How Different Cultures Deal with Alcoholism | (2024)

How Different Cultures Deal with Alcoholism | (1)

Written by: Editorial Staff


Sep 27, 2023

Many things factors into why some people struggle with substance abuse. Things like biology and genetics can play a role, as addiction is a heritable disease, and environmental aspects can also be significant. Culture, religion, race, social circles, socioeconomic status, and home environment can all be involved in the way a person thinks, acts, and feels. Race and culture can also be involved in how a person treats alcohol and drug abuse, and how individuals seek necessary addiction treatment, if they do at all.Specialized programs are often most beneficial when they cater to specific demographics, be it gender, race, or both. These focused programs can relate to people on a different level while being understanding and empathetic of individuals’ cultural backgrounds.

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Examining Alcoholism Statistics by Race

The United States Census Bureau publishes that around one-third of the American population is comprised of an ethnic minority, with Hispanic, African American, and Asian making up the largest groups (other than Caucasian). The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) for 2013 publishes the following statistics on race demographics and addiction rates for adults within the United States.

Addiction Info Based on Race and Ethnicity

In general, the 2016 NSDUH reports that the average past-year rate of addiction for Americans aged 12 and older was 5.6%. Ethnic minorities may face higher rates of addiction than national averages suggest due to poor living conditions; limited access to specialized care; and elevated social, economic, emotional, and environmental risk factors.

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How Different Cultures Deal with Alcoholism | (2)

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How Different Cultures Deal with Alcoholism | (2024)
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