody confidence and clarity?
  • Are ready to write a new chapter in your life? Are you ready to be the hero of your own

Then join us for FREE inside Be The Hero Academy!

Be The Hero Academy is personal development coaching for people who want more in life.

More love, more joy, more connection, more confidence, more fun, more adventure, more health, more wealth, and more purpose.

How To Find Your Purpose (17)

Visit our personal training website for help with injuries, strength training, and overcoming anxiety.

How To Find Your Purpose (18)

I hope this blog helped you find your purpose. Remember, your purpose is not your career, it’s your soul’s journey. You are more than just your labels and identity. You are a beautiful soul with a mission to fulfill. You can use your numerology, north node, and gene keys to give you more insight into what that mission is and how to fulfill it. Or sign up for a coaching call with me and I’d love to point you in the direction that aligns with your purpose.

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How To Find Your Purpose (2024)


Why is it so hard to find your purpose in life? ›

So, why is it difficult to find your life's purpose? It is because you aren't focusing on yourself. Finding life's purpose is all about discovering your true self, exploring your interests, and drawing inspiration from positively minded people.

How do I find my lost purpose? ›

3 Ways to Find Your Purpose If You Feel Lost in Life
  1. 1) Be honest and unapologetic about what you want in your life. ...
  2. 2) Know your values and live in alignment with them. ...
  3. 3) Follow your interests and build your skills — it can take you to places you would've never imagined.
Apr 26, 2022

What to do if you have no idea what to do with your life? ›

Work with a coach

Being uncertain about what to do with your life is scary, and that's especially true if you're panicking about your path. If this is the case for you, working with a coach could offer the support you need to set clear goals and chart a course you feel confident about.

What is the highest purpose of life? ›

As we are all children of God, it is important to recognize that the purpose of life is to find God, to experience the Divine within.

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Existential nihilism is the philosophical theory that life has no objective meaning or purpose. The inherent meaninglessness of life is largely explored in the philosophical school of existentialism, where one can potentially create their own subjective "meaning" or "purpose".

Is it normal to lose purpose in life? ›

Everyone experiences times during their life when they feel like they aren't sure about their purpose. They might feel lost. They might not be sure about who they are. Or they might wonder if there is some greater meaning to life that they just can't seem to see.

Why did I lose my sense of purpose? ›

You may be starting a new career or a new family, and your old ideas about your purpose in life may have changed. Our purpose is closely linked with our identity, values and sense of self. If our situation changes, our identity role may shift with it, leaving us feeling confused and lost.

How to find meaning in life again? ›

How to find meaning in life
  1. Learn all that you can about happiness.
  2. Let your talents lead you to new opportunities.
  3. Make connections with people with whom you share interests.
  4. Set goals that are challenging but clear.
  5. Follow your internal compass when making decisions.
  6. Help others when you can.
Jul 25, 2022

How do you become happy? ›

How to be happier
  1. Manage your stress levels. If you have a lot of stress in your life, find ways to reduce it, such as learning a few time-management techniques. ...
  2. Enjoy yourself. ...
  3. Boost your self-esteem. ...
  4. Have a healthy lifestyle. ...
  5. Talk and share. ...
  6. Build your resilience.

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People often think things like money or luxury lead to happiness, but research indicates some healthy life practices may actually be the key. Simple experiences like spending time with friends and family or practicing gratitude may promote a healthier outlook on life. Looking for ways to shift negative thinking?

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Follow these seven tips to increase your energy and live a happier, healthier, more productive life:
  1. Eat nourishing food. ...
  2. Sleep seven to eight hours per night. ...
  3. Keep company with good people. ...
  4. Avoid news overdose. ...
  5. Get regular exercise. ...
  6. Do something meaningful each day.
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Do you know the purpose of your existence? ›

Your purpose of existence is your life goals

Your own purpose of existence is your life goals. These can be material or emotional goals. The purpose is based on individual values, evaluations and the experiences you had in your childhood.

Does every person have a purpose? ›

Everyone's purpose in life depends on their individual beliefs, values, and personal experiences. The journey to find one's purpose in life takes a lot of time and introspection, which involves exploring things that bring happiness to oneself. People have to really find the things that truly make them happy.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.