Here's Why Airliners Don't Fly Over Tibet (2024)

Apr 12, 2023


Emergency landings are tough at high altitudes

High terrain can cause a plane to crash if the cabin depressurizes, the plane must descend to 10,000 feet before heading to a nearby airport. Airlines choose not to fly over Tibet to prevent such situations.

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Risks of high turbulence

Air currents can cause turbulence, making the plane feel bumpy and shaky, which is even more common in mountainous areas. To avoid any crashes, pilots usually avoid the mountainous regions of Tibet.

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Jet fuel freezing

At high altitudes, the air can get really cold, and there is a possibility that the fuel in the tank might freeze. For long-haul flights that would typically fly over Tibet, the mountainous regions are a hindrance to the journey.

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Not many flights between India and China

India and China do not have many flights between them due to their different cultural and geographical zones. As a result, most flights avoid flying over Tibet.

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Aviation history of the Tibetan plateau during World War II

During World War II, an infamous route called the “Hump Airlift” went over Tibet's mountainous regions where flights experienced high altitudes and bad weather.

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Unusually cold winters

In winter, the winds get strong, causing extreme weather like blizzards and cold waves. These weather conditions make it extremely tough for planes to fly over the Tibetan region.

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Poor infrastructure and flight data

There are only two international airports in Tibet, and they only manage domestic flights. Modern airliners face significant risks because there are no navigational aids, reliable weather information, and infrastructure in Tibet.

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Political tensions and airspace restrictions

Tensions persist between Tibet and China, making the geopolitical situation very unstable in the region. Thus, a flight stranded in Tibet or the Tibet Autonomous Region of China would undoubtedly land in trouble, and most pilots would want to avoid that.

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Military restrictions

Tibet is a heavily militarized region in China, and the presence of Chinese military makes it difficult for airspace officials to make it accessible for common citizens, affecting commercial flights.

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Long detour

If for any reason, flights need to land in case of an emergency, there would be a long detour to take as Tibet is a vast and remote region, making it nearly impossible to divert to a nearby terminal.

Image Source: Pexels

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Here's Why Airliners Don't Fly Over Tibet (2024)


Here's Why Airliners Don't Fly Over Tibet? ›

In most parts of the Tibetan region, the altitude is well above 3 thousand meters. There is no environment in Tibet where planes can descend safely in case of an emergency. Additionally, when one of the engines in twin-engine aircraft fails, the aircraft must descend to a certain altitude in order to fly safely.

Why don't airlines fly over Tibet? ›

Terrain and Emergency Landings

Safety protocols dictate that commercial flights must plot routes with accessible emergency landing sites. Tibet's terrain, characterized by high peaks and deep valleys, offers few such options, making it a less viable route for commercial airlines.

Why don t airlines fly over Himalayas? ›

As passenger planes fly at an altitude of 30-35,000 feet above sea level, it can be dangerous for them to fly at the height of the Himalayas. In case of an emergency, the oxygen available in aeroplanes lasts between 20 to 25 minutes. The same time is available for the plane to come down to 8-10,000 feet.

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Unexplained Magnetic Anomaly: Mount Kailash is said to possess a mysterious magnetic anomaly that disrupts navigational instruments and disrupts compass readings. This phenomenon has puzzled scientists and adventurers alike, with no concrete explanation offered to date.

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While aviation experts say flying over oceans is safe than land due to past history, the Pacific is still not recommended. The weather over the Pacific Ocean is said to be often turbulent, and there are many thunderstorms in parts of the ocean hence not safe.

Do planes avoid Tibet? ›

Very few planes fly over Tibet, as big as it is, but no... they avoid it. In fact, when you look at flight radar applications you see that, while there are many, many aircraft flying all over the world, at times there are none flying over the Tibet region.

Do flights go over Tibet? ›

Also called the “Roof of the World” due to its gargantuan Tibetan Plateau, Tibet's considerable height makes it impossible for airplanes to fly over.

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Originally Answered: Do airplanes fly above Everest? Mt. Everest is 29,000 feet high, and airliners can fly above 40,000 feet, so they are certainly capable of it. However, typical flight routes do not travel above Everest as the mountains create unforgiving weather and poor options in an emergency.

Do any airlines fly over Mount Everest? ›

Although mountain flights do not have a long history, it has gained popularity among tourists for the beauty that it promises. Buddha Air provides mountain flights every day, early in the mornings, when the Himalayas views are the best!

Can anything fly to the top of Mount Everest? ›

Everest is technically possible. The first flight to the Everest summit was made in 2015 by Didier DelSalle, and he set a world record. However, there haven't been many flights after that. The typical helicopter flight to Everest involves only the Everest base camp and Kalapatthar.

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Mount Kailash is considered unclimbable primarily due to its sacred status in several religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and the Bon religion. Additionally, the harsh climatic conditions and the mountain's remote location add to its inaccessibility.

Why no one has ever climbed Mount Kailash? ›

At 6,638 meters it is far from being one of the highest peaks in Tibet, but it still hasn't been climbed in modern times. The mountain's challenging shape, harsh weather, and remote location make it difficult, and its cultural significance stops people from even thinking about attempting it.

Can a helicopter reach Kailash? ›

A good part of the journey can be done by helicopter. Now there are a few helicopter routes one can use to reach Mount Kailash. The cost of Mansarovar Yatra for each of these routes differs. However, you can choose the better and more cost-effective one with a little research.

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The primary reason airplanes don't fly over the Pacific Ocean is because curved routes are shorter than straight routes. Flat maps are somewhat confusing because the Earth itself isn't flat.

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Following its invasion of Ukraine in the spring of 2022, countries were quick to place sanctions on Russia and its airlines. The reciprocal measures by Russia closed Russian airspace to most airlines.

What is the longest flight in the world? ›

This Singapore – New York flight route is currently the longest flight in the world. Launched in 2020, this nonstop air service prioritizes passenger comfort while utilizing cutting-edge technology. It is 9,537 miles long, so the New York to Singapore flight time is around 18 hours and 40 minutes to complete.

Can Americans fly to Tibet? ›

YES, Tibet is open to tourists from all over the world now! With the resumption of Chinese Tourist Visas, travelers can now obtain a China Visa and a Tibet Travel Permit to visit Tibet in 2024. If you already have a valid Chinese visa, you can now apply for the Tibet Travel Permit with ease.

Why are there no flights over China? ›

The airlines and unions said Thursday that China closed its market to U.S. carriers at the outbreak of the pandemic and imposed rules that still affect American operations and airline crews.

Is it safe for Americans to travel to Tibet? ›

Tibet is pretty safe for tourists. That's because the Chinese keep a very watchful eye on Tibetans. Not only are there security cameras all over Lhasa, but guards patrol the city. Some don't even wear uniforms while on duty.

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Although Tibet is an integral region in China, traveling to Tibet cannot be fulfilled just with a Chinese visa. Without an additional Tibet Travel Permit, neither visitors can board a train or a flight nor make entry into Tibet. Even individual tourists are not allowed to travel inside Tibet without a tour operator.

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