Australia Is the Drunkest Country in the World (2024)

Australia Is the Drunkest Country in the World (1)

Australians reported getting drunk about twice a month – almost double the global average. Photo byToti Suárez / 500px, via Getty Images

The world’s largest annual drug survey has ranked Australia as the drunkest country on the planet, with Australians getting sh*tfaced almost twice as frequently as the global average.The Global Drug Survey’s 2021 report found that on average, respondents from around the world said they got drunk – that is, “having drunk so much that your physical and mental faculties are impaired to the point where your balance / speech was affected, you were unable to focus clearly on things and that your conversation and behaviours were very obviously different to people who know you” –14.6 times a year, or a bit more than once a month. Australians, by comparison, got drunk about twice a month, or 27.7 times a year.


Trans, non-binary and Intersex Australians were the largest contributors to the trend, getting drunk just over 35 times a year on average, followed by cis men (29.6) and cis women (20.9). Denmark and Finland were the next highest ranking countries, with citizens from each reporting getting drunk 23.8 times a year on average. Mexicans, New Zealanders and Romanians ranked lowest in terms of how frequently they got drunk, according to the report.While Australians may have ranked as the world’s biggest binge drinkers, however, they weren’t as unhappy about their drinking habits as some. When researchers asked people to consider if they regretted getting drunk – or “wishing you had drunk less or not drunk at all” –Australia ranked ninth in the world. Irish, Polish and New Zealand respondents had the most regrets about getting drunk, while Denmark had the least. Overall, cis men were the least likely to regret getting drunk.

By far the most common regret among survey respondents was that they “Drank too much too quickly,” with almost half of the respondents citing this as a top reason for remorse. As a sign of the times, about six percent cited feeling anxious about COVID or other stuff; four percent said they got too inebriated because they “hadn't drank for ages due to COVID restrictions”; while two percent said they overindulged because they were at an online party.


The report authors noted that “GDS2021 launched at the end of an unusual year,” and said they “wanted to focus on how COVID-19 changed people's drug using behaviours especially with regard to alcohol, cannabis and cocaine.” When they asked survey participants to sum up 2020 in one word, popular responses included “stressful,” “sh*t” and “f*cked.”

The report’s authors also pointed out that the Global Drug Survey’s findings are not representative of wider populations as a whole, as the data used are from a non-probability sample of people with “significantly higher” patterns of drug use compared to the general population. They added, however, that “Because we ask the same questions in the same way across different regions, our data can be used to highlight local variations and to explore how different populations use drugs.”This isn’t the first time Australia has taken out the top spot in the Global Drug Survey’s international rankings, either. The 2019 report found that Australian drinkers had the highest rate of requiring emergency medical attention, while in 2017 Australians were crowned the biggest bong smokers in the world.Follow Gavin Butler on Twitter.

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Australia Is the Drunkest Country in the World (2024)


Is Australia the biggest drinkers? ›

Australians have been named the heaviest drinkers in the world in a survey after spending more time drunk in 2020 than any other nation. The international survey found Australians drank to the point of drunkenness an average of 27 times a year, almost double the global average of 15.

Do Australians drink more alcohol than Americans? ›

Australians are some of the heaviest drinkers in the world, drinking more than ten litres of pure alcohol per year, according to a new data. The figures released by the World Health Organisation show Australians drink more pure alcohol per year than Americans, Canadians and the Japanese.

What country is the biggest drinkers? ›

But Belarus not only consumes the greatest amount of alcohol per capita: it's also among the countries with the most years of life lost due to annual alcohol consumption. It's also classified as having one of the riskiest patterns of drinking — such as days-long binge drinking — compared to other countries.

Is Australia drinking less alcohol? ›

According to Australian Bureau of Statistics data from 2022, nearly 40 per cent of 25-34-year-olds (significantly more than any other age group) reported drinking less alcohol compared to the previous 12 months.

Is alcohol a big problem in Australia? ›

The consumption of alcohol is widespread within Australia and entwined with many social and cultural activities. However, harmful levels of consumption are a major health issue, associated with increased risk of chronic disease, injury and premature death. Need help now?

Who drinks more Australia or Ireland? ›

Do Australians, on average, drink more than the Irish? Do Australians, on average, drink more than the Irish? No. Average annual alcohol consumption in Ireland (around 11 litres) is higher than Australia (around 9.4 litres).

Are Aussies known for drinking? ›

Approximately 40% of the population (aged 14 years and over) drink alcohol at least once per week, including 5% of the population who drink daily. Twenty-three percent of Australians do not drink alcohol at all. View project in full screen.

What is the legal drinking age in Australia? ›

Legal drinking age – you must be 18 or older to buy alcohol or to drink alcohol in a licensed venue. Selling alcohol – it's illegal to sell alcohol to anyone under 18 or to someone who is already drunk. Labelling – all packaged alcohol must show how many standard drinks it contains.

What liquor do Australians drink? ›

The alcohol beverages most commonly consumed by Australians are bottled wine (34%), regular strength beer (19%), and bottled spirits/liqueur (15%).

What country has the lowest rate of alcoholism? ›

According to the World Health Organization, US has the lowest rate of alcohol dependence with only 1.93 per cent.

What country consumes the most co*ke? ›

Mexicans are the largest consumers of co*ke, and consumers in the country drink 745 co*ke beverages a year. After “o*k”, “Coca-Cola” is the second most-known phrase in the world. Coca-Cola has a product portfolio exceeding 3,500 beverages and 500 brands.

Why can't you drink in public in Australia? ›

Like all councils in NSW, we implement outdoor alcohol restrictions in some locations in response to police and community requests that help prevent alcohol-related anti-social behaviour and crime in public places.

Why is alcohol so popular in Australia? ›

Alcohol is an intrinsic part of Australian culture and it plays a central role in most people's social lives. Heavy drinking is seen as acceptable in almost all social situations, from weddings to sports matches, and even at funerals or baby showers.

Why does Gen Z not drink? ›

Generation Z – people born between 1997-2012 – are increasingly turning their noses at alcohol over growing concerns of its emotional impact and the cost of alcoholic drinks, according to new research from Mintel.

Do Brits drink more than Aussies? ›

Ten per cent of America's population guzzled about 55 per cent of all the boozy beverages. But it looked even more diabolical for the Brits - just four per cent of its population glugged a whopping 30 per cent of all its alcohol and they easily outpace Aussies and Americans.

What is the most alcoholic drink in Australia? ›

The strongest alcohol in Australia you can drink is 100 proof, any higher ABV than 100 proof alcohol, like 190 proofalcohol, is not suitable for drinking. It's important to note that consuming high-strength alcohol can be extremely dangerous and potentially deadly.

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